>half as big as they were in the previous game
I thought Honkers was taller than Marie?
Not bad at all.
I heard it'll have a Demo tomorrow with training mode.
Will Honoka, Leifang and Hayabusa be playable ?
They both killed millions
I love my wife Honoka!
She is, look at Marie's shoes
24 characters will be playable on the demo so I assume so.
Why only Honoka have a fanservice outfit?.
it's not fair bros
I love Honoka even if her breasts are smaller!
So they can ban out outfits. This is the dumb shit EVO does now.
I'm retarded thanks
Because she's a slut.
Now look at Honkers' heels.
I'm annoyed that they're caving into politics but the game unironically looks great. Hope the PC port is good.
Is that what it actually looked like in game?
So pissed they never fixed DOA5 on PC. Would have picked it up if it were a proper port.
God dammit. What are the canon measurements then?
What happened, I thought DoA was going to cut all of the lewd shit?
They flipped back after the fans sperged.
Where the FUCK are the school uniforms?!
my global standards!!
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, Honkers looks like THAT?
Honkers made everything look good
Honkers has some nice hips.
Especially fucking dogs
Because frilly dresses are also fan service?
Everything else > bikinis > body suits.
I've never fired up an erection as quickly as I just did. The one who took this shot is truly an artist. Truly.
jump jump
Post different suits in this same position.
Can't wait to try it out tomorrow
More, please.
Please keep going. I'm almost there.
Yeah these are all a porn game screenshots with a lookalike character.
Fuck me those tits are small, fucking nips.
I used to be a Marie fag but Honoka won me over. I am now a cow fag.
Free demo or do I need to preorder for access like ArcSys games?
I thought they were completely toning down everything so everything would be esports friendly, did they backtrack after everyone stopped giving a shit about their game?
PSN Plus/Xbox Live demo. It checks in online.
is doa a good fighting game?
tits on most characters are still smaller
Costume 1 for all the characters are esports friendly. That's about all they did on that front.
It's my casual fighter aside fron KoF
What's the name of the porn game?
I think so, I'm not very good at fighting games but DOA was pretty easy to understand.
Half? Get real. Theyve shrunk everybody by a percentage sure but half? Fuckin retard
This a obvious mod.
She never had Honkers quite that big or so low
it used to be up to 4.
No. Most of these pics are PC mods that unironically look worse than the original model
Honkers is too pure to be in a porn game
Is she the only girl who looks better. So far most girls got nerfed or their faces got super doughy(Nyo)
Dead or alive doesn't have Nipples
just how core are these values?
Its rather easy to learn the basics and pick up and play arcade style fun. There is a surprising amount of depth to it too if you want to put the effort into learning it. Compared to something like Street Fighter or KoF which is very technical and has a steep learning curve
Is Marie wearing a Finnish outfit? Based japs
Isnt she Swedish or soemthing?
Im glad too see at least japanese are giving a big "fuck you" to the SJW community.
Americans are still pro SJW
>Americans are still pro SJW
Not all of them.
yeah, about that
Based Obama
Where was this from?
>shilling dead on arrival 6 with those pitful bodies
reminder that vanilla doa5(well whateve came before last round, i dont remember anymore) looked like this
thats one of her old base costumes
Japs are scared of mature women, give up.
and they look way better.
seems around the same size, also better lighting and models > slightly smaller tits
www dot twitch dot tv/animeilluminati/clip/HorribleSpineySwanSaltBae
replace the dots, dunno if Yea Forums still blocks links.
how much do they pay you? where do i sign up for some quick cash?
Its alright. The mods remove the block for twitch links because of GDQ.
>Less boobs
I cant wait for this game to flop. That will show them pandering to the left is not cashy
i like how bouncy the core values are
Based Zhi. I haven't heard him commentate much in a while.
Honoka was a disgusting cow before, now she's good
makes me feel like wanking to marie tonight...
And of course the white guy with the onions face is ''uncomfortable'' with the conversation.
did he actually say this? link? thats hilarious
Bullshit. Japs voted her the fourth best DOA girl and that's when she still had her mature face.
You missed the Marie threads desu
I want to suck on Honoka's tits
i shall slay their puss in vengeance
Just do it. It's the perfect time.
thats lord guymam, he agrees with Obama 100% he just gets awkward on commentary.
the meat is gone, why would you buy dead on arrival 6 when she used to look like this?
You may not like it but this is what peak female condition looks like.
Ms Honoka, may I please blow this load?!
>that clipping
Omg there's boobs I have to buy it now
She's really healthy.
also reminder that burd is gone, youre not getting this anymore
you know we still haven't achieved peak boob physics until the bikini strings are tense, instead of being a part of the skin texture
will snoy ban the game now?
Ms Honoka, I'm begging you for this release!
only doa thing i have
reminder to not fall for shillboris lies
For me, it's Kasumi.
NOOOOO. What will I shitpost about now?
Oh. Never mind.
post more big bitches
>have to wait til tomorrow to play on PS4
It's not fair!
I wasn't gonna buy it but my dick says this is a day one purchase.
Try all you want Shimbori, I'm not buying it. Try again with 7 when you know who your audience is.
her tits were bigger than her head, so this is a welcomed change if you ask me.
Post navels, 6's navels are pathetic.
>if you ask me
I don't ask homos anything
Who /u/ here?
Does 6 have better feet?
Help me too please.
my meat is so fucking dead when I get home
I love Reisen!
I really don't get why anyone is supposed to buy DOA6 when it LITERALLY is just a worse looking DOA5 with less content.
They haven't brought up a single selling point in the game's horribly botched marketing campaign. Not one.
Thank you. More please. I did it earlier so it might take a bit.
Wasn't this one supposed to be less sexualized? Have we been rused?
Probably Honey Select, theres a general on /h/ if that interests you
Based Marie
Wheres Koko
It's got super moves now.
Post the bird
What do you want with her...
Would you erp as Makoto for me?
Spoke too soon, closer than I expected to be.
I don't think that's a selling point.
I never once thought while playing DOA5 "this would be so much better if it had a meter that I could burn to do some unblockable bullshit".
Lewd things
You can punch people and bruise their faces now.
Honoka is the default fanservice character now.
>smaller tits
Into the trash it goes.
That's my wife, buddy.
Honoka is 4'11, Marie is 4'10, but they both use Marie's model (as does NiCO) so they're all the same height in game because TN doesn't give a shit.
That could work for some people but I doubt they have the balls to add a ryona mode if they're acting squamish about clothed boobs.
I'm masturbating to your wife right now
Power Blows were essentially supers already
But she's hot
Alright I'm there. One more really good one to finish to?
>tfw you live in the timeline where DoA got desexualized.
Thanks shes perfect
That did it. Thanks again. Your pics in the other thread helped too.
another reminder so newshits do not fall for shillboris lies
other thread?
Based japs, get rekt oldhagfags
>I thought they were completely toning down everything so everything would be esports friendly,
They lied, just like they did with DOA5
I love big breasts!
Post more pictures please.
Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.
are you fucking blind? can you think by youreself? how the fuck do you even breath?
I love my wife Ayane!
>getting worked up by a random casual
out of fighting girls
What are core values supposed to be
Fine by me.
>hehe it was just a prank bro :3
fucking kill youreself tranny
Blind starts with letter B, like B-Cup.
I hope there will be plenty of crossover costumes.
I came
It's getting too raunchy in here. Please simmer down okay?
I wasnt even that guy you retard.
take a walk you obnoxious faggot.
I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember. She will ALWAYS be the only one for me.
Please don't post my Kancolle-fu, thank you.
Fuck Shimbori and fuck DOA6
Yeah, but is there still a way to watch the lose animations in theater mode to quickly rub one out?
Are you blind?
O-oh fuck
Modern man no longer desire large breasts.
I want to pump Marie full of children until I can't feel my legs. I NEED to breed the Swede.
who dat
he's not wrong about anime appeal being potentially underage but good looking anime girls. But they didn't need to bring in the "us vs sjw army" stuff
Been playing for a few hours since xbox release was today. Gameplay is actually slightly better than 5 thanks to supers being shorter. The S button being cancellable is fun.
If you choose framerate the AA is turned off and resolution becomes dynamic (it's only 4k in graphics mode), it gets pretty jaggy. Online is maybe a tiny bit better than 5 LR, it isn't good. Not only it's laggy, 90% of people are wifi warriors. It's playable, but it dowant feel anything like offline play. Still, finding other players is smooth and fast. I'm leaving challenges on while playing training mode, and getting matches every couple minutes.
Loading times are the biggest bummer. Doa 5 LR has ONE second loading times, it was so good. This one is several dozen times longer.
Story mode is a mess just like doa 5. 2 minute scenes then you're kicked back to a menu to select "next scene". Cutscenes are super low bitrate, btw. They look like YouTube videos.
While the game is fun, I wish they had added nico and Diego and the new story as DLC to 5LR, even if it were 40 bucks. The loading times, stages and outfits are better in 5 LR.
Fuck, I love butts so much.
Well the modern man is GAY
>Marie Rose is Helena's maid
>No maid costume
>No interaction in the game
>No age gap yuri douin
I can't finish Hitomi's Combo Challenge 20
I save this picture every time someone post it, my catalog said I already have 71 of them so this one is 72, I just can't help myself.
good thats all i have
>Cutscenes are super low bitrate, btw. They look like YouTube videos.
im pretty sure 5lr had ingame cinematics, because i dont remember them looking like shit, am i right? did they go from ingame cinematics to .3gp videos?
No Gen-Fu no buy-fu
No Rachel no buy
Yes. Easy to control, heavy on mind games.
A-all you need. I'm close...
gen-fus seiyuu is dead so his daughter(male) elliot is fully powered now, he even has his winning pose
Give me the best SFM for Honkers
There are none.
They'll always look like cheap knock offs because of shit shaders and lazy animators.
These whores showed up at Evo Japan last week
Then main guy from Evo had a fit talking about how it didn't represent the FGC's core values
What time is the PS4 demo launching?
I play a lot of fighting games, my main games are GG and Tekken, will I like DOA? It's one of the few I never really played, but the shit with EVO japan actually made me want to give it a shot.
One more please...
8am EST I think
NOOOOO I don't want him to be replaced by a britbong with noodle fever.
The first story mode chapter in 6 is between helena and Marie sweeping the floor.
Haven't played 5's story mode in years but 6 definitely drops resolution a lot when story mode starts.
Where all the webms at?
twice as bouncy
Holy fuck that was perfect. Thank you.
This was a top tier doujin
What platform? I thought the PS4 already had the demo
>I thought the PS4 already had the demo
You can download it now but can't play it until tomorrow
I don't know too much about other fighting games but this one has a counter attack system that rewards you for predicting whether your opponent hits you with a high/mid/low. Also, the supers have some wind up time and there's no jumping.
C1s or the classic costumes are literally the best costumes in the game.
>ywn plow the ever-loving soul out of a couple shrine maidens with infinite inseminations
post more with puff
that's the best part
never mind i found it
Is the Demo on xbox unavailble to get into for anyone else?
I love/hate Mogudan, it's very strange
Is PS+ worth it for even a month? I want to try this demo?
Is DoA gameplay any good?
Something tells me that's a mod
Try to activate cloud storage and it will give you a two day trial, just about as long as the demo will be good for
>Is PS+ worth it for even a month? I want to try this demo?
You can use the 14 days PS+ trial
Like what?
>Mr Wiz saved DOA6
What a timeline
if i found it so can you
pic related
Honey Select with imported heads
ah, shit.
jesus that's hitomi j-cup levels of sagness
I love my wife Asuka
Which girls are missing in 6? Only Momiji and Rachel?
>cant even recognize doa engine
you actually have to go back
Prove it
I'm playing right now so might be you.
My fucking dick holy shit
Maybe the ready to play now status is just to boot, will let the download complete and try get in again.
Boob physics irk me so much
Not because of SJW reasons
But the mere fact they often have no weight behind them
Lke, just crank the physics just a notch, and you would be golden
Breast tissue is fat--women don't actually produce milk or lactate until the later stages of pregnancy, and will stop production during dis-use
It says I already did that? I don't remember ever using it...
Kasumi is going to have one hell of a awakening to her adult body when the clock rings
stop being vague you fag and source
Christie looks 100 times better with long hair.
Where? It only gives me the option for the 14 day trial, which I apparently already used :/
gib OL costumes
Kasumi is going to bear my children after marriage
Probably SOL then.
Dead or Alive does not show nipples. That Nyo has visible areola.
They better sell the Deluxe costumes individually. I want Honoka's but not the other ones.
On the PS4 store page it says "Note: All items included in the Digital Deluxe Edition will become available for purchase at a later date.", so hopefully.
fuck this reduce navel presence
When will the PS4 demo be available to download?
Thanks. Will it have training mode? I hated how the Soul Calibur 6 network test demo didn't have a training mode.
The VF5 girls
Alpha 152
But hey we god Mai back
How does my girl look in the sequel?
>No more monster waifu
It has online, story, command training, regular training, combo challenge, etc.
Local Versus?
So you basically can download all that for free? Is it a limited time only thing or do you get this "demo" permanently?
Make sure to pre-order the game goyim
No local versus. Just ranked online.
Demo is up for the weekend only, I think.
Explain the story of DoA to me.
That's Venus Vacation you newfag.
God, I love titties.
What I would give just to feel a pair of nice, perky breasts or a pair of giant, squishy milkers.
DoA is made for me and I won't let these people rip it away from me.
Is this the puffiest vulva ever or am I being mislead into some type of ambush?
Is this game actually going to be good? How dead is the online for DoA 5? on PS4? PC?
How do you learn DoA?
Will only play this game with body mods on PC, this shit is ridiculous.
>fighting your daughter as she wears that
If she doesn't win that fight, Ayane's gonna get knocked up the same way her mother did.
I did
I got the deluxe version too
I like that kasumi outfit
>Dude imma clone this Kasumi chick again and make her evil lmao
>Dude imma clone this Kasumi chick again lmao
>Dude imma clone this Kasumi chick lmaooooooo
>Dude imma clone this Kasumi chick but check it out, this time her clone is made out of jelly lmao
I went back and watched old DOA 5 videos and jiggle physics demonstrations and it honestly seems like 6 has even more jiggle than 5, like a lot more. Did they just straight up lie when they said they were going to change it?
>making the boobs smaller
No way fag
Why did they bring back Raiden AGAIN? He's been killed multiple time. Nobody even likes him. Nobody wants to play as an ugly rapist. And you can just play Honoka instead.
Creator of DOA tournys gets assassinated after the first one ends
Bad guy then gets the winners dna to clone for the perfect fighter
Kasumi was the first winner
They wont stop making clones here on after and the ninjas are getting annoyed by this
By 4 bad guy organization falls and helena gets it back
Her dad was the og tourney guy
Bad guy makes new organization in 5 hidden in an oil rig
They clone more kasumis
Well technically he's only coming back now, DoA5 didn't count canonwise for him returning, more of a tease that he'll be brought back
It might have to do with honoka story wise desu
If he's really her dad then who did he rape this time?
I love my wife Honoka desu
Raidou is a simple man
He sees a thot
He fucks it
but that's Ayane
>barely lose match
>no rematch
I sure do love learning nothing
I will create the ultimate love doll.
The face of Nyotengu
The body of Nyotengu
The breasts of Nyotengu
The butt of Nyotengu
You created my wife and goddess.
>made her tits smaller
For what fucking purpose?