These disgusting creatures are invading our beautiful tamriel. All they do is poison our gene pool and rob out cities. They're good for literally nothing except fucking and fighting. Why do you hate orcs /v?
Damn dirty orcs
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Sounds like a group of people I know in real life.
I hate them because I'll never have a huge, muscular, musky Orc gf (male) to force me to shine her sword and lick her abs.
lol lil nordy mad that his bitch prefers the BOC?
God I hate how an orcess will never drink 15 stamina potions, pin me down on our marital bed and rail me all night long
theres actually very little anti orc sentiment in the elderscrolls because they mostly keep to themselves
Are they really that much of a plague when they have such a low population, mostly keep to themselves and history as proven countess times that any organized army can completely BTFO them?
I bet this thread was made by an Altmer wanted to distract us from the real issue.
Fuck you, goldenrod.
I wanna be raped by orc women!
>little orc antisentiment
Your opinion will change once you find one in your breezehome
I don't hate them. In fact, I'd love to have a masculine orc bf, who would be my personal guard as I travel and explore Dwemer ruins
Ask me how do I know you're a Breton.
How does this image make you feel?
Isn't interbreeding between races even a thing in ES? I know Bretons are mix of men and mer but aren't orcs and beastmen a no-go?
Todd howard doesn't have fantasies like us
I want to be that boy, but the orc looks more like a falmer desu
>aren't orcs and beastmen a no-go?
what do you mean
in the entire history of the setting there has been no records of a single half-beast but there have been a few half-orcs
male argonian masterrace reporting
I mean is it even possible for kahjiits and argonians to make hellspawn with other races or is it just not allowed?
I know there's nothing like it in the games because bethesda is lazy but I thought there was a lore reason as well.
Alright, human, I'll educate your ass. Let me just whip this out...
>They're good for literally nothing except fucking and fighting.
Literally most based race.
there actually was an orc whose mother was orc but father was orc fetishist imperial vampire in Oblivion
>tfw no muscular argonian bf
>Tfw I love ERPing as a futa human getting fucked or raped by orc males/futas.
every playthrough I think about picking something else but I just cant stop myself
Just dont think about it
Get the fuck out of here lizard man
There has been a half-Minotaur but his dad was a demigod winged-bullman (technically his son is the first minotaur) so I'm not sure it counts
God I hate ES lore, it is so stupid. Enjoy the games though,
#allorcs #cuckboy
>ywn fuck an orc
orcs in TES are technically elves
how can someone be the exact opposite of correct
Thanks, I agree. Nothing better than green orc cock up the ass
How embarrassing
yes user they literally wuz until they were cursed by Boethiah into being ugly.
Not even down the throat?
Could some user shop pic related black waifu into an orc waifu with some tribal marking on her thigh
Down the throat is fantastic too, but I gotta admit anal is my favorite.
the deeper you dig the dumber it gets
I disagree user, male human on Orc female is the best option.
Even better if it's human on orc rape. Overpowering a lumbering muscular beast of a woman and giving her what she secretly wants, but not on any of her terms.
you mean the cooler it gets
if you don't think shit like Numidium is cool then you need to fucking leave.
>tfw no orc mommy gf
>whoa giant robot
read a book, a real one
eso is the jankiest fucking shit never post it here again
Who else united with your forsworn brethren to unseat those nord bastards keeping us down?
like how a hermaphroditic dark elf god fucked god of rape for several days while being headless?
sorry user I guess you're just too intelligent for elder scrolls, you should try fallout 76 instead
>I want to wear that corset as a blanket
>elder scrolls
basically the same thing at this point
Orcs are based in tes, nords are the true niggers of tamriel. Dwemer are the snowniggers of tamriel
weak bait, not even a you from me.
>Hey, did you order the jugs?
Yeha yeah Svongormofjornson why don't you go and destroy another higly advanced civilization alongside their wonderous cities. It's been a while.
>fucking and fighting
There's your answer. Beefy orc daddies with huge green cocks to satisfy our sexual needs. Accept it, Altmer faggot.
nothing wrong with wiping out elf "civilizations"
the only thing "advanced" about dirty mer is their ability to get shit on by based men
Is an orc daddy gonna place me in a chastity belt while he fucks my wife?
>knife ear "civilizations"
why do these exist
Does my wood elf perpetuate stereotypes if I built her as a thief archer?
>You will never slurp the thick and goopy Hist sap out of a busty Argonian girl's massive tits, the fluid as resistant to suckage as a McDonalds milkshake, as you go high and see demons in the windows
stealth archers are the most powerful race in the world
>Does my wood elf perpetuate stereotypes
only if you're a faggot