how big will the asshurt be here when this gets released and gets perfect scores?
How big will the asshurt be here when this gets released and gets perfect scores?
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1 was fucking nuts I don’t see at all how this one will surpass it or even be as good as the first one
Specially because looks like sjw bullshit
Fucking insane m8, it was almost a decent movie. Absolutely and positively wild, I cannot believe it.
>when this gets released and gets perfect scores?
Making the 13 year old girl every pedophile in waiting drooled over in the first game. Become a lesbian that can be raped at anytime in the second game. Might have adverse consequences. Don't know yet. But from everyone's face at E3 when they saw that kiss. It looked like it destroyed them finally.
I think it will be a good movie
>Love interest is an ugly kike dyke
That's a yikes from me bro
Everyone knows it will get a perfect score because it's a safe shitty walking simulator, like the first one was. Add in the MUH LESBIAN QUEEN narrative and there is no way anyone could badmouth it.
The virtue signaling in this game will make it the black panther of video games.
First game was great at first but the second half of the game was just really repetitive and had some shitty level design. Strongest part of the game was where you played as Ellie. If you played the DLC you already knew she was a dyke cause she had the hots for her black best friend, so I have no idea why people are so surprised.
>she was a dyke cause she had the hots for her black best friend
Great so interracial lesbians are going to the new trend or fad. Fantastic.
It'll g-g-get woke and g-go broke just like red dead redemption 2!
1 was a mediocre movie though
Of course it'll get perfect reviews 90% of reviewers are either trannies or visit resetera daily.
Yeah man. I especially liked the "RE4 but not fun or challenging" gameplay and the "it's like a generic post-apocalypse movie but bad" plot.
Neil Druckman said that Naughty dog doesn’t use the word “fun” when making games rip
Of course it's going to be 10/10
Its even going to win GOTY to show how "progressive" gamer comunity is
Literally all Naughty dog games are walking simulators that put gameplay the most important part of a videogame in second place, basically just show how stupid reviews are nowdays
>when the pandering will obviously fail
>when the pandering will obviously succeed
yep the asshurt is so huge and it isnt even at the boiling point yet
Does it matter? Yea Forums will pretty be the only place that even criticizes the game when it comes out. It’s going to be called a landmark and groundbreaking video game just like the first one and will undoubtedly be considered the greatest game ever made by a few websites. Literally any dissenting feelings about the game is going to result in accusations of homophobia even if people try to speak out
>be me, playing last of us
>put controller down to watch the movie
>nothing happens
wtf Yea Forums lied to me????
>Black Panther
>Set in an unironic patriarchy that is anti-immigration and isolationist.
So does that mean Ellie will dump her kikess girlfriend and proclaim that it's better off if they both start breeding with as many men as possible while they're still in their fertile years?
>It’s going to be called a landmark and groundbreaking video game
By the LGBT community only. And other sexually curious people after that who will become LBGT after playing the game.
Joel looked cool, whyd they make ellie look like shit?
No, it’ll be called groundbreaking in general. The first game was and all it did was have an above average storyline. Throw in even more cinematic gameplay + progressive LGBT characters and you have a game that will be considered gospel
1 was a better movie than anything released in theaters that year
Why does everyone who obviously didnt play the fisrt one have always the same "muh lesbians muh movie" arguments instead of discussing the gameplay and visuals?
How did this bitch get an elaborate tattoo in the apocalypse?
>"adult" game
>it's basically a shitty YA novel in terms of writing and is clearly marketed at teenagers
I'm a turbofaggot and I cannot stand these games and their cinematic bullshit approach. They could have made a decent stealth game to go along with it, but they didn't.
>gets released and gets perfect scores?
I honestly think the gameplay is gonna be fine, but the problem is when it does get good/perfect scores, Neil cuckman's going to assume its because of the SJW decisions he's making (e.g hiring someone only because they were trans), he's gonna ham it up even more in his next involvement and everyone who actually worked hard on the game is gonna be overshadowed by this delusional perspective.
I just feel bad for the people involved in this future trainwreck. They clearly tried their best.
I want this game to succeed
The kike dies 30 mins into the game.
Two girls kissing is pretty hot so what? We know from the last of us part 1 that Ellie and Riley had a thing going on so it shouldn't be a surprise she is les
Upstream Color was definitely better than a generic zombie movie in video game format
>how big will the asshurt be here when this gets released and gets perfect scores?
Don't know i have no clue...i will be to busy playing the game. I won't be back here for a few weeks when it's released. This place is going to be a shit show and i could give a fuck less what you faggots think. None of you niggers play video games anyways let alone know what GOOD games are LOL.
The only time pandering fails it's because of the fans, the media will suck the last of us dick just like womens in battlefield retard
From a tattoo artist probably
I'd buy this if it weren't for the blatant LBGT agenda and lack of gore & giblets. I mean the set pieces and camera work/suspense stuff looks great. But if you're gonna have a game where you shoot people in the face or the back of the head etc they had better explode in chunky bits or bleed out in the most graphic way possible. What they've shown of the combat looks good but head shotting someone and them rolling over lack a mannequin just breaks the immersion completely.
>Literally all Naughty dog games are walking simulators
I mean by that definition i think its safe to say almost all video games are walking simulators
Naughty Dog already burned me with TLOU and Uncharted. TLOU2 better have the same multiplayer or no deal.
>Two girls kissing is pretty hot so what?
Oh.... child....
I died a little inside i feel sick i'm gonna puke HHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Get over it cunt go play apex or something.
>you have a game that will be considered gospel
Again to the LGBT community only. How do you think LBGT get their followers. The play games like TLOU and wonder what it would be like. Then they seek it out. And presto you have another LBGT ramming this game down peoples throats. Do you want to join the LGBT community? Because you seem to love this game abit too much.
i only play these to piss off Yea Forums i hope and pray you all get so angry you have a stroke and die.
>TLOU2 better have the same multiplayer or no deal.
its really keeps TLOU and Uncharted going longer.
Also i just wanna point out that after extracting some audio data from TLOU for an SFM smut, i found out that they gave each individual characters breathing audios.
But not just breathing audios, each individual breath in. and each individual breath out sound effects done by characters.
That includes the many many multiplayer character voices.
Kikes are destroying her image. Gave her some dumb ass unnecessary tattoo and made her a faggot who kisses the jeweiest looking jew you've ever seen.
>Haha gotcha goyim!
Isn't that just a default of the industry? Who gets 'btfo' by this? That's like making an epic prediction that traditional media is going to put out an anti-Trump news piece.
Dat hate LOL did you kill a few dogs today?
probably not at all you shitposting tism
is that your idea of a good game?
Screencap this
I will deep fry my hat and livestream me eating it if this game gets more than 5 10/10 perfect scores.
>unnecessary tattoo
I mean, yeah it looks stupid and out of place.
but i thought it was kinda obvious to everyone it was to hide her bite/infection?
Because the gameplay of the first one is bare bones and basic as shit. It functions and does what it needs to do is the best thing you can say about it
the first one was great. i don't expect any major missteps with the sequel, though it's possible. not sure how i feel about playing as ellie, just because i liked joel and his relationship with her and everyone else a lot, but it does make sense to play as her and it will be interesting to see what has happened and what is happening.
>Moves at 24 fps
>not a movie
>Implying im gonna watch & buy this movie
Mate the japanese have been making elaborate tattoos with nothing more than a pointy stick for literally hundreds of years
>if this game gets more than 5 10/10 perfect scores.
How about you have to kiss a dude a post it on LGBT twitter page with the Caption: This one is for Ellie.
to be fair no one really cares what you do, so you're fine not being affected by this game
Your all huge losers!
Its obviously gonna get 10/10s everywhere, it has a lot of diversity.
The only people that disliked TLOUs multiplayer are people that played on casual and journalist non-humans.
It was better than the single player.
1 was shit though. 2 could only be better.
it won't get perfect scores
it will do very well for sure, but I don't think it will do as well as some people expect it to, there's surprisingly little talk around it bar race shitposting
nobody's really interested in the game, they're just interested in shitposting
At least it gave us top tier SFM material.
Actually that's pretty much accurate when you shoot someone in the head it doesn't splatter like movies make you believe it does unless it's point blank range with a shotgun I've got to say the gunplay is some of the most realistic we've seen in games.
The multiplayer was fucking excellent for the original tlou absolutely underrated
Nigger i play on grounded and beat it LOL
>It was better than the single player.
I seriously dont understand how this works.
I've seen actual Tattoo guns that makes more sense to me than the traditional tools.
It's a lost art these days.
Disgusting fetish you have...
people still cry their eyes out over the first one being a great game. we'll probably reach critical levels of shitposting.
Not my fault you have horrible taste.
I think if one game can get a 100 average from the vidya luggenpresse it's this one.
>I seriously dont understand how this works.
You haven't seen the Yakuza Tattoo Artists documentary? The fuck is wrong with you? And I have had one done. Basically is isn't vibrating pain. It is slow forceful poking pain. But good.
Not my fault your a loser with garbage taste HAHAHAHAHAH FAGGOT!
>It was better than the single player.
yea, let's see Part II release without a single player, see how that goes
Quit being so mad about your sad dad simulator.
I mean even as a joke this is just bad, it's not even worth a laugh, you either come off as a shitty bait or legitimately autistic.
Better than ANY modern horse shit trash you play cunt! go play a shit game and fuck off back to the basement.
Go fuck a dog fatty
Real talk OP; What are the chances that Naughty Dog would pull a stunt in the story where Joel is the villain the whole time not only in the sequel, but also revealed that Joel was actually evil in the first game or something among the lines like that to make the normalfags enough to get mad at ND for that? I have a feeling that would happened.
I already know it will. Why would I be mad?
Sorry your mom's not worth it.
It's been confirmed now.
You love it and you know it faggot.
TLOU is modern horse shit trash, you smelly idiot.
>Joel was actually evil
You mean like how Joel shot up an entire gang that had the potential to push a cure?
There will be a metric fucking shitload of fabricated anger here, count on it. A million shitty wojaks with all caps saying "NO BROS HOW CAN THIS BE????" as three marketers stroke each other off samefagging ten separate threads to bump limit.
Most of Yea Forums will either fall for the hype or simply not care. But nobody actually gets outright mad about this stuff.
Hey now i shower everyday thats's a low blow!
the multiplayer was fun though
First off both Ellie and the nigress are both ugly as fuck, second, "my micropenis says its ok, therefore it is."
1 was as mediocre as it gets, but it got propped up by the nu-males and basedboys of the web because they're still scarred from Roger Ebert's critique of video games as an art form.
No shit it's a good game just because you filthy niggers can't handle a good game so you shit all over it get fucked loser LOL
Same way she got clean clothes?
Are you trying to say you have a micropenis are you trying to say that the other user has one?
I'd like to say that Yea Forums won't put stock in review scores and won't make a big thing about it
I'd like to say that
I really thought the first game would let me choose to kill her. I was very disappointed.
When? The only info I know of this game is that fart-sniffing gay kissing scene at E3 last year.
More or less about the squeal revealing the REAL past of Joel where it contradicts the characterization of Joel from the first game to some extent.
Roger Ebert did nothing wrong. Vidya should had never been pushed to be an "art form" in the first place.
Humanity is on the verge of extintion and the only girl who seems to have some sort of inmunity to the cordyceps is a fucking dyke. I hope this happens IRL so all the people who rejected faggotry are proven right.
You have a microhand
>about the sequel
>Joel was actually evil in the first game
Could explain why he got pissed off and cock blocked when trying to molest Ellie in peace.
most of the world isn't worth saving anymore though, better that only a few survive and live purely and fight for it each day than to live impure lives
gears of war had a proper story depiction of what happens when there is a severe need for babies.
Women were straight up forced to give birth
>REAL past of Joel where it contradicts the characterization of Joel
Well, somewhere mid of the game Joel legitimately tells Ellie that he's rolled with a bunch of raiders before, doing the things they were doing. something like "i've been on both sides *insert grumpy grumblings here*"
iirc it was when they crashed the truck and when some raider tried to flag them down.
Eat a bullet one less faggot around.
To be fair the "controversy" is all artificial
the only thing hurting will be my wallet after shelling out $120
It's gonna get perfect scores but it isn't gonna deserve them, it's gonna be more scripted than other naughty dog games, there's no denying the games look great visually but it's literally just following a straight line to the end with no variation from that
zombie stories that do a "several years later" story always suck.
>gears of war had a proper story depiction of what happens when there is a severe need for babies.
What? Where in Gears Of War does it ever say the need for babies? Hell 5 will have the big reveal about how the Locusts were created?
Everybody knows that girls can’t do shit other than
...Like you're mom
you need to get out more
Naughty dog games are movie games and there's nothing wrong with that but they're basically just walking sims with slightly more gameplay and bigger action setpieces
>after shelling out $120
Dude don't. You will be funding a Trans Support group. Don't do it man.
If Uncharted and TLoU are "movie games", how come they both have fun multiplayer components with solid gameplay?
it runs at 60fps at native 3200x1800 resolution on the PS4 pro
>A way out
Movie game with decent multiplayer
I always point this out and all the movie-memers just ignore me because there is no way to refute it
Who gives a fuck.
I will refute...COCK SUCKER!
What about all the combat, action, setpieces, killing, shooting, meleeing, stealthing etc?
That is not walking
>Comparing A Way Out to Uncharted multiplayer
That's co-op dumbass.
I'm talking about competitive multiplayer, shit like TDM or CTF.
Sounds too much like a game.
They're scared to admit that the games actually have good gameplay, which they both do.
I do agree the singleplayer in ND's more recent games is definitely bogged down by a lot of walking sections and stuff that could be taken out to improve the pacing, but that doesn't mean the gameplay isn't still fun.
I have no doubt this game will get the highest scores and the greatest praise from journalists and normies alike. I still won't be buying it.
Not as big as your asshurt when Yea Forums still trashes the game. It could literally get a 99 on metacritic, it's not a Yea Forums game. You can celebrate over at resetera where games like those are well liked, this community doesn't want you or your ""games"".
You won't. Until they come and destroy what you love and bought for $120.
Reminder that Joel is a fucking dick and he didn't deserve Ellie.
You're a faggot.
>Classifying games you like by which video game forum you post on
Advanced autism
>They're scared to admit that the games actually have good gameplay
No. They did and could have. But they fucked it up.
>generic pew pew zombies game
>Reminder that Joel is a fucking dick and he didn't deserve Ellie.
>Misread that as Joel is dicking Ellie
says the lil fat bitch playin this game for gay niggas
No you dont understand, what if youre playing the game and then suddenly, two women start talking to eachother. Youll soon come to regret your words and actions.
How so? Because like I just said, both games have really fun multiplayer components comprised of all the gameplay and none of the "movie" bullshit
He is...i got a boner now.
Fuck off spic go fuck a taco
Who will be more assblasted, the toddlers or the /pol/fags?
>cliche zombie story
>cucked protag who dooms the whole world for muh surrogate daughter
>one shot enemies
>rooms in 'safe' areas with waist high walls and boxes that spoiled things would go wrong
The only good part of the whole 'game' was the hospital at the end because of how visceral it was to just walk up to doctors begging for their lives and blow their chests open.
>"Joel...I'm a faggot"
>Guitar strings play
>Game ends
>Credits roll
>Journalist trannies give the game 10/10
Both when they get mad i get rock hard!
that wasn't very ABAP of you
Fuck Hitler
TLOU1's infected are as good for fast-zombies as RE2 Remake's are good for slow-zombies.
The regular zombies were freaky with their panicked and scared looking faces making those horrible pained expressions. I really liked the "stalker" zombie type that would always hide in the shadows behind obstacles and ambush you. They were like the one enemy in the game whose the combat AI was actually great.
I mean, maybe if you didn't watch movies at all.
>one-shot enemies
>he played it on easy
I'm not even that guy, but I finished playing through TLOU last week and most of the enemies definitely took more than one shot. The basic infected even need more than one shot, the only way to kill an enemy with one shot is to shoot them in the head. Which is pretty obvious. And even with that, most infected needed multiple headshots because their heads had armor. And later on most human enemies start wearing helmets, so they need multiple shots to the head as well.
You either didn't play the game at all or you played it on easy. At least make an effort to make it seem plausible next time, user.
For added immersion
Yeah but he also said “game.”
Thethis thread is great to go by I can’t wait for the release
Are you retarded? One-shot enemies mean ones that can kill (you) in one hit. Jesus Christ I knew ESL fags lurked this board but you take the cake.
>Youll soon come to regret your words and actions.
Like you won't regret going to $120 for one game? How high are you willing to pay for TLOU2. I mean you don't care either that all sales of TLOU2 will go to LBGT community charities either. So then the LGBT community can spread more stronger messages of sexuality. But again you don't care. So it's no big deal to you.
That's not even true either. The only enemies that can kill you in one hit are special infected like clickers, and in 90% of encounters there's only one or two of them you have to worry about with the exception of scripted action setpieces where the game wants you to run away. They add an interesting dynamic because you have to think about which enemies to take out first. It makes the combat more engaging.
You know I just realised that makes it worse. You're tattooing a fucking infection. That shits going to fuck your body up something bad.
I'm hoping deaths the amount of mad here insane.
>better movie than anything released in
theaters that year
More like this year.
God, I was reading the Oscar nominations and they are all awful. How the fuck did Vice get nominated for best picture? There has not been a single movie since Hereditary that both appealed to me and was not rated like 6/10 or below by critics + audiences. That's never happened to me for any other year before
to be fair most people i know would call that a one hit kill enemy or OHK and not one shot, one shot typically would mean the enemy dies in one shot
They haven’t made a good game since the orginal crash
>combat more engaging
the combat is a slower, poor imitation of RE4. Dead Space hit the RE4 flattery better. Clickers aren't the only ones who can, either, the bloated piece of shit that chases you in the inner city can do it too. I wasn't even playing on grounded and that fat faggot bodied me at full health.
I give everything a fair chance but that part reeked of bad design. I love RE2 remake as well, platinumed it in two days, but the Ivys in NEST have the same issue and I don't defend that either despite agreeing RE2 deserves its 91 meta score. The difference, however, is RE2 has great gameplay and plenty of it, TLOU is as criminal with its corridor>cutscene ratio as MGS4.
huh.. didn't think of that too desu.
Maybe it's the fact she's already immune to this whole cordyceps thing she's also immune to a lot of things i guess? But yeah that just seems like a bad thing to do to tattoo up what is practically a wound
TLoU 1 was good. Not great, not excellent, not a masterpiece. It was good. A literal solid 7. Uncharted 4 was much better.
I’m gay and I’ll happily rip it apart if they writing is just as shit as the 1st game
who even wants to play this shit
>enemies ignore AI sidekick
>sidekick can kill enemies
literal retard tier coding.
>boss enemy can kill you in one hit
wow what awful design, i can't believe a boss enemy could do that. what were they thinking!?
Not that guy but the only time I hear people say "one shot" is in multiplayer games where the person they're attacking is low on health. Stop acting like there is some certified lingo for Yea Forums you fucking fag.
And like this guy said "one-hit kill" is actually what you meant.
She is immune to the infection you dingus.
She is tattooing over the scar because it looks like a spreading fungus infection. She doesn't want otherwise-friendly people to kill her because they think she's about to turn and don't believe her immunity story.
the Jak Games were good, too.
would you rather be frustrated that your AI keeps getting caught?
Granted even they admitted they couldn't properly code AIs to act stealthier so they just improvised.
Easy to make a game with decent gameplay when it's 2 hours long. And even then the "gameplay" is comprised of nothing but backtracking through hallways, running past zombies, and going on a scavenger hunt for keys.
I'm already asshurt just thinking about how many perfect scores this "game" will get.
You'll note I mentioned RE2 Remake in my post? None of the bosses in that can one shot you at full health, only if you're in Danger state. That's how you design a boss enemy. Difficulty is possible without being cheap.
You'll find one-shot is pretty common, and if you hear them say that, it's the wrong context. You want to bring up Multiplayer games? CoD gives you the 1-shot-1-kill medal when you kill an enemy at full health with a single bullet. Nothing to do with low health. If I had low health and the enemies killed me, I'd be okay with it, my fault for not managing my resources and healing.
it's fucking stupid, you have a godmode sidekick that can't die and kill enemies.
Its going to get 10/10 regardless of how bad it is. Hell, they could remove all gameplay elements and make it the order 2.0 and it will still be 10/10
>because an overrated game from overrated devs gets fellated by a bunch of """journalists""" hell-bent on propping up games with CITIZEN KANE OF GAYMEN empty phrases so they can claim the medium they cover is in any way comparable to film or literature
Whatever you say, OP. I look forward to your threads with sales data and reviews that mean something when it helps your argument but are ignored when it doesn't.
Not very big, everyone expects it to be a shitty reviewer bait game
>can't die
but they can though
tyrant can kill you in a single hit with his charge attack though, even with cheat engine enabled
Retard, I didn't mean all multiplayer games, especially not CoD. Shit like Halo where shields are down, people will say "that guy is a one-shot". If you're talking about enemy ai in a singleplayer game, "one-hit kill" is used way more often to mean what you were trying to say, rather than "one-shot".
Plus 90% of the time, it's the player that does the killing and in most scenarios they wouldn't shoot first unless you get caught.
no excuse for the AI ignoring your sidekick
it's completely immersion breaking
Considering that the outbreak started 20 years ago, shouldn't clickers and bloaters be the more common infected? According to the game and the wiki it only takes a few months for runners to turn into hybrids, and a year for hybrids to turn into clickers.
So there are either giant fucking groups of survivors just ahead of you that all get infected before you get there, or the devs didn't follow their own lore.
The difference with that is Tyrant charges up for upward of ten seconds, whereas a clicker regardless of how much you shoot it during that animation, will kill you.
You really don't want to bring up Halo, nigger. I've been playing that since 2 first came to XBL and not once did anyone mention one shotting and I was pretty active in lobbies and parties.
>implying I'll be mad and not just ignore it and move on like always
I've long since accepted that the masses love these shallow cinematic snorefests and they'll be around forever. I'll just won't play it and stick to games I like.
>resident evil, boring gameplay and ladder edition
The issue with the games is that the mechanics are never utilised properly in the game due to various issues. Mechanically(apart from certain personal aspects) they aren't poorly done. The problem with the SP and why the games get so heavily shit on is the use of downtime and active time.
In single player the downtime and uptime are split amongst the 3 main sectors, cutscenes, walkntalk, gameplay. The problem however comes in the form of putting uptime or peaks in the cutscenes and walkntalks while the troughs have downtime. This is really bad design from a player perspective. Even more so if you don't care for the story.
Now let me ask, when do you have control yanked away from you during multiplayer? The answer is never. In other words the gameplay has all the peaks. THIS is the ideal place the game should be with troughs not occuring during active gameplay. So we now have a mechanically sound game but no extra bullshit. That's what makes the MP good and the SP get called a movie game. It's about time management. ND do a really dangerous thing where the second you stop caring about the characters or story, the second they've lost you, the games become overly tedious because of their placing of peaks and troughs, BUT multiplayer doesn't have that so it can't lose you on any merits other than gameplay.
TLoU's story was good but it went through the typical formula of "dumb down the controls and mechanics because uhhhhhhhhhh immersion" that Rockstar made popular, and then the TLoU2 demo not only proved they never left that philosophy, but they also made OH WOW LESBIANISM as a core focus point instead of writing it into the plot naturally (which is wholly possible, it's just not done often).
tl;dr TLoU2 feels like VGAbait and will likely be painfully mediocre. Not abjectly bad, just mediocre.
it's better than the alternative:
getting game overs because your sidekick went and died retardedly
Not him but that's why you kill the clicker before it can get close to you. And if you can't kill it, that's why you throw a brick in its face.
and that's what shivs are for, to stop the animation from killing you
stop making excuses for retard devs, it's a design flaw
I could give a fuck how long you've been playing Halo for, I played it since split-screen only mp on Combat Evolved. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say "he's a one shot" especially on 3 multiplayer.
ND has really improved on the friendly AI though. They balance a whole system around it to make it work. At least they did in UC4 (a game which your partner very rarely walks in front of the enemy compared to TLOU).
The AI partners in that game do like 1% the damage that you do if you are just hiding and trying to make them do all the work. If you fight alongside them and save them from being grabbed, they will alternate back and do stuff like save you by finishing off a near-dead enemy that you ran out of bullets to defend yourself from in time. And keeping them in close range is a good strategy to keep from being grabbed yourself
I know I’ll be. People are Uncharted 4 up and that was shit. Long plataform sections where you held forward + x like a maniac because the story had to be info dumped on you, they strives for realistic seating and then the game reminded that it was supposed to be a game. All of a sudden you were in the most obviously designed shooting gallery every
>not once did anyone mention one shotting
Either you're flat out lying and have never played Halo, or you're just being ignorant on purpose.
The issue with that is Shivs are also degradable yet tied to performing stealth kills, not to mention they're in limited supply per playthrough. Without knowledge of clickers ahead, you could very easily waste them on mooks and then regret it after with no recourse.
Doesn't change that I've never heard it and people on Yea Forums have been criticising one-shot bosses for years. Spend five minutes in a Dark Souls 3 thread and someone will post it about Midir.
it's more like a pathing limitation and they admitted they older gen ps3 couldn't really keep up with too many AI's making decisions, that's why the only time you have enemy npc vs infected doing dynamic battles was the dlc and even there you can see the pathing get really broken from time to time - it's also why infected could never work on the old gen hardware and they hinted there could be some in a new multiplayer mode for tlou 2
Unlike TLOU UC4 is unironically kino though
Same problem I had with U4, naughty dog can’t into level design
Neither, but cope harder faggot.
well resources management is always a part of survival horror games and if you're wasting shivs on mooks that's not good resource management so you're gonna pay for it later - learn to choke people and infected out more and save the shivs or waste the shivs and rely more on other means to kill them like bombs or high powered guns
The last of us shits all over you faggots. You can't even understand good story telling stay upset and don't bother responding i'm right no matter what.
it's better design
people rightfully throw shit fits when losing because of a game element that's out of their control
see Brawl tripping
Hope harder faggot.
Dope harder faggot
>to the infection
Nigga she may be immune to zombie bite but she sure as hell isn't immune to ink poisoning. You want to cut your self and then ink up right over the scar you left on your arm? You want to tattoo a rabid dog's bite on your arm? Are you a fucking retard?
2 was, 4 is garbage and you know it. You mean to tell me nathan “I’ve killed so many I caused a genocide” drake would get his ass beaten like that? 4 forgot that the series was a fun adventure flick like Indiana Jones and nothing else more
Joke harder faggot
Slope harder faggot.
the fact that RE2, Spider-Man and even fucking Nioh got a bigger reaction out of everyone compared to what was supposed to be their headliner I'm sure ND and Sony are worried and that's why we've barely heard anything else since E3
2 and 4 are kino. So is LL because you can kill pakis.
>That's what makes the MP good and the SP get called a movie game
You know no one on here ever clarifies that, and you know there are people who spam over and over that there is "no gameplay".
As I said here I completely agree the singleplayer could have a lot of shit removed for better pacing, but at its core the multiplayer and the singleplayer still use the same gameplay mechanics, and they're solid.
Basically the games have good gameplay, but the singleplayers have poor pacing with too much story filler.
I still think it's unfair to call them "movie games" when there is shit out there like "Gone Home" and "Firewatch", literal walking/story simulators.
I thought it was just /pol/ shitting on it but the jew is actually wearing a Jew bracelet, you can’t make this up
I know, it can still be used both ways. That's why you're an idiot for calling that guy out for misinterpreting you, when it's an easy mistake that anyone could make
>dumb down the controls
it has one of the best movement, combat and control systems of any TPS ever. That is the main reason why people loved the multiplayer so much. You sprint, melee, lay traps, craft shit, have shootouts, sneak around and stealth kill, grab enemies and environmental-kill them, take them as human shields etc... and it all just feels so natural and intuitive.
I am obsessed with RE2R at the moment but it is missing half of that stuff (not that it needs it, being a horror game). I guess that's why RE2R probably wouldn't make for a good competitive multiplayer game
Bet TLOU2 will have battle royale as it's multiplayer.
your mom lol
That was uncalled for bro
As fucking dumb as this is. I think they are misinterpreting how PC/Console is parallel to FPS/Fighters.
What a stupid faggot,how about you die?
Remember back in 2015 when Yea Forums would post webms of Joel and her daughter and this girl? Yeah man fuck jannies
It's going to be a LGBT game through and through. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. It is like subliminal messaging for the LGBT. Yeah its a *Post Apocalyptic Survivor Zombie whatever* but as soon as the gays get their hands into it. There will be only LGBT from there one wards. Look at that Uncharted game with 2 chicks. Your not telling me ND didn't want to capitalize on sexual discovery through the same adventure but with chicks this time.
It's just aggressive hyperbole due to the games being rated far higher than they're truly worth. Combine that with the obnoxious shitposting from Sonyfags and you have a recipe for highly aggressive retaliation. Also remember how aggressive Yea Forums still is about paid online. It's fair to say that many of them don't ever touch the online since it requires paying to use your own internet. So they're entire experience is with the SP section of the game regardless of the MP's quality.
you first kiddo let me know how that goes LOL
>Pick a player
>some minor customization
>no genders but everything is mixed.
>none of the "female" looking characters look decent
>battleroyal gameplay starts
>its just people running around waving picket signs for trans rights and the circle closes in
Wouldn't be too bad. Stabbing 100 people for a can of beans is more satisfying that stabbing 8.
lol, when PUBG first came out I immediately thought "this gametype would be fucking amazing for TLOU." The way you run around buildings and creep around doors trying to clear rooms suits it perfectly and it's so much harder to twitch-aim and kill people as soon as you see them far away, making all the firefights more close up, sneaky and longer-lasting. The third person view leads to all kinds of terrifying ambushes in the regular TLOU MP and it would be the same here.
It would have to be a lot smaller and denser map than the one in pubg though; running across empty fields to reach the circle would be shit
>Also remember how aggressive Yea Forums still is about paid online.
Telling you if Sony had kept this. They would have a fuck ton more people playing the PS4. But isn't Sony online like $60 also?
>Going for a walk.
>Angry Troy Baker comes around the corner and drops a bomb at my feet.
It would fit perfectly. Add zombies to the mix and you have a hit.
Tu madre
Damn you have to hold the button for the movie to play
Amazing interactive experience
3rd person br games are cancer because it's just people corner camping and using the camera to see someone while not exposing themselves, tlou gets around this with listen mode somewhat but there's still perks to stay hidden to an extent - would need some serious balancing - it works okay in supply raid due to being able to respawn and adapt to how someone is playing or survivors where you can have a few rounds to overcome someone's playstyle but a BR game with 1 life and corner campers is really rough
young adult is adult but yeah this is pathetic
And Nintendo's is $20 or $30. It's the principle of it. You pay for your internet and then you pay AGAIN to use p2p instead of dedicated servers. It's not so much a money issue as it is a principle issue.
It's a shame because the multiplayer truly is great. I feel like these games would be viewed a lot better by this board had they actually played that portion. But you are right, paid multiplayer and the way Sony is viewed on this board probably has a big impact on their opinion.
you assume that fags even play video games
the fact there is going to be at least one attempted rape in the game will be enough for them to write it off
If you've read and/or watched the road, watched no country for old men, and read Thieves, just those three alone make the story for tlou generic because....that's what it's inspired from...or if you've watched a lot of movies and read a lot of books in general, it's meh. The only redeeming part of it was the growing relationship between Joel and ellie.
The gameplay was meh too, walk long hallways, talk, find a ladder, out ladder up, talk, kill humans or clickers/runners, find dumpster, drag it, climb it, talk more, kill things, find pallet to swim across.
I platinumed tlou and play/stream the factions almost daily and even I still think the campaign is overrated. MP is def underrated but making it so all the casuals have fun will ruin it. So here's hoping tlou2 will improve and not be similar :/
Yeah that's a good point. They would have to remove those perks to let people be invisible to listen mode and make it so the only way you can hide from it is by standing still and doing absolutely nothing but moving the camera.
Maybe they could make listen mode be a lot less exact, like so using it will only give you a vague idea of the direction and proximity of your enemy
None. I'll be happy for Sony fans getting what they like. I picked Xbox this gen as I don't enjoy this kind of games.
But hell no, I'm not enjoying shit like Crackdown 3 as it's a turd. Why would I be angry at competitors whem they are doing well when company I got invested into is producing turds? I don't get this kind of logic.
It is what it is. Unless Sonyfags could tone down on gold face and metacritic posting and instead posted webms of the multiplayer the views of the game would at least improve slightly but then again you write yourself into a corner since shitposting runs supreme and ironic shitposting even more so. It's a losing battle but it may help at least slightly with the views on at least that one portion of the game.
Tlou comp multiplayer is aids. Watch any fn or now it's CSL match and you'll be bored to tits. Its nothing but people standing still and only making a move when they throw smoke. Even with rules put in place, the game is fundamentally broken no matter what.
Jesus fuck this has to be a tryhard falseflagging, nobody is this retarded
Pandering: the game
>you assume that fags even play video games
Wasn't it Fags that rated and regarding TLOU so highly in the first place?
>the fact there is going to be at least one attempted rape in the game will be enough for them to write it off
You don't think 50% of gay people didn't discover they were gay until after the rape?
>Wasn't it Fags that rated and regarding TLOU so highly in the first place?
not really, 99% of them were straight people advocating for fags to look good
Anyone who's butthurt when this game gets perfect scores is just stupid. Everyone knows that western game critics are nothing but ideologues who hand out scores entirely based on how well they mesh with their ideology rather than game design.
That's true for every fanbase on here, it's all just one gigantic shit-post.
I do have some pretty cool clips from Uncharted 4 mp though, I may have to take some time and make some webms.
>You don't think 50% of gay people didn't discover they were gay until after the rape?
It's more like 99%. Faggots recruit by raping kids.
Angry /pol/cucks are the only ones that are going to be asshurt. Idiots like and
>not really, 99% of them were straight people advocating for fags to look good
So 99% of *straight* people advocated for gay people. And not one of those 99% of straight people weren't in the closet themselves? Okay then..........
cuz i dont have a ps4. now fuck off
Not user but I grew up on "hes absolute", not one shot. The people I played with and I would say that, don't really remember hearing "one shot" as I do with "absolute". I still say that as a callout to this day because of Halo.
Try harder faggot.
Reviewers are ready to give this a perfect score no matter what, so I've already accepted it.
Then how can you comment on the gameplay of game's you've never played you dolt?
>this entire thread
Wouldn't hurt, there's only so much you can do since the site is pretty much one massive shit fight.
Fucking this.
That MP was a goddamn blast, i liked it more before that shitty DLC tho
Fuck off, tranny
not him but I make webms of these games all the time, but its always single player stuff because I'm a shitter at MP.
I love any game where the presentation is so good that the combat can feel like you are watching some kind of pre-rendered CGI fight scene, so I replay the shit out if them trying to do the fights in as many different cool looking ways as possible and record the results.
But yea I haven't made many TLOU webms because I haven't played the MP much
>When TLOU2 gets a 10 by default it's a travesty
>When GTA or Zelda do it it's just natural
They give games high scores without playing them because hype is clicks. What else is knew?
Unless you think Skyward Sword was a 10 and there's never been a bad GTA game (because you are insane)
Rope harder faggot.
"professional" reviewers are retarded and their opinion means nothing. Doesnt mean it will be a good or a bad game it just means that reviewers wouldnt even know if its good or bad eitherway.
oh gawd that tat, cringe
you have to be 18 to post here
humans possess a biological need that is only satisfied by play and as play has manifested itself in the form of games, games represent nothing more than a physiological necessity. Art, on the other hand, is not created out of a physical need but rather it represents a search for higher purposes. Thus the fact that a game acts to fulfill the physical needs of the player is sufficient to disqualify it as art.
And this piece of shit will be neither
If you seriously get upset about a game you're not even going to play getting good reviews, you really should reevaluate your life and think about why you're devoting your thoughts to this stuff
What's the actual point in having Ellie in TLOU 2? Why ruin the first games ending with this shit when you could have had a different character and setting. Naughty Dog have just been going down the drain and I'm immensely disappointed.