Far Cry 5 Asset Flip

In retrospect, he was right. The game flopped, that's what you get when you get woke.

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Get beaten by a tranny, quarterpounder

He must let you suck him off whenever you shit post for him?

Wait what, did it release already??

>imagine attacking somebody because he thought you weren’t a real girl
Trannies folks.

Get lost quartershiter

Why would you buy a game you know your just going to shit on?

>buying ubisoft games
>buy far cry

Discort trannies on patrol today?

what else can you make but shitty asset flips when working for a ubisoft/ea/activision demanding yearly releases, just don't buy that trash


I guess we cant expect much from a manchild

>Only has a quarter of a brain
>Uses it for Klan "politics"

What the actual fuck am I reading?
Go home, you're just embarrassing yourselves.

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Why does it work for Apex then?

His video on Apex was the only thing I watched of his in a while. He has no fucking idea how to present an idea. He just runs in circles and has no idea how to make an argument palatable for fucking damn near anyone.


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I'm amazed a man with this level of comedy gold is stuck making youtube videos

Why are you so fucking upset about a dude fighting the good fight?
this, though he's more of a journalist than an entertainer, he just happens to have a good personality to come along with it.

What was the video about? What idea was he trying to present?

>the good fight
he's grating to listen to, he is an active shitflinging retard who can't seem to decide whether he likes someone or not - what good fight is he fighting? Are you shitposting?

That Respawn didn't care about gays or LGBT or whatever, and he said this over and over, said gamers were so inclusive, it was really weird to listen to and I'm not sure why the video had to be made in the first place. His entire argument was "we don't care if someone's gay" but then he makes a point to point out that 3/5 of the characters are girls and that this guy's gay and the only white guy is "toxic". Sounds like he cares.

You say he can't decide if he likes someone or not

So what's "woke" about this game? The fact the antagonists are two black chicks?

how could anyone be? youtube is full of talentless drivel. He's a perfect fit