ITT: based and redpilled protagonists
ITT: based and redpilled protagonists
didn't really dig the homoeroticism with flynn to be quite completely honest with you familia
>didn't dig the best part
You're the real fag here.
Yeager was also pretty gay. Still more bad ass than Luke or Lloyd.
Who? The characters and plot in this game were honestly so forgettable I have no clue who you're talking about.
Aren't we intrepid?
The Villian that had those two girls with him.
After years of getting pussy protags, him just straight up fucking murdering people in cold blood was extremely refreshing.
> i-if we kill him, we'll be just like him!
> no, if we don't kill him, he'll just use his position of power to carry on with his bullshit scot-free
based yuri
What now?
Yuri is cool, but it feels like people only like him because they self inset.
>self insert
>when I think of myself as the biggest human waste of space on earth, so useless I can't even end my miserable existence
Nah, self-inserting is for autists. I like watching other people succeed.
He had a good rival.
>"I don't think they'll let me into the hell you're going to"
>"I can't do anything on my own. As long as I have my friends, I can do anything"
> "I won't cry. Shedding tears would be a disrespect to my dearly departed comrades. I'm the boss of Siren's Fang, Aifread. So I won't... cry... There's no way I can cry. I don't... want to cry..."
Fuck this game had so many kino moments.
Damn, how will Final Fantasy VIII ever recover?
Droite was pretty big.
They never explained what the fuck all that was about.
Something something Alexei is behind it all.
Patty arc spoiler. Patty was Aifried all along, and is probably a lot older then she looks. After the incident caused by Seifer that killed her crew and a bunch of innocent people to save many more (the incident is never explicitly explained but apparently Alexei was involved somehow) she suffered from a bout of truama induced amnesia and believed herself to be the grand daughter of Aifried.
Ok, but why was Aifread a little girl and why didn't the buff old boss guy recognize her?
He probably did, and even said that she looked EXACTLY like Aifread. Dons a smart man and probably knew instantly but decided to treat it as he saw it and let her figure it out on her own.
>tfw no flashback showing what Patty looked like as an adult.
Something something magic stone blahblahblah reverse aging when used by anyone other than the Children of the Moon. Her backstory got the absolute bare minimum coverage.
Also I guess Don knew it was her since he recognized her immediately. In a skit, it's explained that everyone else thought that Aifred was believed to be a guy since Seifer was the one who handled clients and made public appearances. Only a select few people outside of her crew knew that Aifred was a girl, including one former crew member you come across in Capua Torim, who cries like a bitch because Patty resembled Aifred so much.
>"If we kill him we'll be just like him"
>feel disappointed that another game is doing this shit
>but then the protagonist just fucking kills the guy
Wish more games did this
Post yfw after thinking the guy was going to get away with it, Yuri corners him on a bridge.
Based and cunnipilled you mean
Based and redpilled.
Bartz is a chad and so is his Chocobo
>"But you can't deny that lives were saved because those bastards were put down. You'd rather tell those people, 'Sorry you have to die today. I promise we'll change things soon'?"
Absolutely the greatest JRPG protagonist of the last decade.
Absolutely based
Jin did nothing wrong
Rita, leave Karol alone holy fuck
They're both children so it's technically not child abuse when she smacks him.
>finished vesperia last night
Great game. Do the other Tales games have character interactions this good?
Berseria has really good party interactions, they all work off of each other pretty well.
What the ACTUAL fuck was her problem?
Jealous of Yuri and Flynn's no-homo bond.
Yuri should've told Flynn, I will never get over it.
It's only natural; he had a great role model.
No, its fitting that he didn't. He summed it up himself perfectly and its nice to see that Yuri isn't a hypocrite. He understands what hes done, and the ramifications for it. He killed two officials and Sodia, as a knight, had every right to subdue him, lethally or non lethally and he himself says that "As a criminal, I can be killed at any time. Flynn doesn't need someone like me standing next to him" He understands why she did it, and lays her feels to rest AND shuts her down in one smooth motion. Now she has to live with the fact that her shortsightedness nearly killed someone whos inherent greatness and character rivals that of Don Whitehorse.
wtf i love sodia now?
I ship sodia and yuri desu. Theres a long of strong sexual energy there.
Yuri x Sodia
Raven x Judith
Estelle x Rita
Karol x Nan
Patty x Repede
Everyone lives happily ever after.
>years of getting pussy protags
>implying it's all that common
I recall more JRPG protags who are willing to kill than those who aren't.
Games need more good doggos in general
Why the fuck did he look so different than other dogs
How is it shortsightedness? Yuri himself admits he's a criminal, and you point that out too. Sodia was fully justified trying to put an end to a dangerous criminal.
Repede is for Rita only
Priorities. If you're gunna arrest someone, do it after they're done being literally the only thing standing in the way of global extinction. Don't shank the guy off a giant spire after killing the big bad boss just because you think hes a bad influence on the guy who makes your pussy tingle. Fucking sodia
I'll never understand why people ship Judith with Raven, they got 0 chemistry.
is it because they're the old people of the group?
Her actions were understandable, given the circumstances. Yuri and co. were absolutely stupefied at what just happened, and Alexei lost his mind that he revealed the catastrophe. All Sodia knew was that Yuri was somehow involved in letting this happen. Alexei was dead at that point, so there was only one more participant to take care of.
That's how most shipping works, yes.
judith is 19, yuri is 21.
You're hilarious.
It does not matter. Stories don't have to work that way.
>Evil corrupt Empire
>Yuri hate the bastards
>so much that he becomes a vigilante and is maybe the only jRPG protagonist willing to get his hands dirty( looking at you Majima and Kyriu)
>game hints Yuri creating a guild
>game points towards Empire vs Guilds
>get hyped for Yuri vs Flynn and to see how far Yuri will go
>Vigilant plot line is throw aside
>WE GOT TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM A RETARDED BASTARD with barely if any screen time
shame the shitty story wastes his potential.
I wanr to mating press Lora!
Are you kidding, Zagi was the constant rival there.
He was also a pointless character
They touch on why Empire vs Guilds would be terrible and why they went to so many lengths to stop that from happening. The core theme of Vesperia is the argument of right and wrong, what justice truly is and especially sacrifice. Sacrifice your social standing by being the guy who has to do the shit nobody else wants to, sacrifice your freedom to do whats best for the world, sacrifice yourself to save the many, and even sacrifice the many to save the world. Theres all these different ideologies thrown around and none of them sit as being absolutely right, only more right than others and in specific moments.
Zagi was barely a character
He embodied the core attribute of Yuri, his love of fighting, but had absolutely no control of his bloodlust.
Do you not know what "rival" means?
I think they wanted to do more with him given that comment in the secret dungeon but nothing ever came of it.
I like the Big brother-little brother relationship Yuri had with Karol.
>Teases him constantly throught the campaign
>Goes along with Karol being the guild boss.
>Being real with him saying he doesn't regret killing two people in cold blood.
they were near equals in fighting and did it a lot.
Not really. Yuri just found him to be a pest that kept getting in the way.
I don't remember this game having a real main antagonist from all this talk in the thread, I should play it again
There's literally nothing wrong with doing gay shit with your heterosexual life partner
Five times, Zagi had met his match.
It's cool that they slept on the same bed in hotels too. Cements that brotherly relationship.
Yuri never gave two fucks about Zagi, even in the last fight he just wanted him to piss off since they had more important shit to do
You don't have to give a damn about a rival though.
Why was Repede always ignoring Estelle?
People like Raven, right?
Fuck Raven. Missed a cutscene for the Rebuilding the Union sidequest so now I missed a ton of titles, scenes and artes.
I do. It‘s just sad that it feels like the other characters in the party don‘t. It‘s like the abusive bullying by Morgana Ryuji had to endure in P5.
One of my faves. Out of the main party rank them in most to least liked as
I liked everyone but Estelle. Rita started out pretty bad but she mellowed out by the end.
What's the next step after beating vesperia? It's all I've every played in that series