Redpill me on God Eater 3. If I want a much faster Monster Hunter (who the fuck has time to sit through 45 minute hunts.) Is this kind of game for me?
Redpill me on God Eater 3. If I want a much faster Monster Hunter (who the fuck has time to sit through 45 minute hunts...
it's a faster, less weighty, more anime hunter type game, hunts usually last about 5 or so minutes. give it a torrent because there's no demo
By "less weighty" he means "no weight at all, may as well be rubbing wet paper on the enemy"
there's some with the bigger weapons but even then the great sword equivalent has about the same hitstop as the longsword in MH, the smaller weapons have almost none, you can cancel out of most attack animations and air combat is very floaty
Which of the two default weapon trees is the better one?
raw damage is good if you're not maining a weapon and making a bunch of versions of it
>45 minute hunts
As a fag with a similar mindset to you, I have tried both MH and GE and I feel like God Eater is just better for me. Its quicker, the mechanics are simpler to understand, and the characters have character if you care about that sort of time. Their is also a story if you care about that. I played about 20+ hours in World and I still feel like I don't even know how to play the game right.
Fuck those sword wielding aragami though. Fuckers make me use all my potions.
>45 minute hunts.
Imagine being worse at video games than fucking game journalists
Combat is faster paced but I go through healing items more than I did in part 1 or 2. Enemies are constantly moving and attacking
Do you guys bother with crafting multiple shields for elemental coverage? I was considering it but upkeeping four different shields is annoying.
Nah I just stick with the non elemental one with high base def
in both 1 and 2 you could have health recovery from devours, hitting and auto regen at the same time so it's normal.
>Caligula swings and knocks me back
>a quarter of hp is gone
>before I even have a chance to get up, he jabs me in the tit for another quarter
>on the ground and he hits me a third time for another quarter
>finally get up and jump and he pimp slaps me and I am down
>hear Hugo trying to reach me but Caligula doesn't fucking stop attacking even for a second
I am sorry Hugo, I wanted to be your waifu but Caligula already fucked me.
Just fought Ra for the first time, fuck him for eating Phym over and over again.
Yea I had that happen to me to. He wouldn't let me run and heal
If we only had like 4 endurance I would have failed my first fight against him. Only had 3 out of 9 left at the end
I failed to realize my burst was gone and tried to high jump out, I could neither do that or escape from Caligula raping me without lube.
I would have failed every Ash shitter if we only had 4. Those fuckers are insane.
Kanon is the reason blast was removed for laser and the removal of """friendly""" fire.
To be fair Ash Aragami are attracted to her
goddamn vore lolicons
good a noob thread. How should I be using shields? In so far to where you Phym suddenly fights alongside you to kill an ash aragami and I've been doing pretty well just whaling on them without defending myself.
You will never remember how to use the shield when its important so just continue whaling on shit until one of you dies.
Use tower shields. It takes longer to deploy, but once you've memorized Aragami attacks you can predict when they're about to attack and deploy your shield. Also, the passive def boost will help you out if you want to just whale on shit without whipping out your shield.
All they do is spaz out like retards and swing their arms/superpowers like crackheads until you are die.
You just need to pay more attention.
This. Dont bother shielding. Just go all out and try to anticipate their attacks and dodge when necessary
I've got 100 hours on both God Eater games. Tell me pls;
>Does money have any use this time around?
I always had a shitton of it and never had to use it, because you can't buy shit
>Did they fix the Blood Arts or got rid of them?
Predator styles in resurrection were superior, as they added to the gameplay with constant oracle cell, bullet and buff gain. With BA you just found one you liked and spammed it
>Are enemies still 80% the same as previous games?
That was my biggest issue with 2. Also, story sucked your dick dry if you killed a kongou, when by that time people fought Caligulas in the Far East
>Do they pull the bait&switch on location and cast
I thought it will be interesting to see more of the world. Nope, back to the Far East fagit. I mean seeing the old cast was nice novelty for a little, but then got old fast.
After a short bit it's easy to recognize the tells for some of their attacks. You're gonna get hit, but after a point shielding actually becomes efficient enough that even with a Tower you can block some hefty damage and return in kind.
>B-but I have to shoot! Sorry.
Using a shield against small aragami is pointless, you can kill them quickly.Bigger shit like Caligula and Ra move around far too much and attack so fucking frequently that you'll still be dead with shield in hand because the fuckers just teleport and nothing personal you from behind anyway.
Being in burst and dodge is literally the only thing to do.
Game is half finished due to all their resources being put into code vein. You'll finish the story missions in 15-20 hrs and promptly drop the game due to no content. Do not purchase full price.
less enemies
same shit all game
wait for the content updates to buy this shit.
Should have figured. These games only get okay after a re-release or two.
Well the game takes place entirely in Northern Europe, but it basically doesn't matter.
You're poor until Rank 5, making it hard to upgrade everything unless you're sticking to a single weapon type, they introduced abandoned god arcs as a money sink so you can min/max your God Arc skills
Blood Arts are kinda better but still a bit lame, you gotta try them all to unlock everything
Ash Aragami are new entries that can devour you and enter into burst just like a God Eater, making them way more dangerous than regular Aragami, there's a mode where you team up with 7 other people online to take down a particularly dangerous version of it
You keep moving around between places, there's no mention of the Far East cast except for Soma, who's doing his own thing
>>Does money have any use this time around?
Yes because you get so little that you have to decide carefully what to get
>Are enemies still 80% the same as previous games?
Better even the old enemies are more of a threat now
>>Do they pull the bait&switch on location and cast
New cast and location
GE3 is pretty good. Alot better than 2
*sees you fighting something else*
I know it's similar to Monster Hunter, but comparing it to another new release would Yea Forums prefere this over Anthem for a campaing coop?
I feel like the charged devour should give you level 2 burst or something for how hard it is to pull off on a monster that's not downed or unaware
Honestly I would play a visual novel for a co-op campaign over any shit made by Bioware.
Guys I wanna get into the series. Should I just start with the first or just straight into God Eater 3
3 is mostly standalone, the most you'll miss from starting with it is background lore
Honestly, the first game establishes the world and setting as well as the mechanics and design, but 3 is, while light on content and difficulty, streamlined enough to make it actually fun without feeling like a PSP or Vita port. Resurrection is just the first game on the second game's engine really. If you want to get a bigger picture go for one, skip two if you want, and then go to three, but if you want just the gameplay and don't mind getting overwhelmed a bit with a lot of info and things rather quickly, 3's a solid enough start that it'll be hard to go back to the older games.
I'd say to at least play Resurrection. Not really a huge accomplishment, but it has the best plot and gives you a lot of background lore for 3.
And Predator style > Blood/Burst arts.
yes it makes a big difference
Why is it so expensive when the production value is clearly pretty low?
bamco tax
I had a much better time with Jet Set Samurai when I started using my spear's dash burst art to zip between her legs and behind her during windups.
>learns I can just block all her shit
Thanks anons. Resurrection is only 5 Leafbucks right now so im gonna go with the first
Havakiri is easy enough to stunlock just by spamming a jumping BA like lunar orbit or chaos impact. She's only really a problem when you have to deal with her alongside something else, because she's too aggressive to ignore and loves to home right in on the player.
That one mission with two of them might be the most obnoxious fight in the game if you can't separate them. Either that or the one with two kongous.
>And Predator style > Blood/Burst arts.
Yeah, I was really disappointed by BA because in idea they sounded cool. But you have to play all the weapons to find them, and then you find one you like and spam the fuck out of it.
Predator Styles, in comparison encourage switching between god arc modes, and risk/reward play.
Slap an Auto Guard on a Tower Shield and you're set.
Fun fact: The...33rd, I believe? 33rd or 35th, one of the two, god arc reconstruction you do, if it's maxed out and a shield, will always be an Auto Guard 5.
In a perfect world, we'd have both and you could equip a burst art to all of your moves instead of just 3
>literally can't play Fallen Sun assault in NA because its bugged
>have to switch regions to play it
>if they dont fix this, eventually all the assaults will become unplayable
>wanting to go through GE2 first
>have literally no friends on PlayStation or any IRL that own Vita's
>45 min hunts
Well he's mostly right for Behemoth and Extremoth solo. Pro streamer times with perfect reflexes are anywhere from 25 mins to 15 minutes with the strongest cheese. Even a 15 minute battle is kind of an eternity in an action game.
No I don't really like multiplayer so I can handicap myself with retards either. Behemoth caused me to drop MH pretty much since I don't enjoy bullet sponge as difficulty.
Why everyone treats AGE´s like shit.
They're so powerful that one AGE alone could probably wipe out a Port if skilled enough, so they stomp them underfoot, force them into contractual obligations, imprison and keep a tight leash on them so they don't realize how much better they could have it. And since like with any God Eater they'll run out of Bias Factor without management, they can't run off or escape without dying in the ashlands either.
>English never ever
Also I'm guessing that's HQ before it got torn to pieces by ash?
They're really fucking strong and have to be kept on a tight leash when they're not being used as disposable aragami fodder, which lead to actual discrimination and dehumanization
They have to deal with it because they need their p73 insulin to stay alive
Pinnacle of jap writing
>new disaster
>create new series of GEs to deal with it
>treat them like trash
I don't really understand what the writers were thinking. If AGEs were a result of a random mutation that affected regular GEs, I'd understand, but the fucking Ports do it manually themselves.
Teach me how to variant scythe
*shoots you*
>Kanon in short shorts
Yes please
chop until freshly sliced and diced
use special art like crazy and hold button down to keep dicing while watching stamina
He got away with everything.
It's trash
>45 minute hunts
You're trash
dystopia if unarmored
heaven or hell if armored
play something else if bored (long blade or charge spear are the only weapons where you use more than 1 or 2 bas)
I feel sorry for long blade. Zero stance is so dull that it feels like it's missing half a moveset.
it's just a lead in to impulse edge, kind of like scythe round fang is to heaven or hell
With a name like impulse edge you'd expect it to be something more exciting than just taking a shot with your gun.
Any action game battle longer than 8 minutes is bullet sponge difficulty inflation bullshit and you're flushing your time down the toilet
I would suggest waiting till the DLC content drops. Right now it's suffering from the same problem MHW had at the beginning. Polished gameplay, toned-down EVERYTHING, and the lack of content.
How many of these are there?
Which assault is that? Blue Ra?
I cracked the game, can I still do assault missions without real players ?
I loved God eater burst on my psp and God eater Resurrection on the ps4, but GE2RB was so shit that I felt bad for recommending it. Dropped it at the Rage Burst portion of the story because I couldn't continue forcing myself to play it anymore. I've been loving GE3 though
Yeah, it seems from the general consensus on these threads that while GE1/GER was good, and GE3 just needs more content to shine due to getting rushed, GE2 was kinda not fun. Was it the story and characters, the mission structure, or what?
So they don't get ideas. AGEs are a league above regular god eaters in terms of super human powers. By keeping them dumb, beaten, and fixated on rules/contracts they keep them from realizing their fist > the rules
>Acceleration trigger on
>Burst level 3
>fuck yea time for max damage aerial glaive spin on this big fucker's weak spot
>Get shot out of the air by these weak fuckers
Is there a point in GER where melee just starts to suck, because it feels like I've hit it
Ah so the PC version is having an issue with assaults?
The issue is that most of the other players are bots
They even disguise some of the bots with player IDs to make you think it's not as dead as it is
I fucking swear, if she survived black plague only to die because of Marvelous, then I'm gonna murder someone
>Redpill me on God Eater 3
It has no Alisa, therefore there's no mean to buy / pirate it.
pita? fuck maybe even earlier if you don't have autism
I did fine with a short sword. Aragami bullets do massive dmg though. Especially the the 3 poiny laser. Can hit the aragami you take it from for like 1k per bounce
Why do people like Alisa so much anyway? She doesn't seem very interesting besides habitually buying shirts that don't fit and having brain damage
If it's just nice, generally inoffensive tits that you want then there's Claire
alisa sucks though
user you don't understand
>Why do people like Alisa so much anyway? She doesn't seem very interesting besides habitually buying shirts that don't fit and having brain damage
>If it's just nice, generally inoffensive tits that you want then there's Claire
Alisa is the one and only reason to play God Eater.
You suck and your shit opinion sucks, actually slap yourself for saying something so stupid on the Internet, faggot. Punch a wall with your head.
Not him but I only like her for that one hentai doujin with the aragami. Other than that she's a shit who forgets about your character the moment she gets over her shit, and becomes Sakuya's pet
Where do I find Smoky Ash Core Pieces?
>ren turns out to be a god arc, and not yours but lindows who just fucking disappears
>just found out ren is apparently supposed to be a guy
why does god eater kick you in the balls so much
Next patch better add Kanon or I'm bringing about another Ashstorm right at Bamco HQ.
Fuck God eater bring back soul sacrifice. Vita was trash but that was by far the best monster hunter like game.
Soul Sacrifice was shit and the story sucked ass
She's dead.
I really hope he gets some kind of comeuppance in whatever ther burst version of 3 is, fucker was literally lining up the fucking firing squads not to mention the massive amounts he already ordered killed
>not liking cute boys
Freedom Wars is the best non-MH hunting game. Prove me wrong.
I can't. Gauntlet is the best weapon.
Soul Sacrifice Delta is better though.
Freedom Wars barely even qualifies as a hunting game. People shit on early GE for repeating bosses but no one seems to mind FW only having like 8 abductors.
Because the plan was to always sacrifice them to Odin, and it's easier to commit mass genocide if you don't think of something as human.
He should have just said that any AGE who brings him a living humanoid aragami gets full freedom, since that's all he really needed
Phym armpit licking.
Phym headpatting
>"if you volunteer for the Odin project your loved ones will be freed from their contracts and be well taken care of"
That would have went over a lot smoother than "You're gonna get in the fucking robot, and you bastards are gonna like it."
You're on broke ass age-slave wages until at least rank 5.
Burst arts are better than they were in two but still encourage spamming to an extent.
It has some new ones of course but yes monsters get re-used. Everything but the new Ash aragami are considered little babies plot-wise now though.
Takes place exclusively in northern Europe, specifically Finland. The only character who even appears from the other games is Soma.
>45 minute hunts
If you want MH with worst combat traded for a huge scoop of anime bullshit and extreme edge, you'll prob love GE.
There are weight weapons like the hammer or heavy moon but for the most part its less heavy. While 3 feels better than most i'd argue 1 and 2 are still better games as most the depth in GE is from making stupid powerful bullets and 3'd bullet system sucks. Theres still slots and burst arts to add depth to add depth so its not a puddle and the links and accel triggers can make for interesting combos to deal a bunch of damage used properly but fucking hell I miss the days of spending hours crafting the perfect bullet to just destroy a enemy
fem MC is so lucky...
Or it's the same as the earlier games except they aren't only selling westerners the post-expansions versions.
I wish I could fuck the female MC
The story and characters in 2 where shit but the main issue was blood arts just made everything a spam fest of using the same basic moves over and over
burst arts are a bit better as they tend to all buff different aspects of your normal moveset encouraging you to experiment but resurrections devour styles will forever be the best
Alisa is trash waifu bait and the people who like her are tasteless faggots who deserve to be gunned down in the street infront of their family like the pathetic waste of a human life they are preferably by best GE girl gina
Licca is also good though
The most important question I have about this game is can I make my character a fat titty anime girl
>testing out scythe arts
>stunlock two gboro gboros simultaneously with inferno rush
>guns breaking the game and turning it into fucking cookie clicker while rendering the entire melee system obsolete are 'most of the depth'
What are some of the better burst artes for long blade?
Gina's alright, but she's so flat you could use her as a coffee table
Licca's good though
I got a thing for girls with guns and I got a think for flat Christmas cakes so gina is god tier for me
Licca is also great due to my love of mechanic girls though
You've got a weird way of spelling "Kanon".
Yea how dare a game reward players for learning the shit out of something and allowing autists to break the game with their dumb bullshit if they learn the system well enough. Its not at all like that kind of shit is what made crpgs great and its not at all like it would be nice to see more of that stuff in action games
>pretending people didn't just look up magic bullet recipes
I don't know who you think you're trying to kid.
I like void cutter and whirlwind blade, none of the ground arts really stick out to me so I just use flame of purgatory to make zero stance worth something
Yes, that's correct.
Although you're also ignoring the fact that guns were already completely overpowered stunlocking self-regenerating machines WITHOUT customisation autism, that just made them 5-second last boss melters.
Yea and people look up broken builds for RPG's point still stands learning to break a game is fun and a non competitive game should not punish it just because some people want to skip the fun part
I can agree with that but the solution GE3 had is not a good solution
Seriously whining that a game is slightly less easily broken is an instant invalidation of your credibility. You should seriously consider killing yourself as a service to humanity.
It's a sequel, and its own entire game, not some nerf patch or something. Just learn to play the new game differently rather than bitch and moan about custom bullets not breaking the game over its knee. If I could just nuke everything with super autism blasts this would be pretty boring.
Soma arrives to put his dick on the table, then leave
Is that as fat as the titties get
Good enough I guess if the gameplay is fun I can accept it
The point is when GE2 nerfed bullets they fucked over piercing but added new things 3 just changed the way they where used so they no longer use OP. This is a bad fix it makes custom bullets a resource that does not regenerate it just becomes a thing about firing one powerful shot finishing the enemy off then repeat its far less interesting than what would happen in 1 and 2 where you'd incorporate your melee into your ranged builds in a way where your melee was based around gaining OP as fast as possible the 2 systems even in the broken version worked together to help each-other the 3 system just makes the 2 even more separate while not making the issue much better now I can just load my custom bullet slots with the same OP bullet and get though alot of the fights not touching melee its not a fun solution its just a flat out bad one
They raise and condition them from little children.
Easymodo bullets were a bad idea and it can only be a good thing that they were mostly done away with.
anybody want to farm operation twilight or twilight of the hounds for $$$
>make an OP-gaining bullet
>game is, as previously stated, now cookie clicker
If I had my way, guns would either be removed entirely or reworked to be a separate weapon type.
also "alot" is not a word
*blocks your path*
What really bothered me with this mission was the lack of a common weak element.
What platform?
>those faces
GE3 spoils in that regard. The reason most people didn't go element in the last two games was because multi aragami missions seldom has matching weakness unless it was retarded shit like 4 kongous.
>run Phym Zeke and Hugo
>get the first knockdown on an Aragami
>break every bond within seconds
Who /full brawler squad/ here?
pc us seattle
laser sword lizard and electric fox were worse for me desu
Can't help you then as I'm on PS4.