>mementos stage confirmed
>5ch leak was right
>hes in
Mementos stage confirmed
Other urls found in this thread:
He's been confirmed for months
mementos was the safest bet for the p5 stage. keep dreaming cuck
Literally everything else in that leak was right. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Steve and Doomguy too.
We talking leaks?
>safest bet for a stage
>leak is toadz confirmz
make it quick
Gotta wait for a few more posts to be made first. Can't make our thread hijacking too obvious. Also anyone got the list of the winners so far, just in case I missed some?
sorry, but i've gotta jet
see ya, space cowboy
Is Mementos a safe guess though? I mean would it be like guessing a Mario stage would be in?
>Literally everything
OK. Where's the switch port at though, retard?
Yet another fucking anime swordman, amazing.
Mementos was relatively safe but definitely wasn't a lock (should've been velvet room)
People have literally been praying since day 1 that Joker's stage wasn't Mementos BECAUSE it was the obvious pick and also the worst pick.
>Put obvious shit in your """leak"""
>Pretend it makes the rest of the things you say true
wrong leak autist
this. erdrick is still 100% leakbait
Yea just like incineroar was leak bait right user?
>Brave wasn't Banjo
I'm getting worried bros
>GameFAQ and Resetera mod says Grinchleak is fake
>”Wow! These people must be insiders and not just people using common sense. How could they know that we weren’t going to get 7-8 new character announcements in 1 direct?”
>Since Joker was revealed everything relating to his stage was Mementos, Velvet Room and The Casino
>Shitty leak includes one if these three
>suddenly after said obvious pick is confirmed this means the entire thing is true
>same leak that states Steve and Doomguy are getting revealed at e3, which means we are getting 4 DLC characters revealed in the span if 3 to 4 months
>same leak says Steve was cut from base, which would imply he's mostly down and just sitting in limbo
>mostly done
>>mementos stage confirmed
literally every fucking insider says he's in faggot
Im an insider and I say he's not in
am i the only fucking person who thinks erdrick is the most based potential newcomer?
There's two separate leaks retard, one legit leak with Roto, P5R, P5A and Granblue Versus stuff and other stupid fake leak that write Edrick in katakana with steve, doomguy etc
The one with Erdrick, Doomguy, Ryu and Steve stated Steve was cut from base, I believe thats what im referring to
Fuck me I meant to put the comma after believe
>Mementos being obvious just like incineroar
The one you're thinking of didnt even mention mementos and is already confirmed fake cause of a spelling error on erdricks japenese name. There was another leak that specifically mentioned mementos and thats the one that might be legit.
Okay then, then thats legitmately my bad
Trap Joker also confirmed
ruins the character. literally not buying him if this alt gets in
Get the fuck out.
>Male Joker
>Female Joker
Thats actually retarded
fuckin autistic japs
literally who?
>got P5R announcement right before it was announced
>got granblue fighting game right before it was announced
>got mementoes stage right before it was datamined
In addition too
>Brave fits with the DQ hero better than any other character
>all insiders back him (see Incineroar)
>Nintendo is publishing DQ11S (like they have with all DQ games)
>Nintendo managed to get orchestrated music in DQ11 so music might now even be a problem
>DQ has crossed over with Nintendo before (Fortune Street)
Anyone who doesn't think Erdrick is in is dumb. He is 99.99% confirmed.
So why wasn't Erdrick revealed with all the DQ content last direct?
They literally haven't shown any gameplay for Joker yet, you think the second DLC character is ready to be shown off? SE isn't gonna hold off of marketing their game for a completely different studio to finish their work on a Smash character. Not everything revolves around Smash Bros.
P5R was expected, granblue versus was leaked by that higashaki nigger whatever his name was, Mementos was the safest bet for a stage.
>brave stats show he’s a floaty character, the codenames suggests they’re phonetic terms, so obviously Erdrick will be the character
It's not confirmed fake. The person wrote down Erdrick's localized name and then clarified that it was Loto's name overseas. The two 5ch leaks are connected, since the one with Steve, Ryu and Doomguy was posted 6 hours earlier but shares information with the Erdrick leak that mentions Erdrick's alt costumes.
>playing slippery and floaty like how Brave is
DQ11 won't be out until fall. We still don't know a lot of things about DQ11 for the Switch, like the release date. There's plenty of time for Nintendo to include more DQ stuff in an upcoming direct.
>and other stupid fake leak that write Edrick in katakana with steve, doomguy etc
The other leak did have Loto's name written correctly, though. It just also included Erdrick's localized name in a weird way.
Character stats change, see Piranha Plant. That Hitashi nigger said the Katalina from granblue would be in Smash, he got his games mixed up. Also he literally got the name right, P5R, people were calling that shit Persona crimson or something before. Jokers stage could have been velvet room, Casino, Shido's boat, plenty of options.
The character values can change you know
The argument that people for made for banjo a month ago or so was that adding a slide like Luigi was a deliberate trait that is unique since only one character in the game so far can do it
That skid Brave has won't, it's definitely intentional and doesn't fit with Erdrick at all
Why not?
>Jane is female joker
>because shut up Erdrick is in!
Jane was this faker shooting himself in the foot. There's no "Jane" unless Jane is a completely new DLC character
Leaks never even said p5r for switch. Reread them.
Are you ok?
yeah, what's up?
Tons of leaks predicted erdrick, what makes the 5ch leak the legit one?
A leak on Yea Forums also predicted joker and erdrick, and the remaining dlc of Sylux, Edelgard, and Banjo, how do we know this one isn't the real one?
becayse dipshit memers wan't steve in
I sincerely doubt Erdrick would be slip sliding all over the damn place when he has to carry around heavy weapons and armor.
Why would Erdrick in katakana make it a fake leak
Mementos is the dungeon you explore through the entire game, where all the sidequests are located, and where the climax happens. It's like guessing that the Persona 3 main character's stage would be Tartarus.
It doesn't make the leak fake at all.
I dont see how a swordsman in like armor and equipment would have a slide like Luigi
But casino was the stage that people kept saying when speculating Joker's stage.
Yeah, just like Incineroar.
The param data changes every update...unless you think Piranha plant is still the heaviest character and still has a third jump...
samefag begging for a (you)
Claiming a character is leakbait is fucking stupid. It was stupid for Incineroar and it's stupid for Erdrick.
Banjo will never be in Smash.
Read the thread before responding
>mementos stage
>not a velvet room stage where you can summon personas with a chance of satanael
hype ruined
Leakbait characters are definitely a thing. See Yea Forums for the past year.
>one literal who """leaker""" says predictable character is in
>everyone else LARPS as a leaker and has that character or characters so they look reliable
Name ONE Smash Ultimate leak that was legit.
I would be ok with even steve if sylux got in
I did. Erdrick is in and everyone is quickly realizing this.
But there are a few trolls that think Banjo is somehow getting added.
Do you even fucking know what leak bait is? It's the company purposely spreading fake information in order to find the people who keep leaking their shit.
>if I keep repeating myself, people will surely believe me
Shut up faggot
no, because I do too
You liar
Fuck off. Casino is the stage that everyone kept saying. Mementos only really came up after this leak surfaced. Before that, people were arguing about whether or not the casino is even age appropriate for this game.
>parrot still repeating himself
And people keep saying mementos is the most boring and uninspired stage. So which one is it?? Most obvious or most unlikely??
>And people keep saying mementos is the most boring and uninspired stage.
No fucking shit people are saying that after the datamine and the 5ch leak. What the hell are you even trying to say?
Actually no its just another incinechad telling the truth
Don't worry Sora, next Smash I am sure you can make it.
is this a meme yet?
Erdrick is written in the wrong moonrunes, it is possible for a native to pick the wrong kana, but I can't understand why he would bother translating that when romanji would suffice.
That now people say what ever they want to fit their narrative
And that's why people claiming mementos was obvious are retarded.
>Erdrick is written in the wrong moonrunes
That's because they've only ever called him Roto and the version the leaker was reporting is using the localized name instead. He guessed the kana by ear.
Once Erdrck is confirmed people are going to act like he was obvious all along. Its painful and this is why thr Smash community is the worst.
Even intentional things change, like Plant's 3rd jump. Also they made Cloud fucking hover in his dash animation so Erdrick could have something weird like that.
It's weird that he didn't use romanji. Nips type stuff in romanji and then a program converts it, right? Maybe he wanted to try doing that to Erdrick's name or some shit.
Shit that'd be awesome
I'm surprised anyone knew who he was, he was my favorite hunter from metroid
Ken and Incineroar are different from Erdrick. Erdrick is obvious now because of the Brave shit, Ken was obvious because after it was revealed 3rd parties can get echoes he essentially a lock. Incineroar was obvious because he was just that gen's shillmon.
Yes because the most based newcomer would be Terry, Erdrick is still a solid second place tho
>Incineroar was obvious because he was just that gen's shillmon.
>3.0 update
>Joker footage
>new fighter reveal
we're getting a Smash mini-direct for that user
Oh, so Erdrick then.
Thats what im expecting now
Smash 4 ended up having like two or three mini-directs for them to cover DLC. I imagine Ultimate will be the same shit.
Sakurai litteraly said in an interview he left a slot for a Ultra Sun/Moon pokemon rep
No shit, user? Sakurai does this all the time. Everyone was expecting a new Pokemon. But nobody was expecting Incineroar. The only people who mentioned Incineroar was getting into Smash was /vp/. And they were saying that shit in 2016.
>Another SE rep.
Do they want me to buy the fighter pass or not?
>not expecting the humonoid fighter pokemon starter
Everyone was too focused on Decidueye, Lycanroc Dusk or Mimikyu to pay attention to Incineroar and realize that Sakurai sure does include a lot of wrestling shit in his games.
What's wrong with a Square Enix rep? Gex is SE property, you know.
I'll back this user up, people were screeching about how Decidueye or Mimikyu or Lycanroc were going to be in. Go back to pre-release roster threads, very few had Incineroar.
and the leak didnt mention joker having a female alt, but tansut mentioned a character having gender options for skins.
erdrick deconfirmed, it was joker all along