Are you guys just gonna ignore that on this very day, 7 years ago, Team Fabulous 2 was released?
Are you guys just gonna ignore that on this very day, 7 years ago, Team Fabulous 2 was released?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kangaroo wife XDDD
I miss Kitty
Yes because I don't give a fuck about unfunny gmod videos
>dude le exaggerated deformed face XD
I find that hard to believe when this very board loves posting deformed wojak faces.
Thanks I'll rewatch it
>newfag detected
Not a newfag, I just never liked that kind of videos.
Has it already been 7 years?
I was living in Japan at the same time, christ its been too long I need to go back.
Wojack coming at ya.
The first half is awesome
The 2nd half is boring and forgotten
Press F to give condolences to his kangaroo wife
>not a newfag
newfag detected
It wasn't even a drawing of a kangaroo
Have you seen any of kitty vids? He's not like MegaGFilms or something else like that. Kitty made actual vids and not wacky faces.
Mission begins in sixty seconds.
Heavy series > rest
It was a diffrent time
fuck off those videos are not funny. Making funny le random faces XP is not a substitute for humor
Why are you still here then
Glad a furry was able to correct me. so sorry.
Because I want to be angry
It is medically known that autists cannot understand humor and tend to get agitated or angry when in social situations with humor. It is clear you are assblasted. Please seek medical help and don't forget to take your medication for your mental disability. Thank you and have a nice day. :)
It's almost like humor is
subjective or something.
what the hell fricking SPEEDHACKER
The first half managed to capture what it was like on a Mario Kart server perfectly.
maybe you should figure out where that anger's coming from fag
When i heard all the "TF2 YOUTUBER COMES OUT OF HIDING AFTER PRETENDING TO BE DEAD" news recently I was really hoping it was kitty
imagine my disappointment when it was some half bit ' ' montage ' ' maker i'd never heard of
>It is clear you are assblasted
I'm not denying that
Yeah I know
confirmed newfag
I'm not though? I've been here since 2008
Don’t feel bad user. I’m still convinced he isn’t dead either
I'm still subscribed to him on Youtube ;_;
overrated at this point desu. yeah it was good but the furry autism isn't a shining bastion of god to be mulled over for years.
Heavy goes bowling is on pair if not better than team fabulous 2 in some ways.
lurk goddamnit, lurk
Thank you for agreeing with me friend
Heavy Takes his Driving Test was the BEST
confirmed newfag forever.
never adapted, infection evlolved.
Me too fren. Me too.
I didn't want to remember.
I don't get it... I have to force myself to like a video just because it's the "board culture"? Also it's pretty hypocritical of you guys to hate all furfags but this one gets a pass because omg he died :(
are you kitty?
Thread theme
He gets a pass because he was fucking funny.
No way you stupid fagola
>i don't get it
that's why you lurk newfag
stop posting anytime
Thanks mate
>Yea Forums is 1 person
Fuck off back to your favorite echochamber subreddit, thanks Furfags are cancer when they are being furfags. When they aren't being furfags and even make jokes about themselves its ok. Welcome to the real world.
Was he the living embodiment of soul?
> literally a furfag
he doesn't get a pass, people enjoy the content but still shit on the weird furry in it. take note people always fondly post the tf2 skit and not anything with the red eyecancer.
also forcing yourself to be angry shows succumbing and embracement to retardation genuine.
no belongin', noooot heeeere. gooo awaaay.
Do I have to show you my oldfag badge or what? I'm fucking tired of being called a newfag just because I don't agree with the board culture
This. Tf2 is zoomer's first fps
>Still thinks Yea Forums is 1 person
>Doesnt understand why he is being called a newfag
so basically you don't belong?
>already older than kitty was when he died
It's a profoundly sad feel
Wait, his name is fucking Wyckoff? How do you even pronounce that? Fucking legendary.
This is a thread for Kitty, user. Not giving disrespectful morons the time of day
Elliot goes to school was peak mid-late 00's time capsule kino
I miss the 60 versions of Mario Kart people kept churning out non stop. I remember a few had canons that'd launch to various parts of the map. It was fun trying to snipe people out of the air.
Yeah I think I'll kill myself at this point
You right
ever get the feeling that the quality of life would be genuinely better in this area if you either died or left and you're just a burden who everyone groans at and sideyes the thread when you enter with about 80% of the total response you ever get are telling you to leave or die, whichever removes you from the area of effect of other people the fastest and they genuinely don't care about you at all other then getting rid of you, every other interaction involves ignoring and weaving around your posts hoping you do so even if it takes years but the obliviousness never really lets it set in?
That's the spirit!
you are an eternal newfag because, in your own words, you don't get board culture
find a discord to be mad about Yea Forums or something, i have no idea why you keep posting trying to prove that you belong
>muh based furfag so sad :'(
Please fuck off.
I will never pronounce it like that.
>that ending
He’s a gmodder first and a furfag second.
>using discord
Yeah no I'm not a fag
Fuck off attention whore. can't imagine the autism you unleash unknowingly and the natural orders you've fucked up on Yea Forums simply by existing. definitely a net loss for everyone involved.
i didnt read past the first line but that sounds really gay
>Valve is dying
>user created maps and servers in games are getting non existent
This sucks, we may never see another Mario kart
looks like someone forgot to shave this morning
>lying on the internet
>that video is 10 years old
yeah you are out you go. literally a site out there for you try reddit or twitter or something.Killing yourself is still a very viable option at this point that solves everybody's problems mind.
you sure are insecure about being seen as a gay faggot, ironically which makes you look like a gay faggot.
I'm 28
What red eyecancer are you referring to? I've seen some of his videos but I don't know what that's supposed to be.
>sometimes I wish I could picture myself ten years from now
>out of college, living life without boundaries
>but at the end of the day, its just a step closer to the future
>the future tends to unfold as it should
>well... at least I think it does
You can be whatever you want on the internet.
He's fishing for replies, stop feeding the newfag
Team Fabulous 2 its a perfect example of why TF2 should get its own cartoon
F, may he rest in peace
> that guy who says he's going to kill himself but never does
> turns out the gay furfag was just in it for the drama
a gay... furfag hungry for drama you say! oh my. guess he never found any of the furry sites and got stranded here.
team fabulous 2 has a glaringly bright red bad furry oc in it that acts like a fag.
>I wish I could picture myself ten years from now
Fuck dude
>dude i'm older than you!!!
this video was considered redditcore until like 3 years ago
Besides the furry oc the video himself is golden
>2007 was 12 years ago
/pol/ out in force to try and make Kitty, a legendary content creator that got a lot of people into TF2 look to be a blight. He was a furfag but he made fun of it, made good videos that werent political or SJW/pol shit and was funny. And even if you don't think its funny, it was a big deal for it's time.
RIP Kitty, we miss you.
> mfw not anthony burch or the fucking faggot in this thread, the feeling of which will carry me through the rest of the day for sure
>someone this pure died so young
Thanks mate
>still calling me a newfag when I told you I'm not one
I don't get it, like this user said humor is subjective, so why would not liking one video make me a newfag?
Gas yourself faggot lmao
>he actually looked forward to the future
>furfag dies
Nothing of value was lost.
Do you want me to scan my ID card?
big F
hardly the same thing. wojaks always depict an emotion or state of some sort, they have a function. gmod faces are exaggarated just becase.
literally nothing has changed. people have almost always shat on him for his furry autism. fuck off furry bruh.
what I said above. I'll excuse the kangeroo joke cuz it's going off a voiceline for actual short humor but don't put yer bloody eyegouge OC in the video as a main character.
I know you don't mean that
>Unironically defending wojak
Hello fellow NPC, did you play [game] earlier? I also thought the same as you beep boop. I hate and fear anything that isn't just like us NPCs beep boop.
I didnt need these feels
Go tell r/all, maybe they'll care
A lot of Yea Forums original ended up being redditcore.
Reddit can't create shit, they just steal it from us and ruin it with their unfunny garbage. See what polandball has become
F kitty i miss u
Yeah cause nobody here showed interest
A good chunk of the more recent stuff from Yea Forums is unfunny garbage to begin with
> team fabulous could've been a genuine cultural beacon and historically impactful production even if it's made in GMOD but the furry means nobody wants to praise it or speak about it directly outside of niche excusing dialect
don't think so. I'm willing to bet team fabulous threads have been around longer then that.
i pooped my pants
I got a package.
I don't care about your brothers ID card.
As if you would use your own. No one is that retarded
They’ll praise the looney tunes and Steven universe but not this. Truly an injustice
Which brings us back to zoomers
> when god has a long and bountiful life planned out for you but you put furry cancer in your magnum opus so he puts cancer in you out of spite
>im-fucking-plying trannyfaggot
Consider suicide.
good god
That meme was always unfunny garbage too
That may be the case for some things but in regards to this it's pretty clearly "dude, remember this from your reddit years"?
Gmod videos had no presence in this place when Team Fabulous 2 dropped. Go back 7 years and make a thread and you'll literally just get >>/reddit/ed
>seething and projecting
Caught ya /pol/tard. go be scared of black people back on /pol/ lol
He’s has furry shit in all his gmods but they’ve mostly been throwaway gags
>the source of that picture isn't actually a kangaroo
More emotionally depictive than you, Normalfag.
polandball is from krautchan. So is wojack.
Yea Forums hasn't made a meme in like 5 years or more.
>He never finished Alan Wake
Now Clown World
and he has cancer shit in all his organs but they're mostly throwaway mortal vessels.
>b-but wojak has SOUL
Do us all a favor and neck yourself you retarded zoomer.
>within the past 5 years
Clownworld is just pepe all over again and it'll get stolen by other shittier boards and ruin it too. Yea Forums sucks now.
What was this cartoon called?
I miss him
This autstically triggers me on a whole other level. I hope somebody got fired for that blunder
You didn't even clicked on my shit, user. It's the Reignited Trilogy version of Sheila.
>nice thread about kitty on his most popular video on the anniversary of its posting
>but guissss xddd pooool! xddd
Fuck off, retard.
Yea Forums makes memes, they're just memes you dislike and lash out at because you've come to rely on the board as a substitute and extention of both your friends and your super ego so you take anything you remotely don't care for or worse as a personal attack and come up for an excuse ignoring the fact memes are eternally evolving substructures of ideas and jokes that form subculture splits like clown pepe.
anything new or unique or origianl will be pracitically murdered pre-preemptively by people like yourself who didn't agree with it ensuring nothing but pepes and wojacks for years on end which is exactly what has happened here as a meme can't even get off the ground unless it has the safety un-intrusive to you subconciously trait of being a sub split of one of the two most highly integrated memes.
Mass Defect was better
Cancer is a bitch. It just randomly kills anyone it wants.
I lost the link to that original pic. Can someone help me out?
are there lewds? they look like they'd have cute buttholes.
I haven't cared for memes since 2008.
I remember thinking le constanza face was unfunny garbage.
Remember le monkey face? All garbage, so are any more recent memes.
He never got old
Go back to /pol/ shitposter lol
It was never funny
I think that's what they were trying with Expiration Date, but Valve takes too long to follow any short of TV deadline. The next best thing would be just the occasional shorts, like the comics just being this side thing, but then you get the same problem with the comics taking too long.
>the future tends to unfold as it should
God I fucking miss Kitty. Dude did amazing fucking edits. Died way too fucking young.
Why can't I hold all these Fs?
>shitpost threads on page 1
>this thread dying
How do you think Kitty would feel if he knew people would make homage threads to him even 6 years after his death?
isn't this a shitposting thread?
Oh long has it been?
I never knew anyone that died of cancer that wasn't a pure hearted human being. Except Chavez. Fuck Chavez
>I think that's what they were trying with Expiration Date, but Valve takes too long to follow any short of TV deadline
Why cant they just outsource it to other group?
Also what's keeping Valve so busy they cant make at least a monthly animated short or a comic issue?
I honestly prefer quest for the ultimate sandvich or heavy gets an xbox
>Implying the randomized HWM faces is all that matters in this video
It would be just another drop of the ocean of piss that were "Rubberfruit-like" Gmod videos during the early 2010s.
>ha ha what a bunch of fagolas
Sometimes it’s just the simple shit that’s the best.
>11 years ago
I'm glad i got to experience the zenith of source engine games, but i do miss it.
>constantly being reminded that the sands of time never stop and that i'm becoming older by the day
I shouldn't have to feel nostalgia at my age
Rubberfruit is a gigantic homo and a vore fag
Yeah. That's what he would've said...
I think the last time they outsourced anything was for Opposing Force. Likely don't trust anyone to do better than they can.
It's just their whole work culture that's fucked up. The idea of working on whatever you want is great but it clearly has some big issues.
no other meme in history has had this much staying power
I would unironically learn every archaic engine valve has as well as kiss ass just to sit pretty in an office and eat M&Ms and get paid for adding hats
Jesus Fucking Christ, that guy actually died? That's utterly depresseing. These videos were always fucking retarded, but that guy dying when he was actually looking forward to the future makes me really sad. Kinda poetry though that now it is ten years after he said that.
Being exposed to so much information and audiovisual experiences thanks to the internet and vidya makes us age faster at a mental level I think
Would argue Pepe but it was never a real thing until 2016
>The idea of working on whatever you want is great but it clearly has some big issues.
This a literally what killed HL2 Episode 3. People kept dropping from the project until there was nobody left.
Nigga I would say that most memes still come from Yea Forums. At least 60% is a fair estimate.
We all miss it buddy, we all do. Now the zoomers just play their battle royale, they will never know the amazing times of games like L4D2 and Half Life. Makes me sad.
Well, le monkey face was intentionally garbage to mock other garbage memes in a post-ironic manner. But shit just keeps looping around.
Good riddance.
>playing surf deathmatch maps or mg maps with your friends after school in 2007 on css
>playing sandbox gmod with friends making cool contraptions pre wiremod
>haven't spoken to friends in years
>haven't enjoyed a new online game in close to a decade
>just work, play vidya that bores me and sleep
Nah, most are actually from tumblr, twitter or fucking facebook, I think.
Not that this is a contest, but Yea Forums mostly wallows in its own dirt.
>Remember le monkey face? All garbage
>Hating on costanza
Boy, I sure hope you guys don't do this.
I miss that gorilla
ah fuck, now i'm feeling feels
>Most are actually from twitter, tumblr, or fucking facebook
I'm not at all surprised that you think that.
I can give you one that has.
Hey user, you forgot this
i | i i
i i | i _
Feels like 5 years ago
bumper cars
Stop you're making me cry. STOP.
its not fair bros
Purely a theory, but there's a couple of reasons why I think this happened. First, Steam is a money printer. They barely need to move for it to keep bringing in money. Second, attention to quality so they're the kind of company to throw away an entire game if it's not up to their standard. Portal could've just been a puzzle game without a story or purpose, TF2 could've been a realistic military shooter, etc.
Third, middle managers might be fucking up things but canceling projects. I highly doubt that anyone can work on whatever. They need someone to approve, at least one of the senior staff. Fourth, the senior staff no longer having interest, possibly too focused on hardware. Fifth, whoever finds the perfect combo for VR could rule the next decade, the same way the Wii took a concept that had been worked on before but did it in such a way that the competition never managed to match.
Just a few theories. I've considered applying for Valve, possibly could get in, but instead of working on TF2, my dream game, I'd likely get reassigned to some Artifact like game.
> a vore fag
I never thought about it but it makes sense
What makes you think we're /pol/tards? I'm just glad that furgin trash is dead.
>Remember le monkey face?
no? you must be thinking of lemon key face
Found the /pol/tard. Easy to spot if they deny it.
He was just a fad that ultimately muddied the waters and ruined what could have been a lot of half decent gmodders. His early stuff is great though
>this thread made me remember the limitless optimism i had for gaming around 2007
Why did you remind me lads?
Ah yes, there's the feel.
Keep thinking that. :)
Did he die? Also I'd really like to try kangaroo meat
Oh god now you reminded me of it... Gaming used to be so fucking great in the 2000's. Games didnt come with season passes or tons of dlc's. They weren't just soulless copies of formulas, everything looks so bright.
>The golden era of source engine modding where so many games were on source and you could easily move maps and assets between them
>orangebox was the must-have thing and back when valve actually made something
>TF2 was so big it spawned dozens of entire communities, forums, and groups all with their own content and fanart
No i will not, the F meme is reddit tier
not all hours shown because steam only started counting in 2009
Where did everything go so wrong lads?
>forgot pic
Remember old XENON comics? good times
this hurts me
*drives into building*
>that one mario kart map with a big blimp
>you could drop a nuke from it
>all those memories of camping in it to drop a nuke on the enemy spawn
Is this all we have to look forward to anons?
All we hold dear fading away and growing old?
>you will never have wacky adventures with your friends like the Elliot goes to series
You are based
>wanted to go on a road trip with friends at the end of hs years ago
>instead we did nothing and never spoke or played vidya again after a year
Hold your fire! I'm a human!
Elliot goes Camping is kino
Well then, this thread is depressing.
yes, now add not having a GF to that
>Hello commander shitface, would you like me to patch you into the council?
It’s depressing to think that Kitty was probably the only god tier gmodder that didn’t let retarded things like politics or internet drama ruin his fun
Unironically a funny joke to this day
I don't even remember which SFM this was from
Speedhacks. Good gmod kino
Damn shame.
I have no idea man, I have no idea. God I miss being a kid and hopping on for some GMOD and fucking around in so many different game modes, or booting up MW2 on my PS3 and playing with friends and having quickscoping games.
[indian chanting]
He also knew how to laugh at himself, he knew he was a furfag yet liked using it as a joke
What even is the point of it all. For the past 10 years I've just been in the same routine, day in, day out. Same low-end job, all my dreams have been crushed to the point where I pretend they never existed. What even is the point of it all.
You can still do it user. Not everyone you know grew up to be a boring adult
F. Rest in pizza, mate
This thread inspired me to go back and skim through Mass Defect. Good times were had until the poorest choice of words graced my screen.
hey guys I'm going afk brb
>prime css and gmod with friends was over 10 years ago
Take me back, i don't like what i have become
Cringing at this thread. Zoomer humor is fucking terrible.
God. It’s like he acknowledged it but still laughed anyway
oh yeah that video about a heavy resorting to hacking to carry his team and feeling bad about it
Why'd it have to be him?
>outsource it to other group
Valve are perfectionists to a fault
Those were better days.
I actually think this was before his diagnosis.
So it's more uncomfortable foreshadowing.
as evidenced with Artifact
That’s existential kino and it quite frankly scares me
>Literally just described me
Oy Vey
>playing on some random Mario Kart map
>Find a present in a corner and collect
>1/11 presents collected
>everyone freaks out, stops what they're doing to find the presents
>we find all add a door opens
>tfw we found the Mario Party minigame area
he got something worse user...
God fucking dammit.
So, a guy died. What's the big deal?
No no I didn't mean it in that way. I'm just saying that it's a bit exaggerated to feel this sad for the death of a person that wasn't even close to you
Iconic Kitty GMod moments:
>Grease monkey + kangaroo wife
>Do you remember vodka?
Anything else?
I don't know how to make friends in real life. I always didn't feel like talking to people. And the few friends I had on the internet never talked to me unless I talked to them first. Even to this day.
He entertained us, was a good person, died at a young age. What's so hard to understand? People are capable of feeling sad even for those we've never personally met.
Shut the fuck up lmao
It's just retards crying over the (deserved) death of a furgin.
That's one of the more common Mario Kart maps still around. There used to be ones with wholly unique tunnel basements and shit. It's a shame most of these maps can't be found anywhere no matter how hard you search. Also I noticed the Mario Kart servers no longer have the music.
I wanna go back so badly.
>kitty died 4 years ago
because most people who enjoy gmod videos were 12, 7 years ago
>implying a weaboo is any better
>no, that cannot be
he was born the same year as I
I was in high school, gmod was at its peak.
And that it has to be remade every few months along with Wojak. Sadfrog, REEEE, tendies greentexts, smug pepe, Kek the Egyptian chaos god, etc
Whereas Baneposts are just Baneposts, never changed.
>next month will be the first year since aniki died
F to a real one, lifting in gods gym.
>Bruce Robin
>that whole story
It's the closest I've come to believing in some weird collective consciousness influencing the real world in some random way.
N-nah user, h-he's just taking an extra long nap.
That was the coincidence that cemented my belief that there are no coincidences
Collective consciousness is real
If only it were user
who cares about some dead furfag who made shitty gmod videos?
Oh shit i'm feeling it
Why do you keep proving you are a new fag
When you realize God is real and He is a shitposter.
>Everyone in that court utterly assblasted that he was able to kill himself before they could kangaroo court him
How can I prove I'm not?
Spoken like a true newfag
Don't listen to those retards. His videos are trash and I'm glad he's dead, one less furfag in the world.
Please just tell me.
He's training with Zyzz
this shit wasn't even funny back in 2012
zombie escape was easily my favorite game to play ever but now, i think there may be just one or two servers still up. The helms deep map was the best one
there are loads of servers still up check out gfl or unloze they are the most populated
What did Kitty do to deserve to be taken from us?
Nothing, he just got bad RNG
I kinda agree but at least say "anymore" if you're a boomer like me
Kys Zoom Zoom
Remember to be grateful for what you have Yea Forums. Sometimes I think that's what we all lack here with our cynicism. Take nothing for granted
Thanks for the correction, I really should have said that. Also I'm 28, not really a zoomer
He shall not grow old.
>not posting the pizza place an user found in Les Baines
Yep, there are no such things as coincidences anymore
10 years from now and i will still watch it.
I miss the old gmods and Kitty.
God fucking damnit...And kitty was just a teenager when he did this video, i don't think he was even 20 when he died, the guy really was talented.
>mass defect is 8 years old
I'm still holding out hope that somebody gets a hold of his PC and releases any unfinished projects he had
rent free
fuck me dead mate
Jacknife chronicles was the best video
>tfw I met his girlfriend and she was awkward as fuck
>using the cannon to get launched into the air to strafe into the blimp and kill everyone in it
shit was cash
Stop saying you aren't a newfag and lurk. Even if you are an oldfag we you say you, you're still not ready to post yet.
>we you say you
you ok mate? might want to get that shit checked out by a doctor
It's for the best he died young so he does not have to live in this nightmare that is now our reality
what's the greatest gmod vid ever?
>Yea Forums unironically mourns the death of a furfag instead of celebrating
the day l.eddit won.
because his videos had more effect on my life than any actual human being i know irl
I need help finding my old halo reach and halo 3 buddies.
if you know recognize me message my new GT CoolToast 77, if you have steam it is cooltoast_77
this is a cry for help my Xbox wiped out my friends list when I transferred my acc and now I can't remember their names and it makes me sad :(
my grammar error will lead to my failure
Fuck off.
i killed all your halo buddies and made a suit from their skin
rest in peace kitty
>this entire thread
Just let me go back
Anyone know the song during this monologue? I'm serious
There's no way back.
>this whole fucking thread
I just want off this ride
Big Boss Aniki was the last straw
The good die young
But pricks live FOREVER
is that way he keeps taking them away?
please don't take Jerma man please
his videos were comedy gold and single handedly combined machinimas with YTPs. which brought fourth hundreds of fags trying to ape it and still failing. even 7 years later.
mass defect is possibly the greatest video game related video on youtube
mass defect, it's team fabulous 2 except almost twice as long and without any self-insert shit. just 28 minutes of bat shit insanity
I wasnt ready for the feels
>everyone you look up to will die in ypur lifetime
Not if I have anything to say about it
It's not even dying. It's knowing they'll grow old and fall into obscurity. This is why it's optimal to die when you're young.
Why would soldier have a photo of snipers kangaroo wife anyway?
that edit is kino thx user
Fake and gay
they wont die if you remember them user