ITT: Moments in games that are genuinely funny

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Why is Japanese 'humour' so unironically terrible?


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Dunno. Western humor like this is so much better.

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When you see

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I know this is a bait post in a bait thread, but I don't give a shit
Humor is subjective as fuck and this isolated's culture humor evolved without any western influence, so it doesn't have any overlap with what we find funny


How's marketing your shitty game going? Working on the 'so bad its good' angle now? Guess what, the plot is still shit and not worth reading. The art style ripping off earthbound was the only good thing going for it, but you fucked that up too by making a slow horrendously programmed piece of shit along with some pretentious shoe ins and unlikeable self insert main character.

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is it bad the first thing i thought when i saw this image was *WHIIIIIIRRRRR*


Western humor is always crude and disgusting.
9 out of 11 times it's toilet humor.

I don't think anyone's marketing this game anymore. In fact it seems like they're trying to memory-hole it because it's so bad. Lots of deleted tweets and protected twitter accounts.

>Young bonerfarts are called bonertoots

lol! imagine if you made a fart and it flew out of your boner instead! that really makes me lol!


This is even less funny now that I've seen porn of farts coming out of dicks.

Attached: hola senor.jpg (200x200, 16K)

that would honestly feel amazing

I don't get it, somebody spoonfeed me.

you get it, it just isn't funny

To be fair it's a pretty high-IQ joke

Please tell me i was not the only retard laughing during this...

Attached: Bentley_Opera_Mission.jpg (1280x720, 93K)