Prove you're an oldfag

Prove you're an oldfag.

I have been shitting on blizzdrones since WoW became a thing and flooded MY HOBBY with disgusting normies.

Attached: 1510703944387.webm (429x592, 456K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I've never played wow.

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Habeeb it

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I posted on the grand-daddy of Yea Forums in 1999.

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No John you are the demons
Crescent fresh
Aaaaalways I wanna beeee with you
Don't listen to Ondore's lies

Attached: it's time.jpg (1200x757, 199K)

I've been here since 08'
I lost my life and my youth in this shite site
I miss shitting on deviantart and troll pyshics thread too.

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i remember tomorrow ills original op

Wasted your youth on something that turned to shit. You and many others.

I started regularly posting a couple months before Candyass.
Not really oldfag, but fucking ancient compared to most people on Yea Forums

My roody-poo

the best things we missed are not even user related:

>almost instant updates (the 30 sec burner feels like 2005 internet)
>that part in the main site to see screenshots from threads
>the "your fortune" thing, although that was from i was new and never got it at all
>not shit archive

I know some user will be able to compel a long ass list but overall everytime theres a change here is a horrible backwards one. feels bad.

Attached: dl.png (160x160, 27K)

I got banned for starting a thread on Yea Forums about this manga in 2005

Just to add to your post
>text boards

There are no true oldfags here anymore...

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forgot my pic

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>>almost instant updates (the 30 sec burner feels like 2005 internet)
This was added like 2-3 months ago, why did hiro do this?
Not only update are slow, if the thread is 404 you won't get the red message.
So if you refreshing the thread you like with f5 and janny had a buttblast moment you can lost the thread

Back in the late 2000s I started oldfag threads pretending to be an old fag.
That was 10 years ago.

Did you say post old pics from your collection? You got it.

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I remember when saying you enjoyed Halo would get you flamed and possibly banned anywhere on the internet, except the Bungie forums.

Attached: PA we're right.jpg (462x768, 122K)

I've been here since 07/08 and I remember there being 40 year olds posting here, I wonder if they're still here.

There's a lot of legacies/v/ should protect. Newfag opinions are shit opinions, they simply haven't played enough games to develop good taste.

It's our job to give the youth a real education free of faggy bullshit based on lies.

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/g/ didn't start sucking Terry's dick until the videos of him being a fucking schizo flooded the internet. You have been here for 4 years tops, you disgusting newfag shitbag. Go fuck yourself with a rake.

Best President we've ever had.

Saved this sometime in 2006, kept transferring it through my hard drives.
Until now.
You're welcome.

Attached: doing it wrong.jpg (800x600, 167K)

I got here late 2004 by the way.

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I didn't come to Yea Forums until lowtax banned me from SA. RIP goons.

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I make an effort to keep the tradition but the newfags are just too many.

ITT: I went to ED
Any actual oldfags moved on long ago

>getting banned from a place that was created by a 4channer

I miss the King.

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I feel like some radios

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This was back in 2004. You got it turned around, anyway, Yea Forums was created by a goon. There was a pretty big ban wave and a bunch of goons migrated here.

I'm a newfag from 2011. I only vaguely remember how things were back then, but I remember that stuff like Ace of Spades, Sonic Generations, Human Revolution and Monster Girl Quest were the popular games on Yea Forums back then.

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You already outed yourself, OP.

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Approximately 19 years ago this image was taken.

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Makes you think where grinning man is now

It's a blender c:

I like to believe he's still out there mongling cocks to this day.

probably killed himself after seeing his reflection

IIRC, Yea Forums found him. He explained how and why the picture happened. Real normie. The legend was better than the reality.

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>some thing happening means that anyone that has been here before that thing happening must not be involved in that thing happening
based 70 iq bro

based distressed chad

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Replying to myself to ask a question. Back in 2011, didn't people have to still use noko? I'm sure I remember having to noko posts for a short while.

>trying to save face after being exposed as a newshit gaiafag
Fuck you.

Nu-Yea Forums wouldn't even know what to do with dsfargeg

did terry ever sell merchandise, i would buy a templeOS shirt tbqh

I discovered Yea Forums because my brother pointed me to ED around the time chanology blew up. not really an oldfag but compared to most people on the site these days it sure feels like it sometimes

remember these making me laugh like a hyena back in 9th grade

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Why'd he do it, lads?

Yeah you still had to noko back in 2011

I'm fucking furious they made announcing sages a bannable offense because nobody even knows about it and crappy bait keeps getting sent to the front page.

I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they shut down WON, launched Steam, and launched HL2. You all should have listened.

Only if you wanted to return to the thread you were posting in, otherwise it would send you to the board listing after posting. There was no quick reply unless you were using Yea Forums x.

ban the user for that post, clearly.

Sure is faggots in here

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Loli-chan was queen of Yea Forums.

people treated sage like a downvote, making it invisible and banning people announcing it was a good change. you act like people saging threads kept the trolling at bay when that was never the case.

I can't remember for sure, but I think I used Yea Forums X for a short while, but the default site is now fine to me.

I'd rather have announced saging instead of no saging

Yeah, nah, fuck that. It's unusable without Yea Forums x and appchan.

“This thread is now about Richard Dean Anderson.”

My earliest memory of Yea Forums. 2005/2006?

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you can sage just fine, just that nobody does it because they don't understand the point of it (not that it has much point on a busy board like Yea Forums anyway)

I think it was only the "no quick reply" thing that bothered me, so I don't need extensions now that default Yea Forums has quick reply.


Sagebombing was a perfectly acceptable way of disposing of garbage the mods weren't around for. A dozen Yea Forums-tards could drop a thread off the board within minutes. "Sage this shit" wasn't shitposting, it was asking every other poster to step up and push the shit off the board.

But all that changed after chanology and the entire website was flooded with people. Everyone gave up on trying to enforce any sort of standard. Hell, look at this thread.

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Threads don't even auto update by default, it also doesn't randomize filenames, literally unplayable.

I really should have used this picture.

Attached: 1165869778574.jpg (1152x864, 681K)

I'll show you later.

I played Robotron coin operated arcade as a kid. New games are fine and no retarded nostalgia whatsoever, but it was good times for a wee lad with a pocket full of quarters back then

Attached: 66a26b736a68867e41c30f2cc539f9aa.jpg (1152x1536, 524K)

You sick fuck.

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Anyone member staying up late to watch korean brood war tourneys live with Yea Forums?

THOSE were the days.

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I know this isn't really oldfag, but I think that even 2012 stuff is older than most Yea Forums users at this point.

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Captchas killed saging and spidermaning...
I use Goblins comic occasionally to get some cancer of the board but it is extremely tiresome.

lanced jack

>been here since 2006, back when Yea Forums wasn't all porn
>Now 25 and depressed
I wanna go back

Oh hey, I actually remember that pic.

Attached: nostalgiaface.jpg (540x540, 37K)

Yee he was at some meetups and cons and shit. Nice guy.


God, the days before captcha. Then the text captcha, and operation re-captcha. This modern captcha is the worst thing ever.

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you have invest actual money now into paid proxies/VPN and a captcha solving service in order to actually nuke bad threads now

There was some based user with a botnet or something a couple of weeks ago but he got nuked pretty quick


teh rei
(obviously you can't post the accompanying pic anymore in Yea Forums)

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>Click (Thing) until there are no more

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>top pic
I'm both confused and amazed that I remember that, and how it ends.

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▲ ▲

Newfags still can't triforce

>food analogy

im still here

please tell me someone else recognizes this abomination

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Where's Navada-tan when you need her?

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My first computer was ZX Spectrum

>mfw I started coming in 2012 after seeing Yea Forums memes from ICanHasCheezburger

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Snowman Bel-Air is better than the original. Posting just the single page doesn't really give the proper feeling though.

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Frankly I'm glad this is dead just to spite people like you. CoD is next


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I miss the times when shitty meme sites like 9gag were the biggest boogeyman on Yea Forums. These days everyone freaks out about political stuff.

Me too. I remember playing ffxi before the WoW craze and trying to get my friends to try it only to have them balk at sub fees and shit on the game. Fast forward a short while and they are all addicted to WoW and trying to get me to play it. That just left a bad taste in my mouth and I never did play WoW and swore off MMOs entirely a year later.

I think 2012 was around the time that 9gag was getting mocked on a regular basis, at least that's how it was on Yea Forums. Didn't take me until half a year to start browsing Yea Forums, now it's about the only board I go on.

People that can write a compiler and aren't affiliated with any institution, corporation, government, etc. are extremely rare.
Soon there will be 0 of them, unfortunately.

moot sold out to google and fucked this place irreparably.

No you aren't.

I miss when it was Gaia and Reddit that was the boogeyman

fucking roodypoo


Attached: 1169545741565.jpg (802x657, 58K)

EBAUMS you newfag.

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They were only bogeyman ironically. No one actually took 9gag seriously. 9gag was also used as a scapegoat for trolling redditors.

I was envious of my cousin griefing people in Diablo. He'd offer to take people to get their first dot, run ahead, and fight Diablo solo to get all the loot.

I remember when Penny Arcade was good.

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The spam was unbearable, though. The website was borderline useless for almost a year iirc.

I remember 2012 Yea Forums having a lot of "le epic meme le monkey face" ironic shitposting, so I think 9gag was mocked as well. There's also this video from 2012 that Dopefish made, and he's an obvious Yea Forums user.

I don't remember being here when Gaia was the boogeyman, but I remember Reddit and 9gag both being boogeymen during the early 2010's.

I made a steam account the day after Homestuck started. I had been seeing Sburb threads on Yea Forums but hadn't the slightest clue. Around two weeks later, I got gifted the Orange Box in a guess thread here, I won by quoting the person with the right answer. I was on Yea Forums for a few months beforehand, but then I realized I was the cancer killing Yea Forums, and left it. This is the oldest picture I have on my computer (which is from 2016), but it was from /tg/ and I can't recall when I started browsing there.

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le monkey face and jimmies rustled were definitely the first shitposting gags I ever saw on this site. Nobody else knew about them in my friend group.


I don't what I'd be considered. I remember first hearing about Yea Forums around late 2006 or early 2007. Visited /h/ a few times during 2007. At the end of that year I started visiting /x/. At one point I spent some time on /r9k/.

in late 2015 after visiting NeoGAF for 5 years and getting fed up with the thought policing I finally got a ban for having the wrong opinion and came to Yea Forums and have been visiting almost daily ever since then.

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Not that old but

tubes is an evergreen meme

>5 star rating system

It feels weird that next year it will be a decade since YouTube's 5 star ratings were replaced with the Like/Dislike system.

It'll be 19.95 plus tip

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Yeah, wasn't that because of that guy who got vanned IRL for cp? IIRC, pretty much every proxy got banned because of that.

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It appears I'm being lured into a trap
Defending myself will only lead them to believe I'm a tryhard and they'll call me a newfag for it
Disregarding the matter entirely or disparaging the OP would only invoke hostility, they would think I don't know what they're talking about and thus that would make me a newfag
Because everybody's anonymous, everyone's character can be called into question
How do I know any of these dudes are telling the truth
Better just maintain aloofness and make a tangentially related ironic shitpost

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Kimmo is still around

These times they are a changing.
I don't like change. Turn it back.

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>all these post 2010 newfags acting like they've been here a long time

I think I got here a short while before jimmies became a popular thing on Yea Forums, though I don't remember much before then.

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I remember having to take a screenshot and post several pics each zooming closer to the person's text you wanted to point out...

Now all anyone does is greentext

Yeah, Kimmo fucking Alm
Also the repeated cases of viral spam scripts (like the one immortalized in the.hta banner), leading to a disclaimer of not running scripts obtained from Yea Forums.
It was the 2009 and we were already mostly idiots.

Dear god.

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>tfw you're an ex gaiafag
>ancestor chan rolling in his grave

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>t. came here in 2009

never played wow, i was a man of culture and played runescape, which is today called osrs, fuck you all i loved killing yaks with knives.

2010 was 9 years ago. That was the year I turned 18, but this year I'm turning 27.

I have played Ever17 and YMK.

>mfw Americans clap at the cinema

>date taken: 7/29/2007

I also remember when pokemon diamond and pearl were released aka the reason moot finally made the pokemon board when literally nine out of ten thread on every board was about pokemon.

Attached: internethatemachine.jpg (522x800, 89K)

>tfw you're an ex Habbofag
>you're completely alone

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>tfw I don't even remember where I came from

I vaguely remember going on Encyclopedia Dramatica around 2010, because I remember the "Unwarranted Self-Importance" page, but I can't remember if I got to Yea Forums from ED.

Yeah, shit went downhill fast after chanology. People talk about the fappening and GG killing shit, they don't know shit.

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RIP Terry

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I've been here since 2007 and I still feel like a newfag.

It's weird to think that there was a time before greentext, mfw, costanza.png, etc.

I want to go back.

>tfw most of the old images I still have are porn
I regret throwing out my old memes.

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I remember

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>When you suddenly realize it had been a long time and you are rapidly approaching death
Fuck ;_;

If they actually ban for vintage memes like TEH REI they are a permanewfag. Truth.

Attached: zomg.jpg (640x480, 45K)

Not him but yep. Boxxy brought me to Yea Forums and Girugamesh is the first meme I remember.

>tfw friend told me that downloading Yea Forums images gives a virus
>tfw missed out on years of pictures

Attached: 1348109664152.jpg (183x213, 8K)

>Was a NEET in 2012 and 2013
>Ended up nuking my reaction images and stuff in 2013 to try to stop my habit of browsing Yea Forums all day every day
>Now I've gone back to being a NEET, and basically in the same state I was in 2012, just older and fatter now

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Why would they ban that? It's just an anime girl.

betty spaghetti

GTA did that, not WoW

fish lvl?

HG/SS hype was the reason for /vp/.

2010 was an important turning point for Yea Forums, between the captcha (remember when it was supposed to be momentary?), /vp/ and then /vg/.
The phase of Yea Forums being all less discussed vidya after /vg/ splintered off barely lasted a day, if not at most a night.

Also trying to remember when was Yea Forums renamed to Yea Forumsaporeon but I am sure it was before /vp/

I got sick of backing shit up when I autistically formated/reinstalled Windows every year and let all my Yea Forums folders die. Now I don't save any pictures at all. I the extremely rare case I post reaction images I just google it.

>not GTA 3 specifically
Look at this zoomer.

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You are incorrect. There is no way that /vp/ was made in response to Diamond/Pearl. since those games came out in 2006 or some shit and /vp/ was created in 2010.

they were the best of times, they were the only times

Attached: 0d5ba65aa1f57c5ef333a81ea9cc45c0.jpg (366x720, 112K)

Halo is still babbies first fps and if you're 25+ and still think Halo is hotshit then it just means you're a 25+ year old Halo babby.

I've been here for too long.

Attached: Duckroll.jpg (598x477, 45K)


Over time, the boogeyman of this site was gaia, then 9gag/FJ, then Yea Forums, then reddit, then Yea Forums, and recently /pol/

Well congratulations Yea Forums, you became the boogeyman cause you're now the most popular board on this site

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I legit miss the old Troll. Not the trollface, the big green fucker.

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I got banned for saying "lol u tk him 2da bar|?" once. I assumed the moderator was just having a chuckle.

I meant GTA as a series, obviously not 1.
Although in my opinion it sort of happened over the course of the 3D releases.

Thread needs moar DESU

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>using the new DFG icon
It's a gay purple skull thing.

ive been here since the beginning and ill be here at the end

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I just realized I don't have a picture of him anywhere...

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The biggest surprise there is that Yea Forums is fourth. Who the fuck still goes to Yea Forums in 2009+10?

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I don't have to proof anything faggot.

Attached: shikamaru.jpg (640x480, 41K)

How the FUCK is /mlp/ STILL so relevant?

>old Yea Forums memes make you an oldfag
Haha no.

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What was awesome face co-opted by again? I don't remember why it fell out of favor so hard.

It's literally porn Facebook. There's actual fucking normalfags in there and barely any virgins

What a turnout

I'm not going to pretend to be one, I'm here since 2015.

i want to leave but can't

All of the Internet

I saw somebody bring Yea Forums up earlier and decided to pop in to see exacrly how shit it was. It's just porn and gore. There was always porn and gore before but it's like 85% porn dump 10%gore and 5% nothingness.

People were talking about GTA 3 all over, since it was advertised on TV. It was the best selling game of 2001. If you don't think it brought a lot of people in, guess again. Hell, I'd go so far as to say GTA 3 is what sold the PS2. MGS2 was pretty much the only other launch era title to get those sales numbers.


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>"lol u tk him 2da bar|?"
For some reason I just loved to repeat that shit over and over.

>Looked through my old YouTube Favorites playlist from around 2009
>tfw YouTube was just silly stuff like this back then

Yea Forums has always been a boogyman site in general since people aren't used to being told they're wrong and their opinions are shit.
Where any standard forum being called a fag would hurt someone's feefees, have that person mass reported and banned, it's practically standard greeting here.

Also for many years the first place everyone would go to is Yea Forums since it it was the most popular board, and naturally, they'd get the idea the rest of the site was like that and flee.

Just now realizing I don't have flash installed and haven't in a very long time.


>A large portion of Yea Forums users are unironically like this image now

You just have to look around.

Attached: troll.jpg (439x432, 33K)

>and then /vg/.

/vg/ was February 2012. I remember being on Yea Forums when /vg/ was made, but I got here after /vp/ was made.

Attached: Habboraid.jpg (600x783, 185K)

Now I feel old, unable to rely on my own memory

I thought I looked like pic related

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Attempting to reverse post because I've forgotten how to.

In hindsight i should have tried talking to tish more...

Right but then it just kept happening with Vice City and San Andreas. I'm not saying the very start of the 3D gtas with 3 didn't open the floodgates

a cat is fine too
gay purple man

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Remember that cock vore comic?
I remember that cock vore comic.

Thanks OP, I cum on cat it hiss at penis

Oh you miss it?

Attached: 1471365303841.jpg (975x1504, 269K)

/vg/ exists primarily because of Pokemon and Monster Hunter

I wanted to forget that cock vore comic.


Its wierd looking back at how Goons were like the top dogs of the early internet and generated so much content and such a big force then slowly over time crashed and burned and turned into the biggest, most hypersensitive pussies ever that became the very thing they used to make fun of. Many went to twitter/neogaf to become woke dipshits

I have no sympathy for what happened to the lot of them, they dug their own graves. Also didnt lowtax get totally banned off of twitter which was probably the last thing he had? Also that absolute creep shmork and the rest of them.

My memory is shit as well. I remember that I was on Yea Forums for stuff like MML3's cancellation and the /vg/ split, but I don't really remember how Yea Forums actually was back then.

KatawaShojou Thread 2000213123

Pretty sure it was actually because of Star Craft 2 and League of Legends

Whatever happened to those faggots?

Mass Effect waifu generals too

I never browsed SA itself, but I miss when they made stuff like Pokecapn's Sonic 2006 Let's Play.

no you fucking dumbass, its because of cripple hentai

I know this secret meme called Sneed xD

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Imagine being over 30, still a poorfag NEET virgin and you only have your time spent on an anime website to be smug over.

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Manlytears still stream but rarely. Quentin is still in prison for suspicion of school shooting

He also became fat and lost his handsomeness so that's a plus

Anyone else remember a tripfag called Jupiter that spammed off-topic threads back in 2012?

I can still recall working at a game stop and cock blocking some kid from getting gta3 by telling his mom you could Fuck hookers. The death stare that kid gave me was worth it.

Getting banned from SA was always a common risk in that shithole.

Attached: mootban.png (1855x176, 20K)


All those keeping the whiny titty babies at bay were banned. Same thing will happen to Yea Forums, the process has already begun. I'm catching bans for hurting user's feelings too much, just a matter of time before tripfagging is mandatory.

There were countless tripfags who tripfagged. Also I'm pretty sure Jupiter and Ema were the same faggot.

This is what ManlyTears has been up to

Attached: ManlyTearsGoesTurkeyHunting.jpg (960x960, 264K)

It's funny I hear this story every time someone mentions GTA3.

it's a running joke that MH threads on Yea Forums start with complaining
this only happened because explicitly starting a general thread on Yea Forums got you actually banned, and complaining about the game was a good way to hide the true intent of the thread

Every few years I go to Asia for a bit to teach gooks how to talk english good, I'm alright on money. Plus the prostitutes. Oh, man the prostitutes. Compensated dating is the tits if you're a 6+ foot tall white dude who half ass works out.

Funny that seems to unironically be gookmoot's endgame with the recent changes to the site.

I did go to SA once in a while, they did produce a lot of content, I legit laughed my ass off sometimes.

Don't know how the site and forums turned into what it is today.

05~06 were probably the last years they were relevant, especially with the EbaumsWorld wars and of course the funniest thing that Lowtax ever did; get his ass kicked by Uwe Boll on boxing livestream and then watching all the goons wail and shriek about how unfair it was. Also wasnt that the same time when they were the biggest ultra-anti furry force, then their biggest and most respected content creator shmork was outed as one lol.

>tfw I'm a 26 year old poorfag NEET virgin
>tfw I lack the self-control to stop myself from spending too much time here

Lowtax got banned from twitter repeatedly, yeah. Allegedly it is related to the Shmorky fallout in a way.
1) Shmorky drama going down
2) Lowtax gets accused on twitter of being a bad father and endangering her daughter by having her been in contact with Shmorky, his vidya review episodes in particular
3) Lowtax gets mad, finds that various of those accusers are posters in the SA LP subforum, permabans them with admin tools
4) LP subforum posters start leaving en masse, most of them were of the extremely annoying kind so good riddance
5) Lowtax, unrelatedly, also flamed on twitter various alt-right e-celebs
6) (Allegedly) The permabanned posters keep reporting each account used on twitter

And can't mention Shmorky without linking this:

Yeah, it sucks and happens and then one gets a completely different view from what actually happened without even realizing it
Please double check what your fellow anons say

I remember there being mass waves of banned goons showing up to Yea Forums in the early days. It was always some bullshit with the mods over there and the new goons would bitch about it constantly for a bit and then assimilate. I was never a "goon", since back then you only really joined the forums if you wanted to play a game with them or join a goonswarm or clan/guild/whatever that was made up of goons.


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He's obsessed with trying to make a successful version of 2channel after Pig Farmer Jim stole it from him. Hiro also had the credit card/post collection leak scandal pinned on him, but iirc the Japanese courts recently ruled that he wasn't at fault for that and Jim was the one who fucked everyone over.

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Oh fuck there's actually more Arfenhouse than 1 and 2, I never even knew about the others

>when a guy from cripplechan starts talking about magnets and jews

I've been here since like 2008 and any nostalgia people have for this place is ridiculous. Better than Reddit, sure, but fuck off if you think there's wasn't cancer here.

>Shoop da woop trollface omg xD
The only thing I miss is Caturday

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Speaking of tripfags, I present one of the first know tier lists, if not the first.

>Quentin is still in prison for suspicion of school shooting
I thought drug charges where involved, weren't they?

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But still, he seems dead-set on further monetizing the site in any way he can, even if it ultimately destroys core aspects of anonymous image boards, like user registering.

>tfw I deleted all my demotivationals after going through them one day and realizing not a single one of them was funny

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I got here around the time when stuff like Synchtube and Ace of Spades were popular things on Yea Forums, so I guess I just remember having more fun back then, in spite of Yea Forums being a Yea Forums 2.0 shithole during 2011 and 2012.

god shmork is such a fucking piece of shit. Didnt the story go that they convinced the girl to go off her meds and then gaslit her nonstop till she had a breakdown? also wasn't this around the time they were preaching woke/muh respect comics and other stuff; ugh its like every last one of them has a vault of skeletons in their closet.

Dark Doughnut was the O.G OC

I've always hated tripfag tier lists. These niggers dont deserve to have their existence recognized even if they create oc, which they almost never do.

>never saved any images until 2010s because I thought its a waste of space when you can pull it out of the archive or search it through google
God I was a fucking idiot

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>came here on the Project Chanology cancer wave
>trying to call anyone out for having nostalgia

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Shmorky huffed the gender neutral drug hard.
To this day I still can't believe how the fuck he got that cartoon voice, or why he thought it was a good idea to keep using it.
Lets not also forget trying to groom underage chatters into diaper and baby RP

Boy, 2007 to 2009 must have been harsh years on you.

Video games have been normie since the 70s, bro. You weren't even on pre normie internet.

what killed tripfags even? haven't seen a surge since 2013

i remember when cox the fox was a meme

Oldfag isn't a thing. Newfags weren't new people. They were people from newgrounds.

Archives. you can reverse search any tripfag's code like in fireden and you can see all their posts, which incited so much shitposting it forced countless rehashing of tripcode, which inevitably forced them to stop

I mean fucking Gladiumtonitrua is on a 5th one

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>remembering when "newfag" and "oldfag" were newfag words and using either one had people tell you to fuck off back to Yea Forums

That's what I'm saying. 2channel aggressively pushed passes and user accounts to create a premium shitposting website. A guy from the USA named Jim Watkins was entrusted with handling the security of this. He fucked up and let a hacker into his computer, who then released sensitive information on a lot of people. Some particularly unfortunate people got really fucked because they archived posts for a month with user info attached, meaning users naive enough to attach their full name to their accounts got exposed. Some major light novel writer got caught shilling his books and trash talking his competitors. Hiro got all the blame for this, then Jim tricked him into handing over the entire website. After that, Hiro was treated like some failed yakuza among the nips and nobody wanted to deal with him.
I think he's trying to do what he originally wanted to do out of some obsessive desire to prove that his idea would work, regardless if people would like it or not.

back when Yea Forums was actually fun

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Nice revisionism

>Y-yeah well you came here from chanology s-so
You monkey, you absolute nigger. Why would you ever admit you've been here for more than 10 years? You came here before chanology? Well, that means you're either a weeb or a pedophile, and you know what? I don't take kindly to either.

I watched rozen maiden because I had to know what was that desu spam about.

>He believes the meme
Newfags are just idiots who don't understand the format of this place. It's always been that way, sometimes it was newfriend

>stuttering shit

You're the same kind of guy who read sonichu out of curiosity aren't you?

>Terse answer
No rebuttal. As it should be

Shit, me too. Now my life has no meaning outside of meme tier seasonal anime.

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No, I don't want to touch that. I'd rather read something entertaining like tgt.

I'm not an oldfag by definition. Sure feels like it's been a while, though. I was here for HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE but I lurked for a year or two prior to that.

And now, gentlemen, you have just lost the GAME

Yea Forums is honestly the reason I got into rozen maiden.
I actually liked it.

holy shit same here, i thought i was the only one left after all these years.
>mfw peach pit or funimation wont make another fucking season of RM

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I came from ytmnd before meme were called memes they were called fads

Someone got me a few days ago. Weird week for ancient memes.

fuck, I actually legit miss YTMND. 2004~2005 I was on there so much. Had the best soundtrack of any site.


I was here in 2003. I ruined my life. I still live but I don't know why. Someday it will all be over.

Also I was so mad at MMOs that WoW and FFXI and Ragnarok and whatever the fuck else was out at the time were all shit

The virgin SA migrarant

The chad YTMND pilgrim

how do i shot web

...but original WoW and FFXI were both good.

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I'll show you later.

Been here since before capchas, and when we still had dubs. I miss dubs

>They simply haven't played enough games to develop good taste.
A few years back I was teaching a summer camp where we taught 8-10 year old kids basic coding with Minecraft command blocks and stuff. For their final project they had to make an adventure map, so we were told to devote some time to teaching level design. Looking to pull some examples of good levels, I asked my class of 8 kids if they could name some single-player games they've played.
Not a single one had ever played a linear single-player game. They all named mobile shit like Angry Birds and Temple Run, or sandbox shit like Minecraft. It baffled me. It's quite likely that none of them has ever fought a boss or beaten a game or seen a cutscene before.
The youngest of these kids was 8 years old. He was born in 2010, 3 years after the 2007 video game revolution that changed everything. In another 10 years he'll be allowed to post on Yea Forums.

Wait a minute, I recognize this whore!

I'd be surprised if a single person understood this reference.

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All of the old internet communities have turned into hypersensitive faggots (even Yea Forums to an extent). It's kind of depressing to see people you used to be with turn into crybaby control-freak communists.

you can complain about how shit Yea Forums is now and how much you hate captcha but you don't remember the days of generals drowning the board with every second post being

How wants to play Wurm?

Someone post the picture of andy sanberg and slick rick at gabens birthday

i remember when moot was mexican

Huh, didn't know about the Jim part. Time will tell which direction this'll go.

I remember YTMND

fuck yes

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I joined the army in late 2008. Got out of basic in feb 09 and this site was never the same again

Irony poisoning is the cancer and the chemo is very harsh

>all of the people that I used to know back in the day that became humorless communists were and still are neck-deep into sa-style meta ironic humor

It all makes sense.

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Itty bitty baby

And he was also eaten by a shark, RIP.

I miss old Yea Forums
I first came here at 08' and my memory is mostly foggy.

The most recent/last time I enjoyed that place was when RWBY first aired, Yea Forums did nothing but shit on it and it was great. Literally a year later (when GG happened) reddit invaded, the general was invaded by "tripfags" and "namefags", and you knew that these tryhards wanted desperately to be e-famous and begging for attention. Not only did they flood the general with unfunny ERPs and 'le ebin greentext', but they genuinely thought the show had good action sequences- even though it's a fucking joke compared to actual 3DCG anime like Arpeggio (which came out the same time as RWBY). They unironically mourned when Monty Oum died even though he's a douche and has beginner teacher syndrome when you look at his twitter.

The last time I lurked there was an oldfag thread similar to this one, but some fag was getting nostalgic about an unfunny Korra thread with Spacejam or some shit.

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>not a secure tripcode
Welp, you certainly aren’t one.

I yelled at a guy the other day for not being intimately familiar with the Max Payne 1 modding community 18~ years ago.

I remember Rugarell

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Politics unironically broke Yea Forums and the internet. GG was the stab through the chest while Trump was the bullet through the brain.

She actually had the balls to pose for photos with more stuff on her face?

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He's still here retard. He shitposts all the time and it's obvious as fuck.

Regardless of political alignment, the Internet has shifted so far into layers over layers of meta and Irony that expressing any sincere and measured opinion labels you as the "other", the "uncool". It is all extreme opinions or nothing, even in the center. Especially in the center where one does not stand for anything ever.

Secure tripcodes are for fags

>crybaby control-freak communists

God tell me about it. Its like every time I visit some of my old friends social media or twitter they are shrieking/shaking with rage over the most pathetic shit and cannot enjoy anything without constantly submitting it to the approval of thier woke peers. Also says artistic freedom and other freedoms are "inherently problematic" also something something UGH CAPITALISM AMIRITE?

He used to be big into vidya and anime and 80s manly movies and whatnot and now unironically sees if it passes the "Bechdel test" or writes off an entire series/genre because it had something "problematic" and also in constant anxiety about "problematic faves". Its so fucking pathetic.

Ghost blowjob!

Man, I hate people like you, you blame the people who responded instead of the people that made it about politics, they had the motto that everything is politics so therefore you had to talk about it.
GG and Trump were both a response to these people's instance that everything is political and therefore nothing is simply what it seems and you had to bring up the politics of it, from games, to comedy, to music, what is considered attractive, the color and sex of characters are paramount and so on.
These people said that there is no longer just fun, we must talk politics but you seem to not blame these people.

Yea Forums was given the death sentence when invasions were ultimately banned. Most were shit but there was the occasional well coordinated mischief that followed rules 1 and 2 properly that made it worth it. When the "for the lulz" mentality died with it went a special part of this place.

Yea Forums always had a boogeyman. There was always a witchhunt of different site users migrating here and shitting things up. Newgrounds, Gaia, 9gag, etc, and now Reddit especially is the new buzzword.

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It makes me sad. It's like a switch flipped and they all lost their joy and hobbies in life to be screeching and self-loathing commies. I've disassociated with all of them because being with them literally made me feel worse about myself and the world because of how angry, sensitive, and pessimistic they were.

No, secure trip coding or even just tripfagging across threads is for fags. People used to actually have a use for it. You’re just a fag.

This board is filthy, lets clean it up!
This post brought to you by Dial soap.

Attached: This+website+is+filth+lets+clean+it+up+_79e4b7dc42363d0431ae81b67d4ea372.jpg (238x238, 25K)

lets post some epic sinks if you know what I mean :)

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I was genuinely interested in some of those sinks.

I wonder what Hans Saad thinks of Yea Forums now

>the center where one does not stand for anything ever.
Boy, I love this meme!

that looks like a pain to clean

remember this being on google video or whatever it was called


I know it's the "random" board where anything goes but most if not all of the content in the threads that get posted there anymore have their own separate dedicated boards for that shit.

cheer up emo duck!

I was in a gmod server group around 2007 and never understood their server picture till now. It was that.

I only recently found out why the sinks were posted in an oddly fashion

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I didn't find out until years later. I thought it was just cool interior decorating designs.

alternative tentacles, woodscrews, im going to post this every day until you like it

I was REX ENOUGH for Linksys Tech Support.

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huh? what do you mean? I always thought they were just something like tiles

Is there something I'm missing?

Yea Forums had it's own group of posters. The only crossboarders were people who started on Yea Forums and were slowly transitioning to other boards. Yea Forums was the obvious starting point for most people and we spent several years there before figuring out I could just make Yea Forums my home board rather than F5ing forever for video game threads.

shit was hidden in the file code


I've got a confession to make

what was hidden?

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Cheese Pizza

Mods asleep...sink thread

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I was a huge Yea Forumsawww-fag

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I was here when /V was still on Yea Forums instead of 4channel

What's /V?

w w w . A n o n T a l k . c o m

When you are done being a worthless chantard

I still have over 800G of stuff I downloaded from Napster, Kazaa, Emule etc

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I'm in that screenshot of Pool's Closed

fuckoff candyfag zoomer bitch.

candyfag sage this thread

It's sad to say but most kids don't really play a lot of games or think for themselves really. It's cause of all these parents raising kids on Youtube and letting them free on the internet. Their kids base all their opinions and thoughts around some fucking Youtuber and never stray from that. They're not growing organically as people.

The days of a kid going to a store, looking at all the games on a shelf, and picking one with a cool cover while having no knowledge of what it's about is gone. Nowadays they just blindly ask their parents for whatever the e-celeb of the week is playing. It makes me uneasy knowing a kid will never have the feeling I got when Kingdom Hearts 2 caught my eye on a shelf and led me to hours upon hours of enjoyment and memories.

the game

Only normalfags say this.

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Well if we're going in that direction.

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I was too busy with Diablo 2 to care about WoW.

Counter-point: Set from Fallout 1

I will never not watch this whole thing

I learned about Yea Forums from the LUE board on GameFAQs.

I don't play garbage but I think this is the oldest thing I have from here. Was a good time.

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When someone posts the actual ecchi I'm so fucking disappointed

I've been here since the last election.

>most respected content creator shmork was outed as one lol.
I swear there was a better quality version of this somewhere, but damn if I can find it.

I consider Deus Ex as the best game ever made.

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You outed yourself as a newfag by saying "normie."


I was on the Encyclopedia Dramatica IRC when Chrischan first deleted his page.

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It really doesn't feel natural at all. It's like someone flipped a switch and some subliminally implanted programming just overwrote the personalities of entire segments of the population.

The flipped switch is a combination of Twitter and american politics the last three years

I still can't believe fucking Monty actually got semi-famous. I remember he used to be a regular on some old game model reverse engineering forums back in the pre Gmod 10 days, back when he was just making shit like Haloid and Dead Fantasy

hell yeah, watching in 480p on GOMPlayer at 3am as Artosis reads questions from PoopFeast420

Was going to start this with something like casually calling you all n-words but now I can't even say that on this website where everyone is faceless and no one has race.

American politics is a fucking mistake and right or left regardless the flavor its killing this place. Maybe its already dead. Moot's sjw friends didn't like this place and thats where it started, gamergate and other political shit also made the content here worse and worse. honestly thats all ive got, faggots. gives me a heavy heart. I wish we could just sit here and argue about games like we used to. Now everything is falseflagging, and viral marketing

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Irony poisoning made sincerity uncool. Full anonymity brought on insincere opinions and trolling instead of enlightened discussion without the trappings of being previously known

I've been here since 2006

how times have changed

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Holy shit is that teh rei? I completely forgot about her since I stopped going to Yea Forums ages ago.

Today's wojacks were yesteryear's rage faces

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I thought I was on /g/ for a second.
Rip Terry

Unfortunately I still see her sometimes, even outside of Yea Forums.

>PS3 came out in 2006

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COCKMONGLER. boxxy wars. duckroll.

I'm only an oldfag for shit like ebaums, newgrounds, and albinoblacksheep

Rage faces were trash but at least they had way more effort put into them, compare the line work and penmanship to any retarded wojak edit that still recycles the same eyes/nose/caricature 8 years running.

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>mfw when you're right

Shit, I'm getting too old for this

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Many of those are from Reddit and commercial "meme sites" after they stole the original ragefaces fucking newfag.

I posted on 4channel the day it was made

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I still expect quality content from Yea Forums



I saw that still gets posted on /f/

>been here since late 2006
>i was 11 when I first came here
I want to go back.

It feels like the only board remained in a permanent state of 2007-2008 culture is /f/, like it has been enclosed in a time-limbo where no new content is even rarely posted. I still check it weekly.

>Prove you're an oldfag.
I have nothing to prove to the likes of you. I was borne from a world you man not understand.

I started out browsing Yea Forums and Yea Forums, came to this hell pit during Japan Time. I said it in another thread the other day but one of the things I remember most from back then was Moot freaking everyone out by playing the MGS4 theme on Yea Forums for a few days.

>there are kids posting on Yea Forums that have been born AFTER Nevada-tan got out of prison

I found out about Anamanaguchi because of moot playing it over Yea Forums.


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The thing about the monkey face shit is that it wasn't even from actual Yea Forums to begin with. That meme started on Plus4Chan, a Yea Forums shelter site where a namefag called Pablo made a bunch of shoops from the Gorilla Munch face.

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LUE just isn't the same anymore once they got moved off gamefaqs.


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i came from reddit during the 2016 elections so i could troll drumpf supporters

I had pictures of rabbit chan before I actually "browsed", what does that make me?

I still think of this shit literally every goddamn time I scroll past something NSFW in public.

itty bitty boat

I knew you fuckers were still around. we're stuck here forever aren't we.

god, fucking twitter. Its like the one thing that enabled sociopathic, mentally ill, attention whoring. depressed people to give them some crazy amount of validation and power to wield, smear others and tell them that nothings their fault and that being offended 24/7 makes you untouchable and above criticism.

At least it was fun watching the 2016 meltdown when everyones world on twitter was shit-shattered and they were forced to deal with a reality outside their bubble. Some people I saw who were once smug and self righteous were so shook that they had to go into therapy and had full blown breakdowns lol.

/f/'s seclusion from the outside world is greatly aided by the fact that the majority of Yea Forums's current users couldn't figure out how to get a flash animation running in their browser if their life depended on it.

2007 here

I hate what this place has become

I hate that I'm still here

I wonder how low quality it will be in another 12 years

I remember when being called a casual was the worst possible insult on Yea Forums.

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Prove YOU are not a newfag.

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When I first started posting on Yea Forums back in 2004
memes were called image macros and they were funny because of the image itself. It wasn't antagonistic like it is today. People now only post memes because they annoy and piss people off.

I miss the Yea Forums gamestop spaghetti threads

I guess that's about it

Get on my level

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Greentext threads can be contributed to the death of Yea Forums. There's a reason why there's at least 20 greentext reddit boards.

how do i find, that i need to laugh again

RIP in peace Terry. Those CIA niggers finally got you

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>I hate that I'm still here

2005 here. As horrible as this place has descended nonstop for years..... its still better than the rest of the internet and I cannot leave.

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󠘁 󠘁 ▲
▲ ▲

I can't remember the last time I've seen a greentext story here. They used to be a staple of Yea Forums.

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2012 here.

When will I stop being a newfag?

I can't remember the last time I've seen a funny post here more than two or three sentences long. Anyone who has something funny to say does it on reddit or twitter for the upvotes.

They still are... on boards like

Never. Only

I was here before 4channel

I was here before the Yea Forums /jp/ split and all I ever did in my first year was save lewd pictures. Particularly saber.

>There's a reason why there's at least 20 greentext reddit boards.
Seems you're confusing cause and effect here. People trying to be le epic greentexting guy are what killed greentexting in the first place. Greentext affirmed here and on Yea Forums in their early days and it's something that shaped this site culturally

It's Bobbing for Tommy by Graphite. It used to be on y!-gallery but that site has been dead for years. iirc there's 2 chapters.

2004 og goon. The internet as a whole has become infested by the same types of people that I originally came to the internet to avoid.

>Yea Forums in their early days
I remember when greentext wasn't used to imply. It was never originally intended to be used in such a way as it is now.

Good taste.

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Primarily because people don't know shit about the old methods used by mail clients to quote text but that's about it.


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Why does everything I love have to get worse over time? Why can't things get better for once? This has been a trend for literally everything in my whole fucking life.

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Goons are far more sinister than just a bunch of people that fell from grace. Not a lot of people know this, but I am 98% sure they are at least decently responsible for the current wave of extreme leftist politics that took over everything. It started with goons.
t. 26yo that started with newgrounds in 1999, then myg0t forums in 2004-5, ytmnd around the same time, then 4chinz in 06. I knew the old internet.

Didn't they create SRS?

It started with women.

But you got better.
Wow a generation of people is responsible for a political climate. More to your point, far left politics predates the birth of anyone in this thread right now.

This place is finally dying. Where is everyone who isn't a post election newfag going now?

I believe it. I remember how when the forums started to go to hell they were pushing what would eventually become the modern sojusmovement (which allowed them to feel forgiven for all their trolling years but still keep doing it because, "for the greater good/right side of history), and didnt they fuck up reddit with SRS and all those moderators who pushed their shit, and all those active twitter personalities.

I felt like the biggest push was in 2012 where it truly felt like a switch was flipped on the internet and suddenly everything was problematic and fair game for a progressive mob

A lot of it was pioneered by dril. Who is indeed a goon, or used to be. I believe it's related to commies' desire to break down any construct that currently exists. Having concrete opinions on things or actual opinions is a construct. If everything is ironic, nothing has any meaning.

>Newfag opinions are shit opinions
>is from '07
Old Yea Forums posts. I'm not gonna lie, those 2004 posts suck. I don't know how representative of the board they are because I didn't show up til 2005.

Only Blizzard game i like is the original Diablo.

It does mention the 2004 election though, which is neat.

I'm so sorry. I came here in 2006, and was one of the people who came here hating weebs and japanese culture. I realize now that those were the things giving this place any soul. I'm so sorry.

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>anons actually collectively telling camwhores and attention whores to fuck off
I don't care what anybody says it WAS a better place

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I want to talk to some of you. It hurts to feel so alone. Nobody nowadays understands the internet that we had before.
It's not just nostalgia. Everything objectively got more sensitive, you can get reported and banned for anything on most of the internet now.
We are the last of our kind.

I played space invaders when it was new and loved cool dudes on turbo graphics. Faxandu can kiss my ass.

I won, kiddo

We'll make it somehow, user.

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I will never forgive moot for this

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>all those namefags and tripfags

originalfags were a retarded breed

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Virtually every message board supported having a user name and only having a user name. It took a couple years for people to fully appreciate the value of being anonymous.

Also, remember when mods actually used the site?

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I love how the Yea Forums guy blows out /fa/.

I still have an 11 saved

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mods were gods, especially the shitposting ones
i miss snacks[/spoilers]

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They all migrated to reddit later.

Out of 220 posters here there are maybe 2 real oldfags and a bunch of newfags pretending and even more cancer trying to revise history...

It's probably true, but I really don't want to hear people spouting an idiotic "oldfags are redditors" narrative.

Educate and gatekeep the fuck out of them then.

You got about as much proof of that as anyone does of being an oldfag.

Not all oldfags just the tripfags. No reason to attention whore here when you can go get your dick sucked on reddit.

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Not true.

I've been here since the .net days (though not continuously, I've taken several breaks where I barely came here at all or only went to one or two specific boards for a few years) and I really miss the old days. I particularly miss the lack of connection to real life the internet used to have, it's fucked up living in an age where Yea Forums shitposting can affect international politics and make headline news and shit.

Here's your reply.

Fuck yeah I do. I remember when they also had a chat in the website you could talk in.

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also pic related

i miss the tribes ascend days soooo fucking much

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buddy ive been here since 2014 I aint no newfag


i first started browsing right in the midst of "dont mess with football", when the threat was a copypasta but before the guy got arrested

>still a new fag after 7 years
yep sounds about right

then you're not an oldfag, faggotron

Look at this newfag.

You''re right, you're not a newfag, you're cancer


2003 - Originalfag
2004 - Oldfag
2005/2006 - Newfag
2007 - Permanewfag
2008 - AIDS
2009 - Malignant tumor
2010 to 2014 - full blown cancer
2014 to 2016 - maggots feasting on the corpse
2016 to present - Redditgaggers

The shazbowl was 6 or 7 years after the time we're reminiscing about.