Nothing can be worse then SS
Wind Waker was pure garbage.
From WW to BoTW
> MetaScore: 96, User Score: 89, Best Game Lists: 45, Lists Topped: 3
> Metascore: 96, User Score: 87, Best Game Lists: 27, Lists Topped: 0
> MetaScore: 93, User Score: 84, Best Game Lists: 5, Lists Topped: 0
> MetaScore: 97, User Score: 92, Best Game Lists: 26, Lists Topped: 8
Keep seething
But TP is the worst one there.
Wind Waker is one of the most overrated games of all time. The art style and music are great, everything else is a pile of shit.
> BOTW has only been out for 2 years & has already been listed as many times as Twilight Princess was in a decade
Based, TP was fucking garbage
That's two more things than nuzelda.
Twilight Princess came out before the consolidation of the consumer internet.
Yeah congrats Wind Waker at being slightly better than the worst games in the franchise. Still doesn't make the game worth playing
So did Wind Waker yet it still has double the amount of lists then Twilight Princess
You can't just post a neutral image and a word that implies something bad and expect to start a shitposting thread
> STILL seething that Wind Waker used isn't a dark & edgy piece of shit like Twilight Princess or Majora's Mask
Kill yourself Boomer
Wasn't TP a response to the cries that WW got? What was SS a response to?
Instead its just shit
SS went back to linear design, cell shaded & more story focused game design. Every Zelda game that pandered to the autistic faggots in the fandom complaining about it has been shit
BOTW is a masterpiece in game design
All of those games are better than Majora's Mask
>each one received better than the last
>even fucking Skyward Sword
Wind Waker fans must be seething.
What the other user said, plus more involved and accurate motion controls compared to Wii TP's waggling.
>Every Zelda game that pandered to the autistic faggots in the fandom complaining about it has been shit
I'd say maybe they should make another OoT, but would that really fix anything? That was the last game in the series that had more of a unified appreciation.
Breath of the Wild has an insane amount of acclaim, do not listen to a few Yea Forums contrarians.
Yes, just keep BOTW's Exploration, Engine & Gameplay and go back to the OOT Formula for everything else & make Young Link and Zelda the Playable Protagonists
I loved all four of those and have completed and 100% them all multiple times. Great games.
You can't have BotW exploration and gameplay with OoT's "formula" based on item progression, it would mean locking huge chunks of the world and making the game more linear, denying BotW's freedom of choice.
>SS has a metascore of 93
How can you deny the Nintendo bonus for such a shit game?
Shows what you know. The only game I hate more than Wind Waker is Majora's Mask.
MM > OOT > TP > SS > BOTW > WW
>MM first
Opinion discarded.
What exactly went wrong with SS? What were they trying to accomplish with it that they thought adding Fi was a good thing?
nah BOTW waasn't perfect but it was much better than Casual Sword or Brown n Bloom Ocarina. WW was good.
It made sense to them at the time, the Wii era brought them tons of casual customers not normally interested in videogames who'd need to be eased into games more complex than Wii Sports, they simply went overboard sometimes.
It does, you do see the 3D games in general get more hate than the 2D ones.
That's just the direct consequence of having higher sales. And BotW eclipses every other game in the series saleswise to the point it's doubled or more than doubled the sales of every game except TP, there are obviously going to be more haters in raw number, but comparatively speaking, it has extremely high acclaim.
>dark & edgy piece of shit like Twilight Princess or Majora's Mask
It's like WWcucks never even played TP or MM?
>WW was good.
It wasn't.
I personally find the 2D entries more consistent but they never really get looked upon as amazing. People just seem to forget about them. Damn shame.
I'll take that over the infinite autism and fanbase wars plaguing the 3D Zeldas. I'm sure you haven't enjoyed the taste of it we got from shitposters latching onto the Link's Awakening remake either.
How so?
>metacritic scores will instantly fix WW's rushed development and mediocre overworld and dungeons
Really sad on your part.
Windwaker is indeed lousy. Even after they fixed it up, sailing still sucks, still doing the stupid triforce gathering bullshit sucks even if it's reduced in number of pieces, warping in this game really sucks with those tornadoes, they didn't add the axed dungeons. Game is also piss easy to the point of embarrassment given it's the easiest Zelda in the whole franchise. And whoever thought about those lame Control Character Dungeons with Medli and the Korok dude should be murdered (switching characters is annoying).
People who like this awful game should be shot.
b-but muh cell shading and soul ;-;
I liked parts of the Earth Temple with the character-switching, the final room with all the mirror was great. However yeah, the dungeons in general past the first two feel very undercooked and rushed, like the Tower of Gods letting you enter on the boat but not using it for basically anything and the Wind Temple locking Makar away almost immediately and making the character switching pointless.
>game literally jokes about how unfinished it is
There's also that horrible sneaking around early dungeon that you had to do twice overall.
>le Fedora's Mask meme
Why can't this die already? It's been at least half a decade.
It's WWfags. Just leave them to their autism.
>People say WW is shit
>People say TP is shit
>People say SS is shit
>People say BotW is decently good, but not Zelda
Does anyone even like this franchise
>always thought the island would still be there if you went there before beating forest haven as a kid
>always wanted to explore underwater Hyrule
I will never not be mad.
I don't see a Playstation 4 anywhere in this picture though???
>OOT still hasn't been topped
what the fuck is it gonna take
This so fucking hard.
It makes me so fucking mad that people love this unfinished piece of shit while also shitting on SS for being just as unfinished
WWfags also hate on TP for no fucking reason even they love the worse 3d zelda game
>while also shitting on SS for being just as unfinished
But SS was finished and gave what WW lacked (dungeons, decent side quests) by the handful.
Why does everyone like BoTW so much? It had the least number of dungeons and they were all trash and easy as hell, the story was fucking shit and weapon durability is an unnecessary gimmick
Because retards like exist.
>SS was finished
You fight the imprisoned like 50 times, you do the stupid dumbass note gathering bullshit as well as the stealth section on the mountain
I love SS but if you go back and play it, it wasn't finished. Not like TP or OOT
Not unfinished as WW tho
Same reason people love OOT so much.
It is considered a technology leap for the franchise, and after several instances of the same regurgitated shit, anything that tries something new and does an above average job at it will be praised as the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
The game is fun, but it has a lot of fucking weaknesses people won't point out because Zelda can't have any flaws whatsoever.
>Never got far in any of them because of my low attention span
This but with alttp
Venture outside Yea Forums, many people love them. Though compared to 2D Zelda games, the 3D ones in general are most heavily criticized.
Reminder that Yea Forums has always hated Twilight Princess & anyone who thinks it's good is a newfag
>Same reason people love OOT so much. It is considered a technology leap for the franchise
OOT was literally Link to the Past but in 3D. BotW was made from scratch and people wouldn't even recognize it as a Zelda game if it wasn't for the story and characters.
>and after several instances of the same regurgitated shit, anything that tries something new and does an above average job at it will be praised as the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Again, this is true for BotW but not for OOT.
>gold/silver/crystal at the top
What was Yea Forums like before /vp/?
>Yea Forums is one person
>GSC at the top
Figures, Platinum or BW2 aren't out yet.
it must have been made before 2011 because Dark Souls isn't even on it
Can you read?