Post homescreens.
3DS Thread
Here's my old one, my new one's similar and I'm too lazy to take a picture
r8 my n3ds anons
Is it just me or do the smaller n3ds look better than the n3dsxl
I have a black n3dsxl and I honestly wish I had a white smaller one since it looks so nice.
How does it handle?
>buying a 3ds
vita is powerful enough to have games that are switch tier in terms of graphics.
not that I care about graphics, KH3 is a worse game than BBS and DDD despite having several times the budget of both combined and running on much more powerful hardware.
That's way the vita was so appealing to me at launch.
>all 3 ratchet games + size matters (better than the ps3 games imo)
>all 3 jak games but they kinda run like shit, they STILL can't be properly emulated though so I'll take it
>all 3 sly games
>ninja gaiden 1 and 2 so you can play as ayane without your dad walking in
That last one is especially great given how amazing the vita dpad is.
ys oath (fucking psp game btw) is better than any game on the switch, breath of le wild included. adding ys origins, VII, DANA (not amazing like oath but I like like the gameplay more than KH3) and the literal rest of the ys games is amazing.
Also, as a point against the switch the vita has the proper version of Steins:gate AND 0, while the switch only has the shitty anime remake.
Note that I'm not a weeb and none of the games I mentioned, even S:G, it's that fucking good I consider to be weebshit.
I barely even mentioned the fucking hundreds of PSP games that the vita runs and the "native" PS1 emulation.
You should still own a 3DS with a DS flashcart though.
Ghost trick, the entire AA series, KH:recoded (the apex of KH gameplay imo), native GBA (vita needs to be overclocked for some games like golden sun, but lets you use generic roms), and yes, KI:U.
The switch is just soi shit and every faggot I see that owns one only picks it up for 20 minutes a day to get le shrines or whatever the fuck. Even if it gets hacked the thing doesn't have a fucking dpad to properly play emulated games with. It's also not actually portable, the 3DS and vita you can put in your pocket, not so with the switch.
Just found my old original model 3DS and wanted to hack it, but i can't stand playing on it anymore because my hands are just too big and start to hurt when playing with the buttons for too long.
I was thinking about getting pic related, where can i buy one online for a cheap price?
Not him but I always prefer the non-XL versions because it's lighter and I don't have hamhands. Some people prefer the pixel density too but I don't really care
If I get a n3DS from japan or something, can I still set it to english and hack it and stuff? I hate the XL but want a new 3ds.
>>buying a 3ds
>You should still own a 3DS with a DS flashcart though.
Am I supposed to steal it?
i love the vita, but you're a faggot
Yes? Just steal it from the nearest spic/nigger near you. Those monkeys wont miss it.
You'll just need to change the language to English and then hack it, a 3DS normally isn't region-free but the process of hacking it (and the end result) is. Alternatively you could just get one off ebay, the small 3DS was sold in America for a short while.
I have a few 3ds's and this one is my favorite by far. I like it much better then the n3dsxl because the resolution stretched out on the bigger screen personally doesn't look right to me. Having a lil n3ds one with a few sets of kisekae plates and homebrewed is the best setup imo.
>pure black systems
its a yikes from me
worded it wrong, I meant investing into the 3DS.
There used to be buyfag threads all over Yea Forums with people spending hundreds on digital only games and shitty 3ds ports.
Oh yeah, that's retarded, especially in current year. I don't think I've bought a 3DS game since New Leaf came out
>3DS died
>Want a new one but also can't be assed to hack it again
Is there so much difference between an n3ds and a n3dsxl? I have the former, but I don't like the design so much, and that black and turquoise n3dsxl looks really cool
my problem is that other than a few gems the 3ds library is shit.
The DS has at least 30-50 must plays, the vita has a great amount of good ports + emulators, but other than MAYBE 5 games the 3DS has nothing.
>worst pokemon gens
>DDD got ported to ps3 and ps4
>the fire emblem games are at best shitty waifu sims, no where near as good as the GBA and gamecube games.
>MH4U is shit, 3U is ok but no where near as good as FU
>KI:U is really good
>xenoblade on the go is cool, ironically it would have been better on the vita
>new leaf is worse than wild world by a fucking long shot
>MGS3 is 15 fps if you're lucky, stable 30 on vita
I honestly regret buying a 3DS first, but I was turned off by the insane memory card prices until the SD card hacks happened.
wanna rearrange my games and folders but not sure how to do it
Just make folders for genres and series.
The product in your picture is the N2DSXL, which is not the same. While it's $50 cheaper, the screens and build-quality are worse and the system lacks 3D
oh fuck I forgot
>SMT IV and IVA are good
>so is soul hackers
>EO is good
>all the DQ games are just ports, and VII is a shit port, but VIII is good.
so that's what, 7 games that are worthwhile on the 3DS?
I was thinking of making one for Atlus games or maybe RPG's in general. My junk folder is actually a Zelda folder but I put the wrong badge on it
My 3ds is busted and with the lack of new games coming would it be better use of money to just get a 2DSXL?
My 3DS is RIP.
It won't read any cartridges.
Just stopped working out of fucking nowhere.
>MH4U is shit
>new leaf worse than wild world
I'm sorry my man but I just don't see it
I had mine since launch when suddenly about a year ago, the trigger buttons kept acting like they were permanently pressed.
If you backed up your saves there's not really a problem, you don't need cartridges to play games.
This fucking sucks though, I have one 3DS that does this with the right trigger (I bought it used) but it periodically decides to fix itself for no reason every few weeks or so. Still not sure why, nothing I do seems to affect it.
just install cfw
all the monsters do is just jump really far making most fights a shitty chase, plus the climbing and mounting is stupid and gets old.
Also the graphics are very muddy compared to the PSP and the lower resolution makes big monsters annoying to fight when you cant fit them in your screen. That's probably why they keep jumping back actually, so they fit on the damn screen.
As for AC, it's made to be played for like 10 minutes a day compared to wild world which was a lot more like the original
should i buy 2dsxl or n3ds?
anyone tried making custom themes? i try to put music in mine but it doesn't want to loop
the latter
took me too long to realize this wasn't a 3ds.
carmen is better good taste though