Which company do you personally prefer more in regards to their respectively owned franchises, even as of now, Yea Forums?
And why?
Which company do you personally prefer more in regards to their respectively owned franchises, even as of now, Yea Forums?
And why?
Nintendo > Power Gap > Capcom > Sega > Everyone else
sega easily
sega > capcom > Nintendo
>majority of sega characters are from weebshit jrpg franchises
>when sega makes the majority of their sales nowadays form strategy games
>Latest installment confirmed one of the best in the Valkerie series
>SMTIV:A is unironically the 3rd best SMT after Nocturne & Soul Hackers
>Persona 5 = arguably the best JRPG of the decade
>Yakuza especially 0 is kino magnet
>Sonic despite shifting the bed in 3D releases yet again still managed to shit out the best game since 3&K (then again 2D Sonic > 2D Mario anyhow)
>Belda succumbed to open world meme
>Xenoblade 2 was uneven as all fuck which is made even worse when even it's DLC expansion was far more interesting of an overall product.
>Awakening ruined FE via animu pandering casualised garbage before Fates proceeded to piss on it's corpse
>Actually being autistic enough to purchase much less enjoy anything mainline Pokemon related after gen 6 & 7.
>3D Mario peaked with Galaxy 2 with Odyssey somehow managing to be a relative disappointment after returning to the open-ended formula.
As if this choice wasn't obvious enough.
Switch Nintendo behind Sega and Capcom than you got it right.
Kiryu is such a chad. Look at him and his "don't mess with my wife's daughter" pose.
Most of what I play from Nintendo gives me a clear feeling that their target demography is children, which I'm not. So I'd have to go with Sega.
Wait, Persona/SMT are Sega IP now??
Yes and no.
Sega owns Atlus’s parent company
Sega let’s them do their own thing for the most part but can and has wrestled control from them.
Seeing the left side makes me feel like Sega are in a better position for the console market compared to years ago. Them buying Atlus makes their RPG catalogue look much more enticing.
The one that's not filled with autists
>>Persona 5 = arguably the best JRPG of the decade
I was going to make a snide "what about persona 3/4?" comment, but then I realized P4 came out more than a decade ago.
P3 was also better than 4 too
I don't think you thought this through OP. Mario has already won this argument so fast that even Sonic hasn't realized it, hence him already holding the gold trophy.
You should do the VS Things based on each year. All of the 2018 or 2017 protagonists on each side.
Sega is a grain of sand in comparison to Nintendo
So neither?
Smartypants over here
As of now, I'd say Nintendo, even though I grew up with a Mega Drive. If Sega decided to actually do stuff with their franchises that I actually care about, that might change.
nintendo and that includes bayo
>3D Mario peaked with Galaxy 2
SEGA>Nintendo but you have shitty taste.
Sega owns Bayo though, Nintendo just owns property of the sequels even if It's association with the latter is stronger.
Not that it means much with how Bayo 2 was mechanically worse than the first game which doesn't give me hope for Bayo 3.
capcom > sega > nintendo
I actually agree with him regarding 3D Mario, even though I liked 3D World and Odyssey (well mostly 3D World), they're both no masterpiece compared Galaxy 1, 2, and 64.
Im tired of Nintendo fags and their constant cocksucking for their shitty corporation
Considering how it's basically the manifestation of the Nintendo bonus, how else can Sonic point and not smirk at suckers falling for bing-bing woo-hoo's toy brand again?
Absolute shit taste
Where's the lie?
Old SEGA is the best
Now I prefer Nintendo to new SEGA
Nintendo bonus isn't real, otherwise Sony & Rockstar games wouldn't constantly win GOTY ever
Sega. Always.
I can't believe children grew up looking at this, thinking this...thing is cool.
That they live in this fantasy that the competition between Sonic and Mario not only is still going but that Sonic was and still is better.
It kind of scares me, like what if my parents bought Sonic games for me as a kid instead? Would I be this autistic?
Yeah, I mean, us Nintendo bros turned out fine!
Those are even worse, also 2018 was dry for Nincel games unless you were willing to shell out money for the equivalent of a Sm4sh port (which still managed to botch itself compared to Melee outside of quantity).
Then Sega (I grew up with Sonic, Phantasy Star and Streets of Rage), now Nintendo. But honestly, the difference is minimum.
90’s Sega>90’s Nintendo
Modern Nintendo>modern Sega
>playing freemium Mobile games on your phone is ok
>playing games on a handheld is not fine
>No YOU'RE the cringy fanbase XD
Give up.
Oh is this the part where people strawman with shitty pictures that they think represent a group of people? Here let me try.
Being a fat unemployed manlet is not okay. No one cares about the silly toy in his hand.
Nintendo doesn't have a single game I like. Sega has Yakuza which is one of my favorite series. SMT and Persona is kind of dead to me now, because I know the games wont be as good as they were on PS2 and before.
Sega versus Nintendo. Just like old times. Sega does won't Nintendon't, faggot.
It’s a shame you don’t see those types of displays anymore
Modern Nintendo sucks though. Outside of Breath of the Wild i genuinely cannot see how anyone who isn't a corporate cock sucking journalist could shill their current output compared to their 5th/6th gen era:
>MP4 delayed indefinitely after development hell
>Star Fox so dead it needs a collab to wipe the bad taste out if everyone's mouth after Zero
>F Zero still dead
>Smash bros. Ultimate doesn't even live up to it's title while managing to fuck up certain aspects worse than Tr4sh (online being a big example) and still can't hold a candle to Melee in mechanical depth
>Paper Mario raped to oblivion starting with Sticker Star
>Still no Mother 3 localization
>XB2 is massive step down from X & arguably XB1
>Odyssey dragged down by endless moon fetching and a lackluster second half sans final boss
>Switch is still missing many key features compared to It's competitors while still being an underpowered piece of shit (but hey portable lmao)
Yamauchi died for this.
> Still no Mother 3 localization
Go play the fucking fan-translation then you autist. You already know they are going to censor shit, so why even ask for a localization?
I get what you’re saying but Sega is a shell of its former self. At least Nintendo Is still making hardware and coming up with interesting new IPs while supporting their older IPs. Sega has pretty much abandoned anything that isn’t Sonic
At least they've started letting other people work on some of them. Wonder Boy, Streets of Rage 4, Toejam & Earl, Sonic Mania.
>can survive re-entry to a planet with no suit
>can hop from planet to planet
>have defeated planet sized enemies
>is a doctor
>is a plumber
>is a construction worker
>is an animal tamer
>has survived a universe reset
>has gone through time to tag team with himself as a baby
>can control paper
>can shoot fire
>can become invincible
>has low reality manipulation
>is rich
>can host parties for all his family, friends, enemies, and different dimension dwellers
>has a car and a bike
Guys, Mario is too OP.
Nintendo was always better than Sega. Suck that down, Xcucks. You should be used to it.
Nintendo might have the worse fucking drones in the universe, and Nintendo might have the worse direction for video games looking like toys or weebshit, and Nintendo might favor some IPs over others, but at least they can make good games and understand what makes their IPs work with an identity.
SEGA fucking sucks as a company. Focuses on Sonic but has absolutely no idea how to make a proper Sonic game since SA1, where fans can do better than them, any other IP they have budget for be Yakuza, but it's only for Japs, same for Persona. It sucks because SEGA has the better direction in gaming in concept, but never can live up to it with their shitty execution.
t.Sonicfag. Fuck SEGA of Japan, should have been bought out by Sony years ago.
they're literally still at every target, unless you live in the middle of nowhere
I'm in leaf land and I haven't seen one in 5 or so years
Well it used to be SEGA but then they died and Sammy bought them, so Nintendo
>At least Nintendo Is still making hardware
Which is still shit
>and coming up with interesting new IPs
My sides
>while supporting their older IPs.
Only a handful sure
>Sega has pretty much abandoned anything that isn’t Sonic
Did you even look at OP's image or caught up with everything? They announced a new Street of Rage/Sakurai Wars sequel while having came out with VC4 recently.
They aren't in the DC era territory yet but its sure as he'll is a step up from pre-2015 Sega. Sonic Team still needs to fuck off though.
>Persona 5 = arguably the best JRPG of the decade
What the fuck am I reading?
>Modern Nintendo sucks though
At least Nintendo didn't die and get bought out by a shitty pachinko company running them into the ground
>but at least they can make good games and understand what makes their IPs work with an identity.
Care to actually list them before lying to yourself like this?
>Only a handful sure
Not him but jesus fucking christ, saying this when compared to SEGA-Sammy who only support Sonic
>Strawmans again
You're right, sega does do what nintendon't, like be the first ones to play the console war game with that slogan only for karma to hit them brutally with them failing to keep up with Nintendo and with Sonic to keep up with Mario, not only that but the fans are bad losers.
I thought we were talking about Sega, not Konami (though the latter is more of the case of the company itself initiating it).
>I thought we were talking about Sega
Oh SEGA died over 15 years ago, they objectively lost. OP was talking about Sammy and their SEGA-Sammy division raping SEGA's logo and IPs
I prefer Sega, but I vote for Nintendo. Sega does not deserve to own their IPs.
We're actualy seeing support for Sega titles besides Sonic though.
Not sure what the point of people asking this is. Tons of threads devolve into this. You and someone else go back and forth cherrypicking games, doesn't matter which company or console it is, saying X or Y is shit and they're stupid for liking it. This continues the entire thread and nothing changes. Then the next thread happens and it continues. Why the hell is Yea Forums so shit?
Atlus titles (also new studio opening), SoR, VC, SW, VO, HoD, WB3 Remake, etc.
You really haven't been up to date have you?
I value sonic, valkyria chronicles, miku, catherine, persona, phantasy star, and yakuza more than anything nintendo has. Not to say that nintendo is bad, but i think ive simply outgrown their games. Mario 3d world and odyssey were pretty shitty to me. Havent cared for zelda since twilight princess. Smash is just a mario party mini game made its own game, with each new game being a bloated roster update. Mario karts still pretty solid though. I like playing mk8 at a friends house on his switch. Pokemon was never good. Nintendos not the force they once were
>Atlus titles
We're discussing SEGA though
Literally the only consistent project CS3 R&D work on and
>old IP
Jesus fucking christ, we don't mean Xbox 360 era fucking leddit
>I value modern sonic over modern mario
Jesus fucking christ, well you can keep playing Sonic Forces while they play Odyssey but fucking hell.
This is a level of bootlicker I never thought possible
>No argument
>Why the hell is Yea Forums so shit?
Because of how much we have to suffer with third rate keyboard warriors constantly getting cornered when doubling down in their own shit. Fuck off to /p/lebbit if you can't handle filtering out your severe autism.
>muh fzero
>muh mother 3
off yourself
>Mario 3d world and odyssey were pretty shitty
>Smash is just a mario party mini game
>Pokemon was never good
>Nintendo doesn't support their IPs
>SEGA does
What the FUCK am I reading
I'm not even the user you were replying to you raging autist
>We're discussing SEGA though
They own Atlus as their subsidiary, retard.
>Sammy owns Atlus*
Nah sonic forces is shit. I was referring to sonic unleashed/generations/mania. But odyssey is just flat open boring levels with easy collectibles and 3d world is like amateur/fan game tier level design. It was a struggle to stay awake playing that piece of fucking garbage. At least i could laugh at sonic forces and enjoy a track here and there
Noticed how none of those images are of Classic era Sonic?
It's almost like the one time Sonic's highest 3D rated game was the Nintendo port of Sonic Adventure 2...
Nice try samefag. Considering heeding your own advice.
>I was referring to sonic unleashed/generations
Ah, still worse than Odyssey
Sammy should just shut down their CS R&Ds and just let other companies use their IPs
Haha no
What? Mario is still Mario, Zelda is still Zelda, Pokemon is sadly still Pokemon, as in hasn't even remotely innovated like Mario and Zelda did, while keeping the core elements of the game's beginnings, but it's still the same idea since the 80s/90s. Sonic 90s is not what is Sonic 2000s/2010s at all.
>What is a subsidiary
T.based nigger. Kill yourself
>Considering heeding your own advice
Yes you should, it would make the world and this board a better place.
We're discussing SEGA not Sammy
>Sega is just Sonic
Are Nincels this bad at cherry picking?
See What else are they?
What other old IPs are they doing?
VC and Yakuza are modern IPs
The same Sega who merged with Sammy in the early 2000s.
So yes, still Sega.
I don't think you're reading my posts right or something. I never was just saying SEGA is just Sonic, although he IS their mascot so yeah.
I'm just answer that anons post, that Mario stayed consistanty gameplay wise since the 80s, even in 3D, same with Zelda, same with Pokemon, Kirby, Yoshi, DKC, all consistant.
Sonic has dropped his core mechanic and identity from the 90s after his first 3D outing outside of "slightly" having it with Sonic's gameplay in SA1/2, and has degraded worser and worser as the years got. Just compared Mania to Sonic Forces. Mania represents what Sonic would have been to this day (but in 3D) if SEGA understood what Sonic is.
Just think if Mario had a mainline title with AK-47s or looking like a Final Fantasy ripoff. Like, if Mario RPG was a mainline game but with more darker, non Mario centric themes.
You mean bought out. Bandai and Namco merged and we still get there few IPs any many licensed title games distributed worldwide. Ever since Sega got Sammy, Sega makes absolutely nothing for the west anymore letting all the well known other brands in the fall into obscurity and keep literally almost all their newer IPs Japan only. Sega is Sammy's bitch.
>merged with Sammy
>he doesn't know
Oh no, no no no no no
Certainly, after you then.
Others have literally already mentioned SoF4, genius. Sakura Wars and Virtual On are also a thing.
>I don't think you're reading my posts right or something.
Have You?
>I never was just saying SEGA is just Sonic
My actual point was that anytime the average Nincel swoops in a discussion relating to Sega franchises it almost always come down to being centered on the Sonic franchise instead of Sega's other active IPs (which is literally tour entire post proving said-point). And I will not deny that 3D Sonic in general is an absolute clusterfuck in management which has already been heavily covered.
>are also a thing
WILL also be a thing, there quality will be decided upon release
Nintendo. SEGA hasn't interested me since Ristar.
>instead of Sega's other active IPs
See This is just pathetic
Sonic fans are a lot more childish and autistic than Mario fans though.
>it almost always come down to being centered on the Sonic franchise instead of Sega's other active IPs
It's like I don't play Yukuza, NiGHTS, Billy Hatcher, PSO, etc. It's kinda absured to make this a big deal when for nearly 15 years I barely played anything that wasn't Mario related. I dropped Pokemon after Gen 3, I only played 2 Zelda games, starting with Wind Waker, never touched a Metroid game offically, only played Kirby on the NES and Tilt and Tumble, never touched Starfox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, or anything newly created in the 2010s for Nintendo.
I literally don't understand this notion that if you only talk about Sonic, the mascot of SEGA like Mario is to Nintendo, that their opinions don't matter now or something...
They're both autistic, just like you and this entire thread.
>Modern Sonic fans
Fix'd. Actually, scratch that, only SA2B fans are.
You don't play many sonic games do you?
Sonic games consistently stayed true to what Sonic is about, in that he's Hedgehog who runs fast to save the world from an egg-shaped manchild. The reason why Sonic is in the mess that he's in legitimately his fanbase. It as with just about everyother Sega fanbase is way too vocal and difficult to please. Where as Mariobros are fine with whatever bullshit Mario does, Sonicfags are to inconsistent and divided about shit in Sonic games. You have one group bitching about sonic being too modern, one group bitching about him not being edgy enough, one group refusing to accept literally any change that happens to him, another wanting to always change etc etc. It's like making dinner for a bunch of picky brats who each only eat a specific thing and trying to please them with budget only big enough to make on kind of meal.
Not him but to be fair, regardless Atlus/Sega/Sammy Still operate within the same company despite Atlus being given free reign to do as they please under Sega-Sammy.
Toys R Us still has them, maybe some EB Games too.
So are we discussing SEGA or Sammy then?
>Sonic games consistently stayed true to what Sonic is about, in that he's Hedgehog who runs fast to save the world from an egg-shaped manchild.
Literally not true since SA2 to Sonic Unleashed, as that era downplayed Eggman as the main threat and some other super mook stole the mainlight.
And no, Sonic core identy is momentum based platforming that allowed for high speed play if you're a SPEEDRUNNER. Aka, good at the games to achieve those insane speeds, until the boost era took it to a casual, hand holding level. If Sonic was always meant to be a button button to Sonic X meme, Sonic 1 wouldn't have been made.
>Still cherrypicking with a single wiki pic
Speaking of pathetic...
What is not shown there? That is the total of SEGA's main development studios works for the past 4 years
We are discussing Sammy's slave cash cow, Sega
i just want another fucking handheld diva game, they do not work for me anywhere else. please, give us something on switch. if sony does it vita successor, maybe? something?
>We are discussing Sammy's slave cash cow, Sega
So this
In that image? Sega by far. As a whole? Nintendo
id say sega if any of their good IPs still had games released for it. i want another ecco, skies of arcadia, anything?
>Complains about recent Sonic being a one button game
>Praising Sonic 1-3K for being a One button game
See? That right there is part of the problem
>as that era downplayed Eggman as the main threat and some other super mook stole the mainlight.
Why are you excluding SA1? Chaos was practically the real big bad, and honestly it just being Sonic vs Eggman every game would have been dull, so I didn't mind the change in pace much aside from Shadow & 06.
Nope: Classicfags are just as cancerous as modernfags.
Looking Glass Studios
Then: SEGA
Now: Nintendo
Even though modern Nintendo half-asses it in terms of content, it's still far more than what can be said of SEGA with their legacy franchises. I also can't forgive SEGA for trying to do everything in their power to butcher their own success, and shitting on their own franchises in the case of the Shining and Phantasy Star franchises respectively.
i liked PSO2.
i wish they released it in the west and got famous
definitely sega.
>sega: smt, persona, yakuza, crazy taxi, super monkey ball, jet set radio
>nintendo: kirby, smash, pokemon (nowhere near as much as i used to, though)
It could have easily been a hit with the west, all they had to do was localize it before the ps4 launch window closed. We would have never gotten the ep 4 and 5 we have now had they had done that and Phantasy star would have never strayed so far from its main premise
>3D Mario peaked with Galaxy 2
zoom zoom
Haha yes
What button are you talking about?
crazy taxi, super monkey ball and jet set radio are dead
this desu, put TRIARII on the left and a 40k space marine and Miku if you're feeling dangerous OP
>, and honestly it just being Sonic vs Eggman every game would have been dull,
Not the point, I as correcting that user's point, don't call me out for it.
>He likes generic Scooby doo SoL trite
Ok, be like that. It's not my fault Modern era is hated so damn much by non Sonic fans, not so much hate get's directed to the 90s era purely because 6 million people praised them back then.
the games haven't been deleted from existence, i can still play them anytime i want. and unlike nintendo, sega's not trying to shut down rom sites to prevent people from still playing them.
The wrong child died.
The jump button
>all these sega contrarians
I don't understand, are you complaining you need to clear gaps in a Sonic game? Every platformer has a jump button.
This must be bait or something.
Did a terrible job at correcting though.
I'm pretty sure killing yourself means you deserved it user.
Yeah, to you. Stay out of it.
Ok i agree then
nintendo is the disney of gaming. fuck them.
the one with virtua fighter
No I'm saying it's dumb to say Sonic sucks now for being a one button game, while praising classic sonic which is literally a one button game
Sega easily.
Nintendo would never make games as Outrun 2006 or VF5. And they never would release a console with a lot of new ideas (and ips) like the Dreamcast.
Modern Sega is a shame, though.
Who the hell made this?
>Chrom and Pyra over actually relevant characters like DK and Samus
>No Bayonetta in the middle
I'm tired of explaining this shit to people like yourself.
Sonic isn't hold right to win in the classic games. No matter what you fucking do, you cannot just go up hill by holding the right fucking dpad.
Press the boost on every first level of the boost era gets you to the goal without trying. I'm shitting over how automated the entirety of Sonic's gameplay is in the modern era, hell even the Adventure games wasn't so dummy down. I don't give a shit you get triggered by this, this is why Sonic's modern games don't get higher scores than 80s, even less than Adventure 2.
Gods, I hate Nintendorks. My grandfather hated them too, even before they put him out of the console market.
>SMTIV:A is unironically the 3rd best SMT after Nocturne & Soul Hackers
I knew that only a Nocturnefag was capable to have THIS shit taste.
The 1 button people complain in the 3d modern games its the "boost" button which its basically invincible autopilot mode, even more so in the last 2 or 3 games.
SEGA without a doubt.
SEGA on their A game > Nintendo on their A game > Nintendo not on their A game >>> SEGA not on their A game
SEGA just feels like "Nintendo+"
>hell even the Adventure games wasn't so dummy down. I don't give a shit you get triggered by this, this is why Sonic's modern games don't get higher scores than 80s, even less than Adventure 2.
I'm still angered why they got rid of that style in favor of experimental garbage before caving into being a soulless racer simulator, they should have just let die with Rush.
It's one one the reasons why actually hate generation's take on speed highway and city escape, the shitty physics combined with boosting made them less fun compared to the originals and I couldn't give less than a fuck if I'm in the minority.
>CAfag confusing SAMMY with SEGA
Not surprised desu