ITT: based gay characters

ITT: based gay characters

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Holy based macaroli.

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The things I would do...

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me on the right

Chris isn't gay, he lives to kill zombies and Wesker, and he's all out of Wesker.

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Any female Gensokyo resident.

He plows the faun you dork!

Such a cool fighting style

There is nothing implying storm spirit is gay, lc is probably a lezzersl and maybe Ta also, if I was to make a wild wild guess Void is gay

Jann was fucking great and also statistically one of your best lancers along with Lone Wolf and Pompadour

Nah, best Lancers were Jann and Elysse by a landslide. Both of them got these Battle Potentials.

>Tank Killer - When near a tank, they enjoy heightened accuracy.
>Extra Shot - They can occasionally follow up an attack by loading one more round of ammunition.
>Double Tank Damage - Attacks have a chance to deal damage to both tank body and tread HP.
>Ultimate Anti-armor - Their attack power against tanks is permanently greatly enhanced.

All other Lancers lacked one or more of these.

Queers can't be based, those are polar opposites.

Chris is gay for Wesker though

No way.

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got some bad news for you user

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