Oh no! A group of mermaid pirates attacks. What are you going to do?
Oh no! A group of mermaid pirates attacks. What are you going to do?
*unzips dick*
I don't think that's very effective against mermaids.
Fuck the Elevens and FUCK dungeon crawlers!
Let's see how feisty they are once they are stuck to a pool or bathtub
Shouldn't you grab one of their henchmen first?
Wait a sec. Did they just assume my gender?
But what if they also turn you into a merman or mermaid, user?
>Teeth where the human part meats the fish part
Not practical at all.
But I kinda like its a original take on the idea. good shit.
What game?
>tfw no mermaid maid
You ain't getting out of this one, friend.
Mermaids cannot survive without mermen
demon gays (2)
I'd let this thing suck up my star power until she becomes all juicy and plump.
Just abduct landlubbers when needed
Get out of the water and dump a few gallons of antifreeze in there.
What about the good mermaids you're going to kill doing this?
What ABOUT them?
The first one is better
fish "people" deserve nothing
But you are encroaching on their territory.
manifest destiny, fishbitch
manfish destiny
But they do deserve something.
All of the oceans belong to man.
There are no manfishes in OPs pictures, only frails mermaids ripe for the taking.
Oh yeah I'd definitely let them rape me
based lovecraft
show those fishniggers who is boss
god i just want to fuck their tits.
The captain distributes the slaves though.
what kind of captain doesn't even have a real working boat
>have magic ward already in place
Cast Thundaja
Lure them into my mermaid-harvesting chamber to be slaughtered, and sell their bones to the highest bidder.
MGE did it better
>casting spells under water
I don't know why we never see mermaids based on dolphins or other sea mammals. It'd solve the "how do you fuck them" question no problem.
Why would a fish need a boat?
>not having the Chantless skill
>not being so attuned you can cast spells just by will alone
>adventuring as a lvl 1 mage
It's not my fault you're fucking stupid.
My cum is highly effective against thots
>thots mean that hoe over there
>you're the only one that whips his dick out to all the ladies like a whore
>highly effective against thots
So what you're saying it you masturbate a lot.
Don't fap shame!
I'm saying that their lives and career will be ruined when I forcibly impregnate them against their will and coerce them through violence to raise my bastard children.
*unsheathes futa merdick*
Sit on a corner and cry because I don't have a qt mermaid pirate gf.
>pirate gf
She'd backstab you faster than you imagine. One day you're on a date with her when a few of her piratefriends see you two and then they start poking fun at her how she dates a human. What do you think she'll do? Stand up for you? No, she'll just go on about how she's trying to rape and mug you, so they all join in and do it together while you're left behind now without a pirate gf.
But user, you are her most precious treasure, she will gladly make anyone who talks shit about you walk the plank
If she really was his gf she'd jump straight to the rape
Sorry ladies I identify as a female so you should attack me :^)
Ill never understand the appeal of monstergirls, they are simply monsters, monsters are meant to be killed.
[x] Rape the maids
For some, russian roulette, you never know if she might eat you or snuggle you
Can do freaky shit no human can etc