One of the most anticipated titles of the decade

>one of the most anticipated titles of the decade
>completely forgotten after a couple months

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Auto Aim.

Mortal Kombat, Anthem, and Apex personally attacked Yea Forums with sjw tactics and we need all threads to focus on these menaces

PC man-babbies are literally here daily screeching about it

those titles will never come close to the success of RDR2.

It's almost like single player games inherently don't have the same replayability and longevity of multiplayer games

>completely forgotten
>never lef top10 since it came out

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Im shitposting like op

If the majority of the playerbase is like me, they gave up after an hour because of how fucking repetitive and shit the starter missions were, and then looked online only to find out it doesn't get any better.

>Go to mission start
>Ride horse for ten minutes listening to inane chatter
>Arrive at real mission start
>Walk forward through the on-rails section for five minutes, your inputs beyond pressing forward have been deactivated
>Gunfight starts, spam Dead Eye and kill all the dumb enemies
>Ride back to where you started the mission for another ten minutes

Rockstar expects me to do this repeatedly for 40+ hours? No thanks, I have better games to play that respect my time and IQ.

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It’s considered one of the best moments so far in the medium and will be considered an all time classic, was released in October and is still the third highest selling game nearly four months later. What about that says forgotten?

He was a big guy.
For you.





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this literally never happens

It's only "forgotten" about here because everyone is either pc shitter or is just straight up too low IQ to properly play the game. Yea Forums isn't interested in genuinely good games, most people here are low iq or underage and thus gravitate towards memey trash multiplayer games. You ever been in a Yea Forums server? You'd know what I'm talking about.

it happens with most games now it had a good story but we dont have enough time to absorb it on its own before the hype train for some new game

I encountered a major questline-breaking glitch that really diminished my enjoyment of the last half of the game.

I know at least 3 people IRL that bought it just for the hype, they had never touched a R* game before, let alone a Red Dead, they love talking about the games they play, not a single mention of the game.

The jailbreak mission with Sadie in the epilogue is pretty bad about that.

>uneducated arthur isn't racist
this game sux >:(

Turn out Dutch's plan actually worked
>they get money
>they make some noise
>then they disappear

Not on PC yet

>What went wrong?

They added a lot of intentional tediousness to the game in order to add immersion factor, but some people disliked this approach.

Online wasn't nearly as set up from the get-go as it should've been, and there's less to do currently than GTA Online which still has a more active playerbase.

Overall it was a good game that sold above expectations (albeit not wildly so, like GTAV did). I don't think anything went "wrong" with it, but I don't expect Rockstar to put the same level of support into it that they did for GTAV. I expect them to drop a few Online updates, maybe an Undead Nightmare DLC if they are feeling particularly ballsy, and then move onto the development of GTAVI.

To linear for its own good+horrible online.

Yeah, Rockstar only makes games for patricians like Laquan and Cleetus, plebs just can’t appreciate a tedious game because it’s too realistic for them.

>What went wrong?
Extremely boring game design. Probably the least replayable game ever made.

OP has a point though. Thread discussion has become pretty rare, with only one decent thread in like the past month. Also in terms of awards it didn't win any of the major ones that garner lots of attention. Even in the reddit Yea Forumsgas it got snubbed hard, I don't think I've ever seen a game release to huge sales then become completely forgotten about so quickly.

Not hardly. Not Rockstars fault your dumb ass went some retarded direction during a mission and made you start over.

I've been playing this game literally every day this week.
Still as good as day one.

I played it for 3 months. It was a glorious ride.

I bet you play persona

It's good. Good single player games don't see a lot of discussion outside fanwank shit like shipping or dumb theories..

And what would be those games you consider superior? Mind sharing with us your eternal wisdom enlightened one?

Where? There are only ever positive threads on Yea Forums. But he's actually right in the sense that (again, at least here on Yea Forums) the threads are actually pretty damn rare. I finished it early last month and finally wanted to join in on threads, but they're so few and far between it's surprising

This is the realest comment I’ve ever read on this board.

Currently I'm replaying Devil May Cry 3 prior to the launch of V. Before that I finished Metal Gear Rising again, and after I finish this DMC3 run I'm going to be hitting up another few rounds of Slay The Spire and then finishing up some hard as balls Hollow Knight bosses.

You can go ahead and say my tastes are shit now. Doesn't matter to me, I'll stick to games that try to be games first and not mediocre movies.

Yeah like how there's a bunch of GoW threads as well

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I didn't really come back to it after finishing the story. The side quests are mostly mediocre and the shooting is not fun.

Now that's it's been out long enough everyone has gotten over the stagnant gameplay and realized how boring the content is

RDR was exactly like this, I'm not sure what you were expecting. If you don't like kino horse chatter then go play something else you dumb zoomer

You really expect non-jap shit to stay relevant on this board?
99% of posters here are man-children/weebs that would rather cream themselves over waifus then talk about actual video-games.

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The only remarkable thing in the first one was the world and the story. RDR1's world and story were both connected really well. You know when you're doing something good you know when you're doing something bad and the whole world felt depressing which really adds to the replay value after you already finish the game. In RDR2 I have to look at a guide to figure out what will give me honor and what will take it away. The side missions all just feels like content they threw in without care for how it fits into the world as a whole.

RDR 2 players actually have other games to play once they finish the game. Not everyone here is stuck with a Switch and forced to discuss Zelda and shitty, lying PR employees like Reggie for years on end.

If you unironically think that any of those games you mentioned can compete with the maturity that Rockstar has poured on the RDR series then I’ll have to let you know that you’re a complete and utter moron and the saddest thing about it is that you aren’t even aware of it. Go play gaymes zombie.

>RDR was exactly like this
This is a fucking insult to RDR. The horses aren't on rails unlike in RDR2, John isn't on rails during half the mission leading up to the gunfights, it didn't lock off weapons like in RDR2 during certain segments, several missions would warp you back to the initial start after completion or just finish up where you were at the moment of completing the objective.

Fuck you, go eat some fish to improve that damn memory of yours.

It has nothing to do with agreeing about anything you dunce, I was just telling OP why certain games don't stay relevant here after a while.
I should've known the first response I got would be from some butt-hurt man-child though.

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This was meant for

Fortnite is also a really fun game. It will suit you well along with the other low IQ gay Japanese games you play.

Sorry Quentin, I play video games for an interactive-focused experience. Not because I want to play some failed director's story in a video game format because his ideas were so shit he couldn't get into a media production company.

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RDR was exactly the same in that you ride to the mission while listening to people talking, shoot a bunch of nigs and then the mission ends. I don't really give a shit where you are at the end of the mission. If you don't like riding around the overworld then why are you even playing this game? For the fucking TPS gameplay?
Give me one example of nuanced mission design in RDR.

refer to
, since I'm in the same position as him. recently finished the game, but there's no discussions at all on Yea Forums

Holy shit, literal zoomer cancer killing video games. Go watch a fucking movie instead of playing B roll trash.

>playing video games
This nigga, lol. It's just a game :^)

The serious answer is that the spotlight on the internet moves at breakneck speeds. People will latch onto a popular thing for one day and then move on the next day. Smash Brothers is the most recent example I can think of.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a perfectly fine game. OP is just trying to stir up some shit.

its a single player game. it did its job. what more do u want to talk about?

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the controls are better than RDR1
>the horses are better than RDR1
>angry PC gamer
>your opinion doesn't matter
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

How many times did your dumb ass fail missions to be this angry? I didn't even use the radar and figured shit out on my own without failing. What are you crying about? How can you be such a colossal fuck up? Hell, I didn't even use auto aim. That would have made shit even harder to fail.

Damn you are miffed aren't you lol

>proud zoomer cuck
That’s gonna be a Yikes

>RDR was exactly the same in that you ride to the mission while listening to people talking
Seems you didn't read my post at all

Horse is never on rails during a mission, you have complete control. This allows for shortcuts which drop travel time down significantly.

Horse is on rails, you cannot deviate from the intended line and the mission will literally fail if you do so. These sections can vary from 4-5 minutes.

Completed missions either finished at the point of objective completion, or warped you to a more convenient location. If you did have to travel back, the lack of forced on-rails meant it was a quick 1-2 minute journey.

Mission completion always requires travelling back AGAIN on an on-rails segment that will lock up if you deviate from it. Once again these take another 4-5 minutes.

RDR2 is nothing but pointless fucking shackling of the player, cucking him out of his own controller to tell you some fucking garbage story that you barely remember the details of beyond the beginning and end.


Shut up zoomer. I insist you go back to fortnite.

Seething nintendie

There's a reason Yea Forums still has threads about Xenoblade, Smash, etc.. It's because Nintendo still focuses on making an actual game that's fun to play, instead of pretentious cinematic trash that everyone quickly forgets.

>How many times did your dumb ass fail missions to be this angry?
Only the times I tried to enact on my own freedom by doing something like riding on a different road during a mission only for the game to tell me "Mission Failed: How fucking dare you sequence break you piece of shit."

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You a literally a piece of shit subhuman if even one syllable of this has the faintest element of truth within it.

>what went wrong
It was just not fun to play. The shit controls didn't do them any favors either, I don't know how they playtested that and nobody told them their controls were garbage

>You a literally a piece of shit subhuman
For wanting to play a video game instead of some garbage movie with barely any controller input? I think the subhuman here is you. Red Dead Redemption 2 makes fucking Metal Gear Solid 4 look like a gameplay rich masterpiece and that's saying something.

Am I fucking insane here? Has Yea Forums's tastes gone to shit this much in just a few short years that you faggots gobble up repetitive sequences where the only input that matters on your controller for the majority of the game is forward on the left stick? Are you this content with on-rails walking simulators because it has a R* logo on it?

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If youre talking about the sp than Id say its natural, I mean its not even a full on rpg or something, its a pretty story driven game even if its open world
On the other hand its not entirely true, believe it or not some people taking it so fucking slow theyre just finishing the game these days, Ive already put an insane amount of hours into the sp part and still find new stuff, people are posting new discoveries as we speak, the game is being referenced everywhere, its far from forgotten desu

If you talk about rdo then youre right, its fucking pathetic and I actually hope its gonna die and rockstars gonna release some new sp content even if it sounds pretty much impossible

It's a single player game you dumbass.

Why do people always make threads like this? you can't expect a game to be talked about for months and months right? no game has that sorta thing going for it, Yea Forums, like any other place on the internet that talks about video games will eventually move onto something else.

Retard alert

I bought it yesterday.

It's good, it looks amazing, but it's not that much fun.

Not trying to bait but the characters, story and graphics may be 10 times better than anything on the Switch but I've had more fun playing XC2, BOTW and even Octopath than this.

I'm not even that guy but I think we each had a completely different experience with the game. What RDR2 lacks in player agency it makes up for with immersion and realism. I couldn't name another game that I can just lose myself in like RDR2.`1`

Damage control

Everyone who is playing it is too enraptured staring at horse testicles to talk about the game

I still see New Vegas threads very frequently if not daily on Yea Forums.

>What RDR2 lacks in player agency it makes up for with immersion and realism
Well we'll have to agree to disagree, because the complete lack of player agency annihilated any chance of me enjoying this game.

I got maybe 10-15 hours in, at that point I'd realised just how much it kept trying to slow me down, the shooting was also shit because of a controller, so I haven't played since release week, I'll go back to it at some point

They forgot to add gameplay between the cutscenes.

Pretty much anything that was fun in the first game is gone.
>Grinding for xp which was horrible in the last game somehow became even more tedious.
>Now in addition to grinding for xp you also have to grind for money.
>Even if you do grind xp and money you don't fucking get anything but a bandana or a hat.
>the maps are too fucking large, meaning half of whatever game you play is searching for people who are camping and will snipe you
>the game modes reward standing still and waiting for people to come to you. So you'll be waiting 10 fucking minutes for the map to get small enough that someone comes to you.
>half the game modes don't have respawns. So you die, then you wait 10 minutes for the game to end because the maps are too fucking big and everyone camps.
>Matchmaking is fucking awful. I try to join a team game and it's a free for all because the game would rather have 10 teams of 1 rather than 2 teams of 5.

Still waiting for PC release.
>inb4 Rockstar make their own store platform and it's exclusive to that

Ironically, the only people defending this game are, in fact, zoomers. Both GTA5 and RDR2 are cratered to kids. They just call other people zoomers, because they learned that word here and it makes them feel cool or tough. It's like when a child discovers a new curse word, they just keep saying it to fit in with the crowd.
Hell, you can't even have sex with working girls in RDR2. "But you can in GTA5".
Rockstar can simply claim that GTA5 is satire in order to save their asses. Not one "n-word" was said by Dutch's "outlaw gang" in a demeaning manner, and there's two colored men in the gang. Arthur is the biggest centrist in videogame history, and he even refers to that circus performer that crossdresses as "ma'am" and "madam" during his side missions.
Arthur also turns down a good time from prostitutes every time he gets am offer. Is Arthur gay? Is Mary just a cover?
I'm supposed to be a badass that robs people yet I'm a cuck that complains during every mission. Literally, Arthur moans and bitches like a female every mission. But he carries out his tasks like a bitch, because you know, it's part of the game.

What a beautiful unique snowflake you are.

>One of the most common complaints about RDR2 is how restrictive it is in denying player agency
>Durr special snowflake!
Are you a woman? Because you argue like one.

Please, don't shoehorn that crap in our discussions again please.

You're clearly mad that Yea Forums didn't care too much about your game or else you wouldn't sperg out and say Yea Forums only likes "jap shit"

No one but game-starved console-zoomers ever "anticipated" for that piece of shit.

Everyone played and discussed single player to death and the online is trash.
Sounds like rdr1 or any rockstar game since gta4, only in that case switch horse with car.

>respect my time and IQ.
m8 I love dmc and am looking forward to 5 but don't be retarded. No game respects your time because its there to waste it and dmc is not some high IQ shit.

Based, Yea Forumsintendo BTFO

You seem to be confused on what respecting someone's time and IQ even means. It has nothing to do with being some intellectual high brow experience. It means "don't treat the player like some hamfisted fucking retard by wasting their time and treating them like a baby."

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I'm pretty certain me sitting there unable to do anything instead of being able to play is classed as the game wasting my time. Kind of like RDR2's long horse rides at the start and end of every mission.

Not forgotten. Its just quite an experience that isnt so easily repeatable. Us that played it need a break because it does actually burn you out by the end with so much to see and do.

It also had garbage online so theres no one talking about that.

All of these are nitpicky as all fuck. You didn't address the question of my post at all. These "complaints" are fucking worthless to the point I didn't even notice their presence or absence. You're an autist.

Cause it was only good for one play through
The story is the best i've seen in video games, reminding me of a McCarthy book, but the gameplay is pretty dull at the end of the day
god damn i miss you Arthur

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>All of these are nitpicky as all fuck.
>Dragging out the experience so it's x5 longer with no gain besides tedium is "nitpicky"
Go neck yourself you fucking shill.

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In RDR1 I can complete a mission in five minutes. In Red Dead Redemption 2 that same mission would be 15-20 minutes just because of the forced on rails horse riding. How is this nitpicking and not a serious problem?

I don't believe those stats at all lol.

Also it's not a serious problem because you are literally the only person I've come across who has even noticed this, let alone gives a shit about it. I don't care.

Where? Go check the archive faggot, any discussion of this game was halted with


nah he's kinda right
Most of a mission in RDR2 is just being on horse talking to gang members.
It's kinda annoying that they can't just put you at the mission location

Checked! Fanboy spotted. See

RDR1 has tons of missions that start with you having to follow some faggot as you talk about the current goal of said mission. The only time that isn't the case in both games in when you have to ride a wagon to the mission, in which case you can go offroad and take as many shortcuts as you want so long as you don't wreck the thing or crash and knock you and everyone else out.
>takes 6 minutes for the mission to really start
>takes until 5:45 before mission really starts, before then is characters riding and talking
>11 minutes before the mission starts while you sit in a wagon and listen to two characters talk
>7 minutes of riding and characters talking while you follow them
>7 minutes of riding and characters talking while you follow them
Take off the rose tinted glasses and stop being a retarded nostalgiafag, rdr and most of rockstars newest games have been like this.

What are the best ways to get money fast? I want to upgrade the camp more after doing lots of side content but have a big drain constantly with all bounties and whatnot.

>Nobody complains about this!
Do you browse Yea Forums and nowhere else? Type in your search bar right now "Red Dead Redemption 2 too" and see what pops up, go ahead.

That's because you're a fanboy and you suck cooperate dick. You're denial glasses are always on. Imagine working and shilling for a company and not even getting paid to do it. You're the definition of a whore or a bitch.

I want everyone who watches video game dunkey to jump off a cliff.

gold bar glitch
>not cheating
selling wagons to the fence

>Skip to destination option in several of your examples - a feature RDR2 doesn't have in the majority of its missions
>Player is avoiding going off the GPS suggested road when there are faster alternatives
Nice try.

Literally who?

What I'm saying is I don't believe if they removed the fixed path you could complete RDR2 missions in 1/4 of the time.
Also, the conversations with gang members is where a lot of the characterization of the game happens. If you don't care for characterization or story, then why are you even playing a game that features that as a major pillar of the experience? If you're a "lmao stories are so gay" button-masher, then go play something else that caters towards mechanical play more. This isn't a bad game because you happen to not like what it caters toward. Not being able to speed-cruise through missions because dialogue is present is not an objective flaw anymore than a lack of dialogue in another game is an objective flaw. I also remember RDR having similar shit where you ride along and converse with people but whatever, not essential.
Checked! Faggot spotted!

I just did and I see nothing complaining about on-rails horse riding and dialogue preventing them from speeding through missions.

>i-it's the peoples fault, not the game!

>Only one of the examples has a skip, the prison mission
>Every other mission has you forced to follow some fag talking to you instead of leading the way yourself
Kill yourself rockstar cuck, rdr1 is just as bad as 2, and you're a retarded nostalgiafag if you can't see that.

Selling wagons to the fence and robbing trains. Also doing the explorer quests and getting the gold bars.

Yet these seething threads are up everyday.

Exactly what I was saying.

>I just did and I see nothing complaining about on-rails horse riding
Right "Red Dead Redemption 2 too much horse riding" isn't a complaint about that. Fuck off.

I do like story, I don't like when gameplay is being sacrificed to tell a story. RDR1 has very few of these pitfalls, and options to circumvent them when they get in the way.

How are you supposed to rob trains? I got on one to St. Denis once and didn't see much loot beyond food and what the guards had on them, unless the loot pool is random.

rockstar thought the GTAO grind would work in red dead as well

Point your gun at a passenger and hit "rob". Repeat for all passengers.

Just wait until the PC release and there will be a resurgence.

Oh that makes sense since I robbed a non-passenger train, thanks.

>Right "Red Dead Redemption 2 too much horse riding" isn't a complaint about that. Fuck off.
Correct, it isn't. You have a hyper-specific complaint about horse riding being on rails in missions preventing you from potentially getting to destinations faster you dumb fag. I knew you were going to shift the goalposts on this as soon as you mentioned this dumb shit, eat a sophist's dick.
>I do like story, I don't like when gameplay is being sacrificed to tell a story. RDR1 has very few of these pitfalls, and options to circumvent them when they get in the way.
RDR1 and RDR2 have the exact same shit going on in your specific examples, multiple anons now have pointed out your selective vision and retardation in this instance. If you don't like riding horses then why the FUCK are you playing an open world Western?

Have to individually rob the passengers, there's usually safes in the back you can blow with dynamite.

Can't fucking wait

I'm only in it for the porn, i don't like shooters but i love me some cowboys. Tfw I'm a faggot

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Doesn't change the fact that it was still fun enough to still generate threads to this day, unlike Red Dead 2.

Don't fucking bother upgrading your camp.

I maxxed out my camp. Got all the upgrades with the expectations everyone would be happy and bring in more money and the upgrades would be useful. Here's what happened.
>get the boat upgrade
>you can't go fishing from the boat
>you can't ride the boat to missions
>I just ride my horse everywhere, anyway
>upgrade all ammo and health
>need something like shotgun shells or varmit rifle ammo
>pick up all the ammo around the camp, can't find the ammo that I actually need
>camp is covered in molotovs and pistol ammo I don't use
>it's far cheaper and easier to just buy your own health and ammo from stores
>the most useful thing at camp is the stew, and even that can be negated by sleeping to replenish your cores
but everyone brings in more money when camp is fully stocked and upgraded, right? Wrong.
>even with a fully upgraded camp I still brought in 100x more donations than everyone else combined
>in a fully upgraded camp you've got people bringing in fucking bat wings worth $0.20 and $5 pocket watches
>then someone goes and breaks the donation box later in the game, so no matter what you do, resources run low and everyone donates zero fucking dollars
Camp upgrading is USELESS. I only used fast travel a couple times, too.

Np, good luck. Some other nice tips for train robberies are to wait until the train heads into a tunnel or over a high bridge before you start the robbery. You can also take control of the train and drive it for a while.

it's like once upon a time in america by leone, it's fucking great every 7-9 years you experience it

>generate threads to this day
Uh, where? I don't any threads user

a best

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This in spades. Story mode is nice for a rainy day when WiFi goes down but if I’m playing games I’m getting kills or dominating other players. I’d rather play the chess app on my phone against real players than any boring ass story mode

I still love the game.

Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted at all

This unfortunately. I like upgrading camp but its more of a completionist and aesthetic thing. The actual upgrades don't really matter, although I do think the dead-eye boosts from the stew are nice.

No, no no no no no

What's the point of removing fast travel anyway? It's not like players won't find farster alternative routes and speed runs.

RDR2 has had three threads today alone

The point isn't to try and slow you down, its to make players want to travel by horse like R* intended. You're supposed to be wandering the world encountering stuff instead of beelining straight to missions. Also Jesus Christ, I can't think of a worse game to speedrun than an RDR game.

So why did Dutch[/Spoiler] shoot Micah?[/Spoiler]

Gone Homo?

>RDR was exactly like this
Even if that was true to some degree, the first RDR came out eight years ago. You can't expect people to like the exact same thing as much as the first time they played it. Having said that, there are a lot of things that were better in RDR. The game was less cinematic and the player gets more control over the game earlier.

Well I enjoyed wasting my time with RDR2. It has issues and if rockstar doesn't address them in their next game I won't buy it but I felt I got my moneys worth overall.

>John to Dutch
>Arthur.. Arthur saved my life
>Arthur's been dead for years now!
>Dutch flinches towards Micah at that point

There are two running theories.
1. Dutch is a sociopath theory
>Dutch wasn't originally going to shoot Micah but shoots him in order to manipulate John to ensure that John doesn't attempt to shoot him. Basically Dutch is just doing what's best for Dutch.
This is supported by the fact that if you shoot Micah preemptively Dutch will then shoot you, implying that he seizes the chance of killing John in order to survive.
2. Redeemed Dutch
>Dutch shoots Micah because he realizes after reflecting on the events over years that Micah was the rat and successfully manipulated him and turned him against the people he loved.
This is supported by an interpretation of the line where Dutch says "Same reason as you" when John asks him why he's there. He's there to kill Micah.

Because he's a spic.

Sure but that choice is clearly part of the tone of these games. Some people enjoy the dialogue during the horserides, myself included. If you don't like an integral part of the game then my point is go play something else. Stop expecting RDR to suddenly turn around and become a high-octane TPS where you teleport straight to and from missions and navigate complex environments with sophisticated enemy A.I. with tons of divergent paths and player choice and kino mission design.

>My game
Is that how you view games you like, as "your game"? Pathetic shill like behavior.
Also what game are you talking about? I'm generalizing about a lot of games, definitely not just RDR2. Sounds like you're sperging out because I said "jap shit" and your sensitive weeb ass got offended.

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It would be nice if the AI had access to things like throwing knifes or molotov cocktails or dynamite as well to force you to change up playstyle.

That would be pretty cool. Dynamite would be kinda weird but throwing knives might be hype or especially molotovs.

I said "game" user

>Stop expecting RDR
Everyone's pretty familiar with the Rockstar games formula at this point. You either like it, dislike it or just tolerate it but you can't expect to not hear criticism if they have done little to improve upon it in the last couple of decades.

Example, I watched this side mission yesterday that I didn't do in the game. Take a good look at it because a lot of the RDR's "gameplay" is like this - it's essentially walking simulator. I thought everyone hated that here though.

So they're trying to slow me down then. Removing fast travel isn't doing to stop me from playing the game how I want to play. I'm not following the GPS, I'm doing what I want to do. If they're picky about how the player plays their game, then maybe it shouldn't be open world. Oh, and they should penalize you for killing NPCs because the gang "only kills those who deserve it". Payouts and exp gains are trash online, just like gta. Therefore, I'll do exploits. I know how to spawn fish in a certain spot that I don't tell people about so it doesn't get patched. If they remove an exploit, I'll find another. Give the player 100% freedom, or make the game scripted. I'm not surprised how anti consumer and anti player Rockstar is either considering they monetized their "beta".

The main appeal of Rockstar's games aren't the missions, it's all the crazy shit you can do between missions. In GTA5 half of what everyone does is ride different vehicles down Mt Chiliad, the other half is dicking around with crazy guns and vehicles. Even in RDR there was more shit to do. You could take over the fortress in Mexico and make your own tower defence game, you could steal a stage coach and have four of your friends shoot from the windows like a fucking tank. You can't do any of that stuff in RDR2.

There is no Mt. Chiliad. There is a fort, but no canons, and you can't take over it. There are no stagecoaches you can take and roll with your friends. All the guns are the same. There are no donkeys, buffaloes, or bulls you can ride around on. There's nothing to do between missions. You can only blow up the bridge in the mountains when the game says you can. If I could plant dynamite and wait for people to come get me and blow up the bridge from under them, I could have fun for hours just doing that. But I can't. RDR2 is a big empty fucking map.

They just added a retarded suppression system like Battlefield where your reticle flies around the screen if you get shot at. Playing in 3rd person puts you at a disadvantage online because of this.It doesn't make any sense. It even takes effect seconds after it happens. There was nothing wrong with the first game. All they had to do was improve upon it. Instead they took everything that didn't work in GTA and added to it. It's hilarious in pvp matches watching everybody fight with the controller in close quarters. Losing gunfights because you're forced to cock your weapon etc. It's one big cluster fuck and there's actually people who defend it. The gameplay is so shit and clunky it's no wonder people are leaving.

>Everyone's pretty familiar with the Rockstar games formula at this point. You either like it, dislike it or just tolerate it but you can't expect to not hear criticism if they have done little to improve upon it in the last couple of decades.
Sure, and I feel like there are many areas in which Rockstar can improve. The atrociously bad wanted system is a great example. But lumping inane, nitpicky, or genre-bending complaints under that category is retarded. I don't give a shit about horse riding and to be honest if you took out the dialogue from RDR2 just so I can zip there faster it would make my experience much worse, not better. What I mean by "Stop expecting it to be something else" is to stop expecting it to drastically change tone to suit your arbitrary idea of what a game should be.
Also, how would you improve that side quest? Even my friends and I joke around about RDR2 being a walking simulator or horse riding simulator but we enjoy it for what it is instead of wishing it was Max Payne or some bullshit. I think a lot of improvements can be made but not in the way you're suggesting.
>Give the player 100% freedom, or make the game scripted.
Should have expected a bullshit absolute like this from you lmao

I actually enjoyed the game quite a lot, but anyone suggesting missions aren't linear and hand-holdy either has a short memory or is a pathetic fanboy. I'll post this video in every thread.

Not an argument, zoomer.

I think it's fine. I can agree with controllers for tps on consoles being the worst way to play which is why I think the game will be much more fun to play on pC

Kek you are miffed

Nobody in this thread has suggested they aren't bud, cool the jets.

It's not that it's forgotten though. That's just a lie. There aren't many threads here about it nowadays, but that's because Dutch posting was a meme and like all memes it died. There's only so many times you can talk about the same old shit. Plus the online is D.O.A so unless they release some single player DLC the conversation is just about done.

There are rideable donkeys. You can't keep them permanently like a normal horse but you can find them in the world.

I miss the realistic meme before RDR2 came out

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Wrong use of that word, zoomer.

If Rockstar just fixed or improved upon a few things, it really would be a close to perfect game. Overall, missions are too scripted and the open world lacks meaningful interaction except to see how high you can get a bounty or small gunfights.

This is true. I gave it 12 hours to get better and it never did, so I returned it.

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Zoomer.... Insist....?


Game has less replay value than a used condom, that's why.

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Same old bullshit "gold medal" system. No, I don't want to get x amount of headshots, I want to complete the game the way I want to complete it. Since when did Rockstar become anti-player?

This is a nice video

Its obviously the latter, the only reason Dutch shoots you if you shoot Micah early is for the narrative.

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Bandwagoners deserve to hang. Reeeee

The multiplayer isn't finished yet.