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The skits in this game were pretty bland compared to other Tales'.

Didn't know Rita was a Smash player

That's me



yes and no
some skits are great like Yuri's Croquettes and the other food related ones
but in comparison to skits like in ToS2 and ToB, Vesperia can't really compare

It really depend on where you are and on the weather. If it's super cold it won't do anything. If it's hot you'll need to shower more.
They're in the desert apparently so even if it's hot, it's a whole other deal since you will be back to sweating minutes after showering anyway.

imagine the smell

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Probably smells like heaven.

literally every skit is just characters saying their one catchphrase over and over with slight variations

That's not saying much.

I only shower once a week.
Mostly because I only leave the house once a week.

I want to take her bath virginity

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Sweat, blood, piss, shit, vaginal secretions. Natures seasonings.

which of these 4 cute girls is rita?

That's Vesperia you mong. Rita can't go two sentences without talking about blastia and Patty just adds quips and muh Yuri.

The one that looks the smelliest

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How fuckign long is this game? Im currently at Zaude and hoping im nearing the end already

bottom right?


How come this 2008 game looks much better than all Tales games that came after it?

Sounds like you know your stinky girls

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I love this "meme" even more now after going to my first smash locals, and I gotta say all the ghost stories are true. 100% true. Smelled like a buttered popcorn in a gym.

Tales skits were always pretty mediocre up until Graces upped the bar a bunch. Even then we've never gone back to that quality.

Because the everything after Graces tries to look "realistic" and fails miserably
Xillia engine was a mistake

Should I play dub or sub? I always heard that the dub for this game was really good but apparently all the new stuff has new voice actors and that sounds really iffy

I'm pretty sure only Yuri has a new voice actor and I honestly prefer the new one. But it's really jarring when the two voices switch back and forth is the same fucking scene. And newer lines for the other characters sound muffled at times. Bamco still hasn't learn audio mixing even after their disaster with Symphonia.

Sub always.
Dubs are always meant for low iq people. This isn't only for japanese shit, but everything.

Original language always.

I want to fuck Judith.

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My IQ is somewhere above 127 and I exclusively use the dub if one is available

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What's the strategy for everyone's 200 man melee
Yuri doesn't need one since he is broken
Rita is BLAH BLAH BLAH Tidal wave right?
but what about the rest?

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imagine hugging rita tight and inhaling deeply

You're so smart you do retard stuff to let your brain rest a little.

Every voice actor but Yuri's is a role reprisal, the only issue is the audio levels for the new skit recordings being lower than the other skits and that in cutscenes Yuri's voice will change sometimes but it's not even a bad voice, just a little jarring due to the shifts.

It's hard to beat berserias all star cast.


>Every voice actor but Yuri's is a role reprisal
Out of the main cast anyways, some of the side characters will swap voices mid-scene too but I hardly noticed.

>Dubs are always meant for low iq people
Or people that just feel more comfortable with their own language. Not everything has to be some kind of purity challenge.

Why would someone feel uncomfortable hearing a foreign language? That sounds dumb.

>tfw stopped playing for no real reason after reaching the flying city
How long would it take to finish the game from here?

Still a long way to go.
We're talking dozens of hours


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>2.25 minutes for a single skit
>That's the rule, not the exception
Tales of Berseria skits make me want to kill myself.

I liked all of the skits that had the shota being bullied or mislead which was most of them

That is one thing I'll give Graces, the skits were pretty good. The cast really worked well together, shame the story line was boring and it was the game that killed the traditional overworlds.

Why couldn't I save Eizen? I get that he was too pure for this shitty world but I still wanted him to go out on his own terms


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He did. It's book-only info, but Eizen fully turns into a dragon to 1v1 a Lord of Calamity by eating the dude.

I just Necropolis of Nostalgia first, so by the time even the strongest enemies could barely scratch me. Though my level was already pretty high just by completing Labyrinth of Memories.

I believe abusing spells in over limit with Raven and Estelle is the way to go, but you will probably want to learn their altered artes first.

conceptualize the aroma

Karol: Reaper Knock. Be sure to equip Mighty Charge so you can use charged Reaper Knock as well.
Repede: Shining Fang.
Flynn: He can do good combos, so play around with him until you find something good.
Judith: Sundering Moon and Moonbeam
Estelle: OL Holy Rain, if you run out of OL then good luck since her physical moves are complete trash
Raven: OL Tempest, and Rain/Rainsong plus his regular attacks in other cases. Crime/Punishment is also good.
Patty: Get into Critical ASAP, then just spam her arts. Critical Variable Trigger hits around her, which makes for a good crowd clearer.

Abyss is the best Tales game.

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I'm playing through Berseria and I fucking love kicking the shit out of everything with Velvet. Does Vesperia also give you complete freedom with your move list?

You're about 2/3 through then.

The only thing Vesperia has over Abyss is combat and variety
There are so many things you can do in ToV when it comes to otgs, aerial stuff, manual canceling, and easy spell canceling
Abyss more or less plays the same throughout the game even when you play different characters, at least in Vesperia they actually feel different

entire plot requires that every character constantly refuses to say or do things for no justifiable reason, causing massive hardship for themselves and everyone involved. main villians plan is undone by it's own arguments and the ending literally doesn't make sense unless you watch easily missable cutscenes

combat is broken as shit fundamentally. free run makes you untouchable, enemy stats on modes above normal leading to physical characters doing literally one damage per hit unless you are heavily overleveled. the character upgrade options are much worse than their equivalents in other team symphonia games conceptually, game was full of bugs because it was rushed to release and not all of them were fixed in the western version that was basically the finished version of the game

the colors in the game look bad, the loading times are HORRIBLE on the world map, large parts of the later half of the game are just walking through several loading screens into a single part of a town to talk to someone and watch a cutscene only to walk backwards through it all and do it again somewhere else

Also, Estelle's probably the hardest character to beat 200 man with since her non-magic arts are complete trash.
She also struggles a lot with Clint and Barbatos. Both of them have a lot of super armor which Estelle can't really do much about since her moves are so slow, and if Clint armors through enough of your attacks he can eventually just OHKO you with a Fatal Strike.

I agree.

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>large parts of the later half of the game are just walking through several loading screens into a single part of a town to talk to someone and watch a cutscene only to walk backwards through it all and do it again somewhere else
3rd time trying to play this game, and stuck in that part without motivation to continue.

oh yeah, and the dungeons fucking suck too. too many of them drag on for way too long and the game has a real problem with giving them any kind of variety in dungeon gimmicks like symphonia while not having nearly as enjoyable combat as vesperia

it's the ugly middle child of the team vesperia games in all ways, right down to it's angst ridden characters and world

Tear has such a simple design, but sne really is gorgeous

the most fun part of the game was the clone of dragon slayer they put in it

It's nice to see a REAL Tales of game posted in this thread.

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I see no point in changing your mind

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Best girl.

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>t. Ken-sama

The dub is good and it's pretentious as fuck to listen in a language you don't understand just to pretend to be more cultured.
>I only listen to superior nippon banzai, the women's voices squeaking like mice and the men sounding like their testicles never descended adds to the experience and makes it much more intelligent. I wish I was Japanese too...

>thinks liking subs makes you higher iq
what a fag you must be in rl

You are not reading this in Ludger's voice.

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>only scene he talks in is the saddest fucking scene in the whole game
bamco y

>English Dub

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English Rita is fucking atrocious.

I just beat tales of xillia 2 with no context to the series as a whole, is xillia 2 considered good or bad compared to other tales of games?

Imagine marrying Rita.

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thats me on the top left

>tfw no sweaty unwashed tomboy gf

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What the fuck wrong with Yuri's hair color

Will I like this game if I think final fantasy is a garbage series?

I want to nibble on Judith's elf ears!

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X2's pretty damn good. Combat's one of the best in the series and the suffering is unmatched.

Suffering as in julius dying? Also, where should I go from here? It seems like a lot of people like vesperia and it would be nice to have more games for switch

>Want to play game more.
>Realize I only have an hour and a half until I leave for work.
>Realize I left off at fighting Zagi on the boat.

Goddamn life sucks sometimes.

>first two arcs
>well-written deconstruction of vigilantism and what it means to do the right thing, even if it's against the law

>final arc

What the fuck happened?

Graces if you liked X2's combat. Vesperia's alright, but I personally don't really care for the TP mechanic or the mandatory arte tier system (base -> arcane). The story for these two are really mediocre, Graces especially. Berseria is a well-rounded package. I've never played Abyss, but it apparently has the best story barring the huge slog during the end of the game.

Why do you like Estelle?

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I don't. Tear is better.

I hate the dumb bitch. I've never seen such a 0 IQ main character before. She fucking killed Belius and tried to do the same thing with Bau'l even after knowing exactly why it happened.

Yeah you do

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>tfw benching her ASAP

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why is the tales cast at the wedding of gudako and mashu

>hating someone for being naturally compassionate
Not that you would know what that's like

Have fun with Alexei, lmao

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Depends on why you hate FF. If its because of the gameplay you might like Tales more. If its because of the weeb stuff you will probably hate tales too.

I have only played Abyss, Symphonia, and Vesperia in that order and I think Vesperia has the cutest and best girls. Is this accurate for the entire series?

okay but I want to fuck loli pirate

Intoxicating if you've ever had a whiff

>naturally compassionate
Natural airhead, you mean. Her powers literally bring the world to an end. Her compassion is only on the small scale and only for those right in front of her. Everything else could fuck off and die and she'd be okay with it because she's healing the injured guy in front of her.

The 3 writers didn't coordinate very well.

I at least like when they make the main heroine a healer so she has use to be in the party constantly. As much as I loved Raine, it always felt weird having Collette and Sheena in reserve because there were better characters normally available

Crossover mobage event.

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Nah, the average is probably around the same as Vesperia's.

>Everything else could fuck off and die and she'd be okay with it because she's healing the injured guy in front of her.
It's not nice to lie about others

I've played several Tales games, and I can't really say one is more favorite. It's hard to choose between them. They're all good.

Ys 8 is my favorite Tales game

You mean crust.

her innocence and naivete is just too endearing to bear.

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Because I always bully her into wearing the slut outfit.

>the only truly lewd estelle costume other than the ones you get from the coliseum
>have to decide between it and karol
>potentially miss a great scene later if you don't pick karol
Still choosing Estelle no matter what to hear her talk about being seductive

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it's the only way

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well you can pick different choices each playthrough. I like Estelle's outfit the best though. all 3 scenes were pretty funny though.

i hate that new vegas is still the only rpg that has systems in place for NPCs to react to what outfits you are wearing

still found no jrpgs where the npcs or characters react to outfits which sucks big time

it also bugs me how DOA doesn't have different levels of blush based on how revealing their outfits are

When's the earliest I can get huge level ups on unknown+battle techniques? Or is it worth it to just grind out 3k extra grade for 1 SP skills for new game+?

At the very beginning of Tales of the Abyss, if you have Luke wear a costume with his part 2/3 hairstyle, Guy asks if Luke got a haircut and Luke says he's just wearing a wig

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Nice. That's the kind of details that I really like in rpgs.

Someone post sick raven combos

Tear also makes a comment about it if you have short hair before actually cutting it.


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Damn (you)

>1 SP skills
One of the most valuable things from the grade shop, absolutely. That's really the thing you can buy to actually make your characters broken strong. Xp increase you progress faster but are still eventually gonna reach the same cap. Keeping powerful gear? Breaks your characters early on but eventually the mobs do catch up to it. Keeping artes/arte useage? Just saving progress you already earned. 1SP skills? Virtually a cheat code that lets your characters equip all the gear in the game at once while wieling the most powerful raw stat items., making you more powerful than the original game constraints would let you get.

>New Vegas the only
false, but the other examples I can think of are Bethesda/Zenimax games so it's not far off. In Morrowind, Ordinators attack you on sight if you wear Indoril armor, since you're not an ordinator that's heresy, and if you're naked in game characters do react to your nakedness.


I think Oblivion and Skyrim also have reactions to being naked but I'm not 100% sure.

ESO actually has a disguise system where you have to wear certain outfits trick guards blocking entrances to places, and will also make certain factions non hostile towards you (and there are sentry NPC's carrying torches or lanterns that can tell you're disguised and attack you, destroying the disguise)

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Just give me some water, soap and some gaffer tape and I'll clean Rita up real good.

Why is Yuri so based?

I just want to have everyone's unique mechanics on, is that so much to ask? Seriously though, when's the earliest I can abuse a giganto to pump my characters to like 60+?

*On battle technique

What's the tape for?


Her name is mordio.

Why is old Tales so much better than nu Tales?

Watching Ray's gameplay makes me want another radiant mythology game, how easy is it to get through 2 or 3?