Guess he really was an egoraptor all along

Guess he really was an egoraptor all along..

Attached: Arin_Hanson_Dance_Showdown.jpg (220x292, 10K)

What did he do this time?

Attached: cmon now bro.jpg (229x220, 7K)

He wants to be the next Metokur


i miss the newgrounds crew...

Was egoraptor code for fatfuckingidiot all along?

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>"Doctor I have cancer........"
>*pulls silly face*
Fucking genius.

literally who

explain, I haven't given him my attention in years.

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He wants to be the next Rhett and Link

I'm having a hard time believing this.

Googled it. It's some literal who YouTuber that seems to abuse the overly cartoonish far-right /pol/ memes and mentality to get views. Most people here would probably love him.

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he uploaded some livestreams to his main channel, is that what you mean? or has he actually gone alt-right?

I know who jim is but explain plz

OP is a fag

What does that even mean?

His Wife's already halfway there

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I’m not buying that he would intentionally go alt-right for memes and views. I mean I believe he would do anything for views but isn’t doing that a suicide for his current audience and social media in general?

what happened?

I hope someone said learn to code to her.

What happened now?