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Other urls found in this thread:



Truly the greatest pilot.

>*arf arf!*

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>it wasn't a fucking jpg it was actually a png all along

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You have no idea how much this pisses me off

He cute.

Attached: 1446759857649.png (1000x778, 184K)

Makes me sad just looking at him

meme of the year so far, shame that Chrisposting overshadowed it

"Hey Trigger, you dumbass, tell me something. What color is the sky up there?"

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>"He was my best friend."

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>put a .jpg of your dog that died in development in your game
>have him die in-game as well.

Attached: 1549328637680.png (231x259, 55K)

>the solider that shot jpeg dog got away with it

This is what V2 is for

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explain this meme

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He’s a good dog.


Dog in a cutscene is just a .png instead of being fully rendered. It is a developers dog. The dog died in real life. The dog is shot to death in the game

Attached: 1524649220156.png (1000x1000, 173K)

There is a picture of a dog in a cutscene of Ace Combat 7. Turns out it was a dog that one of the devs had that died.

here is a tweet that has the whole Dog scene in it

>that desk texture
Jesus Christ

Attached: DxO1yxBUUAAIkDb.jpg large.jpg (1600x972, 169K)

Jesus Christ, that guy's voice makes me want to blow my fucking brains out.

that dog is based and i want more vidya with dogs

Attached: naughty dog studios.webm (480x480, 1.95M)

Some dog from Ace Combat 7. He put into the game by Kono as a tribute to his fellow colleagues dog that died during the game development, but he actually dumb enough to kill the dog in the game like he put a big middle finger to his own colleague and he has to watch his dog die twice.

Normal speed where

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holy shit that is the most annoying voice ive ever fucking heard

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His balls just forgot they dropped for a minute. He's fine, just a little crazy. youtube.com/watch?v=JuofwKWpoLQ

>The dog died in real life. The dog is shot to death in the game
What the fuck is wrong with the nips

They eat dogs for fun. Who cares if one gets shot?

How do I git gud

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Quality post.

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I think your time is fine but you have to get up to 12-13 thousand. You have to plan your route well.

That missile system is a massive fucking pain in the ass though

Rafale with LACM, then destroy the Spiderman Ace

What program can I use for dog?

Attached: 1550375787614.gif (750x545, 126K)

Don't slow down, keep your speed and momentum up so you pop out and into cloud cover quickly. Use fully upgraded LACMs.
For the first part, you just need to get enough points to spawn the Ace. Shoot him down and complete the rest of the mission as quickly as possible and that'd be enough to S rank

F best boy

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and this is why Ace Combat only has 1 bad game

Assault Horizon was disowned by Kono so it's retroactively not an AC game

Truly the greatest flag.

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Avril best girl
[Spoiler]behind Huxian[/Spoiler]

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Double Triple confirms

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huxian a shit
fight me

Who was the good guys in this story again?

Why did Avril decide it was a good idea to fly her plane without a IFF system and getting clearance from whatever equivalent the FAA was for Osea?

The Princess of course.

Trigger, Harling, Avril, Tabloid and the LRSSG

What were the good parts in the story again?

She's anti-government

>"Killing" President Harling
>All aircraft form up on Trigger nice and tight!
>Can you hear me? Pilot with the three strikes?
>Flying your 20th century shitplane up a fucking space elevator into the stratosphere

Massive oversight. She was probably only going to fly it once and didn't bother.

Everyone that's not Belkan and Erausia supremacists


>Mission 3
>I'm scared!
>Mission 4
>Oh my god, Harling's been shot down
>Mission 7
>There's only two aircraft taking that beast on?!
>Only one
>Mission 9
>Stick with Trigger and you'll make it
>Mission 12
>Mission 15
>Get him Trigger! In fact, you're the only one who can!
>Mission 16
>That's the aircraft my grandfather t9ld me about!
>Mission 18
>Can you hear me, pilot with the Three Strikes?
>Mission 19
>Mission 20
>This is Captain Kei Nagase

Game had some top tier moments

The war literally started right as she went up, and the Osean legal system is all sorts of fucked so she was screwed anyway

>hey dude sorry about your dog, I put him in as a tribute and show of respect
>oh wow, thanks man
>oh for plot reasons your dog also gets shot
dog dies twice wew that had to be a great conversation

top dog

>that voice
>those comments supporting him
>that fucking like to dislike ratio

So this is the ace combat community...

I love these kinds of edits. Something about how absurd they are just kill me.

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>Everyone that's not Belkan

Am I a fag if I legit started crying when the main chorus hit during mission 19?

>There are zoomers that don't know pat
MATT WAS A MISTAKE it's only been 2 (TWO) months and people already don't know

No, I felt some shit welling up at the end of Dark Blue.
>end the war
>prevent drone takeover
>people start talking about peace
>all the planes forming up on you as the music swells.

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We're all fags user.

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>eceleb threads were about soi chuggers making faces all along
Not surprised in the least.

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Knowing who streamers are is the ultimate zoompill

>Not Brownie
She didn't deserve her fate.

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I was too busy with
to pay attention to Daredevil but the whole sequence starting from the intro cinematic of Dark Blue to the end of the carrier take-off scene was pure KINO


>>I'm scared!
Brownie was pretty cute when she died tbqh

Faster you coward

no user you are the zoomers

why are dogos so awesome?

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>Kono said AC5's motif wouldn't appear in the game
>This actually played after Harling went down
Hit me like a ton of bricks. Wasn't expecting it

>can unironically name ecelebs
>calls others zoomers

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She's too young to know how to sic the dog on people.

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Fucking hell, I can't get AC7's theme out of my mind. I keep humming it all day long, even at work

Autistic insect people didn't see the problem with this.

keep in mind the dog getting shot isn't shown on-screen, just told by the princess in a cutscene

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get this in your head instead


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Got to protect future knot sleeve.


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Someone said in a previous thread that on mission 4, there's actually a drone marked as an ally that is always in your line of sight, so when you take the shot, the missile comes from the drone plane behind you, making it look like you fired it.

Are Ionela and Alma truly the most enthralling creatures?

I don't think they could have made him sound more like a pedophile if they tried.

No. The missile came out from nowhere

Yup. He appears shortly after Sea Goblin dies and Harling takes command of Mother Goose One. A bunch of "Allies" show up and start following Osea planes around.
If you turn the camera before taking the shot at Harling, you can see the drone doing it

It's Belkan witchcraft

What bugged me the first time I did it, I was just in the A-10 and came up close and used my nose gun to kill it. I knew something was up when it said I shot a missile.

This fills me with the happy.

Indeed. So enthralling that they are getting a rough gangbang and hardcore cunny, anus, and mouth penetration at the same time while being whipped, spanked, and choked into near death by ugly fat old men until they squirmed in maximum ecstasy and became public toilet semen that occasionally pops out fetus.

>really enjoy how the planes feel to fly in this game
>want to replay the game
>every mission is THAT mission and has some annoying part that makes it a slog to play
>want to rewatch the cutscenes to better understand the plot but can't stop self from cringing and skipping them

Kinda funny how in mission 4 Harling dies and Kestrel 2 gets destroyed off camera. Felt like a Rian Johnson "subverting expectations" moment.

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>Kestrel 2 gets destroyed off camera
I was hoping Mihaly would blow it up into a billion pieces. Disappointing, really.

Can the fucking Kestral ever not get blown up?

t. Dr. "Won't wait until she's older" Schroeder

>Kestrel 2 strikes Farbanti
>Kestrel 2 fucking jobs off screen
My guess is the Kestrel 2 was gonna be the abandoned carrier at the end. Glad they didn't, I liked having one named after Andersen. Plus blowing up all of Osea's characters was a good way to get the drone story rolling and level the playing field a bit

It served a purpose to bring home the main plot theme of letting go of thenidealized images of the past and focus on the essence of what made it special. Kestrel 2 was just a ship with a nostalgic name.
Admiral Andersen on the other hand was a name that carried the will and the hope of it's namesake with it.

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>the will and the hope of it's namesake with it.

Launching planes not designed for catapults.

What a badass Andersen was. Only a Chad could pull that off

One cool aspect of the story was how Trigger comes around to being Mihaly's phantom.
By the end, Trigger's nation is the sky itself.

>Trigger is the successor of Mihaly

>Lost Kingdom
>tfw you realize Mihaly's had his throne usurped twice

It also serves as an establishing moment that this war is actually really fucking serious.
Erusea is a "villain" nation, Osea is a "potagonist" nation. And the original Kestrel is a symbol of that. And in these games you always expect the protagonist country to win with relative ease.
It's a really good move to have Erusea established as a credible threat capable of crippling the "protagonist" like that and make you understand they're not the same weak trash country they were at the end of 04.

>Loses the throne of the skies above the kingdom he lost before
>In the end, he's a cripple rotting away in a bed


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>Mihaly decides since he will never fly again, he way as well finally accept the responsibility of his throne
>brings Schroeder with him to help jumpstart the Shilage-Voslagian Empire's military
>DLC mini-campaign where you play as a new Sol Squadron member led by Seymour
>you help firmly establish Shilage-Voslage's borders and defend it from lingering Erusean radicals and other threats, and at the end you win Ionela's hand in marriage once she's old enough

A guy can dream.

So which wars did Mihaly fight in? He seemed pretty old, but I assume he was in AC4 right since it was his country? Do you think he fought in the Belkan war too? I would think that is closer to his time since it was 25 years ago. Do you think Pixy is still alive?

His final sortie was right before the Belkan War.
After that he became an instructor and taught Yellow Squadron how to fly.

Schroeder mentions Mihaly's sorties in AC7 were his first combat sorties in 28 years. That puts his last combat before AC7 in 1991, which is before any of the other AC games take place. One of the short stories in the new Aces at War book implies he trained Yellow 13 though.

Looking at the absolute state of Usea and Erusea's status as a big nation sticking out of it, I like to think he helped to expand and then defend Erusea's borders. All so he could fly.

Attached: Sky King.jpg (576x640, 217K)

Oh, huh neat. I guess I missed that bit about him retiring before the belkan war.

she built it from scraps and just for fun
she literally picked the wrong time to test run her plane

That picture has made me laugh harder than anything for a while now

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You'd think they would have brought him out of retirement to help defend Stonehenge.

>implying Stonehenge needed defending
Hindsight is 20/20, and all that.

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Okay well if not that, then defending Farbati when it was attacked.

>Stonehenge confirmed to be best superweapon

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It really is. It's just super fucking cool.

Stonehenge-kun is best member of Razgriz Squadron.

>Just a couple of oversized guns, nothing more.
Wow so fucking cool.

>Count living on a prayer
>fly through the clouds
>music goes all out
>Arsenal Bird's shields drop

Attached: 19837774.jpg (960x540, 46K)

It also has aged really well for an 18 year old video game superweapon

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>Massive network of skyscrapper sized railguns meant to destroy asteroids that have been used in two massive wars
>Just oversized guns

>You'd think they would have brought him out of retirement to engage Mobius 1


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>t. Arsenal bird

Good lord, I need more art of Ace Combat superweapons

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You as a player have been fucking Mihaly over for years


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It sure has

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*sad flamenco playing in the bg*


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At least some of Erusea's command believes in the Belkan witchcraft meme. Superstitious idiots like that would never consider sending an elite Sukhoi-flying force out to Stonehenge after what happened last time.
Speaking of which, I really, really miss Infinity's Stonehenge. It's one of the only superweapons which was readily available as a campaign mission and in full working order it looked as good as it could on a PS3. Huge explosions, great columns of steam rising out of the cooling units and of course the pressure wave from the guns firing. Hearing it all was wonderful too.

Attached: ace-com-inf-stonehenge.jpg (1280x720, 392K)

I loved the remix from the mission infinity.

Aside from the lighting and weather, AC7 looks really meh. I feel like the last gen games overall looked better.

Attached: 1550806853526.png (3000x1400, 825K)

AC7's aircraft models and particle effects are clearly superior to 6, Infinity, and AH.

Attached: DxqiYSJV4AAYfQe.jpg large.jpg (800x900, 77K)

are you blind, or did you just never play last gen AC games? they look fucking awful compared to 7.

Darjeeling 2.0

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please give me this park save.

not only that, but the NPC models like the bombers and tanks are more detailed, it doesn't have that bland colourless palette that AH and 6 had, the ground details are better, and it runs at a higher framerate on average.

As a package, I like how far it's come with terrain detail and plane quality. But there are a lot of elements I miss. Assault Horizon's retarded full on STEEL CARNAGE aesthetic actually worked for large targets like bombers or superweapons like Stonehenge, and the excessive missile/gun impacts were less overbearing with targets which didn't require 30 missiles to take down. I really, really miss the fluffy and very long lived missile trails from 6 along with the higher volume of planes and launchers creating them per mission. What really bugs me about 7 is that so much of that detail is squandered on short detail draw distance and horrible post-processing effects.

Attached: 502500_20190201161842_1.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>thought fighting ADFX-10 would be fucking painful with only guns
>down the fucker in two jousts

Attached: 1540326028566.png (447x378, 11K)

the short LoD distance is a bummer, but easily fixed on PC

overall 7 still looks way better, i'll take actual color, 60fps and the fancy weather and lighting over 6's and AH's vaseline smeared blurriness, grey/brown/khaki colors and sub 30 framerates

MGPs are some OP shit, they melt the drones real good

7 has some horrible horrible issues with the shadows turning into a striped mess worse than skyrim on the ps3. Sometimes the shadows don't even render normally anywhere and every shadow is striped.

never seen that happen

your GPU might be fucked m8

anons SuperBestFriends has been discussed here regularly long before you slithered in, it's like not knowing who Matthewmatosis is

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I know who they are. I still dont think they are worth being noticed by people here not talk about.
Fuck e-celebs
Though I miss matt when he posted here to answer questions.

This is what the shadows look like for me sometimes. Most of the time they look normal but it's really annoying when they turn into this ugly striped pattern. At least when Skyrim did this it was a few meters off in the distance, not 2 inches from my character's nose.

Attached: 20190221222013_1.jpg (2560x1440, 501K)

that definitely isn't normal

In an universe of infinite possibilities, at least half a dozen Long Casters are asking themselves why Strider 01 decided to blow his plane up by grinding it against the rail of a mass driver.

werks on my machine

SBFP have done more to instill patrician taste in people who don't know shit about games than any game "journalist" has. All discussion about game "journalism" should be banned before e-celebs. E-celebs have a greater influence on the industry nowadays, for better or for worse, and even the bottom of the barrel usually have better opinions.

Looks great on my ps4 pro :^)

It seems to happen when the sun is at a certain angle to a surface. Try flying the MiG-31 in cockpit view and circling around a few times slowly to see if you notice it. Since we're on the topic of technical issues, is there any fix for the USB DAC problem? If you have a DAC plugged in, the game's menus take 20 seconds to register button presses. I have to unplug my DAC until I'm in a mission.

Best thread in years. Let the meme consume you.

I want to fuck the princess

Fuck off and take your garbage out of these threads.

which one is better for air to air?
F15C or J?

No, this was.

Attached: 1549492441060.png (3449x1545, 845K)

/aceg/ is pleb tier. No skill aces.

I aint arguing, I am just saying it was fucking funny.

Enhanced mobility or enhanced stability parts?

Are you low to the ground? Stability, otherwise mobility.

mobility on pitch, stability on yaw is the true based and redpilled ace pilot go-to

people watch this shit jesus

but goy = non jewish

Project Wingman this year.

This video just convinced me to spend $350 on a vive which is on sale on amazon


Honestly the fact it's a jpeg isn't that noticable

C for PLSL