"little" mac

>"little" mac
>is actually 5'11''

What does it mean?

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did he ever catch that nigga who stole his bike?

his peeni is little

He's not black so yeah.

Compared to everyone he fights in punch out he is little

I'm not seeing the discrepancy there OP

Anyone under 6 feet is little

this, but its easier to build muscle being under 6 feet tho

>Sandman was the champion
>Doc was an incredible boxer in his day

I thought Little Mac was 4'7"?

>Anyone over 6 feet is tall

Where are my 6'3" bro's at?

OP is just shitposting. Little mac was that height during the NES era but Punch Out WII upped his height to 5'7, and that's his official height as of now. Weirdly enough they forgot to change his weight though. He currently weights 108, which I assure you is 100% impossible with that height and bulk.

But 5'11 is the ideal male height

Mac is canon 5 foot 7 and 110 lbs
Before you ask, yeah there are real boxers that height. They're obscure as shit though

*height and weight

It means anyone below 6 feet is a manlet and will die a virgin.

Attached: 14wy5xg.jpg (604x451, 43K)

It's safe to say Smash Mac is 4'7 though, he's tiny compared to 90 percent of the cast.

you may say that but no girl agrees with you

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>tfw 6 foot 2 inches
>my dad is 6 foot 5 inches

Attached: god dammit.gif (300x258, 3.32M)

>tfw height went down an inch every consecutive visit to the doctor
>went from 5'11" to 5'8"
what the fuck bros

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This is me but in reverse

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Do you keep a good posture?

It's just the american arbitrary horsehalf scale. In the civilized parts of world that would be 180.34 centimetres.

Attached: brigham-young_3110661k.jpg (858x536, 127K)

>measured at the doctor
>measured at the passport place
>measured by my friend with a tape measure
>measured for my driver's license

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I just opened this image for the first time since I've been on this site only to learn that it's not George Carlin. Wow.

I almost forgot that 5'8 is still average, atleast here in america. It's kind of jarring seeing most guys around that height after shitposting on Yea Forums for so long. 6'2 is still the ideal though