GTA: Lost and D*mned
ESA Marathon
Remember to enjoy the runs, to ignore shitposters, and to stay comfy!
so when do the americans wake up
Based comfy bun poster.
9 hours minimum for east coast
stop being obsessed
its 2:30am at the venue my man, they've probably been awake for 5 hours at least
Do Americans really do this?
fuck americans
Fuck you.
>Americans wake up
>thread and marathon are literal dog feces
wogs will ruin this thread when they wake up
its 8:30 pm in us east you mongoloid
Its 730 PM here, and I'm going to spend my night watching Europeans play games quickly!
>implying this thread will last longer than an hour or two
glad we're playing a game about killing americans
fuck every single one of them
there is not a single good one
imagine being american
fuck americans for ruining these threads
Pokeshit is next, this thread will last hours via occasional bumps after minutes of silence.
is distortion pounding Marals' wet brown pussy right now?
id rather not
fuck them for ruining everything
>19 posts
>11 ips
>8+ shitposts about Americans
imagine living in swedistan
Can you spergs relax for a run?
to all ameribros, the FFX run is recomended if you have 12hours to spare. Highly enjoyable
GDQ audience > ESA audience
it's just bantz m8 calm down
better than being american
exactly, no one wants you here
My Mandrill Maze run is up next, wish me luck!
is this guy actually estonian or am i getting memed on
Don’t fucking lie
Damn, numa numa guy has gained some weight over the years.
fucking brit kys
He's actually Equestrian.
maybe if you like tardass
FFX was the run of the marathon so far. You're not getting memed.
he's not it was great
A German girl started a student placement at work this week. She's 22. How do I ask her out for a drink? I think she's cute. I'm 28. How do I let her know I think she's cute without getting pulled up for sexual harassment?
Starting to reach the word limit, so here it's the pastebin: pastebin.com
Also did the other pastes from the other years:
Maral is thinking about milten
>there are people here who DIDN'T watch the FFX run
You missed out
Why does rubbing my hands together in rapid succession create heat?
peepee hard
>greetings from Germany, here’s OH WOW... THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS to help save the animals!! And remember, Oooooorrbbb!!
>haha yeah. So anyways this next tri-
>we have a five hundred dollar donation from..
fuck off mate, don't converse with them cunts
leave her alone you fucking retarded american
Did he get djose skip?
what you do is, go home, turn on your oven and let it get up to temperature, then proceed to shut your head in it for a few minutes
>conveniently forgetting the absolute units who ran the first few games
it's ancient jewish ritual magic
"Hey baby, are you an attic? Because I would love to search you."
american education everyone
No, it was ass and he gave up near the end and started spamming chocobo racing
>first time donor, my mom's dog died from cancer and I really miss her, oh god the suffering is unbearable i hate cancer, this goes to runners choice
>all the autism in this thread
wew lads, stick to console shitposting.
>greetings from Germany, long time watcher, first time donator
>literal down syndromes in the audience
>tranny appreciation
>said trannies dont even try to look feminine
>all fun runners b& for saying poopoo peepee on stream
>15,000 dollars donation from The Yeti aka money laundering scheme
>prevent cancer foundation
>dont prevent any cancer
Thats a yikes from me
miles, what the fuck
never fails to make me laugh
but this is an EU thread
This Yea Forums discussion needs to stop
remember the conjurer?
Fuck Ashley, she ruined Johnny
fuck women and niggers too
autogynephilia is a hell of a mental illness
>frame perfect
Imagine if it were reversed and it was a woman basically cluttering her twitter with "cock, cock cock" for months.
>mostly procedurally generated donation messages
>reuses unique ones from previous events
>entirety of "charity"'s budget is used to put up a few posters
nothing suspicious here move along move along
It was a joke you dingus.
the only human contact that scent will have
What the FUCK even goes on here?
>burn the coal pay the toll
This game would never be allowed at GDQ
They hang out and estoned all day.
imagine being american
>dirty socks
That was awful, you should be estoned for that.
No that really was awful fuck you.
He's still doing the gir/boobs stuff on twitter, do americans react poorly to speedrunning?
>Gta physics
based dagon + refresher prophet
Drinking and developing information technology industry that will take over the world.
you and your population of about 1 million?
This is so boring. It's just a let's play. Nothing is being speedrun.
do all estonians sound northern? this is a baffling development
Waiting for Russia to take over.
There's FFX for you.
Estonia has online voting and free bus rides, nice country
Nothing, this film is the only good thing out of that country ;^)
Yes, Skype originates from there in case you didn't know and the education is all about weaponizing children's fascination with programming and computers, not kidding.
Funny joke, nozlar isn't Estonian, I don't know why ESA staff hasn't changed that. Ben if you're reading this please go tell them to change that already. Unless you meant something else.
>lol fucking jews
when did ESA get so racist
>big gun
never seen this gta before
is it a mod?
You're real far behind. Refresh your stream.
GTA IV dlc
It's one of the DLCs for GTA4
I woke up 12 fucking hours ago
This came 10 years ago, zoomer.
Yeah bro you cracked the Jewish code and figured it out, maaan
Why doesn't the IRS put a stop to this? More the the NPC, am I right bro?
>i-if I pretend it's not true maybe it will actually not be true
>y-yeah them NPCs!
living the cliche bro
>said the R-word
>girls in the west
>50% unfuckable whales
>other 50% with inflated self worth cause demand exceeds supply
>girls in asia
>obedient submissive wife material
>supply exceeds demand so good personality
>all slim with nice figures, look young
>hungry for white western dick
why am i still here lads?
>they're driving like retards
user MY DICK
Is that JewWario's twin or somethin on the left
>obedient submissive wife material
This is how I know you've never met an actual modern Asian woman and you got all your info from the internet.
>modern asian woman
you mean a westernized asian?
twich clip? I left for a minute
It's not worth it. Nobody reacted,
this isn't GDQ
Europeans are based
>woah mom they said retard!
Wow! Guys it sounds like we found some based and redpilled gamers!
oh ok
Why is there like 5 different GTA games run at every speedrunning event? It's even more stale and old than running Nintendo games at this point.
Why do they sound so dispirited
just go back in the vod to the point where you stepped out when the run is over
organizers dont know which GTA games can be entertaining and have interesting speedruns and which ones are just optimized lets plays (such as this one)
YT views. the gta vods on the esa channel are by far and away the biggest
it's 3am towards the end of a tiring event, they're struggling
The GTA speedrunning community is mainly european
I thought ESA was a European event?
>nozlar isn't Estonian
it's his flag on speedrun.com too so if he's not actually it must just be an epic meme, i don't know i've never met anyone from there
Reminder that Ben is still literally assblasted people didn't put his Fable run into top tier.
i guess he could be born there but he has a northern england accent as if he's been there his whole life
Ben didn't run Fable, you idiot. Etem did.
I- I mean Ben didn't run that
Calm down Ben
Reminder that Ben is attentionwhoring redditor you all should ignore
Reminder that Ben kicked my dog and he can't cook for shit.
BIG run, good run good run
On a scale from 1 to GDQ, how cucked is this event?
He had UK flag on at last ESA, he's most definitely not Estonian. No idea why he's roleplaying one now.
As cucked as you are.
Kino run
rate the run
>Its comfy Pokemon time
Oh baby
no trannies and runners are free to swear. didn't you hear him spouting shit, fuck, and retard?
7/10. Not a very good game, but the run was at least a little entertaining. Too bad there weren't any major screwups or glitches.
Pokemon Time.
get lost
Anyone have interview questions for noz
gonna go take a long nap and wake up to catch spyro.
I liked ORAS, best 6th gen games imo
Why does he call popsickles "cold on the cob"?
never actually seen or played the ORAS remakes and I loved Emerald but it'll be 7am here when that run is done so I think I'll sadly have to skip it.
Post May for me when I'm gone
1/10. Boring let's play.
>another boring as shit pokemon run
time to watch something else
That sounds great. I thought it would be just like GDQ
You got it user, goodnight!
Does anime trigger Americans?
what did Nutendo mean by this?
it's much smaller so they aren't totally fucked by corporate pressure (yet)
hi rye
But LGPE sucks. Its way worse than ORAS.
are traps gay?
Well, fuck me, he actually asked it.
is it a perm
good lad/10
my wife on the right
I'll try watching some then, thanks
>literally browsing Yea Forums and caring about tier lists
lmao look at these beta bitches
BW is the best for me
i hope you can understand european accents
Holy trinity for me desu, but BW1 is still very good.
the virgin swede hug and kiss vs. the chad lad backpat
XY was better...
There's fanmade Touhou anime, you dork.
>americans confirmed tsundere for ESA
Customization was great
Friend Safari was really nice
National dex had more Pre E4 variety
Otherwise no, I disagree user.
reminder that werster almost got away with yelling FUCKING NIGGERS at a gdq
dont take anything for granted user
That was during a bonus stream.
by that logic everything pokemon related is anime
he didn't yell it
what is it about gen 4 that people liked so much? Honest question I just thought it was meh but a lot of people love it
I would love to see where the donations are from i would assume massively US as well
Felt like a real step up with the p/s split and online trading/battling. This was Platinum though so it added a Battle Frontier (that you could play online with friends) and boatloads of content in general. At the time it was arguably the biggest (and best) Pokemon game.
>pokemon trash
ugh it was fun LADs
Based and BRRAAAPPpilled.
this Canadian guy is bugging me
What the fuck is with ESA and all this Pokemon
Its what happens when you look at a Yea Forumsirgin in real life.
It's the face
its the only nintendo game euros play
I miss gym leader themes, that was the best thing about BW
>not editing out the bottle he grabbed
are you even trying?
Best run so far in the marathon
ESA winter is still and foremost the smaller chiller event with runs being whatever was applied for, 130 runs when year ago when winter event started it was 30 something.
Why are people so unaware of things always?
>Best run so far in the marathon
Not if you include B stream
Why does her ass have wings?
I posted it
hm fair enough, I guess at the time I really never got that into it. Just played through the story and that was it. Didn't think that deeply about it but you brought up some good points.
Leafs should stay in the cuckshed not no camera
>3:25:00 of a soulless game
>pokemon run
good night everyone
>3 1/2 more hours of pokemon
>no FFX on the second stream
cant wait to feel like killing myself
Why isn't pokemon on stream 2? they will really force 3 hours of this on people
>female character
Absolutely based.
What is jontron doing there
I feel it already
>playing as a girl
you GUYS don't actually do this do you?
Why do all Pokemon speedrunners choose the girl?
Is it time for robutts?
I'm literally incapable of playing male characters in video games anymore. I don't know, I just can't.
>3hrs of a shitty remake
Fuck this
it's never not
European fatasses
>Good posture
>Confident walk
>Ass kept firmly inside proper size pants
>Stomach held straight out nothing to hide
>Respectful of rules walks around barriers
American fatasses
>Insecure and will bolt like a black man hearing of looting opportunities if a camera is pointed in their direction
>Ass spilling out from pants one size too small due to denial
>Disrespectful and try to get attention by playing with plush toys
>Poor posture and hunched back
are you me
Okay then
yeah, I'm not a fag
So I heard you liek mudkipz
It was probably the last gen you could stomach before you realised they were never going to innovate on the system, and then any changes they did make fucking sucked anyways.
During the pokemon red DDR run yesterday I finally understood the soul/soulless meme. They did all that with so little, now they have so much and they can't do shit.
Anyone know what they're using to capture the 3DS feed?
Wasn't that a BW2 thing? 5th gen in general had the best music though, imo.
they pick the girls because they aren't gay, you faggots.
he must keep finding american mudkips
>not self inserting as your own gender in these games
>looking at 10year old girls asses
Brendan is the thirstiest fucking rival ever, not sure why people dislike bullying him as May.
Oh man
Mudkipz is still my favorite meme
reminder gen 3 is hex maniac's debut
>Needing to avoid looking at other men to not be a fag
The absolute state.
>3 hours of this
was fun guys, i missed LADS guy. night
I haven't played any pokemon games with female protags
It's time.
I literally only play as girls, I enjoy being cute and in games that allow it playing dress up with them
>all the ADHD shitposters leaving the thread
I like that people are whining about 3 1/2 hours when we just had the best run of the event be 11 1/2 hours.
Is it right to fuck pokemons
May is so cute even in her newer look, but I still prefer her old one more.
>I enjoy being cute
i don't like big titty may
Shit game boring runner, not the same.
which run?
imagine how hairy his poke balls are
May always comes in different flavors.
$20% FFX
Picking a girl in an RPG is fine, I do it too, but to do it exclusively means you're a raging faggot, and speedrunners do it frequently enough to make me believe they always choose the girl.
That's okay user, I can post other stuff!
Who else thought Brendan had white hair, as a kid?
also choose
They're complaining about the millionth pokemon run retard.
Reminder no bully.
stop posting niggered chicken-chan
>0-2 offensive ivs
lmao its shit
Why don't they go do something else? Did they not read the schedule?
what was her endgame?
>Who else thought Brendan had white hair
wait what? acutally dont even fucking red pill me on it i dont wanna know. he has white hair god damn it
No! other anons like her
Imagine punching that belly
Milking the protagonist (either sex).
>GTA run ends
>next up: pokemon
>complain about it before it starts
>"why are you watching it then"
Again, retard.
user pls, bellies are for smooches and sometimes navelfuck
>he has white hair god damn it
>before it starts
Are you retarded? Its 20 minutes in.
>Racing queen May
Oh my
haha yeah imagine haha
I mean to expand on this, first gen was the OG, built everything.
Second gen you had day/night, timed events, things you could do outside battle, etc.
Third gen you got abilities, natures, battle frontier, contests, doubles, etc.
Fourth gen is when it started slowing down, but you got physical special split which is huge in gameplay terms.
Fifth gen you got what?
I tapped out after that but from what I've seen they've just added what are basically variants of new pokemon.
If they had focused on balance so the majority of the roster wasn't trash it would be a lot better than the shit they gave us.
>those pointy nipples
why are spats the best
>Its 20 minutes in.
Okay, that has nothing to do with how people complained during the intermission but good to know retard-kun.
I couldn't watch the stream today, anything fun happened? any good runs? any cute girls being cute?
>Fourth gen is when it started slowing down, but you got physical special split which is huge in gameplay terms.
>Fifth gen you got what?
Why were people still whining like 15 minutes into the run? Are they just no-lifers with no plans outside the event?
>1hp win
>crit into 1HP
>anything fun happened? any good runs?
FFX 12 hours of fun
5th gen you got refinement to the technical aspects and loads of NEW content. It was back when they cared about the games being meaty and not just endless genwunner wankery.
4th gen was maybe my favorite but 5th gen is very very very good.
Why doesnt pokemon have damage numbers?
is Raiden a girl now? ha gaaaaaaaaaaay
Also how the fuck does a girl gets into that shit lmao.
I want may's toes on my face!
Wow a panda, thanks.
I don't see anyone "whining like 15 minutes into the run" so I don't see what you're on about.
Wow a newfag
All you're telling me is that you're ignoring the thread, because it proves you wrong.
You're going to have to point out these posts that prove me wrong because I don't see any.
easy example
I feel like going to pixiv again and now work on a May porn album, but my head hurts right now.
I'm never sure how many of these posts are real anymore.
i genuinely don't know how that nonce honeytrap works
I don't want to know either
I'm not watching 3 hours of ORASS, a good game is fine
>i liek mudkipz
Old as it is, it always makes me chuckle.
>not playing Pokemon while watching comfy a Pokemon run
I bet you guys don't even have any rare pokemon.
>not even a minute after runners chose their gender
Wow that's totally 15 minutes into the run huh.
It's not rare if everyone can get it.
I'm playing EO, posting Mays and watching the run, while drinking some coffee. I should change on my pjs for full comfy.
Why was Battle Girl's vulva all centered and focused forward on the screen with that kick pose?
Nexus or another one? Good taste user, I'm just taking a break after reaching level 42.
>those jpeg artefacts
Holy shit check your saved pictures once.
It's digital patina. It raises the value.
i feel like killing myself watching this depressing shit
Alrighty, how about this - a Deoxys obtained from the Pokemon Rocks America event way back from 3rd gen. This is actually the most uncommon thing I have, I believe.
Imagine if Himukai did the art for a pokemon game
Nexus, currently Lv100 and in the postgame dungeon. I'm having mad fun especially because I just found out the music from the postgame dungeon FOEs is the EOV arranged version of Raging Winds.
is a shiny roach rare, thats the last thing i remember catching
Check your face, user
Gen 3(Emerald) > 5(BW2) > 4(Gen 2 remakes) > 5(BW) > Gen 3(with Gen 1 remakes) > Gen 4 > Gen 2 > Gen 6 > Gen 7 > Gen 1.
I'm really nostalgic for Gen 3 but that was were the butchery of the starters began
>need to check if adblock is working on esa's channel
>another CRAZY WACKY 3 HOUR 25 MINUTE POKEMON RUN before they force play ads
keep posting pokegirls I guess
You check your eyes, this is the actual proper quality by artist.
gen 3's starters were better than 2's
Reminder that today is Thursday! Meaning that in HGSS:
>You can enter the bug-catching contest
>You can hear Sinnoh Sound and catch rare pokemon
>You can get your weekly sibling item/ribbon (From rt 36 I think?)
>Marshtomp's model's face
I miss the moving sprites.
Whoops, didn't notice that last one was nsfw, sorry.
>3 hour run
>46 mins in
She was forgotten so fast is not even funny.
Not every pokemon took the transition to 3D very well. A lot of them were never designed with 3D space in mind.
I've heard people complain about the gen V sprites because they weren't all fully frame animated, but I always thought they looked great.
I just hate that those stupid flying battles in X/Y made a bunch of bird pokemon have permanent soaring animations.
this is trash, the jpg had soul
>was only able to kill the grovyle because male trainer gets shittier nature starter
pol fags btfo
what's worse is they never bothered to fix any of them
I really hope they revamp a lot of models and animations in gen 8, but they seem to be putting less and less effort into the games since the jump to 3D grafix
Compared to Stadium's models which came almost 15 years before XY, the models used for the 3DS generation and onward are an absolute disappointment. Gone are the dynamic poses, solid colors and menacing animation. The best example of all being Nidoking, I adore everything about his model in Stadium, meanwhile in 3DS everything is wrong with him.
They've got to really win me over on gen 8. I didn't hate USUM but they've been making a lot of bad decisions lately and it makes me pretty skeptical they can deliver.
LGPE doesn't even have a battle facility, for crying out loud.
Here's a good thing about ORAS - they fixed Wally.
I doubt it, they made the models of such high quality so they could reuse them for a very long time. I'd ask at least for them to fix the colors but I simply have no hopes at this point.
Don't be mean to him, Gallade is cool.
>no donations
Do the more recent pokemon games battle frontiers blatantly cheat at higher streaks?
Unpopular opinion: I think almost all of ORAS' remixed music is superior to RSE.
They're not donating to cancer so people can't tell their sob stories.
>recent battle frontiers
The Battle Tree is a cheating faggot though, yes. If you play multis the AI will go retarded on you too (Steven in OR once tried using Zen Headbutt on a Weavile and it lost me the doubles match).
Not cheating per se, but what they do is that if you keep using the same team for a certain amount of battles, all the opponents onward will fix their teams to counter yours completely.
I really like a lot of the ORAS, the one area where I really think they fucked up was the E4 battle theme. But its still an improvement from XY.
Plus, the GOAT:
Zinnia's theme is really good but it suffers from the same issue as every single Pokemon battle song: it doesn't last too long before it loops. Ultra Necrozma has the same fatal issue, it has a really cool intro and then it just feels the song is all over the place.
The Smash remix fixed that and man if it's really good. youtu.be
>Secret Bases
I really miss sharing QR codes with bases, probably the most fun thing to do in ORAS was building a base and show it to everyone.
Blissey Bases were god tier for leveling.
>HG/SS had literal soul, was a great remake
>ORAS is literally soulless, everything about it is literally "remember RSE? lol!"
Literally what went wrong
Hoenn was my first memorable game, I wasn't sentient enough with Crystal.
Based big tit May poster
I'm just realizing my May folder (and my Gen 3 folder overall) is actually kind of lacking. I should dive into pixiv and look for more stuff.
Thats why I haven't been posting more May - I literally don't have much Gen 3 stuff on me at the moment.
Did anything interesting happen after FFX finished?
i hate that pokemon runs have become acceptable
Hottest gen3 gym leader desu.
Life went on
That's fair. The tower in 4th gen or whatever would literally use hax.
a cutest
i fapped to flannery in ruby/sapphire back in the day
That's not Olivia. Olivia is not a Gym Leader per se, but you get me.
Reminder Magma>Aqua
alternatively more wholesome
Why is every Pokegirl literally perfect?
>goes to the bathroom
>comes back
>he's at 5th gym
damn that was fast
>pokemon speedrun
>thread turns a weeb shitposting avatarfagging show
Like a clockwork.
Jeeze user..
I know user, all of them are perfect.
You're so new it hurts
>they start talking about daddy issues
GDQ would have them banned forever by now
Back to May, I actually had some other pics unsorted.
Perfect excuse to post pokegirls.
>You will never raise a daughter that will surpass your Pokemon battling skills
>thread turns
>implying this is different from usual
There's a reason pokemon got its own board on this site, pokemon fags are obnoxious as fuck.
>There's a reason pokemon got its own board on this site
Because people were gorespamming Pokemon general threads and the mods were lazy as fuck. Same reason this board got the XXX treatment Yea Forums got if you remember that.
Oh, it's you again. This is an ESA thread, there's a Pokemon run going on, it was exactly the same during GDQ.
latios time bois
>latias named latios
>that fucking tummy
Post cute ESA girls
>can cycle through the really tall grass in ORAS
>latios named latias
GDQ run
That's GDQ you faggot
>What the FUCK even goes on here?
sorry is opposite day here
>people still use my image.
Wanted to posted it, but couldn't even find it on my HDD.
Why did GF think giving you a free Lati midway through the game was a good idea?
It was the beginning of the "catering to the smartphone generation" excuse.
every time
I wonder how much longer until the version's legendary is your starter at the rate they are going.
Soaring was a good mechanic, just not introduced well.
Gen 8 is supposed to be for the hardcore fans
But I'm going to doubt it until the game comes out
avatar is anime, stay mad weebs
>Gen 8 is supposed to be for the hardcore fans
I'll believe it when I see it.
Yeah, I think I'm outta here.
Deoxys is so fucking cool.
Eizgod pls.
>last shopping trip
So no department store rival, then? Does that impact the final rival fight after the champ?
He's unstoppable
They've been legendary in name only for a while now.
It shouldn't.
Also hey department store rival is a thing
>another fucking pokemon game
Damn, I forgot about this, and only one day left
Did I miss anything really good
gen 3 has the best legendaries
>still more than one hour left
There's just no way to make a Pokemon run entertaining, is there? At least the music is catchy.
You missed FFX
>1 more hour of this
I'm having a fun time, though.
Longass FF runs are my favorites, fuck
>that nut RNG
What are you guys playing while you watch?
the waiting game
>Hex Maniac
Pokemon Soul Silver.
Sure thing, user. I forgot she was in ORAS.
Buriedbornes, the only phone game I can actually enjoy.
Should I watch the Kingdom Hearts 3 speedrun and get the story spoiled ?
Taking a break from EO, currently saving more May pics for later. Finding some nice nsfw gems here and there.
i seriously doubt there'll be many story spoilers
Eh, you can always watch it later user, its not gonna be live.
Ok cool. I already know a few things. but I honestly dont wanna get the game until they release the final mix version of it
>turn on stream
>modern warfare
>leave to go do something else
>come back
>leave to go do something else
>come back
>modern warfare again
>leave to do something else
>come back
>pokemon again
Bless the tiddy posters for getting me through this run.
What is your party, user? I'm currently using:
Based Kyogre music coming up
God these cutscenes seem cringy is this what modern pokemon does now?
Ronin - Hero / Sovereign - Gunner - Medic. I chose this team before people began calling them the clutch classes. Really solid team but it lacks good AoE and Hero is not as OP as people claim to be.
>mario 64 back to back during peak bong hours
>one is VC one is N64
Yeah fuck /eog/ honestly, they can rag about crutch this and crutch that all they want but going off the poll basically half the thread was using Hero and/or Sovereign so I don't even care. I knew I wanted to use them all before Nexus even came out.
I chose my team based on headcanon (characters from different games and same guild joining together again) so I regret nothing.
Hex Maniac,easy on the carrots...
Was Kyogre always that small?
Now he gets his big gains.
I didn't know Kyogre's model was so tiny, is kinda cute.
I wonder why that never stuck the same way as Mega Fug.
>Defog exists
Mega Fug is just building off the classic Fug.
Reminder that Dating A Magma Grunt will be updating again
Don't play with my heart, user.
Dude is out of the military and said he wanted to get back to it. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Someone else can make the thread I don't want to fuck it up and make a duplicate
I'm surprised how little big tit May I've found so far.