Whose your favorite idol from one of the idol games you like so much Yea Forums?

Whose your favorite idol from one of the idol games you like so much Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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My wife arisu!

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Nono is my favorite!

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this one

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Attached: 28.jpg (777x813, 332K)

>A new challenger has entered the ring

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None other than this year's Cinderella Girl.

Attached: KarenBunnyButt.jpg (900x1300, 155K)

hanamaru is the most Yea Forums idol

Attached: sanic.jpg (512x720, 91K)

You must mean Rin.

Attached: 1703idolizedRin.png (512x720, 120K)

looks like we have the same kind of stand.

Attached: datenshi.jpg (410x410, 31K)

my favorite

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OUR idol!

Attached: 09.jpg (1072x1500, 1.2M)

The best Sachiko

Attached: __koshimizu_sachiko_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_jacy__ce9300207f0f80f722bb0a835cb9c (2081x2440, 1.36M)

>best ass in the franchise, maybe Chika rivals her's
yeah, i'm thinking she's our girl

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I don't really care for Love Live, but alp is a good artist.

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Mai Dork Empress

Attached: Ranko_SS_SSR3+.png (1280x824, 1.26M)

Attached: YM (44).jpg (800x800, 118K)

>No Takane Shijou

Attached: Takane Shijou 50.jpg (868x1227, 131K)

I want to go to an AA session with Kaede.

Attached: __takagaki_kaede_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_koin_foxmark__e0314691db3a34198089cb54 (700x1000, 113K)

My wife

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Only the best idol in the universe: Nico Yazawa.

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Attached: himekawa_yuki2.png (600x849, 586K)

sorry, you're already cucked m8

Attached: kaede photo.jpg (716x960, 105K)

Someone post pube idol

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Attached: 480px-Nina_SR11%2B.jpg (480x600, 166K)

Would you a cow?

Attached: 4acbb1317bf6eee3269de90aa355e0d7.png (1570x1259, 1.19M)

The one with the anus

they really struck it out of the park with her design, almost no other idol can come close to her level in terms of being pure sex

I like Aiko the most

Attached: 300432.jpg (225x350, 29K)

behold! my wife!

Attached: thats a lotta NAO.jpg (1200x963, 196K)

I love my wife Shiki!

and have 1,330 pictures of her

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Attached: a.jpg (295x171, 10K)

beautiful eyebrows

I love doomer-chan!

Attached: yumemi.png (962x1802, 1.61M)

Absolutely I would. I wonder if they'll ever make a girl that beats her 105cm of softness though.

Attached: a968aa4f10e886cbde07a40c3b703680.png (1280x824, 847K)

does she listen to death grips?


Attached: 6a056e450b3546e586f5f5c287505959.jpg (640x800, 102K)


She’s beautiful wtf

>Rin is just a normal girl
>People meme her into being a violent psychopath
>Sakuya is a normal girl as well
>People assume she's a slut off of looks alone despite her having one of the most endearing stories
I understand why people hate secondaries so much now.

My beautiful Russian mail order bride

Attached: 1511808162011.jpg (1793x2134, 270K)

What is the patrician choice?

Attached: carry.png (1100x960, 373K)

That's because they don't know the actual yandere types like Mayu and don't actually know any character that isn't Rin in general. They probably only otherwise know Sachiko and Anzu just because memes and maybe Shiki if you're on peddit.

But I love Sakuya!

I shamelessly love tsunderes.

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Coming into contact with a woman

2 is the best


This is my wife Asuka. Please say something nice about her
Shiki and Fred

Attached: Ninomiya.Asuka.full.2137508.png (550x550, 281K)

I love Asuka

Dumb chuuni

no that's my wife


rip Jabarand

No, that's my other wife, Ranko

Is this what awaits at the other side of the noose?

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It's a cycle of fans and fanartists fueling the memes.

This sexy little slut.

Attached: cb98e166242caba2157d4d1a8f051272.jpg (694x982, 453K)

What happened?

I don't remember giving you my daughter's hand.

All 3

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Same but just Akane.

Attached: 1448905939641.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

What does Rin smell like?

Attached: 1532250773957.png (1060x1500, 1.07M)

That one with alot of smell and foot porn.

Never put Mio on the same level as the cute rugby girl ever again.

I love Freddy!

the cute rugby girl is my wife

you posted her, but i like mikimiki too

Attached: 1d86764d5b3f5a4be2e277780e422856.png (1000x1000, 899K)

they always draw her art at an angle to hide her height.

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I want to impregnate her.

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My small genki wife is the best!

wrong arisu my dude, she's lain's

Attached: sons_room.jpg (759x480, 73K)

How much for a night with Rin?

Only the cutest. is a close second though.

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I thought you were a Sachi shitter but you redeemed yourself with the picture.

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Cutest idol

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Saki is for nakadashi

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My pureyaru wife

Wow what a flake

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Which idol is the number one enjo kosai? Is it still Rin?

Cakes are the elite patrician choice, but Fumi is great too.

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There are at least 4 gals, why do you think of Shiburin right away?

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Never touched an idol game. Can I get a quick rundown?

never got into im@s but holy fuck kanako is amazingly cute and beautiful

Attached: Kanako_SS_SSR+.png (1280x824, 513K)

My wife on the left.

Amazingly obese.

This thread is missing some Yuzu

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I only know most of their names because I jack off to them rather than watching/playing idolmaster but Chihaya is wife material.

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Bed 'er safe then starry.

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fuck you

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I have more than that of girls that I just beat off to. My one true waifu has almost 10k pics on my computer

The only good character out of all the idol animes

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want to tell you they're stupid, low quality garbage, but i've been playing one for 3 years now so

Attached: riko shrug.jpg (1150x1266, 134K)

She's definitely underrated

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The hoop earrings and overall designs makes me feel something.

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>no snacks anywhere
Is...is this Character Development?


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Is this a nurse or maid outfit? I can't tell.

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more of a nurse in my opinion.

Figured as much from the headgear.
She's got some nice lewds already, too. Can't wait for Comiket.

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haha you accidentally put Nana with those older girls even though she's 17 haha

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>All these "nu" idols
It's depressing

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We need more canon succubi in video games.

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Why does Nana reek of alcohol when she enters the office isn't she underage?

My artist wife is CUTE!

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Chihaya > Yayoi > Hibiki > Mami > Haruka > Iori > Makoto > Takane > Ami > Ritsuko > Azusa >Miki > Yukiho

walking sex



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It's just mouthwash.

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Iori, Miki, Takane, and Azusa definitely need to be higher

Chihiro and Kotori are terribly underappreciated idols.

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Hiori. Despite her looks and serious demeanor, she's easy to bully and tease. Awkward as hell and a frailer body than her two companions.

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so what are these games like anyway? rhythm game? dating sim? football manager? they're gacha right?

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is 765Pro the KAANTOOOO if im@s?

Kiria from Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Attached: Tokyo-Mirage-Sessions-Kiria-Kurono.jpg (500x667, 64K)

Whats with niggers like you making fucking tier lists?
t. butthurt yukikofag


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People say the same thing about Yugioh, but I've been enjoying it for over a decade now.


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Wrong, we are the supreme gentlemen

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Is this a doujin?

Good taste rankobro.

Wow, her lines make her even better.

>Yea Forums infested with cinderella zoomers

make it stop

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>not cinderella millennials

Every Im@s fan I've known likes all of them to a degree, even Side M.

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>representative of the zeitgeist after 9/11
>her birthday is 9/12

Attached: 00e305e003033e85454d3c4e56d4ae75.jpg (640x800, 100K)

I don't see why people get so asshurt about this, more idols=more people get their specified niche satisfied.
We should just be happy people are able to genuinely enjoy this shit like we do, hell if anybody that came on late can enjoy it and isn't some faggot being ironic I'd say it's a win.

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Cute Hibiki.

>dropped out of school to be an idol
>do it for free
What did she mean by this?

Shut up namcoproboomer

Attached: __kanzaki_ranko_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_agata_agatha__36285ff3a9e73832ce31aff68 (640x800, 294K)

That's redundant.

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Please be nice. Chihaya would want that.

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How so?

Attached: 5a0.png (1363x1203, 1.21M)

RankoP with the bants.

If you were to make a Venn diagram with "Hibiki" and "Cute" it would only have 1 (One) circle

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I dont like any of the CG idols

really? not one of them holds any appeal?

The more you know.

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Attached: akira.jpg (715x987, 116K)

>Fujo chick friend recs some SideM
>"Lmao no that shit is for homos"
>She forces a torrent link down my throat
>Check it out
>Bros being bros
Sometimes having an open mind is the best way to handle things

Attached: 1523860654198.jpg (378x485, 98K)


Its the game progress that is stopping me from enjoying them

It's honestly pretty chill.

Does she already have a voice? When do they reveal the next idols?

>tfw no stinky NEET fujo friend to watch anime with

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Bring back BAP GIRL back to the front page!


Needs more love.

Attached: Ayumu_TD_SSR2+.png (1282x722, 1.28M)

I don't play idolmaster but Haruna from CG and Mitsumine from Shiny Colors are my favourites, busted plenty a nut to them.

Ayumu Maihama

>The returnee from America, Ayumu is a girl with great skill in dancing, but not so good with anything else. She can’t swim, is afraid of heights, gets embarrassed when she has to do something sexy, and if there's a pool of water nearby, you can almost be sure that she will fall into it. Even so, she always puts great effort into improving herself. She also has quite a simple mind, easy to feel down, but also easy to feel better.

Attached: Maihama.jpg (640x800, 133K)

>Haruka and Yuika
>busted plenty a nut to them
How is that possible?

My favorite
I want her to get a voice

Attached: 1ee408c6cce5f65abb54b8dc43b76243.jpg (1200x773, 262K)

>best and most popular branch has people talking about it
I started with OG and I hate Chihaya shitters sometimes. I even tried the arcade game in Japan. I feel some of them display a woman-like hysteria sometimes. I mean, they like a pity, deadfish idol in the first place.

outstanding taste

Attached: shiny.jpg (1400x990, 1.1M)

Pretty easily, Yuika in particular is super adorable. I actually considered playing her game but it's a browser game and not a mobile one, right?

Attached: file.png (519x766, 456K)


Attached: Risa_SS_SR.png (1280x824, 1.15M)

Which one has the thickest pubic hair?

ok i buy for u since ur daddy not here just sit on my lap later ok?

Wait, no porn at all? This thread suck.
What is the point of idol thread without things they most capable of?

Attached: __mitsumine_yuika_shirase_sakuya_and_tsukioka_kogane_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_shiny_colors_drawn_by (1034x1400, 229K)

Poor little college girl

Best girl in the entire universe

Attached: f59dbcf9d8239f86.jpg (640x800, 102K)

Favorite Starlight Stage song? Pretty Liar.

>you will never go flower viewing with idols
>when it is actually her that she wants you to look at
>you will never PAPAYA
>you will never see her turn IDOL MODE in excitement

>her game but it's a browser game and not a mobile one, right?

Is both but anyway, stay away from it, no matter how good your commus are, you'll have a horrible time trying to get your idol to rank S since is pretty RNG based.

So that's why she's called Sugar Heart....

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Because scamco is stupid and they think producing an idol 1000 times is equivalent as playing a 2min song for an event.

someone PLEASE just transfer mano to CG

Attached: 1550603679572.jpg (1334x750, 177K)

git gud fags, better farm those training tickets if you want to be top producer for your idols

>wasting time on a dead game

Attached: 1541850556091.png (122x142, 45K)

>implying these games will last forever

not even CG is saved of this

i'll just take mano. i don't play SC

is it really dead?

Attached: 35252236.png (203x295, 137K)

>not giving a chance to meet your idol

and you declare a fan of mano?


Attached: 73078215_p9.png (350x512, 105K)

i don't know about "fan," but i like her so i'll take her

>taking used goods

Trash. Her coworkers are better

Why is sibling slayer letting that thing on her headnl?

You shouldn't talk about Mano like that.


She is a youthful seventeen year old girl.

Based Karenbro


I love my cat wife Miku

She needs more fish in her diet.

Attached: DudZzC7VsAY3YuA.jpg large.jpg (1750x1285, 299K)

> nu
> original CG game launched in 2010

Attached: Screenshot_20170912-091844.png (1920x1080, 466K)

The only really good ones are Haruka and the twins.

I like Uzuki for some reason.

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Attached: uzupaka.jpg (1114x717, 139K)

Twins you say?

Attached: 7d0cf62e7996c7c859e1c2f28e43262c.jpg (724x1024, 111K)

And Haruka, yeah.

Rinze a cute.

Attached: 69065938_p0.png (1632x1224, 1.64M)

Male idols are better. And my husband is the best among them.

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haha she's so dumb

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Me on the left

I love Saki!

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Attached: __anastasia_and_mash_kyrielight_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_otone__fead5619bc00df76 (819x1200, 855K)

I can't into idol games because I can't into rhythm gameplay.


Attached: 1525624551543.png (1294x1421, 1.11M)

Attached: __anastasia_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_taka_takahirokun__3b7ab8e9424f3e9e96 (1352x2615, 607K)

She is very cute


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Lewd, think if the advertisers

Attached: bloomers.png (579x818, 379K)

Rare case when I like her because of the voice and not personality/look. Her shtick is kinda boring but her talking/singing voice is really cute.

Nanami is a slut

Attached: DXsBLYpV4AArpG_.jpg (785x503, 94K)

Saki isn't a girl user...

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Fake news

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Attached: __hatoba_tsugu_and_koshimizu_sachiko_hatoba_tsugu_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_b (800x941, 405K)

Attached: harasho.png (579x818, 338K)

Attached: __kanzaki_ranko_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_misumi_macaroni__9568bbca85e71d3 (571x1000, 419K)

Why is the Kong so cute?

Attached: afc8ddd1cc90ad4b005838fbaf5d930e.jpg (827x1169, 196K)

Important announcement

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Afraid not.

Attached: 63623024_p1_master1200.jpg (861x1137, 398K)

Do you like jelly donuts?

Attached: Miki eating a jelly donut.gif (128x128, 186K)

Anime really was a mistake. All these girls look unrealistic and pretty problematic if you ask me. No real person looks like they do. It gives off a false impression of real women.

She looks like she fucks black guys

Attached: __mochizuki_hijiri_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_mamedenkyuu_berun__58236a61d5a3f77c6 (1117x1051, 176K)

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Attached: 4b5.jpg (2000x1415, 384K)

Attached: __yorita_yoshino_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_etc_drawn_by_sak_lemondisk__f61c62e (1815x2801, 2.42M)

Would Shiki help me impregnate Mika if I told her it was an experiment?

I love Shiki so much

Mika already wants her husband to impregnate her

LiPPS is unironically the best unit in the series, and I don't just say that because my wife is in it.

They're all sluts. no help needed

>when your favorite artist starts drawing idol stuff again
Oh baby, I'm going to need 2 hands for this shit. Degrading and humiliating idols never gets old.

Attached: 73222654_p0_master1200.jpg (1081x1200, 869K)

They're all good girls.

I'd like to take her to the milk house

But she's only a child

Arisu is young and fertile and ready to breed


cute euclid smug-chan!

Every single one of the U149 group

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>no Rika

That's LMBG... Not U149...

i like Rin

Attached: 04b2a1fa4c304f16261f0484b80fbe50.jpg (850x846, 89K)

Okay, Idol lovers. I don't know those series and don't know even single dol. Giving sheer amounts of characters, I guess there are flavors for everyone. So I ask you if there is:

1) shy adult (20-25+) brunette, preferably with glasses
2) burned out adult former or still running idol
3) pantyhose fetishist

Thanks in advance

me on the left

me too, nono

Attached: 1548975247460.jpg (421x308, 69K)

My wife and our bitches

My wife Arisu is so grown up and mature!

Attached: arisu big girl hours.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

sexy woman

There are several for three but not all the criteria in one and two

Attached: __akizuki_ritsuko_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_classic_drawn_by_tetuo_kun__2481d81258c41726d2239707eb84 (824x1260, 114K)

Can you spot the 20 year old?

Me in the back by the jellybeans my guy

I want to impregnate Ritsuko desu

Of course, I didn't expect any character to fit all three at once, I actually asked for three different characters.

I would be grateful for somebody in each category, user :3

the one sitting on the floor rubbing her neck?

me in the back with the oral fixation.

Good man. Please give her a family before its too late, user.

Cute womanlet

Attached: 0948b1800500e9ee9db9356d23af020f.jpg (640x800, 265K)

No imeant for criteria 1 Ritsuko there is two but not shy. There are burned retired idols, but none are recruitable

/roconize/ is one hell of an aesthetic style. Helps that not only the design is one of the best in the franchise, but the idol herself is top tier.

Attached: 70425426_p0.jpg (4134x4134, 2.38M)

It's time to grow up and get a grip

Attached: 1544795199136.png (578x506, 373K)

>wah stop having fun

>actual pedo in denial
Pfff hahahaha


But you mention several for category 3. Mind sharing few? It's my fetish...

I like Chihaya's flat chest

By all means don't, I adore laughing at subhumans

Attached: 1547012188596.png (600x430, 676K)

>Primary audience for idols is grown men in their 30's or 40's
>"Grow up"

Attached: 1537079597455.png (621x579, 483K)

She deserves a loving husband, and I want to be that husband.

why? everything sucks ass, why not simply live in denial and consume content made for little girls? pic related, the only way I can even wake up in the morning anymore as a 34 year old NEET loser.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1211x693, 83K)

It's time you realize you're better off taking in life's little pleasures than trying to hold yourself to an absurd, stupid societal "standard" because you're too afraid of sticking out like an absolute fucking manchild.
Stop projecting your own insecurities and just live, you retard. You'll regret it if you don't.

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user statistics showed that most male players were in their 30s and 40s

Attached: 進撃の肛門.jpg (600x836, 110K)

literal perfection, I want to have legal aliens with this space bunny

forehead idol

Attached: 918d6ca9a035f38c042b40e65205a941.jpg (850x600, 232K)

>Obnoxious womanlet in her late 20s
It's pretty funny how fucking easily both ML and SC improved and perfected the usamin meme

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I like Airi! Takumi is a close second, though!

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this ship's gonna sink

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What is wrong with you people?

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I love my beautiful bumpkin wife Kogane!

>in denial

Turned into im@s thread. OP probably intended.


Attached: CtHvIAtVUAA2bcC.jpg large.jpg (1024x1393, 136K)

It might have something to do with this thread being about idol games and ZLS having exactly zero games.

No! No!

Attached: 1533240956726.png (921x1002, 812K)

Back to twitter with you

not on my watch

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i might ticket this. just look at the goggles. it's so hard to decide

Attached: mutsumi.jpg (3651x1500, 407K)

Sorry we're talking about games here.

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I want some of Nono's chocolate

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>slam it into my pooper oji-san

Morikubo worked up the courage to make chocolate, meet up with you outside, and give it to you! That's how much she loves you!

Attached: 1521848179339.jpg (1184x1645, 189K)

Neck yourself

Attached: __toyokawa_fuuka_idolmaster_idolmaster_million_live_and_idolmaster_million_live_theater_days_drawn_b (765x1325, 269K)

this is one of the main characters from an idol arcade game far more popular than im@s
say something nice about her

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Legit question: why is it that almost the entirety of Yea Forums only really posts about the original anime and CG? And in CG's case it's almost exclusively voiced idols.
Is it because ML and SC are too character/seiyuu driven?

Attached: DyoSv86V4AA5jcy.jpg (760x1200, 119K)

I don't know much about ML, but Fuka is so fucking sexy.

It's because they have the most porn

Attached: _016.jpg (1280x1835, 442K)

Literally who?

Voiced idols get the most content thus they get the most conversation.

She just wants to be a pure Haruka-tier idol.

Attached: 68034241_p0.jpg (1069x1500, 205K)

Attached: 1522134462868.jpg (2671x4096, 1015K)

here's another idol from an even higher revenue game than the previous one, outselling im@s by over 10x in Japan.

Attached: 1546401430812.jpg (1642x2048, 246K)

Is it really a surprise that the most fleshed out characters with the most songs and additional media get the most interest?

The first step would probably be to stop showing off her sexy bod so much.

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my uncle grew up in another country and he used to go to these crowded public pools when he was a child, and he told me that young boys went around poking at vaginas with their fingers underwater

Attached: comment_gpH4Z4elj0DdI6ZNsJwIuyBMZnkgCQha.jpg (600x900, 153K)

Did they get away with it?

Oh, sorry! You must have thought I was joking or being spiteful! Seriously, literally who?

She doesn't do it willingly.

Attached: 52444809beafa5367ee55b151edc8014.png (849x1200, 1.49M)

Really? Awfully consistent for someone so "unwilling".

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Which one might that be user?


I'm split between Anya and Ranko.

Attached: Ranko69.jpg (1447x2046, 1.71M)

I love my wife, though.

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Attached: __ichihara_nina_and_mukai_takumi_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_kruhhkake__sample-b52d (850x1063, 239K)

She grows to be more comfortable with lewd jobs after like three years of Greemas, but she does still hate it and (You) force her to do it because she's prime bullybait and ends up going with the flow far too easily.

Attached: 1544065353338.png (299x284, 127K)

yeah, he did. he said it was usually done with friends

while they don't have any presence outside of japan, both aikatsu and the pretty series are huge there, mainly because they market really well. aikatsu is up to around 300 total episodes and a few movies across multiple series, and pretty series/pripara are at around 350. while their main revenue is not vidya (it's selling clothing lines to little girls) they both have multiple mobile games and a few console games, again, none ported outside of japan.

Attached: 1545351403141.jpg (1600x1917, 237K)

That's fucking cute

Blogpost initiated:
When I was little (around 7-8) I was a hyperactive little shit (thanks ADHD) and had lots of fun crawling under the tables at school and found it hilarious to poke between the legs of both boys and girls (nothing sexual about it, the reactions where amusing). never got in any real trouble for it, sure I got yelled at by the teachers but not that much.

>nothing sexual about it, the reactions where amusing
holy shit, that's exactly what my uncle said

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>you're just a creepy recruiter, aren't you?
how to respond???

Attached: [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.21_[2018.07.14_02.05.07]. (1280x720, 95K)

best anime trio

lol no way fag. show me your qt smile.

For im@s it's hard to say. Either the rocker girl with shark teeth or Kaede, because she's in the song Nation Blue. In LL, Kanan from Aquors and Rin from Muse. They're all cute though so I don't hate any of them.


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I'm hung like a donkey

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Cock goes where?

>I don't hate any of them.
I do

Attached: 1383359998154.gif (600x338, 1.21M)

Shut the fuck up and stop RPing as Rin

She's not rude, she's not violent, she's not anything you shitty secondaries pretend she is. Fuck off.

>She came several times even when not on rate up
Good taste

yooo girl i gotta lotta cash

May I ask why? They're cute girls, what's there to hate? If you say their singing voices, credit where credit's due, some of the LL girls do sing poorly, looking at you Non-tan and Kotori.

4 and 5.


ML has a lot of cute idols.

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Attached: MR-18030-851937-7.jpg (1245x1800, 700K)

she says something like that in the anime and gives him that eye. she was just a little rude in her first commu in SS as well. this is likely how she is to strangers who approach her suddenly. the rin you're talking about is a comfortable rin who is in trusting hands

Attached: 1544333722440.png (684x618, 315K)

so my Rin, then

Attached: 47026596_p0.png (512x750, 155K)

Not him but all the girls from Muse just felt the same (with maybe the exception of Nico, who I found totally insufferable). Like they got maybe one episode of introduction and character development before essentially developing the same personality as everyone else. I've heard they get better in season two, but telling someone that is like saying "oh, but this game gets really good after 10+ hours!".

Can't give my opinion on Aquors because I haven't watched Sunshine, and I really don't want to after the original LL.

Rin is the baddest meanest bitch in the world. She knows kung fu AND karate and she slaps ice cream out of young children's hands. She thinks all guys are kucks unless they have money. This is canon. She also hates Mio.

Attached: 1548317399347.jpg (456x750, 55K)

Honestly for the memes, son.


Literally me


Literally my wife.

Imagine devoting all of your savings to Rin and it still isn't enough to please her, so she treats you like shit anyway.

Okay if I'm your wife you need to fuck me in my pussy and butthole right now in front of all these anons.

Sachiko is the cutest cat

Attached: __koshimizu_sachiko_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_tsukudani_norio__4ffcf1dcd8f (500x694, 287K)

Attached: 888.jpg (228x221, 7K)

Sachikong is one cool cat

Whatever happened to that old pic of Koume, Sachiko, and Syoko as cats?

Attached: __koshimizu_sachiko_morikubo_nono_and_shimamura_uzuki_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_dra (850x590, 155K)


But then why does she keep me around?

Yes I am
Please beat me up Mistress Rin and step on me like the trash I am

Attached: __shibuya_rin_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_tef__8589be746030321f9e37e4e0381dff17.png (556x884, 273K)

The extra pocket change

this -- i'm looking for some idol pussy and vagina boobs armpit butthole breasts tits and mouth-pussy

That's a rather broad search

I like the 142s

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I like that the futa cock isn't too big

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I don't think I can keep up with them

my wife on the left

Rin is such a delinquent, not to mention she always hangs out with those fat rich ugly bastards.
What does she even do with all that money?

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It's because they don't have enough translated stuff for EOPs, and also because they're pretty shit. I love the girls in SC, but holy fuck is that gameplay loop absolute dogshit.

will they spit in my mouth?

damn right

rin is actually the opium kingpin of yokohama's chinatown

I love SC for giving me my wife. I hope they get an anime and more games.

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I see your point user. I don't feel the same because I've played their game and idolized a lot of their cards, which got me sidestories, not to mention I was an oldfag of the game so I have a lot of completed event stories as well to build on them, so I probably connect better with them than you do. But I can see where you're coming from.
>for the memes
Which is basically the newer version of for the lulz so I get where you come from too.

SC's cool, but ML just sucks and it looks like shit.

Nana looks pretty cute in this picture

That's Chieri

who's the bunbun in the background then

Since the thread is almost dead maybe nobody will notice I'm g@y.

Attached: seiji_masq.jpg (640x800, 80K)

Oh Okay

whats with the Persona mask

Not enough shark desu


I like Ryo and the orange haired twins

When are we going to get another trap idol in the main group, instead of the ones that are relegated off to trash like Side M that nobody who isn't a chick cares about?

Gays like it.

I like Ryo when he's paired with Ritsuko

You look like shit, dumb zoomer. ML's artstyle is comfy as fuck.

Attached: 1543235492939.jpg (1920x817, 490K)

>Like Sanae
>Hideo exists
>They both share a profession so any time I say I like Sanae someone posts her and Hideo together
I should just stop bothering with the general on /vg/

Yeah, THAT looks nice. The game models look like fucking shit.


Very good taste, they complement each other well.

You have great taste, f@ggot.

Attached: SeijiSR.jpg (1624x1008, 189K)

I like the twins, Iori and Hibiki from im@s, Nico from LL, but I just want to give a shoutout to because TMS is underrated, and Kiria reminds me of Leona from KoF and they're both really good girls.

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I sure hope so

I like Sanae a lot as well

I have a weakness for shortstacks so I fell hard for her pretty quick

Attached: ace67898bb8a301c78a77118915ac33b.jpg (636x1000, 80K)

They're still far better than the IM@S 2/OFA models, though

Attached: 1520020237751.jpg (2224x1668, 191K)


Spot on. I also like her reliable-yet-unreliable onee-san personality, as well as her subtle flirting with (You). She'd make a good drinking buddy.

Attached: 1534668783795.jpg (1000x1573, 710K)

It's funny how it's never the other way around.

I wanna be much more than drinking buddies with her, honestly.

What did they win?

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but girls my age are lame and ugly now


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Damn that's the stuff

A lifetime supply of headpats.

Amana and Tenka are the best twins in idolmaster.

Double buttjob from the twins!

Lucky girls

Attached: 50503660_p0.jpg (2507x3541, 565K)

Tenka a slut


Attached: 1536292665302.jpg (762x1080, 114K)

Seriously what happened guys?

Tenka is a good girl who just wants to play video games and watch anime with her husband



please don't say such things about her

/ai/ games are obviously too niche for current year Yea Forums.

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Miria is an angel.

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who's the girl on screen? She's cute af

>just live
>said while waiting his life posting little weebshit girls on a Yea Forums and fapping 24/7
As usual, perma Yea Forumsirgins are completely lost

Are there women who sperg out a lot?

>actual perma virgins and lone losers
Pfff enrage more

She's (one of) the representative of the system.

Not those I hate real idols but anime is fine depend on the kind of story. I dont inmediatly bash if there are idol but what I really find cringe is to force idols outside their context

>medieval fantasy
>sci fi with aliens

>tfw last marifag alive

feels good to be ELITE

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Attached: 1442615591632.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

I want to hug her tight.

Yeah, most 3D women do sperg out a lot.

yo where can i download the idols

why is she crying tho

My idol wife has cute pubes!

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Never played the games, but I like the neet girl

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I love Takane.

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Because she's useless.

Attached: 187473.png (849x1200, 1.02M)

This idol might fit some of your tastes.

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Attached: Ruby!.jpg (540x532, 42K)

I still cant find this set anywhere

There's several reasons why that's probably the case.

And Takane loves Michiko more than she'll ever love you.

Attached: 1543506188643.png (800x562, 239K)

I don't think it's part of a set.

Source on Pretty series sale numbers please. Approximates are okay.

Don't call her that.

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Will Juri step on my dick?

Attached: 71322808_p0.png (2457x2431, 2.39M)

B-but she's a weirdo (and possibly an alien)

Attached: 1494443817963.jpg (1279x2520, 437K)

No, she's a good girl and a tomboy wife.

I love my idol wife.

Attached: 089236567586523.jpg (960x1200, 711K)

I can't have a favorite but Yuki has a special place in my heart as my first SSR.

Attached: Yuki_SS_SSR2+.png (1280x824, 1.26M)

Yes, and?

Attached: [Chibiki] THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE - To the Other Side of the Light! [BD][720p][60BD1D62].mkv_snapshot_0 (1280x720, 79K)

Looks are deceiving. Kaho says she is nice.

Attached: SC_P_Saijo_Juri_SSR01.jpg (960x541, 99K)

I want to fuck old ladies.

Attached: 65019189_p0.jpg (946x2048, 258K)

What's deceiving about Juri? She's gorgeous and I want to make her a mother.

I love mine too.

Attached: Dp5cgrtUUAAO9lC.jpg (936x1000, 168K)

Shin is only 26.

Attached: shin283.png (1620x2222, 3.1M)

>being a Canadian trap
user, why?

>What's deceiving about Juri?
She's not a violent girl despite her expression sometimes.

Attached: SC_P_Saijo_Juri_SSR02.jpg (1136x640, 171K)

Nice wife, would fuck.

So she's just like Rin, then, and people make extremely unfair assumptions about her and never bother to get to know her.

Juri makes a little sense though because of her tomboy design and official expressions but you're right.

Attached: Saijo_juri_profile.png (310x667, 66K)

Lala was made for gang bangs

Attached: 51670273_p0.png (700x800, 200K)

I'd kiss her to see the reaction

She'll fall in love!

Attached: 2946382816.jpg (1136x640, 159K)

soon bros

Attached: 1545582439177.jpg (1673x1262, 467K)

I'd give her the "'ol lickeroo"

I want to FUCK Lala.

And who is that? And is it just picture or this is character trait?

Makes me wonder if anybody thought about idol being especially found of bunnygirl outfits.

Laala is obviously made for Mirei.

Attached: 2b16fe9e6f657ce32b958946d897a611.jpg (6005x4102, 3.11M)

Stomping casuals with Nana!

Attached: 66799595_p0.jpg (767x1024, 131K)

Read the filename. She's a shy hag and might have been an OL before being idol.

Attached: Miyu_SS_SR2.png (1280x824, 886K)

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I'll take responsibility and marry her!

That must have been one hell of a burrito

successful thread anons
good work

>bump limit
>image limit
I'm proud of you anons.

t. Mirei
Lala never looked back after meeting her rice girlfriend.