NRS has killed the fighting game genre

Thanks to NRS, these are the only things that matter to people now in fighting games:

Sex appeal
Progression System
Lip Synching
Game modes
SP content

Thats the cold truth of it. In the west at least, injustice 2 got 10/10 scores from all western publications and won goty.

Gameplay is irrelevant. An outdated concept.

IGN/Gamespot reviews for MKX and Injustice2 praised the fighting animations, think about that for a second. Professional reviewers who get paid know less about basic things like animation fundamentals than a random Youtuber or art student.

This is especially true in the west where FGs are niche and considered a bit of a joke compared to 'real' games. Which game won FGOTY? Injustice 2 over Tekken7, any veteran FG player knows Tekken is superior in terms of gameplay, systems, etc. but Injustass 2 won by a landslide on game awards, received 10/10 scores from every western publication and community poll in the west. Why is that? Its the graphics, game modes, progression systems, story mode (lip-synching), etc. Everything but the actual fighting.

Metacritic scores and IGN reviews will sell your FG faster than the best combat mechanics the human mind can conjure. MKX: 10 million copies sold, Tekken7: 3 million.

Guess what games going to win Fgoty this year? Everyone knows its going to MK11, now is MK11 going to get that award for having the best gameplay? Or is it the game modes, progression system, graphics, gore, fatalities, story modes, etc. We both know the answer to that. We live in a backwards reality.

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Cry more incel

>Sex appeal
haha... good joke

I wish a new game gets announced soon so you faggots can move on to shitposting about some other games you don’t play

I have always disliked fighting games as they are extremely dependant on having a human opponent to be fun and the online communities of them are a bunch of inhuman death machines that make the final boss that reads your button inputs look easy.

NRS games are a spectacle for the masses. Anybody who actually cares about fighting games also plays other titles.

Yikes kys

>Sex appeal
Greetings, time traveler from 2011!

>MKX and SFV are both braindead rushdown 50/50s
>but it's ok when SFV does it because it was japanese
Fuck the FGC, poverty-ass clout chasing nigs who suck as much corporate cock as they can manage. I hope they die for good.

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>caring about IGN
>caring about western fighters

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MKX was a fun fighting game though.

I probably wouldn't say they've had a positive effect on the genre, but I wouldn't say they've killed it.

>injustice 2 got 10/10 scores from all western publications and won goty.
Imagine being this delusional. Show me one review that gave Injustice 2 10/10.

>I need my video game characters to look like porn stars!

Cry more incel.

3 dozen hours or so in fighters here who grew up surrounded by fightstick, don't expect to do well against someone who played for most of their life since the fighter that got them hooked, they've probably put more time into learning a character/toolkit in the dojo/training than you realistically have spent time eating or shitting, let alone casually playing fighters hopping characters.

Woah, haven't seen the Tekkenfag in years

I give it a 10/10

What are you talking about, SFV isn't braindead like MK X because SFV has FOOTSIES. It's like chess.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for my sequel story

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SFV has no spacing LMAO holy fuck even MvCI has better footsies than SFV

>he's still spamming his shitty pasta
go back to /fgg/ retard

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Reminder that the savior, ChrisG rose up against NRS and furries alike to bring mahvel back.

Reply to this post: 1 prayer for ChristG
Ignore: I love Sonicfox

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this retard said he is boycotting nrs games because some fatboy on twitter said mean things to him

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fgc faggotry goes in friend

>tfw the best fighting game out there is the one made by the horsefuckers

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I think woke twitter got him kicked off the summit because he said black girls are bad at fighting games on facebook years ago.

This is bigger than the FGC. If the fighting game genre dies, it's a HUGE blow to gaming in general.

>all of this seething over MK11
It really feels like I'm back in the 2011 MK generals

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