Is it true?

Is it true?

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It might as well have been considering how ugly Quiet and Joosten are.

This is the fifth hypothetical boner I've had today on Yea Forums

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Does Quiet still have a benis?
That makes her even more hot

>Is it true?

It isn't, but it would have made a million times more sense than what we got and it would have made Quiet at least a little tangibly more interesting.

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>omg le epic trap, so hot fapfapfap
Man, it's crazy to say it, but Yea Forums of 2013 was much worse than 2019 Yea Forums.

I'm no fatass, but I would starve if I only ate a single sausage for a meal.

Manlets like the Japanese don't need as much food

In all honesty, if you are an adult male and require less than 5000kcal per day you might as well transition

>not being 110lbs master race

No, Chico was supposed to be a boss fight that got cut.

>hand it over
>that thing

I literally can't comprehend how a normal adult male can weigh that little.

>current Yea Forums isn't worse

It's not that hard

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Thanks Mr. Spoops

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Are you normal though? You don't have some kind of disease that gives you the frame of a woman or cancer or whatever?

hello mr skeleton

Just a regular boy with girly hips

Yeah so you probably have klinefelter syndrome or some hormone disorder then. See what I mean?

No, there's nothing wrong with me, I just don't eat very much.

Nah man, just having a regular mans body even at your manlet height should put you up to at least 160 pounds

Quite was one of the biggest dumbest fucking parts of this game

First of all learn to spell. Quiet is not "a part". She's a character and it's her story arc that sucks.

If you're gonna complain at least get your shit together first.

If there's one good thing that came out of Quiet, is that she made me realize that adding women in your video games is just simply not worth the headache anymore and you're better off leaving them all on the cutting room floor.