Metal gear rising

>Sets out his plans in a perfectly understandable manner which has the sympathy of many people "fuck politicians, fuck the media" etc but said people could consider his proposed response to them too extreme
>Raiden rebuttal: You're batshit insane!

For fuck sake Kojima. I know Raiden isn't exactly Socrates but he may as well have said "ur mum".

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Other urls found in this thread:

kojima only did it for the memes
our lord and savior knew

It's doubly confusing considering the song lyrics essentially saying Raiden agrees

Kojima had nothing to do with Rising's script. That's why it was so good.
>Raiden's rebuttal
Was actually in response to this:
>Making the mother of all omelettes, here, Jack! Can't fret over every egg!
>Not when you're "purging the weak." What do you know about the weak? You weren't born poor, you've never been hungry. You don't know what it's like to steal, to kill, just to survive.
>But you DID survive. Through sheer force of will, following your own rules, you took back your life.
>And now, I'm gonna take yours.
Raiden agrees with strength shaping the world and that, in the context of the Metal Gear universe, violence shouldn't be meaningless as it was under SOP, and is it is continuing to be. He didn't agree with Armstrong's methodology of kidnapping homeless children.

>Might makes right
>If you disagree, kill me and prove me right, or die and prove me right

It sounds reasonable, except it falls apart as soon as you add anyone else into the equation. Raiden kills Armstrong, but lets Rose win arguments all the time, thus proving Armstrong wrong.

It's childish high school tier philosophy, which is why A: It is used for a non-main series villain (just like idiots like Hot Coldman and Gene) and B: Yea Forums loves it so much.

This was also my interpretation

>If you disagree, kill me and prove me right, or die and prove me right
That is absolutely not what happens, and here you have the gall to shit on Yea Forums and the game lmao holy fuck. Armstrong, seemingly born and raised in ivory towers, holds disdain for the way the world treats war. How men no longer fight for what they believe in. Raiden, through sheer force of will, carved his own way. He fought for what he believed in, never erring. Realizing this, Raiden agreed with Armstrong's disdain for the way the world is in regards to war. Unfortunately for Armstrong, Raiden doesn't like the idea of putting children into war.

Might absolutely makes right though? Nothing happens without a force behind it.

Raiden was disagreeing with Armstrong's methods, not his intentions. Raiden understood in that moment, thanks to Armstrong, that the world really is being ravaged by pointless wars echoing from the influence of the Patriots. PMCs, militaries etc. all fighting for petty shit like political spats between leaders, or stirred up trouble caused by the media. Nobody in the MG universe is fighting for just causes like liberty or the protection of your home.

The whole ending afterwards is setting up Raiden using Maverick to hunt down and exterminate every other PMC on the planet.

>tfw no sequel where Raiden becomes Big Boss and halfway through the game we switch control to Bladewolf to take down Raiden's megalomaniacal self as he plunged the world into "meaningful war."

Also a big thing people miss about Collective Consciousness is that it's describing everything Armstrong hates about current America, not a world that blindly follows him.

Raiden was right. Raiden beat Armstrong and by Armstrong's philosophy Raiden's view of him as an insane warmonger that had to go down was correct.

Raiden doesn't want 'meaningful war', he still believes people shouldn't be forced to kill for the sake of their ideals. But he wants to end the fact that the world is currently in multiple meaningless wars designed purely for profiteering and grandstanding.


Raiden is absolutely 100% correct in this response though, that's why he is a hero. Only villains get dragged in by clever manipulation, see Anakin. Raiden is based. You probably just like him because he's /pol/ personified.

Is Raiden vs. Armstrong the most kino boss fight in video game history?

It's really good but MGS itself has more kino fights. Snake vs Liquid, Solidus vs Raiden, Snake vs The Boss.

It's up there with those fights, easily. Snake vs Liquid has the drama of Snake asserting his identity in the face of Liquid's probing about Snake's enjoyment of killing, and how you can't defy your genetic destiny.
>Liquid: Stupid woman, falling in love with a man who doesn't even have a name.
>Snake: I have a name!
>Liquid: No! We have no past, no future! And even if we did, it wouldn't be truly ours. You and I are just copies of our father, Big Boss.
Solidus vs Raiden has Raiden wanting to assert his identity, but unable to because if he perishes against Solidus, Olga's child dies. He's trapped, but fights on nonetheless for survival.

Snake vs The Boss has all the stuff about the times, world peace, etc. It's good stuff. Don't really wanna get into it.

Raiden vs Armstrong has everything discussed itt. That you'd say the others are more kino when they all have their own gravitas is silly when we know Old Snake vs Liquid Ocelot is the most kino.

>You don't know what it's like to steal, to kill, just to survive.
>But you DID survive. Through sheer force of will, following your own rules, you took back your life.
What a cool fucking moment holy shit

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Rising is unironically a masterpiece

>/pol/ personified
Pretty sure he'd beat the shit out of nazis too since he emphasises, you know, that's he's American.

>Kidnap people to create super soldiers to assassinate leaders to start wars to make profit to make sure the world fights for what it wants
How is that sane

Like authoritarians and strongmen isn't limited to a tibetan finger-painting wall's meme politics sub-wall

Armstrong is too much of a meritocrat to be /pol/.

Isn't Armstrong's plan basically ancapistan except there's no NAP


It's a flawed masterpiece for sure, there are cracks where the rushed development show due to Platinum having to cobble together a game in one year out of the failed Metal Gear Solid: Rising project

>Boss weapons beyond Mistral's L'etranger are an afterthought
>One of the Chapters is literally just Sam's boss fight
>The parry mechanic was poorly explained, which actually hampered the scores on release because of mouth breathing reviewers
>The dodge mechanic should have been unlocked by default considering it's mandatory later in the game
>The camera can get real clingy to walls sometimes
>Several of the VR missions have cheese routes like invisible platforms you couldn't possibly know about beforehand without a guide

Even still, the fun gameplay tied with the amazing soundtrack, likeable characters and unparalleled meme content ascend it above these flaws. It's one of the few games I know I can get a decent discussion out of when talking about it on Yea Forums.

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/po/ doesn't praise libertarians and meritocracies and Ron Paul anymore. /pol/ was murdered by kekistanis.

>there are cracks where the rushed development
Which makes the game even better when you consider everything they managed to pull off in such a small amount of time


I think the word you're looking for is kino.

So why did he partnered with Armstrong? Sundowner was the same as BB since he believed and wanted constant war

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He didn't know about his plan to use war as a business to end war as a business. He thought Armstrong was just doing the war as a business part.

>What a cool fucking moment holy shit
I mean that's kind of the point of the fight. Armstrong does not want to kill Raiden, but hes okay with making more Raidens by his own hand or by the callous nature of his ideals. Raiden doesn't agree because he knows hes damaged beyond repair in more ways than one and feels the world doesn't need more of him.

Guys Im fucking mad and sad that we willl never see what Platinum could've done if they had more time and resources with MGR2

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But wasnt Mistral aware of his ideals?

>>One of the Chapters is literally just Sam's boss fight

That's a good thing though, I hate when great boss fights are stuck behind shitty levels (e.g. the final Jeanne fight in Bayonetta). The level before the Armstrong fight could have been a lot bigger though.

>have to do SPACEU HARRIAH! each time I want to fight Jeanne

Kamiya is a fucking retard.

>We'll never have another Armstrong again
How did they do it? Only shown briefly in mission 2 and the final part, yet such a long lasting presence.

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>I hate when great boss fights are stuck behind shitty levels
They fixed that for the PC release

Why is his forehead so long?

Literally every single piece of dialogue from Armstrong is a quotable one-liner

He needs a big head for big brains

sure thing kid

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Literally Evil Frank West, I love it.

He must have a big brain

Raiden literally lived the fantasy life of Armstrong and it was hell. He has sympathy for the weak who would not have made it out of his situation, unlike Armstrong

He talks about how the strong should dominate the weak, but 'strength' isn't about how good you are at swinging a sword any more, strength is measured in wealth. Armstrong was just a fat old man before he juiced himself up on Excelsus' power (how did that even work, anyway?) and the nanomachines - without which any idiot gunman could've killed him easily - were paid for with his vast wealth, which he had because he was born into a rich family and enjoyed top-class education and connections to other big players. He's only saying everyone should fight their own wars without fighting for other people's shitty reasons because he's already standing at the top of the pile and doesn't stand to lose anything.


Kojima had nothing to do with Rising.
In fact, all the konami staff who worked on it are still at Konami, including the writer and director.
so MGR2 is actually likely, Konami also celebrated the 6th anniversary on social medias, they didn't do that for the other years...

>"Kojima had nothing to do with Rising"
>Kamiya consulted him directly on the writing

Raiden is the new The boss.
>Same vision of the world : a planet without borders
>both enjoy fighting : Raiden is the new "The Joy"
>Like Raiden, The Boss have a "son" named John. (while not really her son, they were close like a mother and son.)
Raiden just have some shit of Solidus thrown into the mix.
His son is probably going to kill him.

Kamiya didn't do shit in Rising. the writer of Rising is literally a Konami guy.
Only thing Kojima did is a trailer, and that's it.

>including writer and director
Not the director, but the Producer.
Korekado seem to be the new producer of the serie in general. Murata would probably be the new director if there's a new main title.

Kamiya had nothing to do with Rising either.

>>Same vision of the world : a planet without borders
the fuck?

Pretty much. Even if he wasn't born into wealth, his political power still comes from taxpayers, his military power from amoral PMCs, and his physical power from the inventions of others. In his own ideal society he would not have gotten any of those advantages. That kind of extreme individualism is incompatible with nationalism, and even capitalism.

This is why these games need Challenge modes that let you drop into specific bosses or boss duos/trios that you don't fight in the game. Revengeance even had VR missions available from the menu but they didn't include bosses for some reason.

Only Bayo 2 and Transformers Devastation have done this and Bayo 2 locks it to Tag Climax so you can only do it with a friend or AI fighting alongside you, so basically only Devastation has done it right. Just another reason that game is underrated as fuck.

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Rising codec with Sunny in the last mission.
There's like 8 hours of codec, some explaining some shit from MGS2 and 4. (Raiden even ask some question about the patriot IA to Raiden, with Bladewolf saying "IAs never lies.")

>Ask some question about the patriot IA to Bladewolf*
got a brainfart sorry.


Yeah the codecs are really fucking good. Banter, fanservice, poignant discussions. Without accessing the codec, manually, the player hears maybe 1/10th of all dialogue in the game.

this song was the best fucking bit of characterization in the whole game and got me a wife

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tfw Rising was more metal gear than V.
To be honest it's quite easy, even Survive have more metal gear shit than V. speaking of which, Survive and Rising released the same day, it's quite curious.

user, you need to finish your story, i'm now curious.

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>tfw Rising was more metal gear than V
maybe its because kojimbo a hack

>finish MGR and set It Has to Be This Way as ringtone like an autist
>get call at party
>girl i vaguely know hears and goes "whoa user that's from the new Metal Gear, right"
>can't control myself, sperg out completely about series
>she starts sperging out as well, didn't really like Raiden but thought Rising was an interesting concept
>somehow she decides to hang out with me, ends up becoming my friend
>stay friends for 4 years
>date for 1 year
>get married
Sometimes you have to do some really stupid and embarassing shit to meet girls but it'll work out in the end

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God damnit user if that's not fake it's beautiful
i've never meet a girl who liked MG...
I still have "i'm my own master now "as a ringtone after 6 years.

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That's really cute, user.

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I remember when I first saw Armstrong when the ending of Rising leaked just before release. I've never seen anything like it; usually the leaks deflate all excitement for the game and open it up for ridicule. In this case, far from it, it generated hype like I've never seen before.

I loved the story of MGR. It was like a love letter to the bullshit philosophy of Metal Gear ampted up to 11. I still put on that soundtrack every so often. It's literally the perfect lifting music.

The game was also such a perfect foil to DmC. After years of Donte-posting, it shot out on top and was a perfect jewel to shit all over that game. Love how MGR got 7-8's, while DmC garnered 9's and 10's, but MGR absolutely had the lasting legacy.

>Date gf for a bit
>She randomly mentions Metal Gear and how she always wanted to know the story but couldn't play the games for shit
>We play through them together
>She's not the best at keeping up with it all but we still have a good time and to this day MG is a great bonding activity for us

Feels p. good.

No joke I put this shit on every time I'm about to lift some heavy shit at the gym and hit a PR. Never fucking fails.

At least MGR2 will likely exist, unlike DmC2.

Good. There's no point in arguing with people like that

>implying armstrong said literally anything of substance and wasn't just incoherently reciting a bunch of populist chestnuts with no coherent vision

MGR is literally one of the best character action games ever made. It had a good reception, but was a bit underrated in the mainstream IMO. Really deep combat, fuckin fun story, some decent thematic depth. One of my proudest accomplishments was S ranking everything in the game on Revengeance difficulty. Such a perfect challenge, very rarely did the game feel cheap.

Armstrong is literally a solidus fanboy, he even called the VR on child brain shit the "Sears project".

Libertarianism is a pseudo-ideology for autistic basement-dwelling betas that can't compete in an actually free market.

The fact that people STILL keep seriously defending Armstrong as if he had some kind of a point is solid proof that Americans will believe any fucking bullshit as long as it has the word "freedom" somewhere in it.

>Sometimes you have to do some really stupid and embarassing shit to meet girls but it'll work out in the end
that's how some good relationships can form. When people can handle or relate to you at your cringiest or dorkiest.

Rent free, shitdick

Its almost like he’s using his privilege to get rid of privilege. You know, like he says? I’m gonna use war as a business to end war as a business? Also he wasn’t a fat weakling, he says he could have gone pro in American football and you can’t do that as a fat lard ass with no muscle. Sure he wouldn’t be as strong as cyborgs but what human would be?

>theme song is literally repeating how the two are the same
>armstrong's final words are literally "we're not so different, you and I"
>they're not similar at all
completely retarded, no wonder kojimadrones ate it up

anyone got that level up pic where its Gus from Recess, Hank Hill, Then Armstrong? I guess it got deleted or buried in my download folder

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aren't they just similar on their love for battle and their digust of the politicians?

>that fucking sam
i gotta say he have a similar face.

Libertarian societies like the boomtowns of the American frontier are the only examples of a Free Market.

It's the best part of that image

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Nope. What we have now is a free-market. It's not the fault of smarter, more capable private actors than you that you are unable to exploit government to your advantage.

Cronyism is not a Free Market. End of arguement, educate yourself.

>What we have now is a free-market.
We already hit Crony Capitalism a while ago, user.

mgr has a boss only mode

so i guess hes not /pol/ than.

for you

Man I fucking need to see Revengeance 2 happen. This game literally salvaged Raiden's character.

Cronyism arises from the normal functioning of Capitalism.

Cronyism arises from corrupt government, commie larper.

>that wasn't REAL capitalism

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The point is Raiden does agree. He feels that Armstrong is right about war as a business and individuals being screwed. What Raiden disagrees with is the method. Armstrong believes the ends justify the means, Raiden does not. Raiden is not willing to turn a bunch of kids into mercenaries. The game ends with Raiden adopting some of Armstrongs philosophy but enacting it a less monstrous way. The lyrics of the final boss theme is about Raiden's thoughts on Armstrong. In a different situation they might have worked together.

Sundowner was a cruel motherfucker who just enjoyed hurting people. He was a tool to Armstrong and Armstrong let him play as much as he wanted. Sundowner didn't really look past the now.

Well, there was a reason why they mixed in the theme of Peace Walker into It Had To Be This Way.

They were even in the same game together.

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>Revengeance 2

>watching a stream of a person playing it back in 2013
>gets to Armstrong
>Everyone in chat loses their fucking minds when he utters "NANOMACHINES, SON!"

Between Armstrong and Chris Robin, the first two months of 2013 had some fucking great final bosses.

>still thinking armstrong is right
>thinking kojima is involve with the story
>taking this game seriously
It ain’t 2016 anymore kids time to grow up

literal retard poster

most likely game to happen.
Platinum is okay
Rising director isn't doing shit for now
Konami is probably okay due to rising sucess
Konami also did some changes last year
and more importantly : Kojima didn't do shit for Rising, the producer of Rising is now the main MG producer + the writer is still at Konami.

Armstrong is right though that’s why he dies with content. Saying Armstrong is wrong is like saying Raiden’s wrong.

What you're basically saying is that life is unfair. That doesn't invalidate Armstrong's philosophy. "Might makes right" is literally just the way life is. It's not so much an argument as it is a basic easily observable and foundational truth.
Also, he used to play college ball.

which MG antagonist make the most sense? spin off included.

>The corporate bribes that flood Washington aren't whats corrupting it and making it possible for predatory business to flourish.

I think you've got it reversed.

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"Fuck the politicians! Fuck the media! Fuck ALL OF IT!"

I'm pretty sure a political campaign based on these sentiments would sweep to power in most of the west at the moment.


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has anyone scanned his forehead barcode to see what it is yet

What kind of weird-ass government was he actually proposing? Just full blown anarchy?

What is the best MGR YouTube Poop?