its gonna suck, isnt it
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You can bet those tits will be covered up.
And the facial animations will be shit.
All the sexual themes will be toned down or omitted.
These are your VTMB 2 vampire girls. Say something nice about them.
probably. although even if it's just okay it might still feel like a slap in the face considering how much vtmb is loved. i'd rather just get vtmb ported to a newer version of the source engine, play it in virtual reality, and get more people making custom content for it.
Considering everything that made it cool and interesting is no longer socially acceptable, yes. It will suck.
Can't suck if it never happens user
There's currently an ARG called Tender by Paradox. It has references to "kindred" and other things, which many people believe is something related to Vampire.
literally perfect
oh yus
Given she was retconned in the latest sourcebook to be a trannie yeah it's going to blow goats.
Is there an update on that werewolf game
What kindred in their right mind would embrace them.
Even Malkavians must understand sex appeal.
Is she into self mutilation?
Cut marks on her leg ?
I heard people say she pegged LaCroix and used a strapon rather than a tranny penor. I hope they are right.
I'm still wondering whether people that claim that are literally retarded or just want to stir up shit.
Its gonna suck if you don't drop it right after Santa Monica.
Desperate Nosferatu
real shit?
But what kindred with a brain would embrace for sex appeal? They're all fucking dead already
women who hate themselves are extremely fun to be with for extremely short windows of time
what's your vampire character look like Yea Forums? mine dresses like a normie to blend in and has good taste in fashion
mine not dressing like a faggot
Tops only serve to inhibit me.
Nudist vampires are the best, but here is the next best thing.
Flavor text of Jeannete shitposting at Therese over the role of Malkavians.
I guess we now know why the character had such short legs in Mass Effect: Andromeda. They modeled it off this guy
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Malkavian Blurb from VTM: 5th Edition
“We’re not clowns, Jeanette. We’re not here to amuse the other Kindred.” “Baloney. We’re here to make them laugh, make them cry, make them sticky with delight or embarrassment…” “You drag our club through the muck. Our clan! Time was, we were the Kindred the others went to for advice, foresight, strategies in times of war.” “Pull that stick outta your ass, Therese. Unless you like it up there. We’ve always been jesters.” “Jesters in times gone by assessed the court and delivered their findings to the Prince.” “And so do we! God. You see my skirt and makeup, and just think ‘slut,’ don’t you?”
“Of course. Are you not?” “Yeah, but how many nuggets of gold do you think I pried from the ghoul I was screwing, the repressed warlock I loosened up, or Prince LaCroix when he was bouncing up and down on my love gun? Bang. Bang.” “You… God, you disgust me. I acquire intelligence through visions, through sampling the blood, through debate, business transaction, reading emotions, drawing out uncomfortable truths...” “You wear the suit, I wear the stockings. We’re mentally impaired as a clan, but hell, if it allows us to both lower our inhibitions and get a little dirty to do what must be done, I say bring on the personality disorders. It’s like a cocktail in my head.” “There is nothing wrong with me. You’re the one with the special needs.” “Oh, you need your daddy just as much as I do.” “Shut up. Shut up. For one night, could you go without mentioning that we’re all headcases and instead focus on what we accomplish?” “Sorry, sis. I guess there’s two sides to being a Malkavian. The visionary and the maniac. We’re a good team!” “I hate you.” “You hate us.” “We hate us.” “I love you.” “I love me too.”
>majority of game is being a fresh vamp during late 70s NYC where it's a run down shithole full of punks, new wave twats, guardian angel vigilantes, rampant crime, disco cokeheads, all the good stuff
>occasionally flicks back to Gangs of New York-y mid 1800s NYC where you play as your MC's sire
>decisions you make during 1800s bits affect the 1970s bits
>final boss is you vs your sire with the ability to pick which one you play as
Well we all knew LaCroix was probably gay, wouldn't surprise me if they just used a strapon
Thread over.
Aesthetics then.
It's like why would kindred wear clothes. Or own classical works of art, etc.
Dude very, nice
> gay Muslim SJW vampire
yep, just burn it all to the ground theres nothing left to save
>What kindred in their right mind would embrace them.
Two Words: Tzimisce Vissitude
When flesh is clay, you might as well get more material for your vitae
No sequel is the best sequel. Any true fan would want it to die instead of be milked. Face it, games like this will never be made again.
I don't know why people keep posting this like it matters. Nobody likes nwod and paradox would never use it for the next game.
That's one of the loresheets in v5 which is Masquerade.
But it's not like it matters either because while it is fucking stupid it's also utterly inconsequential
based retard
I prefer the business sister
Both are Anarch scum and cut off from the cobweb
>a gay muslim communist
>any of these three
>not mutually exclusive
do these people even think?
> believing any new game would be free of such cancer
just how naive are you?
>cutting scars
>humans and even more so vampires are hypocritical
Truly unbelievable
it only makes it hotter
more like marks her as a malk but without the good parts, so basically a ticking time bomb
WoD was always leftwing as was Bloodlines if you aren't completly blind. Rudi is a mistake by how he's like 3 different minorities rolled into one.
>more like marks her as a malk but without the good parts, so basically a ticking time bomb
So just like Malk?
Its a shame its not meant to be read like that by the authors at all and they legit think theres nothing wrong with Rudi. V5 is disgusting.
whatever the modern day game them end up making is plus a dark ages section like redemption.
I don't really want a new one , going to be a disappointment
user, he's a vampire. And the one thing v5 is very clear on is that all vampires are hypocritical monsters and that Anarchs ruin themselves.
but we got muh gore.
What the fuck was his problem?
if the dude is an anarch, isnt it to be expected for him to be a bleeding heart muslim drag queen? it's not like he's camarilla
He's a young as fuck upstart that's failing to hold the reigns in a city he took over.
being a ginger
That's great user, I'd fund that if I could.
>Turkey 2003
>Ankaran Sarcophagus is found/transported through turkey
>Characters from Constantinople by night, Byzantine Elders vs turkic neonates
>Assamites, Tzimiche, Tremere, Settite all focusing on domain grabbing
>Game ends with you being on Elizabeth Dane and you get killed by Jack
The vampire hunters were always the good guys anyway
He's hundreds of years old, much older than any of the rest of the major power players in the area. He was sent to the area by the Camarilla, he didn't decide to just try to take over on his own. How the fuck is he a "young upstart"?
Andrei and Ming Xiao might be older
potentially Isaac too but maybe not
Isaac is also the most competent leader in the game
If its 18+ then it will probably be ok(talking lore,world building etc) .
He's a contemporary of Napoleon so he's maybe 200 years kindred. Not sure about Strauß and Isaac but Jack is nearly double his age.
It's really easy to forget or not notice at all that Jack is the oldest one you interact with outside of cabbie.
¡El chupasangres del sabado!
Here's what a proper game sequel needs.
1. Dragon Age: Origins intro. Each clan should have their own opening scene and story tailored around the clan. Eventually the game will fall into the main major story, but more time and effort needs to be spent on making the clans feel different and diverse instead of just alternative discipline packs.
2. Same basic adventure-style gameplay options for overcoming challenges. Bloodlines fell apart when combat quit becoming optional, the sequel should have options for every style of gameplay through the end of the game.
3. A total rejection of modern social issues. Ideally, the game should be set in the late 90's / early 00's. References, if they absolutely HAVE to be made to some political ideology or event should be made in that context.
4. Same approximate amount of crossover splat. Bloodlines featured Werewolf, Kindred of the East, Wraith, Hunter, Fera, etc. Outside KotE, most of these only existed for a single mission, reminding the player that the World of Darkness was larger than just Vampires. The same light touch should be used in the sequel. Again, LIGHT TOUCH. The Technocracy should not be a primary villain. The Vampire shouldn't be hanging out with Lucifer and Earthbound.
5. Same aesthetic. The models, locales and music of Bloodlines are why the game holds up. If they don't straight cannibalize the same assets, they should be doing their damndest to imitate them.
I'll take them
>References, if they absolutely HAVE to be made to some political ideology or event should be made in that context.
So nothing like Bloodlines then? They overtly reference real world left wing vs. right wing politics.
You do know that Bloodlines was unashamedly left wing, right?
Nothing like a half-naked lady having an animated argument with a stop sign to remind you you're in LA, though.
So, the original game with a remaster and considerable gameplay/story improvements? Sign me up, niggy.
No, my voices are telling me it's gonna be lit.
>All the sexual themes
you mean female characters looking like crack addicted whores? doubt it.
the original game definitely touched on modern politics(for the time) and not just for world building though
VtMB still holds up really well today graphically. So much so I doubt you could port it over and justify calling it an improvement.
here's how you fuck up
I'm not a rightie, so that'd be fine with me too.
they were bat shit insane fanatics, don't equate them with my guy D.
it also has phenomenal VA
Ambition that should have been made of sterner stuff.
Bloodlines during the Anarch uprising when the Black Friday happened back in the 30's due to Wall Street bombing hard.
>an anarch (who are more or less independent, free-roaming vampires) is an SJW and also happens to be a Muslim queer
>book even highlights the contradiction to indicate hypocrisy
>this is somehow bad
mine dresses like Beckett and the basic outfit you get as a Toreador
>devs caring about people that don't even play their game
that's how Arcane and EA shot themselves in the foot, doubt anyone will follow and most that are worth their money don't so fuck off with the whole "WAAAH SJWS ARE RUINING MUH VIDYA"
Arrogance, and a delusional belief in his own supremacy. The same thing effects every Kindred, eventually. It's the same curse Caine had.
tender was also mentioned in some p&p book as a dating app vampires use to find victims.
Look like stretch marks to me
chiasm released a new EP for all the kindred that care, it's pretty good.
On the leg? Those are definitely cut scars. She has stretch marks on her gut. Compare what the two look like.
definitely cutting scars
Nope, just the website.
Might be another year or so.
it comes out next year so we're getting more footage either around e3 or during autumn
This is great.
Man the harpoons boys.
>raise girls and boys the same way
No, man the flamethrowers.
Why would anyone care? Chiasm sucks. The only reason she's a meme is most people don't play past Santa Monica.
probably considering the times we live in and what garbage the artists will be inspired by. subcultures as they existed in the latter part of the 20th century are not a thing anymore, they're gonna butcher the whole aesthetic if it's made by young artists
they already have the gameplay formula, so that's a plus but they can easily fuck with that too
She doesn't suck and her music's actually good.
mine smells like shit, has bad teeth, and bad posture
Who's Reiinapop's friend?
Oh so she had to cut the skin to accomodate the bloating from the rapid weight gain, i see
Nope, they are cuttings, and going by the color differences she stopped for a while and started again on the other leg.
As for the game; I want it to be good, i loved Bloodlines and i haven't played Redemption yet but i will eventually, i'm worried that someone will make it bland and try to appeal to the normies (we are going to get rid of the spooky hotel and everything else that made bloodlines fun.) i want the plague cult and the hotel and Tzimisce and all the jank.
Can we just have Bloodlines again with better graphics? if you give me that i'll love you forever.
There's no way it won't be rated M/Pegi 18. If there is a game on the way.
She does suck and her music's actually pretty sucky. Anyone with taste would know Downtown has the better bands.
Not at all, her shit's pretty solid and that new EP ain't bad at all. Ministry probably has my favorite song that was in Bloodlines, but that doesn't mean Chiasm blows.
Absolutely. The latest generation of the VTM tabletop has trigger warnings and completely retconned a lot of lore just to appease their SJW fanbase and because a lot of them are SJW's.
ttrpg =/= the game itself
She's pretty chill, I like her.
what's some WoD related music outside the one present in the game?
she also upped her production game with that new EP
Left wing was the counter culture of the time cause dumbass Bush and how much stronger the fundies were.
Any new game has to be right-wing to be counter culture.
The aesthetic, the tone and the atmosphere of Bloodlines were all informed by the era and conditions in which it was developed. That magic is literally impossible to recapture and they shouldn't try.
name another game like this
is it mouse on a whell
If a sequel were made today we would get:
>little to no white characters, instead probably a cast of brown amerimutts
>literally no attractive female characters
>obnoxious cringey PC preaching
>voiced protag with fallout 4 levels of dialogue
>voice acting quality not even an 1/8 as good as the original
In Hiding
There's no game like Bloodlines, why do you think I keep replaying it?
they are inextricably linked
the sad truth is that a lot of edgelords from the early 2000s are now socjust shitposters on twitter, you could say that vtmb style edgyness is the larval stage of such a person, then once they come out of their cocoon past age 30 they are a full blown idpol cheesedick with problem glasses. that is the natural order of things, because they were retarded in the early 2000s t.b.h. and now they have grown into a new breed of retarded as they age
I got a question, why are they making this at all?
Don't they have some Apex clones to churn out for a while?
I read bloodborne instead of bloodlines and I was really confused about this post and the thread
let's just hope the devs know better than and that we get a decent game without all the bullshit that ttrpg turned into
because crpgs are making a comeback and it's time to put an end to fallout 4 tier "rpgs"
Just use any of the 20th books. That's the great thing about tabletop games, you can ignore new editions.
My point of reference is the Mage 20th book, since I know the vampire lore back to front so I haven't bothered to read that 20 book but I don't think the 20 books will be too different from each other.
There are references but its not "fuck this shit" worthy.
Like no one is a Trump.jpg they don't reference internet memes being alt-right or any other cringe like that.
Worst it gets is unironically using zir which is easily ignored.
As much as I love the game, this.
But Republicans are in power today too. Going by your bullshit political assessment a game has to be pro-Democrat to be counter culture today. Biased Democrats ruled the media back then same as they do today. Bush got just as much shit from the media as Trump does today. The only thing that has changed here is you and your political agenda.
They can still set it in current times, we just need a game director who isn't retarded, has his pulse on all current affairs, and a level headed opinion on current affairs (for instance, trannies clearly have some mental issues).
Louisiana is the only real choice for the setting of a sequel though. The streets are literally perfect for it. New Orleans is the new downtown. You have plantation houses just like Anne Rice vampires, voodoo shit and all that awesome history with the cemeteries and shit.
bros i just want a qt vampire gf that fucks like a burning angel pornstar
are you actually implying that fundies have any influence anymore? SJWs are the new fundies. Get over it tumblr.
At best, we'll probably get a Max Payne clone. That's the "best". At worst it's those vn mobile games again, or something even more fucked up.
Come to think of it, even the best case scenario can be fucked up. Bugs out the ass, stuff like that. But surely they can't completely fuck up a basic third-person shooter right?
I loved Santa Monica, it is my favorite place in Bloodlines to the point that i want to visit it in real life.
like fabric softener on freshly mowed astroturf
i just want it on the newer engines for optimization and bug fixes.
I want a new vampire game!
I know the source books =/= the game, but didn't the world end, or something, shortly after Bloodlines?
There's nothing special about them.
Its a law as old as free expression itself.
Today's edgelords are tomorrow's soccer moms and cringelords.
In a generation the rightwing will be cringe inducing and have again.
>The only thing that has changed here is you and your political agenda.
Fuck off I was a lefty then cause the right had cultural power and the only reason I'm a righty now is cause the left have cultural power. The moment the right gains it back I'll turn back left.
The right has no cultural power right now, its all lefty all the time.
Also no, in 2004 the media did not hate Bush.
They sucked his dick all the time cause they loved the war. All the people who spoke out against it were fucking ignored.
It wasn't until the tail end off his presidency that the media turned on his ass.
"Fundies" haven't done anything major since the days of the PMRC. That was a left wing democrat thing, by the way, and predated Bloodlines by more than a decade. You don't fucking know anything, kid.
Tbh senpai
So it'll be just like the first?
In oWoD, yes. World sort of ended in one of five different Gehenna scenarios you could run your group through. I actually like nWoD for it not having a metric fuck ton of metaplot. V20 was a nice way to move the old and new together. This new shit, though, I'm just gotta pretend the world fucking ended and leave it at that.
you are just asshurt that SJWs are the new fundies. Well, not so new anymore, they've been fundies since around 2011.
>tfw the incest clan will be cut down or worse be treated as good guys because propaganda
I got one better.
I've never been there but I've been to LA and Vegas.
And between this game and The Lost Boys I think I have a really good idea of west coast atmosphere.
But I think there's a lot of similarities between west coast and Louisiana/Florida in terms of night life/general atmosphere. Daytona Beach might be similar to Santa Monica I dunno.
I'm replaying it now. I was watching an LP of it and the part where Samantha comes up to you happened and my jaw fucking dropped. That never fucking happened to me on my first playthrough. I didn't know how to feel. This, this kind of gameplay just is not in any game. Fuck that, this kind of story-telling.
Mind boggling.
As far as a sequel goes, I don't know enough about the World of Darkness really to say myself. I just want more of that intrigue and an area just as interesting as deep California.I like this guys suggestion.
>vampire belongs to US now!
In what fucking mental gymnastic loop-jumping retardation way do you figure it was "unashamedly left wing"?
Bloodlust actually isn't that bad. It's rough around the edges, but it's got its charm, and feels a lot more like Bloodlines than one would expect.
I'm not denying SJW are fundamentalists. I'm denying that republican today is counter culture or that democrat 15 years ago was counter culture. You are talking about mainstream political establishment either way. "Fundies" have been around A LOT longer than since 2011. You only noticed in 2011 because you are just some dumb kid who wasn't paying attention before. And I know you are a kid because you think 2011 was ages ago. This shit has been going on FOR DECADES, you fucking retard, and attacks have come from BOTH sides of the political aisle.
please stop redditspacing while talking about my favorite game, you're embarrassing me
Thanks, I'm really hoping to hear or see something from them at E3. Has the potential to be real kino.
>"Fundies" haven't done anything major since the days of the PMRC
The fuck are you talking about?
Fundies ruled the eras in which masquerade was made and they ruled through the 90's and early 2000s. Counter culture leftyism is baked into it from those times.
I mean, remember the Doom, Nighttrap, and GTA fiascos?
They were plenty active after 1985.
Didn't know Bloodlust came from the Last Half of Darkness devs...
I played Society of the Serpent Moon and the gameplay was shit, but the setpieces and atmosphere were great and reminded me a lot of VtMB.
>In what fucking mental gymnastic loop-jumping retardation way do you figure it was "unashamedly left wing"?
Did you just miss all the anti-Republican rhetoric in the game? For fuck's sake, the player character can "confess" to being a Republican at one point and that's treated as a shockingly shameful thing. Bloodlines was absolutely made by pro-Democrat people and, far from trying to hide that, they proudly proclaimed it.
You faggots don't get it. The World of Darkness was a product of the 90s. It was the game that was needed for the decade of EXTREME and grimdark. It tapped into the doom and dystopia that everyone was feeling after the 80s died and road it to success. And the fucking reason Bloodlines is so beloved is because Troika poured their fucking souls into the game. It was a legitimate labor of love, something that just isn't made anymore in the video game industry. Everything now is focus grouped and has to be all inclusive and not offend. It's homogenized. It's, not to quote the meme, soulless. That's what you're going to get in this new game. A mass produced, focus grouped, checks all the board's boxes for a video game. Look at the new World of Darkness products that have come out. THAT'S what you're going to get in game form. You still have your old Bloodlines game. Enjoy it and love it as you always have, but let it fucking die.
I really want to know if Fat Larry is going to be around, if he isn't then that's an automatic -2 from me.
I'm willing to bet that Cyberpunk 2077 will feel a lot like VtMB sans vampires.
CDPR should have acquired the rights, they're the only ones I really trust to tackle it.
It wasn't left wing. The game forces you into a heterosexual encounter for your embrace. There are literally no LGBT characters in the entire game. The only person that pushes any kind of human political agenda is Damsel, who's looked down upon and actually openly derided for her left-wing political views by the rest of the Anarchs.
Everything beyond that becomes some vague reach for the left's unending desire to label everything as their own. And you'll hear some pretty stupid reaches, like LaCroix representing Conservatism and the free market somehow. Unless, of course, the leftist is one of the ones that preferred LaCroix, then he represented the undermined proletariat trying to rise against the bosses in the Camarilla but ultimately was kept down because blahblah.
Or worse than that, they'll take throwaway jokes and make them out to be huge political statements. Like when your character is confessing to fake dark deeds, one of them can be voting Republican. To a normal human being, it's a gag. To a mentally ill lefty, it's a rejection of conservatism and undeniable proof that Jeanette was a tranny and Strauss is an demisexual nonbinary with aspergers.
Wait, is a VTMB 2 actually happening?
both democrats and republicans are right wing as they support private industry
most people aren't gonna argue with you. we already have a good game from this universe, let it die on a high note
No. A new V:tM game is coming, and people are throwing around the Bloodlines name to raise interest because they know the goodwill the game still garners all these years later.
>being left-wing means being gay
Bloodlines wont just dissapear if someone tries making a new game for the series.
Good or bad I am up for anyone even trying to make more.
>injecting a game with leftwing politics isn't synonymous with flooding it with LGBT issues
Did you just come out of a coma? How are the 2010's treating you so far?
Friendly reminder that the MMO was already shaping up to be near perfect. From the screen shots we got to the memos to the manual from the friends and family beta that got leaked here, the team in charge new what they were doing and the game was looking great. Fuck CCP.
>Counter culture leftyism is baked into it from those times.
No. The attacks on media were bipartisan. Same as they are today. Only the politically biased believe it was coming only from one side.
You know, i'd be a lot happier if CDPR did get the rights to Bloodlines, but we make do with that we got.
> There are literally no LGBT characters in the entire game.
Isn't the food critic a queer?
I liked her, i wanted to see what Vampire Communism looked like.
Same here, I'll wait until we at least get gameplay footage to judge. If this ARG is even for a console/pc game.
Jack was a pirate, so he might be 400/300 years old
VTM isn't from the 2010s
world of darkness is left-wing as fuck
It's lightly implied the food critic might be gay. But he responds the same way with a female making a seduction roll too.
we can dream user
too bad cyberpunk 2077 aint 'cyberpunk' apparently
VTMB kind of fucking sucks anyway, admit it. We all love it for the story and the level of RPG detail, but the gameplay just isn't there most of the time. Even the roleplaying can be trivialized really easily, and a lot of skills just are just plain redundant.
>There are literally no LGBT characters in the entire game.
There's plenty of bi females. Pretty sure there's a gay guy too. Was it the writer? I can't remember.
That's completely true but fans of the game are autistic as fuck and pretend it's a good roleplaying game
...were your parents siblings are something? That's not what was said to you at all.
you said bloodlines wasn't left-wing because there were no gays in it
left-wing didn't mean gay shit in the 2000s
Yeah Samantha was a really cool moment. I was left with this nervousness that she would show up again. It was really a clever thing to do because of how the kindred forget their old lives, the player doesn't know of the Fledgling's old life so you're left with the same confusion as the MC
We're talking about through the lens of left wings today though.
>left-wing didn't mean gay shit in the 2000s
Sure it did. Gay rights and normalization was probably their biggest cause.
I love oWoD and Bloodlines but, it was just going to be a shitty MMO.
Nothing of value was lost.
then you should say "is" instead of "was"
Did a run through awhile back after not playing for years and realized that by the end of the game, this thing has given you entirely too much XP. You don't even need to be careful where you spend it, you can end up maxing out just about everything.
>Fundies" have been around A LOT longer than since 2011
no shit retard the whole argument is that before 2011 fundies were hyper christian conservatives, and today they are hyper SJW "progressives".
It wasn't. Again, you had to be here when the shit was leaked. Permadeath. Granted, only though Blood Hunts, but still. While there was a themepark part of the game, a much much larger chunk of it was a sandbox, with a player controlled political landscape. It was essentially a giant LARP in digital form. This wasn't going to be some stupid WoW shit.
...and just made the mistake of playing Ventrue after Toreador for what amounted to be a very similar game experience.
I wanted to do Tremere next, but it feels like more of the same. Maybe Nosferatu? Or Animalism-Gangrel?
>This wasn't going to be some stupid WoW shit.
yeah, it sounds even worse
>those high humanity
don't you even dare touching gangrel if you're gonna be a little bitch
>a sandbox, with a player controlled political landscape. It was essentially a giant LARP in digital form.
Sounds like I'm making a stealth Gangrel and attempting a pacifist playthrough. Thanks user.
This is how you can spot kids that never played UO.
>before 2011 fundies were hyper christian conservatives
No, that was anti-Christian bullshit. Christians get blamed for a lot of shit they have little to do with. Sure there were Christian conservative groups but the idea all attacks were coming from Christian conservatives is crap. The PMRC, for example, was not a conservative Christian organization. People just always assume Christians are behind this shit because that's what Christians do, right?
>good sense of fashion
>the only different thing in the three pictures is what is on top of the white shirt
Also, I keep saying this to /fa/fags and they still didn't learn: Models look good in anything, literally anything. Dress a model like a hobo, and he will look fashion. Dress a model like a clown, and he will look atractive.
An average or lesser men dressed with shit like this looks like a fucking faggot. Today I saw this dude with loaffers with no socks, a pant that didn't reach the shoes, and some short trenchcoat, and the motherfucker legit look like about to drop on his knees and beg for dick.
For some reason, most kids have this mistaken belief that censorship laws, especially pertaining to video games were pushed by Christians and Republicans. In the 90's and 00's it was overwhelmingly a major Democrat push.
Gym shorts and graphic t.
Honestly? A well, fleshed-out top-down Vampire CRPG set in modern day would be kick ass. Think Pillars or Divinity, but good
Is this gothic skyrim?
Gangrel was my high humanity first run, mostly cause I played the tabletop and just wanted the Agg damage to make my life easier.
Nos was my low humanity second run.
I was surprised how much I liked it for a sometimes janky indie game. Probably the closest vampire game to VtMB.
Don't be silly.
>There are literally no LGBT characters in the entire game.
Wrong, there are multiple characters who are gay/lesbian or at least bisexual. No trans characters though. But the writing was done well and it wasn't forced in your face so a lot of people don't even know who the gay/bi characters are.
VtMB was at least mostly liberal, but also anti-extremist. They use Damsel to make fun of communists, and make jokes about Republicans, but they weren't full SJW like a lot of people today.
Pretty good. Though the timeskips back and forth are perhaps too ambitious to really work in gameplay, it's a nice idea regardless. I'd play your game. Without a doubt better than what we'll get, if we get anything.
>there are people here who somehow think that White Wolf's properties were anything but a bastion for outcast lefties
>there are posters here that think the goth aesthetic can somehow be conservative
>there are multiple characters who are gay/lesbian or at least bisexual
No there weren't. Lots of NPCs had reactions for the Seduction skill so it wouldn't be wasted, but that doesn't make them gay or bisexual. The nearest you could figure are the prostitutes who would go down a dark alley with either gender, but again, that's prostitution not sexual orientation.
>there are broken lefties here who think the goth aesthetic is attached to a political ideology and naturally, must be theirs
Reminder that vampire general on /tg/ is dead after being a constant presence because this edition is that bad.
It's always embarrassing to watch right-wing hicks and election normies try to get into WoD, cyberpunk or counterculture fiction in general. They get so fucking upset when nerds poke fun at them.
I think Tommy Flayton can only be seduced by male characters and Pisha specifically mentions having a female lover.
Right is wife material despite the scars
was there to watch it crash and burn, and I am still saddened years later.
>implying that conservative goths even exist
I think it's because they don't realize leftists in 2004 and earlier were pretty different from the average leftist today. I consider myself a liberal and still get called a Nazi.
UO is a product of its time and can never be reproduced
I really don't think goth culture was ever popular among right-wingers.
those are called republicans
>the goth aesthetic is attached to a political ideology
goths are leftist as fuck and if you disagree with this you have no clue what you're talking about
*flips hair out of eyes*
man, this shit is fucked, we really need that wall man
*hits cig*
fucking mexicans ruining our economy and shit.
It's a troll, like 90% of the right-wing dads you see posting on Yea Forums. I feel like ignoring trolls is some kind of lost art on Yea Forums these days.
I played UO. WoD MMO was the first MMO I looked forward to since I quit playing UO soon after the AoS expansion. Tried playing UO again recently since it got a free to play mode but it just feels empty and can't do shit without items.
Oh please nigga
And before you go all "hurr Sisters of Mercy aren't goth durrrr" just know that you're a tit.
It's fallicious to equate the people behind one of the first goth bands with the people who are apart of the subculture they eventually produced
the whole World of Darkness setting was full of social justice crap before social justice crap was even popular
Apart or a part? It's an important distinction to make
>the whole World of Darkness setting was full of social justice crap before social justice crap was even popular
Um, not really?
The first Tzimisce clan book literally has an evil tranny nazi.
That's not very social justice.
>That's not very social justice.
yes it is
I guess Werewolf the Apocalypse is cancelled then?
>evil tranny nazi
Are you just retarded and can't look past the tranny part?
Literally no "enlightened" social justice faggot would ever portray a tranny as evil let alone as a nazi.
republicans have governmental power
left has social/cultural power
right has no power
right is pretty much perfection. Pixie cut cute girls are literally heaven.
Ok. They've been real quiet for a while. Hope it gets made soon. Maybe get some back to back WoD.
This. VTMB was the product of the late 90s cynicism of Gen Xers and the late 90s techno/goth scene combined with the fear and uncertainty of the post 9/11 era. It cannot be replicated without becoming a parody of itself.
The only way VTM could be done well today is to give it to a Slav developer, set it in Eastern Europe and give it a grimy Witch House synth aesthetic. Slav bros would be less likely to fill it full of poz and politics, and Eastern Europe would be appropriate since most of the vampire legends originated there.
I'll say this for Bloodlines; it nailed the bodega store feeling, mainly through textures and flat lighting
goth isn't a political statement. it's literally just a style of clothing and makeup you retards
There's something coming related to Vampire, whether it's a pc/console game, a mobile game, or something else, who knows.
No, goth was most definitely a political statement.
Wow. Thanks for clearing that up with that well thought out retort.
What can I say, when I'm right, I'm right.
Why not ditch contemporary politics and make a game set in the past about ancient conspiracies?
Punk was, at the beginning anyway
Goth was the alternative to everything, and the fashion of choice for pussies who couldn't get laid the normal way
Someone so right should be able to provide reasons why they are right. Go ahead.
>and the fashion of choice for pussies who couldn't get laid the normal way
that's why there are so many fat goth girls
>VTMB was the product of the late 90s cynicism of Gen Xers and the late 90s techno/goth scene combined with the fear and uncertainty of the post 9/11 era
Look at this fucking zoomer trying to sound smart and educated
it's just a game about the goth scene
you could make it today and you could set it in the past if you want to
there's nothing magic about it
also it's the 2000s not the late 90s
some people would have you think everything is political
It used to be that a little patchouli when you washed your Sisters of Mercy shirt once a month would get your dick wet
Then the goth girls started getting bored and fucked off to hang out with the grunge dudebros who thought Kurt Cobain was better than Robert Smith
Fucking traitorous whores. And where are they now?
>it's just a game about the goth scene
t. cammy protecting the masquerade
The ironic thing is that VTM world is congenial to trannies, fags, dykes, and other sexually confused deviants. They would, and before like 2010 really used to, exist as weirdos and rebels part of an underground scene, rather than as a dominant political interest group that must be viewed positively and catered to. So, they would not have been terribly out of place in the WoD. Some of this was even made it's way into Bloodlines without being cancerous. IIRC, there were several lesbian characters, some subtle hints that characters were gay, and one girl even had AIDS. They were just side characters that fit into a larger world, and the game did come to a complete stop in order to shove a social justice narrative down your throat. It was first an foremost about being a monster that balance doing evil deeds and feeding without succumbing completely to the beast within.
honestly if they did a new game it would have to be mid 90's-early 00's for me to like it
Finally someone who gets it
mid 90s goth music sucked
mods will fix them
>and one girl even had AIDS.
I never realized that's what the plaguebearer quests meant
You're kidding yourself if you think they will let you get away with point 3. They can't help themselves anymore
>The ironic thing is that VTM world is congenial to trannies, fags, dykes, and other sexually confused deviants
Yeah, but as you say it's treated as deviant. Modern left wing politics wants to normalize this stuff. Take the plague quest in Bloodlines. It alludes to the dangers of prostitution, same sex relationships, needle sharing, etc. which is all NOT modern left wing politics. It's conservative right wing politics. If Bloodlines came out today that sort of quest would be accused of being out dated scare mongering by modern games journalists.
>vampires in V:TM think same-sex relationships are deviant and dangerous
you couldn't be more wrong
What are talking about? I never said that. I'm not even talking about this from an in-universe perspective.
I like the bloodlines soundtrack
>t. Zoomer that wasn't born until 2004
I bet you've never even seen a Hot Topic.
Bloodlines is the spiritual successor of the style and aesthetics pioneered by movies like The Crow, Dark City, The Matrix, Spawn, and Blade. White Wolf pretty much outright states this in their later VTM manuals. The “underground” club scenes of the late 90s became mainstream by the early 00s, and this game was the last gasp of the late 90s industrial/techno/goth era.
>you could make it today and you could set it in the past if you want to
While you are technically correct, it is practically impossible due to the people that run the modern video game industry. VTM as a world is inadvertently is period piece of 90s and early 00s. It cannot be separated from its time or place, and cannot be recreated without a thorough understanding of the era at the turn of the millennium. Even with Redemption set in the late Middle Ages, its world is still within mental framework dreamed up by 90s edgelords. There is a reason why White Wolf canonically ended the world in 2004 with the start of Gehenna.
it's 2000s goth music, you're off by about 10 years
Cyberpunk and WOD had literal crossovers in the past so I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Plague bearer is probably a metaphor for AIDS but it's one of the Giovanni ghouls at the party who actually AIDS. I think you need max charisma to get her to admit it, but she tells you the only reason she wants to be embraced is because she is dying of AIDS.
I'm 33
The goth scene died in the 90s
All the music in VTMB is from the mid 2000s industrial-rock era
How long will it be before late 90s and very early 00s nostalgia finally overtakes 80s nostalgia as one of the main focuses of pop media? Because when that happens I could see someone trying to recreate the unique atmosphere of Bloodlines to exploit said nostalgia. A sequel right now wouldn't work because enough time hasn't passed yet; it would just be catering to nostalgia for the game instead of the entire era.
>Bloodlines is the spiritual successor of the style and aesthetics pioneered by movies like The Crow, Dark City, The Matrix, Spawn, and Blade.
No, it's not. It draws much more from films of the 80s like The Lost Boys, Near Dark, Fright Night, etc. Most of the flat out references are also to shit from the 80s. There's significantly less references to 90s shit and almost none to 2000s. I don't know about the PnP but the game Bloodlines is definitely not drawing from shit like The Matrix and Spawn. It's decidedly "counter culture" 80s. And the underground club scene was already mainstream in the 90s. Let me guess, you grew up in the 90s yourself?
>It alludes to the dangers of prostitution, same sex relationships, needle sharing, etc. which is all NOT modern left wing politics. It's conservative right wing politics.
But left wing people in this game were portraying them as victims of monsters most of the time. Right wing people are more likely to blame them as victims and ban/punish. I know there are a lot of impulsive people who say you're a bigot if you point out a problem but there are still rational ones who want to identify the problem and help without causing stigmatization or just punishing people.
Anarchs are just anti-Camarilla. That doesn't make them SJW tranny fags.
>The Crow, Dark City, The Matrix, Spawn, and Blade
Makes sense. I wish there was more industrial/goth/scifi stuff, but cybergoth is kind of boring because it's rave and not scifi.
>the MMO was already shaping up to be near perfect
it's hilarious how wrong this is
I see your point. They're less concerned with accepting that weirdos exists are going to be weirdos than they are with promoting all things that lead to society's destruction (so they eliminate all rivals and then can rebuild society in their image)
>but the game Bloodlines is definitely not drawing from shit like The Matrix
Isn't this song from The Matrix?
>The Matrix, Spawn, and Blade
ah yes, pioneers of the gothic aesthetic
put down the keyboard you internet historian
The opening scene of Blade is just like the player walking into The Asylum for the first time, except he's also a vampire this time.
I can't wait honestly
i'm the finger down your spine when all the lights are out
>The Republicans control 2 branches of government and one house of Congress
>But because Saturday Night Live said means things about Daddy Trump this means they don't have any power
You're like fucking Tom Brady, always deluding himself into somehow being the fucking underdog in spite of all evidence.
What I was getting out is you can't have a universe like this and have all this shit being treated as just fine because "Everyone is different but we all bleed the same blood so let's just all join hands and sing happy progressive tunes" and blah blah blah. What makes this universe good is it follows the notion that this is all vile shit. The seedy underbelly of society. The deviants and the monsters we fear as we live out happy comfortable lives in suburbia. I'm not saying you have to follow that political ideology but I think this universe only works if you act as if you do. Basically, I'm saying the best Vampires game would be one written from a conservative perspective.
Everyone wants to be a victim these days, regardless if they're winning or losing. Quaint, isn't it?
social and cultural power is more important. The left has total control over media and republicans have about half of congress and the presidency. Most of the republicans don't want to go along with the president on most issues (wonder why) and the dems hate everything he does no matter what
tom brady is the GOAT though, t. new englander
I don't think controlling the media has as much power over culture as it once did. Not since the advent of the internet which I'm guessing is why the media is always attacking the internet.
perhaps, but at the same time social media companies are on the side of big media. at any given point someone can be completely deplatformed and have payment processors and banks refuse to do business with them
why are all the 00's source games waifu bait/girlfriend simulators
They literally own every big tech company and have the ability to wipe anyone they want from the important internet sites whenever they want.
The internet is the most important centralized aspect of the modern world.
A bunch of retarded neo-cons in congress who are the exact same as the corporate dems means nothing.
Because there weren't any vaginas shitting up gaming at the time.
That game is a kicking simulator
An Earthbound would actually make a really good villain for a side quest. Hunter and Demon both have good thematic synergy with Vampire imo, though you're right the crossovers should still be limited.
>manlytears gets kicked
They weren't. Nobody talked about waifus back them but weebs. Nobody played games like Bloodlines and Dark Messiah for the female characters. It's a modern incel thing to do so.
you just know left fucks like a monster
i'll take her
also bioware focusing hard on rpg romances in DA and ME has now ruined the rpg genre by making autist nerds cry about romance options over whether or not the game is good
no, he is actually completely right.
t. 29 year old boomer
>he thinks making fun of religion, conservatives, or etc. is being counterculture nowadays
LMAO! Hating on niggers and fags is the new hip, boomer.
Graphics were able to achieve semi realism and games industry was still somewhat niche so the poz wasnt drawn to it yet
There was mounting social pressure to include token female characters in games but we hadn't quite entered the current stage of rampant bitchy feminism so they were still allowed to be hot and pleasant to be around
Also a lot of it was Alyx's fault, she was an innocent precursor to a lot of cancer
Well, you fags don't have to worry about 2 it's never happening. So just rev up another replay
no, there wasn't a 90s goth scene
it died in the 80s and came back in the 2000s
Came back in late 90s as a branch of from nu metal and industrial. Marilyn Manson, Skinny Puppy, Combichrist etc
the industrial rock era of goth is a 2000s thing
aside from Marilyn Manson there was no real 90s goth
Skinny Puppy and the industrial scene has been around since the 80s but it wasn't really popular or goth
They should just use Prague again, perfect setting
Too bad the body animation wasn't as good as the facial animation
The intro is difficult to watch every time
People are too sensitive now as well. No one batted an eyelid at cutting social commentary in the early 2000s, now you get snowflakes up your ass for not agreeing with their worldview.
>Implying VtMB was critical of the left at all
>Implying this user isn't just projecting his right wing politics onto the game
I'd pay full price for a touched up remaster of the original tbqh.
They did mock communism. The whole "Anarch" thing is also shown as a complete failure.
>The whole "Anarch" thing is also shown as a complete failure.
not really
they're almost the good guys
Is it? Nines is basically an angelic figure compared to everyone else in the game, and while there's fan theories that he's just manipulating you there's no direct evidence on the game of that.
Isaac is more or less the actual anarch leader
>no one batted an eyelid at cutting social commentary in the early 2000s
Yeah, like how nothing bad happened to the Dixie Chicks, right?
go play C&C Generals and see how much it mocks America
No, Isaac only controls Hollywood. His role is to show us that the anarcho movement runs the gamut from vampire communes to dictator-types who just don't want to be bothered with the greater structure of the Camarilla
>Fuck off I was a lefty then cause the right had cultural power and the only reason I'm a righty now is cause the left have cultural power. The moment the right gains it back I'll turn back left.
so you are a contrarian dumbass
>using fucking C&C as an example of cutting social commentary
Dr. Strangelove did the same thing almost 40 years before. Also,
>conveniently forgetting the whole GTA and violent video games fiasco / Hot Coffee incidents
Aah yes, back when western developers weren't gigantic faggots.
...he said as he posted on the premier counterculture website
It's not a complete failure, it's functional to a degree in Hollywood. However, the Camarilla is a necessary evil, and brute force is required in order to maintain the facade of the masquerade.
War against the Camarilla won't benefit anyone. Sure, it may be oppressive at times, but it's proven to work, and has worked for centuries. There are more pressing matters like the Sabbat surrounding Camarilla/Anarch territory in the United States than "dude fuck the system".
it was pertinent to the example because it came out in 2003 and mocked the American military, nobody gave a shit
>Fuck off I was a lefty then cause the right had cultural power and the only reason I'm a righty now is cause the left have cultural power
Imagine being this stupid
My views remain my views no matter who is in "power"
And the only reason I'm here is because this site can regularly have threads about games that aren't all AAA games.
Fair enough
he is the most competent leader though, wish you could side with him directly
Maybe because C&C as a whole is a niche franchise and not a musical act that actually had media coverage at the time? Stop being daft.
...if you think the Anarch's represent communism, you are fucking stupid.
All sides have deep flaws and no time is it more evident when they're in power, abusing it. Not to mention Yea Forums is one of the few places that hasn't been totally stifled yet.
Contrarians have their uses
>Maybe because C&C as a whole is a niche franchise
nope, at the time it was one of the biggest games out there although slightly wavering in popularity by the time Generals came out
Why do zoomers pretend to know anything about the world when they were 5 years old
>Contrarians have their uses
Like being laughed at for their stupidity.
Everyone is worth laughing at, you included. Me included. heheheh
Is that Anthony Burch's wife?
No, Anarchs represent anarchism, you fucking inbred mutt. Damsel represents communism and literally everyone mocks her for it and calls her ideas retarded.
It is a failure. The last Anarch revolt ended up with the Sabbat, which is 10 times more authoritarian than the Camarilla, and the last anarchs left live in tiny enclaves that only exist because the other big factions are too busy with one another.
>No, Anarchs represent anarchism, you fucking inbred mutt
did you quote the wrong person
because i never stated otherwise
>It is a failure. The last Anarch revolt ended up with the Sabbat, which is 10 times more authoritarian than the Camarilla, and the last anarchs left live in tiny enclaves that only exist because the other big factions are too busy with one another.
Thats out of game lore
in the game they're presented as the good guys, more or less
>one of the biggest games in 2003
No, Vice City, Wind Waker, KOTOR, SC2, Call of Duty, even Madden 2004 were way more popular than C&C and that's just off the top of my head. Oh wait, you would know this if you were actually older than 18 at the time, zoomer.
sorry, I meant C&C was one of the biggest game franchises of its time, it wasn't niche
Nothing is ever a political statement except the words of a single man. Goth is some kids liking the way a man, who made a political statement, dressed. A counterculture movement is ever truly about the politics, it is about pretending to care while looking cool.
Why'd you assume I meant that Anarchs represent communism? Learn to read.
No, Nines is presented as a good guy, the rest of the Anarchs are ambivalent at best.
The first anarch revolt occurs centuries before the modern anarch movement is even a thing, and share next to nothing but the word "anarch." The modern anarch movement is more or less based in modern mortal ideologies like democracy, while the first was very much a vampire-centric movement, and didn't have connections to liberal or leftist ideology - it was more like a peasant revolt than anything else, with vampires just rising up to kill their oppressive elders. Saying the modern anarch movement is bad cause of the first is like saying the Nazis were socialists cause it's in their name.
Not to mention, we're talking about the game, and like the other user says, all this stuff is outside the scope of the game. You just see Nines, who is without exception nice and supporting.
No, they have the exact same motivations. They don't want to be under the control of the elders and want to live without any set-in-stone hierarchies.
>Saying the modern anarch movement is bad cause of the first is like saying the Nazis were socialists cause it's in their name.
Nazis were socialists, dipshit. Hitler constantly raged against capitalism. Just cause he hated the Bolsheviks doesn't mean he wasn't a socialist himself.
Vampires aren't real you dumb dumb, lmao believing in fairytales. What's next, demons ? There's no rational proof of their existence.
>Nazis were socialists, dipshit
no they weren't, they contracted out all their war production to competing companies
All of the German companies were controlled by the Nazi party. There was no free market whatsoever.
>Nazis were socialists, dipshit.
I rest my case
that's not socialism, that's authoritarian
if they were socialist they would be controlled by the workers
arguing over the definition of a word is the most unpersuasive shit possible. this kind of word-thinking doesn't convince anyone of anything and just leads to more word-thinking
>that's not socialism, that's authoritarian
via socialism. you fucking cow.
The one Anarch that's actually manipulating you massively is Jack. As a Malkavian you can even call him on it and he basically says "If you understood what you'd just said I'd kill you".
But that's to be expected he got embraced around 1650, he knows how to play the game
again, if it was socialist there would be some sort of control by the workers, there wasn't, it was basically just a capitialist war economy just like the other non-communist countries
You have no case to begin with.
LMAO! And how would the workers control it without a representative body? Just shut the fuck up.
>If you understood what you'd just said I'd kill you"
When is this and what do you actually call him out on?
>And how would the workers control it without a representative body?
they didn't have one
Nazis weren't socialist
>You have no case to begin with
How DARE you talk to me like this
Near the end and it's about the sarcophagus if I remember correctly
They did have one, the Nazi party.
Are you really playing the "socialism has never been tried" card with me right now?
the Nazi party didn't represent the workers in any way, shape or form. They didn't even pretend to after they seized power. They just called themselves socialists because it was trendy.
I just want a Sabbat route and an ability to play a Lasombra or Tzimisce in all their unglory. Is it too much?
Yes, there's no way you'll ever get an official Sabbat video game.
But parts of the Lasombra joined the Cam on orders of the Amici Nocti so you might be lucky there
They represented the average worker a lot more than the Bolsheviks did. At least the Nazis got voted in power.
so you've shifted from pretending the Nazis were socialist to just being a Nazi apologist?
That's some proper self mutilation, son.
Tzimisce designs
Are you retarded? I'm just applying your standard.
If you believe you need to represent the average worker in some mystical way, then you have to believe the Bolsheviks aren't socialists either, in which case you're just playing "it's not real socialism" like a brainlet.
>All the sexual themes will be toned down or omitted
No, you'll get plenty of sexual conversations about nongendered bisexual aeroromantic astrofaggots.
>tfw no tzimisce gf
stop posting
The Hotel in Santa Monica
Should I play Bloodlines?
That's why they all have platforms on those social medias?
I would, especially the milk truck one
>Vampire minorities
not familiar with the games, what the fuck is a Vampire minority?
They only need to get the music, atmosphere and hubs right. Combat was already a slog and can't really get worse.
>muh SJW
If vtmb came out today it would be called SJW shit by Yea Forums
Yeah I miss the days before videogames were relentlessly and forcefully politicized by certain groups. Things truly will never be the same for anyone.
that doesnt disprove anything he said
I don't know. A lot of JRPGs, even modern ones, are SJW by Yea Forums standars. I think a game just needs to appeal to our cocks and you can shove all muh stronger females you can imagine
Didn't read the whole image you're replying to, but Assamites, Salubri, and Ravnos'd probably fit in "vampire minorities," as well as any other clan thst just happens to be underrepresented in a particular city.
tfw you ll never have another blade kino
>There are literally no LGBT characters in the entire game
Literally every seducable night club woman was bisexual and the restaurant reviewer in Hollywood was gay, you fucking retard.
Those look like mismatched rags and the only thing carrying them is the super handsome fit dude underneath.
This was the point of that pic, right?
Abstain from attempting to access the contents of the container.
But they all have platforms to express their freedom of speech? You don't actually think that said 'big tech companies' can wipe conservatives from 'important internet sites' whenever the fuck thy want do you?
That's a very naive and optimistic viewpoint for a liberal and a very ignorant and paranoid viewpoint for a conservative.
There's also Antitribu but I doubt he extends the concept to the proper ones rather than just the anarch members of Cam clans
Are we supposed to get some kind of game teaser tomorrow?
There's suppose to be something in New York. Only 10 people are going to get selected, or so I heard.
I doubt it'll be too much, the ARG is likely going to last a while longer.
Repeat 99
Yeah I was thinking about maybe mentioning a non-Sabbat Lasombra or the Setites but those are sensible places for someone to draw a line.
Honest question here,
they dare so much with the game -
why the fade to black sexscenes?
I want a mod for maximum sex, big bouncing tits, damn it!
Is it confirmed they are making another game? I cant believe it
of course it will
Paradox bought White Wolf and rebooted vampire the Masquerade - theres, uh, been a rocky launch of the new tabletop edition, but they've recently Bering doing some ARG that's pretty clearly vampire themed. No real announcement yet but inshallah we get a remake at least.
>good sense of fashion
>literally the most mismatched casual clothing ever
holy shit, zoomers are retarded
I'm shitting while typing
Another franchise bites the dust, one day closer to my doom.
>implying that kind of "people" think at all
>left wing vs right wing
you didn't actually play the game right?
it was basically yelling into the face of the player:
"It's retarded for immortal beasts to quarrel about politics"
Time to accept that NWoD > WoD
You are such a little filthy liar.
Twitter, Youtube and Facebook ALL censor mad fucking crazy. And they ONLY ban in conservatives circles... And when they don't outright delete you from the website, they apply a filter on your ass and that means you're shadow banned, which is even worse.
In today's world, this means NO ABILITY TO EXPRESS YOURSELF. They have this kind of power.
And when I'm refering to "conservative" or "right wing" people, I'm talking mainstream. You will NEVER see anyone dangerous enough for the elites get any attention, or visibility.
Amazon even bans books too subversive nowadays.
this is bait
>Various jokes about the bush administration
>Nines is the most helpful and friendly character in the game
>Still thinking the game doesn't lean left
>Jokes = political statement of the dev
>A character that uses you to push his agenda just like everyone else = friendly
you got played by literal NPCs
Remember to stay hydrated
There's no evidence in game that Nines is being anything but honest with you.
fucking answer
Your posts are so low quality i hope for your sake you are 15 years old and from an impoverished country - these are the only two things that could excuse the absolute shit you've posted here.
Well there's the thinblood seer telling you that only Becket and Mercurio are honest with you
Nines is anarchist though, that's not necessarily left. Or do the anarchs (specially Nines in this case) have leftist beliefs?
it's fashion, honey
Nines' background is the great depression and what he says to is informed by transformating factroy owners etc. to the camarilla as an enemy template.
And the anarchs do draw more leftists because hierachical structures and order is basically excemplified by the ivory tower
I can see them being associated more easily to the left, it's just that they never talk about stealing shit to redistribute, so I'm fine with them.
>replay VTMB
>okay, this time I'm doing an anarch playthrough
>meet the characters
>remember how much I hate all of them
>don't do an anarch playthrough
I hate these fucking guys
Those're the only two who'll help regardless of your choices in game - Nines takes you siding with the Camarilla as a personal insult, while as long as you don't sell Mercurio out he doesn't give a shit.
For one, relative to vampire society at large, the anarchs are surely left wing - even a holdover from the French revolution would be left wing in the context of the camarilla's association of petty dictatorships, because there's no sense of republicanism or democracy in the Camarilla. In addition, Nines is clearly a leftist anarchist - how many ancaps are chilling with tankies like Damsel?
They do though. It's just about redistributing power, and in the tabletop some other rights that are more exclusive in the Camarilla such as Domain or Progeny, because quite honestly what do money and resources matter to them besides being able to blend in
>Implying they don't
Did you talk to Damsel? I think even Nines talks about collective ownership and governance.
>Models look good in anything, literally anything.
I have a lot of questions
What the hell is that?
Based, only acceptable ones are independent and Camerilla.
>I prefer being a shiteater at the bottom of an aristocratic hierarchy I have absolutely no hope of climbing, FUCK collective political power!
Are you a monarchist, user?
Well if it's about modern times no shit it's gonna suck.
I think I just might be. Long live the prince.
The Camarilla is rather meritocratic
ah, my bad, I didn't talk to them much because they were dirty on the outside, looks like they're dirty on the inside too then
good boy. now go fetch that coffin for me
There is nothing more embarrassing than this
>not going solo
If you side with the Camarilla, you very likely become the new Sheriff at the end.
> nu Vtmb in 2k19
Probably. How can u surpass those quests and writing? Haven’t seen rpgs with decen choice in dialogues for decades.
You should actually talk to Jack as much as possible. He has some of the best dialogue in the game and basically something to say to every main quest before and after you complete
Where is he, usually? Not joking now, I just went more "Camarilla" the first time, and I intend to go full anarch next time. Or maybe be Strauss' bitch.
Kindred have obviously very different views about production than humans because of their needs. They also have much more time on their hands and are older, so the kind of high time-preference usual in lefties is out of the table.
They also need a bare minimum of self discipline to maintain the mascarade, even the Sabbath, so any live and let live attitude is not an option.
Writers tried to integrate various subcultures from the late 90s into the world building but apart from superficial elements, I don't see the anarchs as corresponding to any human political movement.
can anyone recommend a decent sweetFX preset? or give me yours if you're using one? I only find shitty ones
Mine is a hobo junkie looking gangrel who lives in a fucking park
Lost round on the ground floor I believe
Of course they sound meritocratic in their recruiting speech, but it's clear that all real political power rests with the Prince, and then inscrutable ancient fucks above him, and above them.
VtMB is set in extraordinary circumstances, where nearly every other Camarilla camp in the city is dead. In "normal" Camarilla life, that sort of rapid climbing doesn't happen.
Last round
>FUCK collective political power!
collective political power ALWAYS results in corruption and the worst people getting in power, monarchy is better even if it's still shit
He was surrounded by incompetent or treasonous subordinates.
That's to do with the fact that they lack a natural death, and not the organization itself.
What do you expect, anyway?
Well the Cam has an actual clear structure in the larger view.
Inner Circle - literally no one knows who's actually on it
Justicars - Absolute Authority one for each clan
Archons - Get instated by Justicars and have their authority to punish or request the help of princes
Princes - Local administrators or ancient monstrosities on a city scale
You realize democracy - whether American style or Euro-style Parliamentary democracy - is a system that, to some degree, collectivise political power, right? Are you saying these countries would be better off as monarchies?
oh god
Collectivising power becomes rather difficult when most vampires in general and nearly all very powerful vampires predate parlaments by a significant margin
yes, I was talking about democracy, everytime you go socialism/communism/simmilars you get less collective power as the "leaders" of the "movement" start up a dictatorship, which manages to be even worse than even democracy (except for Pinochet because he went open market)
It's true you mongoloid, why do you pretend to like games you didn't play?
Yeah, the immortality issue makes the system even less meritocratic, because there'll never come a chance for a forced changing of the guard.
>What do you expect?
At the very least, elections, like every other civilized society.
Yeah, and the average vampire has no say in who gets any of these positions.
That's not an argument in favor of the Camarilla, it's just saying that the anarchs have a hard fight ahead of them.
The only way out of it is to regularly have civil wars. Isn't that what happens in universe anyway?
These threads turn out always the same lately, it starts out about the game but then a few retards say something provocative and everyone can't help themselves (probably out of boredom) but to reply and actually "debate" troll politics. Guess comfy late night VtMB threads are over.
Not that the first game is any good either.
It's worse than that, because earlier generations of vampires are pretty much ALWAYS stronger than newer ones. so civil wars pretty much never work.
Gay maybe not, but a faggot, definitely.
>Implying VtMB threads don't always turn into Cammie/anarch shitposting
I don't see a problem with this.
Youglings are just seething.
Man the memories, i remember those anarchists were shit and their ideals were shit, the camarilla leader was shit but ideals were ok, the only based guys were the dude wearing glasses who warned you and my clan's leader who took over the camarilla, those were some good days
You do realize you can still comfypost right? Imagine if there could be more than 1 line of thought going on a thread.
Objectively correct post. Strauss is best boy by such a margin I had to force myself to take another route on replay.
>a fucking tremere
>best boy
They do elect their primogen, no? And it's not like a Prince can do whatever he wants.
Also, the Camarilla is set up so that if you don't like 1 city, you can simply move to another.
Primogen vary widely between cities. Some are appointed by the Prince while others have the clan members decide who to send
What do you need five eyes for?
>allying yourself against the people who have power and start censoring shit and abusing their power
>like every group does the moment they gain power
>a bad thing
>being a loyal faggot no matter how stupid the party in charge becomes, as they always do
But they are still mostly elected. Only in tiny shitty towns are they appointed by the Prince, but then who gives a shit about backwaters hellholes?
Also, the Inner Circle is at least somewhat democratic and they appeal to diplomacy whenever they can.
>Also, the Inner Circle is at least somewhat democratic and they appeal to diplomacy whenever they can.
No one has any clue what the inner circle is like. For all anyone knows it's 3 Malkavians, a setite and a tzimisce.
And of course they appeal to diplomacy, an open war would kill them all.
Damn forgot how great that movie was.
But I remember the CGI being Black Panther tier.
This and Spawn needs remasters.
Primogens are either appointed or elected depending on the prince's whim; their duties and responsibilities vary, too. And sure, the prince can't technically so anything he wants - monarchs had to worry about peasant revolts too, but that doesnt mean monarchism equitably distributes political power.
>If you don't like it, move!
Moving is even more difficult as a vampire than IRL, due to suburban and rural areas generally being werewolf territory, inability to be out in the sun, and the dangers of being new in a foreign city (automatically being indebted to the prince for simply letting you immigrate, unsure what parts of town are safe to free from and which are domains of competing vampires, etc). Democratic ruling of cities, at the absolute minimum, insures all vampires get some political representation.
>VtM:B and Postal 2 are peak convience store-core
>Max Payne 1&2 had some similar depictions of the world
Fuck I need a list of games with similar aesthetic feels
>it's just saying that the anarchs have a hard fight ahead of them.
It's not a hard one, it's an impossible one. The current Elders most answer to are generation seven and they'd rip most a new asshole. Their mostly sleeping or disinterested bosses could cleanse all their descendants with a bit of work
I'm right wing and been into WoD since 2nd edition Vampire you giant faggot
The new game it's going to take place in the new WoD and there's NOTHING we can do about it
Paradox is the company that made CKII. I find it highly unlikely that this will happen given that in CKII I can have a heathen warrior-king who bumps off his old wives/concubines when they get too old to pump out children, and also kill off any children that don't meet my standards for an heir.
I could well be wrong though.
It was probably impossible to topple monarchies for large periods of times throughout history - it doesn't make monarchism any better.
Yeah, monarchies existed regardless of popular support as well - the armies rulers could muster were, in relative terms - just as insurmountable to the peasants' perspective as the powers of an elder compared to a neonate. But we're talking about what we should support, not how likely the anarchs are to succeed. If the good guys had a chance of winning, it wouldn't be a very gothic setting, would it?
I've met one, and never thought it would be possible so I'm holding on to her like a treasure
Fucking mint, user.
>Gets assassinated in one night
Such a good idea and setting for a game, completely fumbled. What a shame.
It will never be as good as the original. Give me a remaster of VtMB instead.
That's a fucking strap-on mate. It only confirms that Lacroix likes to get fucked from behind which we already knew.
Considering I am not retarded enough to jump on the SJW hate bandwaggon and over exaggerate everything as some threat to my masculinity and assume shit about upcoming games based on my own insecurities, I would be super happy to play a sequel to this.
Anybody played this?
Accurately reflecting the source books?
Not really but It's def similar
Say fuck it and set it in some stylized cyber-noir future. Drinking blood under neon lights.
Right ain't that bad at all. Could lose a little weight, but that's it.
this is the truth
Is he supposed to be some big dicked ancient storm god?
If you don't mind the rough edges this is probably the closest vampire game to VtMB. I liked it.