viyda webm thread
Viyda webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
obligatory music
What game is this? That HUD is shit.
Apex Legends, it just came out f2p garbage
this game looks so fucking fun, shame it's stuck on gaystation
Bless you, user.
What game is the map from?
Minimap is runescape
Actual map is mario 64
>map and compass moving accurately
>overwatch ultimate meter increases with each hit and not randomly
>accurate ammo count
someone spent way too much time on this
>Lego something
>Mario Kart
>Mario 64
What am I missing?
The Fortnite compass at the top
Fortnite health
dark souls 3 and doom
Dark Souls 3
There's an ammo counter below the ult charge that I don't know where it's from, and the compass at the top I don't know about, maybe also Fortnite? Could be anything.
You buttered that bread, user.
GroundPound69 would be proud.
Uuuhuhuhuhuh! She zed backdoor.
worst webm i have ever seen
what game is this user?
For what purpose?
His name is AirborneGuy97
Love how this pretty much sums up the FFXV experience.
what's this emulator called?
junji ito levels of increasing insanity
I Would actually play this
What the fuck she just killed all those people.
Reminds me of Tuned Heart
Why do PC users subject themselves to playing some of the most autistic and fucking stupid games imaginable?
>something doesn't have 100% chance to happen
>sometimes it doesn't happen
You're right user.
I wish I had friends to play this with
what else do they have to play?
They are all poor third worlders, so they are forced to play shitty mods instead of real games.
I played that long time ago
Sadly I forgot its name, as I did for other games from that creator
Makes me sad
What just happened here
It's fun
Musumate was his magnun opus. new game that is not some random scene when?
If you're going to do a thing then goddammit do it right.
>he hasn't played STALKER
>clear shot doesn't hit
>shooting through the rock hit
You missed the point, retard
You don't understand the rush of Cities: Skylines. Through struggle, there is satisfaction - I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Anyone going to post the cream arrow webm?
I have, but why did he have a hat?
Why did he EAT it?
Musumate is the name of the game?
Thanks user!
Nostalgia faps incoming!
She's made for bully
To make spergs on the internet mad.
Sword Art Online : Fatal Bullet
looks like Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.
goodbye thread it was fun thanks everyone who also posted
Rip Bannon ;__;7
>posting hentai webms
What is this from?
They're still interactive games, user.
Now THIS is a hentai webm.
World in Conflict.
>shooting shotgun from anything but point blank range when it is most efficent and has massive buffs
>not moving behind that rock with aggressive soldier
And those people complain about missing
>No Spiritual sequel of Planetside
It feels like fucking Friday.
Why do you say that, user?
It is Friday in Australia.
why did that guy just randomly drop his crate
made my day, what game? cities skyline?
We get it, you have a raspberry pi.
It's also friday in burgerland (guam only)
Is that a space chem reference!
also fuck the captcha
What are they doing to have gamecube on there?
>tfw only started getting good at the game when the majority of my server left
Fucking hell Briggs is dead
I'm genuinely impressed at the level of commitment and detail in this webm.
We get it, you bought a switch.
I think that side of her head is just meant to be in a dark place even when you rotate it so the lighting isnt updated. Its all got the art filter everything else has at a distance.
Welkin Gunther, pussy slayer
I love how the mortar unfolds from a backpack like that. The equipment in valkyria looks so cool
Is this obtainable without mods?
WHat the fuck
Kind of looks like Freedom Wars.
Literally all the Japaneses games in this thread only 2 are interesting shame. This is why i think most jap games are shit
primitive comedy
It was done by DIMPS who also did Freedom Wars, but honestly the games couldn't be more different besides the lack of content.
>300 IQ play
is this what niggers there in africa consider comedy? where the fuck are the memes?
I really wonder how necessary this was
the grappling hook looks nice!
>Space chem reference
It's a leftover from back when HL was supposed to be more cartoony in terms of aesthetics
Eh. It's just a line that yanks you to a wall and makes you jump. Lost Planet did the same thing but also let you hang from ledges. Still a straight line, mind you. I think Titanfall currently has the best grapple.
Abyss watcher
that's vanilla, spaghetti junction, gameplay
no fucking way, do backstabs not show up on the kill feed anymore or something?
He was utterly stunned by Kat's beauty.
Not with the YER
Lego Dark Overkartscapenitecraft
its called having fun, consolefags know nothing about fun
vidya music and webm thread?
now this is spaghetti
The traffic is so counter-intuitive in C:S that shit like this is perfect:
>Traffic knows where it wants to go
>Will calculate the fastest route immediately
>But doesn't understand how lanes work
>Or how physics work when crossing junctions
>Best method is a fucking cardiovascular system of tiny splitting roads that would terrify human drivers
John Carpenter's The Thing
>i recognize that shit
>it's futa porn
You bitch.
>japanese "humour"
user CUM IN
He says, as he posts a character that's in a game where little beady eyed imps are whacked with a giant key by a deviantart final fantasy OC while listening to "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen and eating food made by Remy from Ratatouille
Do you guys love how landing that thing is LITERALLY fucking impossible?
xcom is a thousand times more interesting and fun than whatever games your retarded small brain enjoys
Who says I do?
It's also on consoles too you retard
Does anyone have that hilarious fucking clip of the Reaper play of the game where he gets like 4 ez mode kills and its all over-edited?
good times
The new Lost Planet is looking a little weird
>that FOV
me on the left
how convenient because I'm on the right
Believe it or not it's just 90°
I'm convinced it's extensive Garry's Mod fuckery.
weirdest GC exclusive?
Best girl in the game.
>when everything is a one way street
how does it feel to be a virgin at 30+?
I'm your prom date, you ugly sack of shit!
Autism is a gift
>Not allowed to fuck the green Asari
>Not allowed to fuck Aria
>Not allowed to fuck Samara
>Only Asari we're allowed to properly bone is a cardboard cut out
It's been 7 years and i'm still mad
More like Venezuelan yurifag humor.
I remember gorillion years ago some fag or fags from \Vee\ streamed this shit and it was always amusing, is it still a thing?
Looks like Garry's Mod, using TFA base nuDoom supershotty, nudoomguy playermodel, fighting a JV base Astorias SNPC on dm_peachs_castle. The rest is edited in, but you can also clutter the screen with a lot of shit with the right mods.
nobody's being fooled, this is very clearly skyrim
whats this game user...
a skyrim by any other name is still skyrim. just because folks are modding double jumps, rolls, and fancier camera shifting doesn't fix the fundamental problems of the game unfortunately. and even if someone somehow managed to figure out how to make the game play like Witcher or Dark Souls, the world design and encounters are still awful and all dungeons are just copy-pasted tilesets.
>The game straight up tells you the wrong input for doing this
I was pretty mad when I found out you just have to point the stick in the direction you want to jump and hit jump. The game says you have to pull back the stick in the opposite direction first.
>those ugly ass shadows
ambient occlusion was a mistake
It's actually Killing Floor 2
You want to kill me? YOU CAN'T KILL ME, I'M 1,200 YEARS OLD!
dusty saves all the people kat knocks off the platforms
Yeah the game does an awful job of explaining it. As long as you start from the neutral position you're fine
How low is your IQ that you think NuCOM is "autistic"?
>That many enemies grouping up in such a small space
>Killing Floor 2
Well shit that's impressive. Never thought KF2 could get that modded.
who the hell thought it was a good idea to make combat like that
you go and try eating a fedora
I didn't know they came out with a ReadyPlayerOne game
Literally what's wrong with it?
If riding a robotic missile arm like a skateboard doesn't seem cool as fuck to you then you must be a woman
there's a time and place for just about any game, some people like the variety or creating their own games within games, not many console games let players do crazy stuff - sometimes i get burned out playing AAA titles so loading up weird builder games or something like kerbal space program and just going wild making stuff is fun for a change
Here's something I made back in the days of Besiege threads.
floaty capeshit
you're right, it really doesn't look cool. it's the kind of thing you'd see a child think of and get excited about
he doesn't deserve you
I wish it ran better on my computer
>you're right
Well that's fine. I don't expect a woman to get it.
>floaty capeshit
>There hasn't been a single decent futa OVA since this
Why did everything go so wrong?
bow down to your goddess
>NJ turnpike.webm
The majority of PC players are third world. Not that hard to put the pieces together.
Seems incredibly necessary to me
my dreams are often very much like this webm
To be fair, City Skylines doesn't run on a toaster. And City Skylines is just what Sim City should be now.
I like those games
Damn good spy
I cannot fucking wait for Nintendo to go out of business.
>What the fuck she just killed all those people.
Nah, she just forced them to live among the poor until they get enough money to actually return to their previous lives.
im gonna be honest i dont like this.
>mom said it's my turn to play
Boy, you goin' TOO SLOW
my mouth is watering
what fucking game is that lad
>Why do PC players play games instead of watching movies like me?
Why indeed
I always like the way she begs for mercy when you're going to banish her
Why do people like this bullshit lock on and strafe gunplay
Same thing with mech games
looks like Birmingham
fuck that really rustles my jimmies.
>99% chance to hit
>actually misses 50% of the time
this guy gets it
>Sauce in the filename
Absolute lad
which valkyria is that?
I only brought this game cause Vyse and Aika have playable cameos but ending up really digging it. Alica helped me get a easy plat trophy.
The first one. Scouts are absolutely over powered, and Alicia herself can win a lot of missions in only one turn.
tnx off to pirate it on the vita
ah yes, this must be a "food"
Starcraft cinematics were kino as fuck. The one where they come to blow up a space station was fucking awesome.
>has Mom spend $600 on the new console to play Call of DLC again
YER don't have a killfeed and the disguise don't produce smoke.
If you look closely you can see the spy right before he get the heavy, but that's easily missable in the action.
Blizzard cinematic were kino up until WoW. Their later stuff like from Diablo 3 and SC2 were visually impressive but scenes were really comically in ways.
All mods from here (CoC 1.4.22)
DX9 enhanced -noprefetch and a custom reshade
>they're taller than the skyscrapers
Jesus the amount of concrete, cost, and time.
your faggot ass isn't necessary either yet here you are.
Have you tried Anomaly yet?
user, come on.
Not yet but just like CoC it's completely standalone so it's very easy to install.
Did try Autumn Aurora 2.1 for SoC, though.
>you can live out your goddess fetish
I hate this timeline but damn it has some good treats every now and then
Not him but I recently have and IT IS SO FUCKING GOOD. I haven't enjoyed a mod like it ever before.
The only problems I have are some of the new NPC models are really shitty "Modern Day Armor in New Vegas" tier immersion breaking and the only mod to fix it is either all or none instead of selecting the few that ruin it.
Also the single woman in the zone that you can kill in Cordon feels really out of place and obnoxious, I know it was just a joke but it would've been better if she just wasn't there at all.
With some of the QOL tweaks and few mods to get things just right it's by far the best overhaul of the series and probably the closest I'll get to being satisfied in full with STALKER. It'll ease the pain of STALKER 2 inevitably being pure shit.
woah epic, let me upvote you here for a minute
fuck I need vr
and a machine capable of vr
Prepare yourself for troubleshooting hell then
imagine being so small brained you can't even plan a city
>outplayed to the next level
>win anyway because crit
this scene got burned into my brain and i still fail to see how this would either A. be funny or B. be attractive
>why dosn't this xcom player watch moviegames like me?
Xcom came out for consoles too, retard.
You're too young to be browsing here.
I don't have problems with the dancing, but I do have an issue with everyone just standing there blankly watching her. It's like I can feel how much she wants to die.
it's literally a punishment game thing, so it's kind of the point
That's literally the joke.
>my triple collateral on free-for-all
I think it might have been OK if it wasn't cringe JPOP/KPOP dancing shit.
>plane has to land under the over pass
>under the over pass
This sounds like the title for some shitty sitcom about a group of urban hobos or something
nice work
quiet down sweetie, we all know you started browsing in 2015 :)
was this game by chance by the same team who Eve of Extinction? for some reason it just screams that it does to me.
>it's the kind of thing you'd see a child think of and get excited about
That's actually the director's intent. He said he thought it was something a middle schooler might think was cool.