Holy shit god damn

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-21 Direct-Feed Games på Twitter Report Microsoft Preparing Xbox App GamePass for (640x479, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Wait, is Reggie ousted by Microsoft?



Master Chief and Banjo for Smash?!

tfw Xbox/Switch combo

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Welp, game over Sony

Wait so this means xbone games on switch?

>Reggie goes
>everything breaks down
Guess Nintendo wasn't ready to go on without him.

>Microsoft just gave Nintendo actual 3rd party support


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Lel theres a statue of Lenin in Seattle

They claim they have several sources and I believe them

With what games tho? The switch isn't strong enough to run ps4 games, do the idea to play xbox games on it is bonkers

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Ori seems to be first but with X-cloud Switch can stream games at the highest graphics possible

The Switch has a really solid streaming system built into the console, people have demonstrated the capabilities pretty solidly, with MS on board, it might actually reach it's full potential

please please please delete this

Halo on Switch? Forza on Switch?

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what games does microsoft even have for the switch demo? none. this is absolutely retarded

I hope to God that this isn't successful, if Nintendo fags are conned into thinking this is a viable way to play otherwise unported games to their platform we're all screwed.

called it. at least now more people will get to see why game pass is great. still only $1, so nintendo friends will get some comfy 3rd party titles for cheap.

Banjo kazooie on the switch.


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But the Switch's internet reception is garbage. Last day I downloaded the Megaman Legacy Collection 2 on it and it took around 15 minutes. I just don't see streaming blowing up anywhere else outside japan which has stupid good infraestructure (an the less said about places like australia the better)


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>Nintendo falling for the MS Trojan horse

The company is going to go under in 10 years

Halo X Metroid crossover finally happening.

Ori will be better than any Nintendo game of the last year

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>Viva Pinata on the Switch

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Ori 1 & 2 and The Rare Collection

Japan wouldn't agree to it(before you say "BUT JAPAN DOESN'T LIKE METROID" they still have control over what happens with their ips)



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Dont tell me that it was erected during Obama

>game i can play on my grandma's laptop


Japan agreed to Mario + fucking Rabbids.


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Yup, I'm thinking he's in.

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>streaming games

I like how people keep forgetting how awful this shit is.

>streaming games
>on the Switch
Goddamn thats going to be rough as fuck.

Is that reggie on the right?

if that shit was honestly real then I'd want Microsoft to make a deal with Nintendo to fucking improve the console!
Nintendo is really pathetic right now.

I was just thinking about Cuphead being on Switch a day or so ago, now it could be an actual possibility, christ almighty

The switch's wifi is so fucking awful that it gets shitty speed literally inches from my router.

God it's already happening, Microsoft is going to snap Sony like a pathetic little twig. I can't wait, Sony's bankruptcy is imminent.

But you can't.

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So an empty app store with no games whats the point?

How would this work exactly? With streaming?

GamePass has like 200 games or so.

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Nintendo publishes a lot of Ubisoft games in Japan, in case you didn't know

Streaming, onto a handheld with a notoriously terrible wifi chip.

The decision was taken with Japan in mind tho, like most choices Nintendo has taken over the years.

As if Nintendo Switch could run all those games, kek

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the fuck is this?

Inb4 Nintendo's next system, which will be called Switch X , is going to be co-developed by Microsoft for the online infrastructure and many other things

>If you cant beat the Competition, join the other competition who also cant beat them

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Microsoft simply can't stop winning baby, there is no conceivable way that Snoy can gain even the smallest win.

The problem isn't any better in Japan.

It's the actual switch hardware. It has really really really poor wifi quality because they cheaped out.

the triumvirate that saves Yea Forums

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Hes in boys

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>Halo and Forza on the Switch

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Snoys irrevocably BTFO forever. Switch+xbox BFFs forever.

> Microsoft's first entry into the portable gaming market is the Nintendo Switch

How fucking Chad do you have to be to just decide that you need to expand but there's no point competing with the prince of portables, so you just get all your games on their system?

switch home. streaming in the hacking community is legit fucking great.

>run all those games

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>It's literally just another twitter rumor with no confirmation

>people already seething

No you idiot it's been up since the mid 90s.

What the fuck?

Game pass wouldn’t be streaming, I think. X-Cloud is supposed to be Microsoft’s third gaming subscription. They shouldn’t conflate the two.

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That's gotta be BS. No way Microsoft would do that.

Please do NOT actually delete this!

remember the last time microsoft tried to unite with a console developer

I hope they change the buttons around for the Switch.

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If Forza releases on the Switch it will unironically be one of the best selling racing games ever made(literally the only reason Japanese people even consider buying an Xbox is for Forza)


>portable forza
>portable halo
>portable gears
>portable halo wars
>portable sea of thieves
>portable crackdown
>portable sunset

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So Sony is definitely gonna declare bankruptcy at this rate. How about we celebrate Microsoft's massive victory against the cancer?


Wait, does this mean we'll get xbox games on switch? How would that even work?

And Nintendo fanboys on Yea Forums bought it. Hook line and sinker.

They fall for literally every bit of clickbait or rumor no matter how many times they get proven wrong.

>two months ago


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The Outer Wilds on Switch though...

>we want the God of War audience

>How would that even work?
you download game and play it

Does this mean I can play Rare Replay on Switch?

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The dreamcast was already a flop by that point

>Rare Collection

Thats all I fucking want! Only thing on the Xbone I would pay money to get! Maybe Guardian Heroes off the XBLA too.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's in.

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>Forza Horizon
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>all playable on the go
How can Snoyboys compete

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X-Cloud is the streaming one.

snoy on suicide watch

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>Developer says they will have surprising news

Why would Nintendo do this? They are already selling the few games of the gampass catalog that can run in the Switch. So what is the point? They are not going to allow people to subscribe to some Micorosoft thing if they can get the money by selling the games themselves.


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They'll be streamed, so no, they won't be playable on the go.

Kid Icarus on Switch when?

>everyone in high spirits over the news
>those few sony friends trying to derail by calling it fake news
further proof that this board would be a lot better if sony kids were gone

can you tell us your take on what he meant by surprising news that will shake the industry then? ;)

>consoles beginning to open up
>PC getting console wars via launcher nonsense
What fucking timeline did I step into?

maybe if you live in rural america

Aside from them having "several sources" and the well known fact that Microsoft and Nintendo are closer than ever, combined with Liam Robertson's comment that "microsoft and Nintendo are working on big things" and the fact that Microsoft has said they want to spread X-cloud to any device they can.

yeah no, absolutely no reason to believe this. Faggot.

This is the same guu who said Scalebound was coming. Nate is a retard

you weren't supposed to post this

It already is, RE7 was fucking awful and barely functional.

If the O3DS can run a streamed version of DQX in japan then it sure as hell the Switch can stream whatever else they force it to.

Expect the streaming to be laughably bad everywhere else tho.

They think it’s funny.

How would this work, GamePass games through streaming, and that's it? I don't own an Xbone, I have no clue.

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> a soup of macaco is the shitposter

>what is a wireless hotspot
inb4 you'll run out of data
>being poor and not having unlimited

>So Sony is definitely gonna declare bankruptcy at this rate.

But didn’t Josh end up being a wealthy and well adjusted person while Drake ended up massively in deb...

Oh, I get it now.

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Not if you were in Japan

Don't use wifi then. You can get USB ethernet adapters for really cheap.

There's no way it's not gonna happen. Sony is pretty much dead in the waters since Microsoft is gonna leave them in the dust and take over.

>so retarded you believe internet quality doesnt matter
Why are Nintendo fans always so fucking retarded? Do any of you have a degree? You are so fucking dumb.

They've already announced Live is coming to Switch and it makes no fucking sense to have that without in-game functionality.

Microsoft's current direction is an attempt to become videogame Netflix. They've got the Xbox brand as a pre-made Gamepass box and will obviously be bringing it to PC given they've already been doing that. They just need to pierce the handheld market, and why attempt to fight Nintendo when you can just have Switch players join your ecosystem?

This move really isn't surprising

>gamepass on switch
sweet, i dont need an xbox for forza anymore


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>Switch will have the best looking games now too

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The fuckin potential of backwards compatible xbox games like silent hill, mgs hd collection, the gears games, and 3rd party current gen games that get on the pass. Its a huge deal because Nintendo may start to get current gen titles via streaming.

Snoys are worthless imbecilic bugmen, as proven by this thread.

is this supposed to be impressive?

Will Xbox be mad at this? Put all games on PC is one thing, putting them on another console is a whole other thing.

>xbox mil grau


Xbox fucking sucks

Ok idiots, i mean, How does MS benefit by bringing their games to the Switch?

Second, do you honestly think that your fisherprice tablet can run those games via streaming?

Third, the fact that you are happy about MS bringing their shitty games to Switch says a lot of you

And finally, >believing Twitter rumors

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4G LTE is plenty fast enough to stream 720p60fps

At this point, we Xbros has rightfully earned the right to punch So'ygros in the face. Where are you So'ygros, we're coming to punch you in the face!

wouldnt this invalidate xbox you guys arnt very inteligent are you

It's very likely that will be one of the games, yes, as Switch can easily run it so it doesn't have to be streamed.

>all those games portable

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Saw this coming when Microsoft Game Studios changed their name to Xbox Game Studios.

>people in this thread unironically excited about streaming games

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Nintenchads please.... Stop... We have spiderman.....

They have more people paying for Gamepass and Nintendo fans will eat up games like Cuphead, Ori and that Rare collection.
How does it not benefit them?

Looks good visually

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Also why would Nintendo want this when they make no money on it and it will kill their own game sales

>Xbox won't have anymore exclusives


Spreads their brand, and it gives them money.

Also, this is very likely, See:

>How does MS benefit by bringing their games to the Switch?


I really dont know why I would expect you retards to understand how technology works

Isn't it more the service's fault than the hardware? Resident Evil VII has been streaming on Switch in Japan because their internet is better than burger internet speeds.
>“it’s specific to Japan because of the internet infrastructure that exists in that country. Very high-speed wireless capability. The ability to have a great experience in Japan is profound. The technical infrastructure doesn’t exist for that to happen currently here in the United States.”

It's over Xbros, Microsoft will be 3rd party now.

4 years too late user.

So MCC will be streaming on switch? Sounds awful.

>do you honestly think that your fisherprice tablet can run those games via streaming?
The real problem would be the Switch's GARBAGE wifi and the input lag that would bring.

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Cry more bitchnigga.

>no money

>he thinks there is no money involved in this

This is beneficial for both. Microsft spreads it brand, Nintendo makes money on the sales.

Does anyone know if the game pass streaming uses the XB1X as the base or is it all base XB1? It might look pretty good with a strong ethernet connection if they're running at higher FPS on a One X.

>not on soistation
who cares

GamePass on Xbox is straight up downloading the games, though I would assume it'd have to be streaming on the Switch

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What the fuck, Sonybros? This doesn't look that bad. I'm getting worried.


You do all realise this same "app" will eventually be on things like smartphones and tablets too?

Xbox going all out on being the "Netflix of gaming"

So does that mean Halo and Metroid Prime will finally be united on one console?

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Some could probably be downloaded, like Rare Replay (which will include the games Rare made with Nintendo IPs)

It's an incentive to buy a switch, their primary concern is getting the hardware into peoples hands and this would certainly sell many consoles. If someone buys a switch because they can get game pass on it, nintendo makes money off that sale. Once that person owns a switch they will inevitably buy another game for it, and likely nintendo title and maybe a switch online membership. Its a win-win for nintendo


Im glad xbox is dying,sony killed sega and nintendo will kill microshit.

Nice one nintendorks

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Which you need to be always online to play and also run like trash in any place not named japan


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So another reason to never touch an xbox?

>Yea Forums is unironically happy about STREAMING games

>Yea Forums is unironically happy about needing an INTERNET CONNECTION to play the games

>Yea Forums is unironically happy about MS pushing this hard the game as a service meme

Yea Forums is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD

MS and Nintendo will kill the industry, i am glad that Reggie retired before seeing this shit

And you are at fault

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>sony killed sega, and nintendo and microsoft will butcher sony like the little squealing piggies they are

>Big announcement
>Xbox game pass on switch
>First game is Halo 5

I didnt like Halo 5 but that would be pretty dick blowing to see on the switch, some games like Sunset would fit really well on the switch to.

>seething this much

You're precious user

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Hopefully, yeah. I don't care about streaming games much (unless it just ends up being perfect somehow), but stuff like Ori and Rare Replay could probably work on Switch and are great games

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>lost odyssey on switch

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>have to buy a switch to use it
>Switch sells at a profit
Why the fuck wouldn't they want it?

>they still will sell like shit even when fused together


Based. 10 years added to your lifespan.

what the fuck is this webm suppose to convey

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Lost Odyssey on Switch?

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Oh man I didn't even think of that

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>splosion man and viva pinata on switch
I know I'll be mostly restricted to a wired connection in docked mode, but if it can at least handle being halfway across the room from the router I'll be able to play it handheld in bed for max comfy. Interestingly there are a bunch of good twitchier games too like TTT2 and MVC3, but there's no chance of having them playable via a stream.

wii60 is back. zoomers won't understand that reference

I just did a fst shit it was like a fat shit log damn i wish i didnt flush it as i could of pitched it to microsoft

Streaming would require 3.5 GB per minute to carry uncompressed 1080p video. That's 464 megabits per second, nearly half of your entire bitrate on a gigabit plan. With the industry moving to 4k it's literally not possible given how almost noone has the infrastructure to get people over a gigabit into their houses, let along having devices compatible with over a gigabit.

>not MCC

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>Yea Forums BTFO if confirmed real
>Yea Forums BTFO if confirmed fake
Basically, I'm just in for the ride.

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s e e t h e

Switch is selling at an extremely fast rate without Microsoft's help. This will just speed up their sales even more

>you will never live in the universe where the Nintendo/Microsoft romance results in a company merger and SEGA gets their shit together and comes back into the industry picking up right where they left off with the Dreamcast but completely learned from their mistakes, leading Snoy to be completely pushed out of the industry

Close enough to dream about, yet still so far away.

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Would this mean xbox games on switch or switch adopting the game pass feature for their own games? Either way sounds too good to be true.

Yeah,switch maybe cant say the same about microsoft.

Why would they put Game Pass on Switch? It only removes players from their platform

game pass increased actual sales dipshit

I think switch owners are probably happy with an online infrastructure that isn't shit.

Games on gamepass would be on Switch

oh shit
m$ gonna try to make nintendo their gaming division

It costs money to be on gamepass, m8.

Really? You do think a lot of people are going to buy a Switch to stream Xbox games instead of buying the Xbox itself and playing normally? How does that makes any sense.

>suck my yellow balls balmer

Yeah i dont think so

It's so far away because it's a shit dream
a good dream would be sony mircosoft and nintendo getting fucked over and becoming semi decent again

Sony is literally malignant cancer threatening to kill video games themselves. We need to purge it. If you support Sony, you actively want to kill video games, which makes you objectively cancer.

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Seething. I hope this rumor ends up being true so you faggots will collectively commit suicide. Die mad.

Streaming is not impossible to get "perfect" to stream uncompressed video at 1080p is possible on a gigabit network, 4k would require massive infrastructure and adoption of over gigabit networking. See Given people don't seem to notice the 80-100 ms input lag on consoles, if streaming can get the response time to match 4-5 frames then it's possible to be "perfect".

>when Chad is fucking all the girls so the two incels shoot up the school

I know that, but it still removes players from Xbox, why would i bother with an Xbox if i can have Game Pass on a Switch. this only puts the Xbox on even more shaky ground

>xbone finally giving up


Attached: sonyfags enter the thread.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>The president has an effect on municipality-level civil ornamentation

Nintendo and Microsoft are already good, Snoy is pure trash hellbent on turning the industry into an SJW walking sim fest, fuck them and fuck your shit taste

It basically means that MS is becoming the netflix of games, MS is abandoning first party games to become a third party publisher but still making consoles

They want their games to reach most devices as possible, not surprising when you realize that Google and Amazon are also pushing game streaming services

This is why Sony is also doubling down on their first party games and are getting ready for a future where consoles doesn't exist but every device can play any game via streaming

Bonus, Spencer also wants to bring Gamepass to PlayStation

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Ah yes, the great Marxist fortune 500 corporation

Lmao why are Nintendo niggers so desperate for ps4 games?

He's in your dreams. Let it go.

holy shit

MS get money from a hugely popular current console (outpacing the PS4 at a similar point in its lifespan) as well as brand recognition and people picking up a cheap XB1S to play stuff natively. They're getting a foot in the door with an untapped market.

Also, both companies will be making a ton without factoring in each others' consumers. MS will have a load of people buying game passes, and Nintendo will likely restrict it to Nintendo Online subs too since it's required to play online. It makes Nintendo's sub cost more valuable since it's an extra thing you have access to.

It looks turbo mediocre. Maybe it's even the definiton.

PS4.... games....?

So basically all the nintendofags mircosoftfags and sonyfags are retarded console warriors fighting over nothing

>Even if this doesn't result in Banjo and Kazooie in Smash, it will likely result in portable Rareware games, and Rare on a Nintendo platform for the first time in ages
Feels good man

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Xbros = Chads
Snoys = Worthless, pathetic, obese incels.

Evidently, the chads are the morally superior side.

You can't really expect a lot from Yea Forums these days, they are just idiots but oh well.

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>paying to pay for something

Sounds just retarded enough to be believable.

>wanting Xbone shit on my Switch
Keep it desu

>x invents stuff
>thousands of games copy it

Just sonyfags. Nintenbros and Microbros are chads and they deserve nothing but unconditional respect for everything they've done.

Microsoft's Motto:
Embrace, extend, and extinguish.

This isn't as much a collaboration is it is the prologue to a murder attempt.

>You live in a timeline where you can play Halo on a Nintendo Console

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And somehow the Switch still has no games

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You are pathetic dude.

Ok have fun waiting for MP4 in 5 years while I play this masterpiece

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>Do any of you have a degree?
How is that relevant to anything? Does your degree (assuming you have one) allow you to understand that current internet is capable of streaming games?

How solid would my internet connection have to be to play that shit, hypothetically?

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This but unironically.

>portraying phil spencer as a chad

Dude is such a manlet that even a group of low.t tech geeks tower over him by as much as a full head.

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fucking kek

Okay, and why the fuck would you ever want to stream games on the switch? WiFi chip is awful. This decision wouldn’t be made for nipland I would imagine, they don’t give a fuck about Xbox.

I don't think you sonyfags has the right to call anyone or anything pathetic.

Call of Duty has being around since the PS2. Maybe these people wanted to play a game that they had played as a kid? None of you consolewarriors ever considered that.

I love Crash: CSB. I played it almost as much as I did Mario World.


Xcloud means that the full Xbox library will be available on any console, tablet, phone, or PC.
Sony left behind and the new console war will be between Microsoft, Google, and Amazon

This, Xbros cant meme

>How solid would my internet connection have to be to play that shit, hypothetically?

Minimum 200 mbps, oh, and don't expect Switch to stream those games very good, Ass Vreed Odyssey and RE7 run like shit via streaming on Switch.

The scalebound leak is true.
That game was part of the negotiation for this




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>Losers stick together

What does this mean for me playing Ori 2 on Switch? If it's just streaming, I'm not gonna bother and just get the PC version.

I dunno but i kinda feel like buying a second switch.

And Nintendo will continue to do their own thing.

Nothing about Microsoft is good other than allowing BC on SOME games for their fucking console. You can say whatever about Nintendo but sucking microsoft’s soft cock isn’t going to win you any favors.

I know you are a bunch of stupid assholes, but come on...

I fucking love this meme. It's a shame it's not used very often.


Name one Xbox game that you are excited to play
Can actually run on the Switch
Go ahead. I'll wait.

>portable means no internet service
Sure thing flyover hick ;)

Yep, but pretty sure that's how it worked on 360. I only had a 360 for fighting games since SF4 had less input lag (and as a result everyone played all fighters there), but I'm 90% sure you needed gold to be able to use other sub services on the console. Maybe they changed that on the xbone. Either way it means another box Nintendo can tick with minimal effort, and they'll justify it by pointing out the low price for the Nintendo pass.

As far as I am concerned, all sonyfags are disfigured manlet mutts who deserves nothing but scorn and disgust directed at them.

Maybe but Josh is a jew, so there you go.

I'm just glad I got a switch and not a shit box

How the fuck is gamepass even going to work on the Switch when none of Microsoft games are on the switch?

>Eric is seething again
I'm surprised you haven't called anyone Asher yet

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Damn someone call FEMA this thread is a fucking disaster

>Extend proprietary service to a myriad of devices.
>Get users of those devices accustom to having the service.
>Release new version of the service that is defective when not on a Microsoft platform.
>Convince users to switch from their devices to the Microsoft alternative where the service magically works.

Not him but:
>Sunset Overdrive
>Gears 1-4
All these should be able to run perfectly fine.

Either they make a new Switch Game Pass library or they mass port shit to Switch.

>it's another "twitter e-celeb makes up bullshit and Yea Forums pretends to believe it for the sake of shitposting" episode

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That's because you haven't left your troll cave in 10 years
the world is gone humans are almost extinct

Omg this! I want that so badly. This alliance with Microsoft is the best.

Cry some more sonybitch.

>Can't run
>Can't run
>Definitely fucking cant run
>Okay, you named one.

Xboners need to vent after Crackdown 3 ended up being a massive failure

>not image hash
how new are you


Attached: Wow.jpg (204x247, 9K)

>nintendo/microsoft merger
Unless it was Nintendo buying the Xbox division then please god no.

Crackdown 3 wasn't a failure though just because some journalists were too braindead to play it.


I can play Ninja Gaiden Black on the Switch now??

Eric haters are mentally unstable give them a break

>Gears 1-3 or literally any emulated 360 game
>Gears 4
None of those run on Switch unless Microsoft goes and makes a special port for the thing like DOOM or Wolfenstein.

Everyone should read this post

MS wants to bring Gamepass to every fucking device, cellphones, tablets, consoles, etc

This isn't something exclusively for Nintendo, Xbox wants to do this because their vision is that everyone has access to games via steaming

Google is revealing their own console streaming service soon, Amazon too, these are multibillion dollar companies that have invested millions of money on game streaming

Be happy fags, the next consoles will be all about streaming

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Just imagine their E3 together

Why not? It runs games like Doom and RE7 with enough downgrades.

Gears 1-3 could run on switch but I agree with everything else not running

at least that spam is based around proven facts. microsoft's spam, on the other hand...

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They aren't gonna make another console are they?


>Xboners need to vent after Crackdown 3 ended up being a massive failure
You're probably more upset about that turd than me.

Your a deluded mind warped weeb if you really think consoles are going 100% digital.

Wake me when the Switch gets Rare Replay.

And Killer Instinct.

>mentally stable

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Not the Xbone versions. Those are emulated. The Switch can't emulate the 360. Unless Micorosoft ports the original games, which seems unlikely, not a single backwards compatible x360 woud work on the Switch.

I'd sure love the new Mario to be a brown and bloom shooter or the new DK game being a Kinect game

What is the "scarlett"?

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read the post again, i called the people who hate Eric mentally unstable
But thanks a lot for proving me right


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I'm for it, provided there's some alternative where I can download the game and run it should my specs be able to handle it.

I understand streaming on a handheld, but give me my options, dammit.

>Can play Stellaris, Sea of Thieves, Titanfall 2, and Forza Horizon on Nintendo Switch

I'm down

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you probably said the same shit about pc when valve started forcing their bloatware.

Microsoft spam is morally justified given that Snoys has consistently shat all over us.

Smart predators target the weakest link

But they were never friends with Sony to begin with

I thought people had standards
But yeah
With enough downgrades I'm sure the Switch could run any game

>everyone jerking themselves off over a Trojan horse for a “streaming only” future

the Switch has good games, why would you want to play any of that shit?

>i called the people who hate Eric mentally unstable
And by that implying that Eric is somehow mentally stable but of course a low IQ subhuman like you doesn't understand that.

>He got sued for 50 thousand and lost

>What most people in this thread think about Gamepass being on Switch


>What does it actually means:


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They don't want to go all digital because they piss off stores that make money selling games. They'll threaten to stop selling their consoles. If the companies set up streaming services and stop selling games and consoles altogether then it doesn't matter if the retailers get mad.

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Mmmm k :)

Hopefully you open up to good games for once. I'm also gonna play some Lost Planet 2 tonight since it just came to BC tonight. Bye bye o/

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those are all false-flaggers trying to get sony discussion banned from the board.
microsoft is the one shitting on you by inventing some of the most greedy business practices this industry has ever seen (paid online, paid dlc, microtransactions) and selling you a console with no exclusives. now they're pushing streaming games as a service.

Who cares? People used to say the same about a digital-only future and now they can't stop choking on Valve's fat juicy cock.

>but of course a low IQ subhuman like you
>when he cant read a post correctly
sad and projectingpilled

Except it's not a Trojan horse, it's completely open and blatant and people are eating it up anyway.

Imagine all the yuri of Xbox and Switch tan.

>Mmmm k :)
TL: shut up ;_;

>X is bad but isn't anti X just as bad?
Die in a fire

zoomers were a mistake

Stellaris and Titanfall are not on gamepass.

>putting words on people's mouth
literally SJW mentallity


a glorified streaming box.

this level of stupidity is why we'll never have starfleet.

Going all digital was only a rights and ownership conversation, streaming inevitably means compression, quality loss, input lag, and a constant internet connection.

>those are all false-flaggers trying to get sony discussion banned from the board
Imagine being you

Jesus now I can play all those Xbox exclusives on the Switch!

Are they really getting desperate now or just gave up on the console war?

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xCloud streams Xbox owned games to other devices

Gamepass is a Netflix service to have access to a lot of games for $10

So if i own Stellaris on my Microsoft Account I can use xCloud to stream Stellaris to whatever device supports xCloud

>microsoft is the one shitting on you by inventing some of the most greedy business practices this industry has ever seen (paid online, paid dlc, microtransactions) and selling you a console with no exclusives. now they're pushing streaming games as a service.
Look, that was in the past. Only literal autists cares about someone's past actions. What matters is the future, and it's clear that Microsoft has only the most noble and heroic vision for the future.

By playing better shit on ps4

Gee, if only it was an optional feature.

Mircosoft is going third party

>replying in less than a minute
Imagine being in love with Snoy and mashing the refresh button this hard in a thread not about Snoy

I thought you said goodbye? Or are you still waiting for Xbone to download its daily 50gb patch?

We need Klingon or Dominion anyway.

I can't wait to stream 4k games into my living room that look worse than YIFY releases.

>Are they really getting desperate now or just gave up on the console war?
That's only a thing between fans. Corporates only care about money and this move would certainly bring tons of it to MS.

As long as it can run Halo 3 I don't care

MS is insignificant in Japan, maybe they want some share of that market using Nintendo as proxy. I don't know, I ain't a business expert.
But it really cute seeing those two together. Like in a animu.

>The fucking codeword NX actually stood for Nintendo Xbox

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>b-b-but sony
show me in the doll where did sony touched you

their future is streaming games as a service. if microsoft wins, you can say goodbye to game preservation, modding, and actually owning your games forever.

you just did the same thing

>paid online,
Was a thing before ms
>paid dlc
Still was a thing before ms and the only ms made people pay DLC for was multiplayer
Thank mmos
>a console without exclusives
They put their games on PC all the even from the og xbox
>streaming consoles
Sony ventures into this first they're already doing this in japan

xCloud is not a magical service with every game, it's going to have a catalog just like gamepass. Not every company will want to be part of this. Definitely not EA as they have their own subscription service.

My body is ready

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>streaming games its the best choice for the future
how much are they paying you? no seriously i could use the extra cash

>he thinks he'll have a choice
Maybe you will next gen, but if enough people eat this shit up the people up top will cut hardware development and the infrastructure for that and put it into the "services" instead

Better that than a future where Snoy has murdered gaming with vile censorship and genocide of gameplay.

Oh yeah there are DOZENS of people who want to play Xbox and Xbox360 games.

You know what the most popular BC game was? Call of Duty.

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seething and triggered


Who hurt you?

>xbox mil grau

Fuck both, We need the Confederacy of Wing Commander.

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>Partnership of the fucking century

>>>People still think Steve is getting in over Banjo

Source? Because as I understand it's just a streaming services for Xbox compatible games.

>one of the biggest companies in the world

Math is hard for you, isn't it sweetie


This is your brain on /pol.

now i can play sea of shills and gaylo on my switch!

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You think Microsoft isn't going to censor games? They are American you know.

No kidding. The streaming will be anywhere between ok and flat out bad outside japan. The fact the switch needs a fucking adaptor to receive good internet is not gonna help in the slightest

Microsoft are chads who don't give a fuck about censorship.

Why do people keep falling or this rumor. No way in hell is ms gonna put their games on a competitor system. The best you will get is Nintendo using their services like xbox live, xbox gamepass and xcloud expect it will be Nintendo stuff and not ms stuff

Ss long as they keep making exclusives they still got more than ninty and microdicks combined. Switch has 2 good games. Botw and maybe odyssey. Ms had no games that are worth buying a console just to play cause you can play them all on PC already. I dont understand this whole console war thing Yea Forums does. Like the best combo to have is ps4 ,switch and PC. I'd really live for Ms to make some exclusive single player games and give me a reason to buy their console but they dont do that anymore. So fuck it if they wanna let me play those one or two games that I cant play on ps4 on my PC then why spend the 350 or however much

>an issue that only applies to Sony stuff
>the death of mods and such
good goy

>Nintendo being the qt3.14
I'm okay with this.

I think it can easily run all old Xbox and Xbox 360 games

im more interested in Split/Second and SR3

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Microsoft is trying to beat out Google and Amazon by becoming the primary multiplatform streaming service first.

this but applied to you

the judge roasted the fuck of him too

PlayStation Now has been around for years but American games media likes MS a little too much so you don't see much press coverage.

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this photo hits so close to home, that pose has me in heat..

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>We are getting closer to a Halo X Metroid game

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>skipped the xbox one
>get to play their games on a smaller and more compact system
Ok this is epic

I have no source. Microsoft still need to talk more about the service, but it's obvious that developers are not going to allow their games to be streamed day one any time soon because that doesn't make any sense. We'll see how many games the xCloud supports, but it's not going to be the entire Xbox catalog.

>who don't give a fuck about censorship.
Because you need games in first place to censor them

>90+ million consoles sold

We can’t just pretend that xbone isn’t utter shit because they’re riding Nintendo’s coattails now

You're deluded if you don't think that Snoy would push and force censorship and their anti-gameplay agenda on the rest of the industry if they had their way.

The funny part is that actual Xboxfags, or what little remains of them, are not at all happy about this new friendship with Nintendo. They were in a meltdown a few days ago when that Scalebound on Switch rumor came up
So I'm wondering who exactly is happy with this sort of stuff, especially on Yea Forums

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This would be the best alliance!
SNOY is busy censoring games!

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>How does MS benefit by bringing their games to the Switch?
Microsoft's goal, for decades, has been to make sure you spend as much of your waking life looking at a Microsoft OS. Not just "you use Windows at both work and home," but also extending to cell phones, tablets, game consoles; even WebTV from the 90's was because Microsoft was not happy that people were spending time away from Microsoft when they were looking at their TV. Xbox on the Switch is a win for Microsoft, not because of the money, but because the part of your day you spend using your Switch is now time that you're using Microsoft software.

>Was a thing before ms
wrong, that shit all started with xbox live.
>Still was a thing before ms
wrong again, unless you're one of those zoomers who pretend that old-school expansion packs are the same thing as today's dlc.
>Thank mmos
nope, thank microsoft, they're the ones who invented them:
>They put their games on PC all the even from the og xbox
nope. there are exclusives like gunvalkyrie, steel batallion, dino crisis 3, quantum redshift, etc. that are stranded on the original xbox due to no emulation, no pc ports and not being backwards compatible on the xbone.
>Sony ventures into this first they're already doing this in japan
sony's doing it on the side. microsoft's pushing it as the new standard.

Wow if this shit is real MS would have access to millions of Japanese Switch owners. They never could crack that market.


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Expect psnow sucks where it just old games xgamepass is new and old games

>You're deluded if you don't think that Snoy would push and force censorship and their anti-gameplay agenda on the rest of the industry
I dont see PC or Nintendo or any other company censoring their stuff, seems like you're the deluded here
Also what's with this 'anti-gameplay' bullshit?

Who is this?

The only agenda Sony has is making more money this year that they made last year
Any other statement is pure fanfiction

>Saints Row 1 and 2 portable
>Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Portable
>Rare Replay
>Nascar Heat games on switch (not half ass ports like eugenix did)
>dirt 2(please) but first of all Dirt 3
>Skate 3 portable

fuck me I need a switch now

>having to piggy back off a more successful console to sell a subscription to your games

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Hasn't streaming shown to be a pittance of revenue for most content creators? Spotify et al don't pay all that well to artists.

Obviously, the model works in a regard, as streaming is going strong and growing in every category, but Netflix doesn't really make all that much money, and in the games world, the only way for these devs to recoop the loss of 6 million copies at 59.99 each is to sell MTX. This is only bad news, imo.

Because you think that suddenly millions of Japanese people will subscribe to Gamepass in order to play Crackdown 3 ?
You are as clueless as Microsoft about the Japanese market

>when literally any picture of a woman makes you horny and lonely
i would laugh, but i do the exact same thing.

>tfw it has the same ending as Haloid

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>The funny part is that actual Xboxfags, or what little remains of them, are not at all happy about this new friendship with Nintendo
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
I've been with xbox since the beginning and I've always had a Nintendo console to complement it. Before the Switch, and to be honest even after the switch, The Xbone + 3DS combo was the greatest fucking thing.

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It's Snoy pushing walking simulator games. God of War, Last of Us, Death Stranding, etc etc. They hate the very concept of gameplay.

Not only that, they are trying to promote game streaming which already its ass on the Switch as evidenced with RE7

No, but from their point of view anything would be better than their nonexistant situation in Japan. Obviously this wouldn’t be the only reason why they’re making this deal.

If Sony doesn't sell another 90m consoles next gen their company is literally finished. Even with 90m consoles sold this gen they're still not out of trouble yet despite having a good few years. They should be shittest themselves at the sight of not only competition against them returning but their competitors working together.

no, they might pay 10/m to play every xbox game whenever they want though.

>Halo 3 somehow makes it on Switch before PC

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Speak for yourself faggot, i'm fine with this.

>It's Snoy pushing walking simulator games.
>God of War, Last of Us, Death Stranding, etc
So its shitposting then, nevermind

Man, Rikka has some nice tits.

Streaming video =/= streaming games.
There is literally no fucking way you're getting the sort of miniscule delay needed for streaming games over any form of wifi. I mean, there never is any real chance as is, but even less so like this.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.

That's what microsoft shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.

Once again another thread swarming with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.

You constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of a piece of plastic. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile.

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, and not favored by developers.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.




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What is dreamcast
>expansion packs cut content from the games vs dlc cut content from the game
>xbox never put their games on PC
Halo1 fable forza etc
>horse armor from Bethesda
By your logic sony was the first to do online pass to fight off used games and piracy

Who cares
>Cuck Pass
Thanks for the cancer Phil

You have a source for any of these bold claims user? Or is it another fanfic impulsed by your unhealthy hatred towards a company?

>Netflix doesn't really make all that much money

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How many of them have you played?

No, really. It's easy for you to say "all microsoft games are shit" because no one is going to challenge your childish ass on it, especially if they're focusing on the political garbage you have to interject everywhere you go.

Be honest, how many of their major published games in the past two or three years have you played? And don't be a cheap little cunt and say "LOL NONE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO GAMES". Answer the question you god damn fucking memespewing child.

>Sony Internet Defence Force has turned up

All these Sony tears. Delicious.

if it's just streaming the games, it will be garbage. If somehow these xbox one games are downloaded onto the switch and play locally, that will be impressive.

This doesn't mean anything for Sony. At least not for the next generation. Sony sells the best in Europe and third world countries where streaming barely works.

What matters is not the hardware sold, but the money spent on that hardware
Xbox has less than half the userbase of Playsation but their userbase spends a lot so they ranking in the money
What matters in the console business are software sales, not hardware sales

You're currently the most butthurt baby in the entire world.

>if you're against streaming or games as a service you're a sonyfag
poor deluded microsoft fanboys

Microsoft would have to pay a lot of money to get new releases on their subscription plan.

First month sales are were publishers make their money and they do not want people to say "I'll just gamepass it".

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>you think that suddenly millions of Japanese people will subscribe to Gamepass in order to play Crackdown 3

No, but they would subscribe to play Japanese titles. If this works out Jap companies would have incentive to put their AAA shit on gamepass.


Xboxfags are ready to defend the shittiest stuff this industry can come up with if it means getting Internet points against Sony

Okay, bucear does MS have that Nintendo fans want? Their game are the very definition of Macho Marine killing stuff in a bleak landscape, I don't t see Nintendo users much I.interested in those.

Only thing in this thread are Xniggers seething because Reggie's final act is to cuck you hard.





Delusional, malicious, constantly wrong Nintendo fanboy shills have no clue about technology or sales, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile.

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong Nintendo fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, and not favored by developers.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Nintendo fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Switch almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts.

You are a WRONG, disgusting, worthless sack of sh*t, dumb as bricks, crazy, malicious, and cretinous Nintendo fanboy.

Constantly WRONG dumb, delusional, malicious, malicious, disgusting and hideous Nintendo fanboy. You are monstrous, demented, and worthless, lying over and over. Disgusting horrifying monstrous malicious worthless sack of rotten garbage. You Nintendo shills must eat crow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or live in constant delusion and denial to be so WRONG over and over and over again.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Nintendo fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.

You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.

Big surprise, swarms of mentally ill, deranged, evil Nintendo shills in this article spreading lies, hatred, and FUD.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil Nintendo sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.

That's what Nintendo shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.

Mentally ill dumb as rocks cretinous, DERANGED Nintendo fanboy

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Feels bad man. I can only get 20mbps out of it even wired lmao.

On wifi my phone can get 380 or so here and lan is 1000

>Dipshit Xniggie

Cuckbox hasn't been in a decent combo since 2008.

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That's a good thing. We need to unite as many as possible against Sony. We need manpower to crush the cancerous force that is Sony.

Keep spamming it, Wii60 retard.

It sounds like you're looking for a Sony thread


>ori on switch


Microsoft its pushing game streaming, that's 10x more cancerous than obscuring boobs


I was an Xcube, faggot. Sorry the Sony fanbase is no fun allowed

>he doesn’t exclusively buy physical copies

Digicucks are the literal worst


Philshills like rscottyg are delusional scum, what did you expect?

Gross. Keep that dudebro shit out of Metroid.

I've been telling people that for the past 30 years.

>Eric found a new word

Its not like i cant download a digital game and burn in into a disc
Meanwhile i cant download a game i stream, only get the illusion that i have it

Microsoft is fucking genius, they and nintendo (because nintendo still focusing on kids) might be the only companies to survive the next gaming crash.

>Microsoft is pushing game streaming
Meanwhile Sony is already doing game streaming, ya fucking moron

we need a god emperor

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>to survive the next gaming crash.
Scheduled: never

No shit, that's why we call you Xcucks.

I mean, with horrendous unplayable input lag, right?

Imagine, E3 2020 at the MS stage. They unveil the next Xbox, it's a collaboration between MS and Nintendo. Actual next-gen hardware thanks to MS, but the Nintendo brand slapped on it, and the only place to play Nintendo first party titles after the Switch is finished.

On the contrary, over 90% of my games are physical. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the faggots around here.

but not within the context of the show

Except they know no one uses PSNow which its why they are trying to shill it as hard as Microsoft does

Microsoft makes great games, halo and Forza are some of the best of the gen

>rscottyg sperging out even harder now he got called out


Shut the fuck up, Clyde, you faggot!

eurofag here, finally the real FIFA on Switch, I'm happy lads

This news actually invalidates this combo, I have no reason to buy a Xbox at all now

Don't forget Halo Wars 2. We don't get enough arcadey RTS games anymore.

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This, and Cuphead too, hopefully.

Psnow has more subscriptions than gamepass.

What? No is more like xcucks shitposting because nintendo is killing them, Sony doesnt need microsoft and nintendo competition to sell anyays why should they be mad?

Also nintendo online is still shit my bet is microsoft is helping them to make a good internet service for the very fucking first time,yes with all the cancer included.

watch out for Microsoft, they're a snake in the grass

Then don't. No one really cares, MS still gets your money and Xbox players get a population increase. It's a win for everyone.

can someone explain how this works? is it game streaming?

Sorry, Aaron, this isn't Reddit. That's not going to work here.

Cuphead isnt on gamepass or at least wasnt last time I checked

Okay, but what does it mean?

>eric on suicide watch

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This is a sign that microsoft is going to stop making consoles and instead focus on trying to create a steam-like competitor, the main feature being you can get it on a console(consoles if Sony wants to cooperate) instead of just PC.

The Windows Store was a complete failure and this is probably their only other chance to try and actually compete with steam, i have to say it's kinda smart. It's better than the Tienanmen store at least.

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>Banjo Kazooie on Switch
>Banjo Tooie on Switch
>Viva Pinata on Switch
>Battletoads on Switch
I'm down for that.

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>Please cum in my wife's ass
>As long as it makes Uncle Phil happy

Shut the fuck up Millie you fuckin stupid jap cunt!

name the last time microsoft made a brown and bloom shooter

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Unironically is Snoy done for?

Wow you are actually fucking obsessed lmao did some manlet took and fucked your gf or some shit or what? You posted that like ten thousand times since that photo got public somwhere and since that day you spam that shit all over MS/Xbox threads here lol..

>is it game streaming?
Yes and this is somehow ok to defend as long people can "stick it" to Sony

Josh's girlfriend on the show was pretty hot, and smart. Drake got hot girls but they were all dumb whores.

Snoy is done, and nobody should be surprised if they declare bankruptcy in less than a year.

>the generation i drop xbox
>it dies and goes to other console
>finally KI Banjo/Rare Replay and the few other things i may have wanted to try now on Switch
Oh yeah baby

kek seething snoygger

hopefully this means that they are leaving the console business.

Unlike you, i'm not married or have some kind of fucked up loyalty to a plastic box. Please don't project your illness on me.

Halo 3 on the switch would actually make me buy the shitbox

cringe and basedpilled

seething at what? that xboners dont even own the games they pay for? lmao

>jet force gemini on switch

finally ill get all those fucking gems and beat the boss

did you ever buy any games on steam? you don’t own those either

xbox is unironically better than ps4. Gameselection however, isnt.
Thankfully I dont give a shit about realistic grimdark bullshit so i never bought either

so, this thing will REALLY allow people to play xbox exclusive games in switch? or its just shitposting like always?

i think a decent explanation would be in order here.

I pirate PC games so once again you're wrong beaner


Spencer wants to bring gamepass to every device, including PlayStation

Sony could have accepted but they don't like those type of deals, that's why Sony doesn't even have EA early access games but Xbox do, Sony has dignity, Nintendo is now MS whore

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>decent explanation
It's a rumor.






There's nothing set in stone but that doesnt stop Xbox fags to pretend they are relevant

and so they decided to leave Metroid Prime 4
in the hands of the original US development team

The market is always changing so someone will have something better as what microsoft is planning and they will shot in the foot again.

Is microsoft the only they have is their os but that's it.

some random roastie instagram slut, they are literally a dime a dozen.

>yfw microsoft buys Nintendo

Xboxfags are always relevant because Sonyfags wont ever stop talking about them

I don't know whether to be impressed or bothered that you people sit around and make such elaborate animations for console war nonsense.

You could be making a portfolio and applying to studios right now or making your own series on Youtube or something.

>yfw that can't happen because it's illegal for foreign companies to buy out Japanese companies in japan

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>because Sonyfags wont ever stop talking about them
Up until this thread i didnt know the Xbox brand was still a thing

>Implying it won't be the other way around

Coming in 2023, the Nintendo Xbox, now with every Nintendo game ever available for it, as well as every Xbox game.

Shit this is actually great news to me as an Xswitch owner, can't wait to sink a bunch of children in Sea of Thieves.
It'd actually be really cool to see the inevitable Bowser figurehead

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they could buy Nintendo of America

A new Banjo game would be shit unless they brought back the original writing team at minimum

If you will have decent internet connection then maybe but we dont know how it will work because MS didnt showed shit about their cloud yet apart from some garbage video showing that it exists and they work on it. Overall Streaming is the future and next generation of consoles will be the last one its not just MS but Sony also will go fully into streaming and I assume they also will put their PSNow on all devices they can its already on PC thats just buisness even Google and Amazon are going to make their own platforms for that. Only Nintendo wont go into streaming unless they will change something but their new CEO is very interested in mobile games and shit soo I think they also will get something like that in the future they cant stay behind technologically wise fucking forever.

No they can't, NoJ owns NoA.

ok, fair enough, but if this thing is true? does that mean Xbox on nintendo?

>still selling 119 consoles in japan

Suck my yellow balls burguer toddler.

>caring about story in a collectathon

Xbox fans think this means Sony BTFO but little do they know our secret...

Switch/PS4 combo

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Tha would be the ideal universe.

I don't follow your logic. Banjo's wring is cute and snarky, but it's nothing ground-breaking. As long as the gameplay is solid, I think it would be fine.

whatever is on gamepass, yes

Banjo's writing is literally the soul of that series

>does that mean Xbox on nintendo?
Only through streaming which was already proven that doesnt work, at least on the Switch

Banjo-Tooie is the pinnacle of video game storytelling.

How are the fable games? I've always been curious about those.

>Eric suicide watch

Impossible, and I'm omnipotent.

What's with the ring on the left side?

how was it proven?