What are some game communities you just can't stand?
What are some game communities you just can't stand?
all of them
Stop spamming your shitty comics here dumbfuck
Smash beyond casual trash talk with closer friends. Same shit with minecraft.
Lately animal crossing. Nintendo can even mention that they will announce something without the community throwing a fucking shitfit like nintendo commited some sort of crime against the universe and got away with it.
Street Fighter and Tekken
*runs back to resetera*
Yea Forums
This would be all fine in dandy if these mutants were self contained, but since they spam the board with the same "HE'S IN!!!" and "Smash House" and expel their fetid shite into threads where they don't belong. the Smashmonkey's uncontrollable obsession with his shitty Beat'em up lite is destroying this board. There is at least 2 or 4 Smash threads on the board at any one time. We cannot tolerate it any longer.
Why do people keep posting these awful StoneToss comics here lately?
Whatever ones that shit up draw threads with their obscure waifus. Waifufags in general. And people who unironically play VNs and call them "games"
fuck off discord tranny
It makes trannies upset and instantly reveals them because they say how awful they are,
Any community without honest elitism intended to keep interests focused as much as possible while weeding out failed normalfags who are into whatever activity the community is about solely because it gives them an outlet for socialization/attention that they don't get in real life but they couldn't care less about the activity itself in earnest.
>draw threads
You mean that tumblr general that shouldn't be here? What have they ever contributed to the board? Drawfags used to be part of the community instead of being holed up in their shitty fapbait general.
You will never be a woman.
I think they're okay. Don't really care about the politics though
Easily Guilty Gear
The leech off the Capcom community, stealing and fucking up events on the way, and then pretend to be victims while doing it. 07 Guilty Gear was the worst community I've ever seen.
So many replies after your post. Your anger will never do shit to a thread I fucking promise you this
PC soulsfags.
Dark Souls/Bloodborne
"Souls like" (hollow knight, salt & sanctuary, darkest dungeon for some reason)
Communities who call something "Eldritch", "Lovecraftian", etc because the design is a mess visually and the dev couldn't bother to think about a way to make something meaningful.
Oh, you mean like that one Wojak that's an NPC and anyone who's even merely annoyed at the Wojak is an NPC?
Or the Wojak that's a 30-something and anyone who's annoyed at the Wojak is a 'Boomer'?
Or the Wojak that's effeminate and weak and anyone who's annoyed at the Wojak is effeminate and weak, in short a basedboy?
StoneToss is the new Wojak! It makes sense now!
Where is the joke?
I only seeth because I want to take draw requests of what I like-vidya. Maybe I should just start drawing oc in threads instead. But I always go back to draw threads in hope to draw someone an image of videogames and not waifu garbage
Tekken. It's pleb tier, right next to Mortal Kombat. Virtual Fighter is leaps and bounds better and more complex.
why do you keep spamming your retarded unfunny comics on Yea Forums?
Your hormones will never finish the job.
Fuck you too frend
You seem mad, perhaps you're projecting?
Omg I think it’s going to stop now broseph. Wow your so smart with these tactics
Ah I see, I AM SILLY strawman comics are okay when they favor you
Foot fetishists are utterly depraved
Nice copepost, but no.
Ina thallus like the comics desu
your shit comics belongs on /pol/ you lil ban evading ebegging dumbfuck.
go peddle your garbage shit scribbles there.
>what are you pirating/emulating Yea Forums
Anyone that feels the constant need to shout about their piracy or that they're using an emulator. It sickens me.
>4 replies in thread turns into /pol/ garbage
Sup tranny
>t. silly
Pretty much all of them if you stay with them long enough or look back on ones you used to like
>everyone that hates my shitter comics is a /pol/tard buzzword
you see this is why you have to spam your unfunny shit everywhere for attention