Is the Dualshock 5 gonna be better or worse than this shit?

Is the Dualshock 5 gonna be better or worse than this shit?

What addition could be even worse than the touchpad?

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Touchpad is based, it's developers faults for not capitalizing on it more.

They could pressure sensitive buttons where the middle fingers are.

Or maybe touch pads there, too. That would be cool, honestly.

why do consoles only have 2x2 shoulder buttons when you could just as easily manage to use 2x3

L1, L2, LT, R1, R2, RT would be based af.

Better question is why don't we have backpaddles and gyro aiming as a standard yet?

>gyro aiming
please no.

Hey, on NSW and PSV the gyro aiming was done and it's pretty useful
But then they're handhelds.

based casual

yeah is the developers fault for not wanting to use gimmicky inputs

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Touchpad is an easy 4 extra inputs. Just look at gravity rush 2.

nah, I just don't want it to look like I have fucking parkinsons when I'm trying to play a shooter

add a mini screen as to improve the touchpad and let you play without a TV

>Objectively better aiming solution to pure stick aiming that lacks the limitations of controller aiming and is much closer to parity with mouse aiming because of the lack of a turn speed cap, easier finer movements, and overall better precision and responsiveness
Hello smoothbrain.

Enjoy your inferior input

unironically include rear buttons

and fuck you OP the DS4 touchpad gave 2-3 additional buttons for PC and I appreciate that a lot

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I doubt your cat would care that much.

Add a screen that will always remind me how much of a cuck I am and warn me to drink more onions

>and is much closer to parity with mouse aiming
Don't flatter yourself.

also please get rid of the stupid LED bar

even at the lowest setting the damn thing lights up my entire room at night

Attached: lightbars.jpg (600x450, 31K)

you already have one of those though

the ds4 was already a big improvement on their previous controllers. hopefully the ds5 ditches the useless led light and improves the battery life.

Thanks doc

Don't be retarded user. Stick+Gyro is only a step or two behind mouse. It loses all the technical limitations of stick aiming and if you're good enough at it you can easily be competitive with a mouse player.

t. plays PC shooters with a steam controller, trackpad+gyro is a little better but it's not that different.

I'm with you, absolutely fuck any kind of motion controls. Shit should have died after the Wii and Sixaxis/Dualshock 3.

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Add two back paddles and make the start/select stick out a bit more. Maybe add additional textured bumps on the sticks.
Really, we dont need a whole lot of improvements. Just minor tweaks.

"Closer to parity" does not mean "actually on par with".

I'm using this on my PC and the gyro is some good shit. I've disabled the vertical axis of my stick so it defaults to a neutral angle. But when I go too hard up or down it gets thrown off-center. Is there any option to make it not keep going when I'm already looking straight up/down so I don't have to re-center it so often? Because it's a bit of a bitch, been trying to play Ziggurat and you've got a ton of guys flying right over your head and it happens really often.