>KH3 was amazing and has hours of replayability without Critical Mode
>Anthem is really fun and depending on how greedy EA gets, I may even drop a couple dollars for a few armor pieces and decals
>Far Cry New Dawn was spectacular but a little too short
>Apex Legends is meh
>DMC 5 is meh, DMC 3 was the best of the series
>Sekiro doesn't seem like it's going to live up to the hype especially since there is no customization factor mentioned as of yet
Unpopular Opinion General
Nintendo bonus doesn't exist & is just a way for Sony fanboys & westcucks to cope with the fact that the average Nintendo game is better then any other game
Red Dead 2 is worlds better than RDR
I dislike most of Undertale's characters and its story.
Chrono Trigger isn't incredible or the greatest RPG (though it is good)
Link's Awakening isn't incredible (though it is good) and the Oracle Zelda games are superior.
Beta Strike is how XCOM 2 should have been made in the first place instead of being an optional campaign modifier in War of the Chosen. Enormous improvement over the base game.
so since Yea Forums is contrarian as shit, is this just where people post normalfag opinions and try to get other anons mad?
>>KH3 was amazing and has hours of replayability without Critical Mode
I liked Crystal Chronicles. If there was a way to make getting stronger less tedious it would be great. I thought it felt more immersive than other FFs, and liked seeing the different races and societies in the world.
Also, I think Arin Hanson's a good guy and think he gets too much shit.
>Detroit Become Human is awesome and it does the branching narrative thing better than anything Telltale ever made
>I watch Game Grumps regularly and think the show got better when Dan came on. I also love Super Mega
>Fighting games are garbage and the people who play them are largely insufferable
>the RE2 remake is objectively better than the original in every way by a wide margin. Anyone who argues otherwise is disingenuous or not worth taking seriously.
>rockstar hasn't made a decent game since Midnight Club 1
>2D Zelda games are boring
>Movie games are fine and Yea Forums bitches about them to an insane degree
>Sonic is a worthless franchise. There isn't a single good game in the series.
>anyone who argues the original RE2 is better than the remake isn't worth taking seriously.
>anyone who argues stuff like Doom and Quake is better than Half Life 2 or Titanfall 2 isn't worth taking seriously
>Counter Strike is terrible in all configurations
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
>Fear 2 is better than 1
>DMC1 has aged like sour cream
>Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are significantly better than Deus Ex
>Elder Scrolls and Fallout games are only enjoyed by incredibly boring people. Anyone who claims to enjoy Morrowind or Daggerfall is lying to appear sophisticated to Yea Forums
I thoroughly enjoyed MGSV, and despite being unfinished it's story was enjoyable.
Racing sims and track racing games are not boring
Having to make your own maps is not a bad thing
The modern 4x approach of "doing more with less" is fucking gay, especially with modern Civ games and modern XCOM
Single player games don't need to be "balanced"
Saying zoomers want instant gratification is not a justification for old grindy mechanics that are just a holdover from an age where games padded content to increase game length
Any multiplayer game where all weapons, mechanics, content is not available from the minute you start instantly gets minus 2 points, skill is all that should matter and CoD 4's """progression"""" system needed to die a decade ago not become the template for everything
Uncharted games are good
>Zelda 2 is one of the best games in the series, Zelda fans are just bad at videogames generally, very bad.
>RE2 Remake is only ok, that's it. The fact that numerous areas and enemies were missing as well as a couple weapons bothers me more than it should but its there, RE1 Remake set the standard and RE2 failed to follow it. Regardless of over the shoulder view or tank controls.
On that note
>RE Tank controls aren't very tanky at all, you're just bad at mentally adjusting. Your control directions dont change, you're changing. Just because you cant charge in guns blazing like a bullet spraying COD playing retard doesn't make them bad. As a matter of fact, the cameras in the hallways in every "tank control" Resident evil setup your view ahead of time so you KNOW where you're walking and what to aim at. You're impatient and suck at videogames that require more than spraying bullets like a 5 year old.
>2D Mario hasn't been good since SMW, NSMB sucks ass.
>Mario maker sucks despite all the creative stuff you can do
>Melee is still the best Smash game and your incoming coping autism can suck a dick Tho i think ultimates pretty alright, they just need to fix that input delay, fucking casual pandering fags
>>Apex Legends is meh
Agreed, literally all it brought to the table were some much needed QoL features that other battle royales didn't have
>Zelda 2 is one of the best games in the series, Zelda fans are just bad at videogames generally, very bad.
>2D Mario hasn't been good since SMW, NSMB sucks ass.
>Mario maker sucks despite all the creative stuff you can do
>Melee is still the best Smash game and your incoming coping autism can suck a dick
It's honestly sad that these are unpopular opinions.
>Skyrim is the only good Elder Scrolls game, the rest aged like crap
>Fallout 3 and 4 are good and not shitty games like the first two
>DMC is a overshilled series for aspies.
>DmC fixes all of DMC’s problems but spergs review bombed it because it was better
>PS4 is the greatest console ever made with the best library available
>Nintendo should be bought out by EA or Microsoft to steer them in the right direction for once
>graphics and story are more important than gameplay
>fighting games are boring and shitty and for ugly autists with no chance at speaking with girls
>Paladins is the best hero shooter on the market aside from apex its just Hi-Rez are literal jews
>Dark Souls 2 SOTS has the most replay value in the series and allows for more creative builds
>Smash 4 was actually a pretty great game its just everyone on Yea Forums sucked shit at reading rolls.
>Twilight Princess for Zelda is the best zelda
>Hentai RPG's actually have really unique and interesting mechanics its just developers make sure they are undercooked so you don't lose your concentration when you fap
>Guilty Gear Xrd is slow and they ruined the roman cancel system
>3.2 Project M is better then Super Smash Bros Melee because it was dragonball z levels of busted ass and I loved it
>Smash Bros Ultimate looks like ass when examined up close and the win screens look like gary mod models clapping for the victor.
That's not an unpopular opinion. It's just the underage ResetEra Invaders who try pushing that shit
The only correct opinion is the last one, well crafted bait.
>game you like is bad
>game you hate is good
kh3 is objectively bad and if you like it you're just ignoring the innumerable flaws it has
DMC 5 isn't even out yet, dumbass.
The Witcher series was an overrated dumpster fire, especially 3
Mr. X isn't a problem in RE2 and the people who complain about him either never played the original or RE3 and came into RE2make from only playing the action RE titles.
>could have made his point about people want shooty shooty zombie games with games like killing floor or left for dead
>defaults to muh cod instead
are you mentally challenged? is cod the only other extreme you're capable of conceiving?
An opinion which is not remotely controversial on this shithole of a website.
I don't care if Ellie in TLoU 2 is a lesbian or not because who cares. I also don't care that she has a dumb forearm tattoo because she's obviously pretty messed up and shit is real fucked so who cares about that. I just hope they treat Joel's memory well in the game.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance on hardcore mode is the greatest open world game ever made, and the only one that is remotely immersive as a lightweight simulation as well as an RPG.
This. Invinicible enemies in horror games are always fun, they force you to think outside the box since you can't permanently remove them from the picture until a set moment. This guy for example has shat millions of pants when people realize he would just regenerate no matter how many times you cut to pieces.
I don't care about TLoU2 at all and I thought the first game was just a sort of barebones shooter with a cliched "dark" zombie story and a barely there crafiting system attached to it that people only cling onto because normalfags think anything slightly dark is deep and riveting and I'm not expecting the second game to break that tradition.
Ape Escape 1-3 are better than every 3D Mario to date. Even Sunshine, which was earnestly trying to crib its gadget-centric platforming style, doesn't come close.
That said, Sony in its current form should be barred by court order from revisiting it.
I believe so.