How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
great, i was literally only hyped for metro, got it, and wasn't disappointed.
If days gone gets anything about 70 I'm quitting this fucking industry.
FPSes are all trash
I'm surprised Jump Force is the worst of them all. I thought Jump Force would bring literally all the normies to anime permanently
>Crackdown 3
Having a Big Black man who admitted in court that he was molested at a party. Isn't the best advertising for a game that should be re named Saints Row 5.
Stupid people and robots go together like glue. Except when it's EA. Then it's branded into stupid people.
>Far Cry: New dawn.
You mean Tom Clancy's The Division but in first person.
I only pray this won't evoke STALKER wake. As much as I love STALKER. Having it in 2019 would be a fucking disaster.
>Metacritic scores matter
call me a newfag, but I never understood why everyone on this board gawks about metacritic scores
never had any interest in the setting, and for the life of me I can't understand why "post-apocalyptic Russia" appeals so much to westerners. I guess Deep Silver is one of the less dogshit publishers out there so I'm happy their game is doing well
>Far Cry
this series should have died ages ago
was to be expected. with all the negative press and anti-EA/bioware bandwagoning this game was basically dead on arrival
never played/cared for any of the series, 3PS are almost unanimously casual garbage
>Jump Force
literally the first time i'm even hearing of this title
>Far Cry
>Jump Force
who cares
It does but then it looks like shit
FighterZ understood normies only appreciate anime on a purely visual level so your visuals (including animations) have to be competent
looks like the sjw and feminist take over of the industry is working out great
shitposting material
haven't played any since the original 2033. wasn't to my tastes.
>farcry new dawn
generic half-assed sequel like primal was to 4.
absolutely awful looter shooter taking directly from destiny things like UI, horrible loading issues, poorly optimized and runs like shit on relatively new hardware.
>crackdown 3
who would have though a game that was literally only ever relevant or popular because it had the halo 3 beta would continue putting out bad sequels that no one liked or asked for.
>jump force
still waiting on jump ultimate stars' sequel. These new games following the same boring xenoverse/ultimate ninja storm format are terrible, and always buggy to boot.
>Jump Force
Lazy cash grab, horrible art style, deserved
>Crackdown 3
Too bad it turned out this way, hope fans will enjoy it
Can't be too low, can't fail hard enough, can't die fast enough
>Far Cry New Dawn
Filler Far Cry, eh who cares, probably right score
>Metro Exodus
Probably good game, just shitty publisher decisions
America sucks and anime is trash
Not at all surprised
>New Dawn is an asset flip
>Anthem is a fucking embarrassment
>Crackdown 3 went through development hell
>Jump Force looks like a 12 year old making videos of anime characters in sfm
Metro looks pretty good but I'm not buying it because of the Epic Store bullshit
>I can't understand why "post-apocalyptic Russia" appeals so much to westerners
Seeing as how most reviews complain about the lack of horror and paranormal elements i'm going to bet that people like the games because of the horror and paranormal elements.
feels great honestly, I trash talked Jump Force all the time cause shit direction and seeing all those western shit game get bad score is great. Kinda bummed Metro got lucky but It evens out considering Anthem was a massive fail
Honestly i hated the paranormal and anomaly shit in the old metro games. Mutants i can believe, conscious electricity and radiation ghost i can't.
>2018: i was a shit year for vidya
>2019: hold my bear
>I can't understand why "post-apocalyptic Russia" appeals so much to westerners.
Easy. Chernobyl. That's it. That's is the appeal of Russian post apocalyptic games. Everyone has seen, researched or been to Chernobyl and want the same experience in a game.
Those are a lot of bad games, did people really look forward to most of these? If you could point me to where the nearest 88-100s are that would be great
No surprises whatsoever. Havn't played Metro yet but I knew it would be the only decent game of these five.
I don't have anything against the series or company. I wouldn't have minded a bit of karma after their steam/epic debacle but it looks like they made out alright in the end.
don't even know the series. If that's the ubisoft logo I'm seeing I have no sympathy
I hope its sales bomb as a result. This had so much potential and seeing them piss it all away is a fucking joke. With how bad Destiny has been this could have been the definitive game of its kind and instead they shit this turd out.
>crackdown 3
know nothing about this
>jump force
One game I wish journalists had the integrity to be legitimately honest with. I don't know how much bamco has in the industry but apparently its enough to get in the journalists pocket. This game is barely a 3/10, its fucking ridiculous its even being given the respect of a 58. The only reason anyone even gave it a chance is because of the IP.
thats whats sad, these were supposed to be the big "ambitious" high scoring titles
>crackdown 3
>know nothing about this
It is basically Terry Crews screaming at you in Saints Row 5 for the entire game.
>AAA games being shit
No surprise here. And January was a great month
>these were supposed to be the big "ambitious" high scoring titles
Dude it is only February nearly March. These games were fucking scapegoats so Game developers wouldn't lose fans and even more sales after E3. That is all. These games are intro games to the rest of the year.
>Jump Force
Not surprised it did poorly, but this poorly was a bit unexpected. Don’t really care though - who actually bothers playing fighting games that are dead in a year?
Unsurprised this game was clearly in development hell and pushed out ASAP.
Unsurprised. Happy that it is flopping. Surprised that some people somehow convinced themselves it would be any different.
>Far Cry
I didn’t realize it came out. People are tired of the formula and who can blame them.
Hope it does well despite epic store. Looks a lot better than I thought it would be. Might pick up.
Totally happy, because fags and SJWs just shot them on their knees. It's clear they are ruining the vidya industry, and therefore these results will take all of them out of my territory (hopefully dead or bankrupted)
Righteous, literally every game except metro is a soulless cash grab
>20 million dollar failure is an intro game
>Six year game thats killing a major game company is an intro game
>Major Xbox exclusive is an intro game
>Various E3 mainstage games are intro games
>literally the first time i'm even hearing of this title
Do you think we’re reaching another video game crash sort of thing? On the original there were too many knock off and derivative games and consumers got sick of them. Now with the failure of so many big name games getting bad review scores it seems something will have to change eventually right?
Metro is exactly the type of game I needed after beating kh3. Flashy fast-paced anime fightan was fun, but metro sneaky breeky is a nice change of pace.
i finally played the last of us remastered. i enjoyed it. i kinda dont wanna play the left behind dlc because i heard ellie does some dyke shit. i almost dont wanna play TLOU 2 for the same reason. whats up with that?
Great, only spent money and time on metro and loved it, thought the rest would be shit and accordingly to everyone beside retarded fanboys of not yet-released games they are...
Idk metro is pretty big and Ace Combat RE2 and KH3 especially last month were some of the bigger releases from those publishers. Hell we got DMCV and Sekiro next month. It’s been a pretty loaded Q1.
Pleasantly surprised.
This picture is the equivelent of putting a 7/10 girl in the middle of a bunch of ugly fat chicks. Are the shills for this game getting desperate or something? At first it was IT'S THE BIGGEST GAME OF THE YEAR, EPIC WINS and now that reviews are out the focus has shifted too I-IT'S PLAYABLE, GIVE IT A TRY
>we’re reaching another video game crash sort of thing?
Jesus you act like it will be a fucking recession or something. It won't be that bigger deal. Only reason why your making it a big deal if because maybe your favorite Game company/ developer might be in the firing line already.
>Main big titles are Jap games, month is known for excellent quality.
>Main big titles are western games, month is known for dogshit quality.
>Main big titles are Jap games...
Can't wait for DMC 5, Sekiro, and maybe One Piece World Seeker.
>A game I don't like can't be liked by others
>a "bad" game in current year gets a 50-60 rating
>if action 52 was released in 2019 it would get a 52 review unironically
How do we bring the honesty to vidya journalism? Movie review equivalents like rotten tomatoes don't hesitate to utterly shit on bad movies and give them 1/10 if they are that bad. So why are vidya journalists so tactful to they point they mislead consumers?
Already cracked, fren.
Majority of people will forget those games come E3. And they will be used in the Autumn, Winter time solely for streaming.
Non-surprised. All those games looked like boring shit for a long while now.
Westacucks are seething.
Anthem and Far Cry are pretty big releases no matter how you look at them and even Crackdown was a relatively large release. Jump Force is sorta literally who and is only being shilled by people who desperately want another DBZ fighter fluke despite all evidence that it sucks dick.
Remove the Tiananmen bonus on Metro.
I don't care about any of those games at all.
>One Piece World Seeker.
from the few clips of that game i've seen, it looks Dynasty Warriors 9 tier.
RE2 and KH3 will be forgotten later this year.
No? They are by anyone’s metric some of the biggest and most anticipated Capcom and SE releases of the year.
Looks like Ace Combat 7 for pc will be game of the month.
Metro exodus is more of the same.
I liked the first 2 and it's playing out well for me so far.
Fuck the publisher for putting it on the epic games after outright pulling the rug out from under steam users' legs. Well get it next year, but I bought the ps4 edition because im a collectorfag for the statue. It's somewhat buggy, but nothing gamebreaking for me.
They’re limp-dicked but when you think about it unlike movies and music games can get so bad that they literally do not work on a technical level, so the floor can be a lot lower.
now post the sequel
>RE2 and KH3 will be forgotten later this year.
Yeap. Telling you now.
>They are by anyone’s metric some of the biggest and most anticipated Capcom and SE releases of the year.
In January-February. Not before Summer when sales would increase ten fold. Not during Autumn before Winter we again sale would increase ten fold. They released at the beginning of the year. No way is anyone going to be interested in them by fucking August. And if they are. Then fine. But I still doubt it.
: hold my bear
I tried...
Hollywood dumps it's trans in January/February. It's no surprise the vidya industry is starting to also.
Honestly it’s a shame. I had hoped someone would have learned from Destinys mistakes and make a good shooter that has in depth progression systems and loot.
They deserve it though, no clue how you can literally have a road map to what not to do via Destiny and still say nah, let’s literally repeat every mistake they did plus some.
They both sold very well and even fucking Ace Combat, a niche franchise that’s gone over 10 years since a mainline sequel, topped charts in Europe and sold out in Japan. They won’t be forgotten. Not having everyone crowd all their video game and movie releases until the holidays has been a trend for the last few years now.
And the p rice they command is obscene. A bad movie you see in theatres is still pocket change compared to a bad game that still costs 60 dollars.
Yep which is why whoever purchases a game, not when it turns out to be terrible, but when it clearly, obviously, transparently is a complete train wreck, is kinda dumb.
“I didn’t know Fallout76, Anthem, Far Cry, Crackdown and Jump would be bad!”
How? They looked terrible the entire time!
Enlightened gamers that follow the development process and can read between the lines can see through devs bullshit. The normies that just see an ad and go "oh shit a new bioware game is out" and then go to IGN and see it gets a 7/10 and think "oh that's not bad it'll be fun" and buy it because they don't know enough are the ones being mislead.
I don't feel bad that they are wasting their money with bad purchases. I feel bad that they make up the majority of sales and keep these companies afloat.
Again I doubt they will be remembered by the end of the year. But if you are so passionate they will. Then you be the dick head that makes a RE2 and KH3 threads in Autumn and Winter. With a big fucking title saying *You haven't forgotten about these games. Because I haven't*. Go ahead and be my guest. Hell post the player base and such of how many people will be playing them too. So you can rub it more in our faces. You give a shit.
Makes me feel like the industry can still be redeemed.
>Makes me feel like the industry can still be redeemed.
Nope. After Lootboxes and M/T. It will never be redeemed.
I played through the entire game in an afternoon because I got on that deal they had for game pass ($2 for 2 months, trying out ReCore now, it's okay?) and while I enjoyed playing Crackdown, let's just say if CD1 is 1.0, CD2 is 1.2 then CD3 is 1.5.
Weak/strange analogy aside I just have no idea what all that dev time was spent on, I'm utterly baffled, the island itself is quite small and when going 'in order' is just ascending through socio-economic districts so not much work on actually designing the city could of been done surely? And there's only 3 maps for multiplayer, I don't care for multiplayer but after 5 years I'd expect a few more maps for those that do.
I had fun with the game, mostly because I spent $2 on it and Crackdown's loop is enjoyable for myself so I'm not mad or disappointed, it's on par for me with previous games. I'm just veerrryyy confused how *this* took 5 years
Also since no one cares I'll throw this point in at the end, I liked the CD1's city more, lazy/lame 1984 mixed in with the boring parts of cyberpunk art design is just kinda bland. Plus having a superpowered cop beat up drug dealers was funny but also introduced the slightest amount of moral complexity too CD1 because The Agency weren't 'good guys' their goals just happened to align with being good at that time, The Agency fighting some bland megacorp is awfully boring as a threat, not nearly as funny as throwing drug pushers, and rather hypocritical which I'd have some hope that hypocrisy would be acknowledged at the end but no it doesn't
Also I love the agency's director voice, but shut echo up, if they make a CD4 keep it too one person yelling in my ear and make it the not annoying one
>jump force
what went so wrong?
That’s like your opinion man, but is not how it’s gonna play out. It’s not 2011 anymore where everything drops Q4.
I found that shit Saints Row spin off more fun than Crackdown 3 tbqh
Kingdom Hearts has ongoing material coming out, Smash leak threads, anticipated upcoming dlc, and one autistic hater that will never ever stop posting threads about how much he hates it. It'll be around for a while.
RE2 has the whole general franchise people regularly talk about, Halloween, speculation about remake3 and maybe more dlc coming.
Also how dumb do you have to be that you can't remember things you did a few months ago?
You know Crackdown 3 is actually Saints Row 5 for niggers right?
>they could make the best game in the world, or the worst game in the world
>their sales would be equal no matter what they chose
>put minimal effort and budget into a game and shit it out the door
>get the sales because their fans will buy anything with goku in it
>make significant profit because it cost fuck all to make
Okay so now we have 2 dick heads volunteering to remind us about RE2 and KH3 at the end of this year. Fantastic. Remember guys Autumn to Winter threads please. Thanks in advance.
>all revealed at Microsoft conferences
makes you think
but what makes it so low quality?