What are your greenflags Yea Forums?

What are your greenflags Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


isometric or oblique perspective

>Journalists complain the series is "Too traditional" or "Doesn't feel like I am playing a modern game."

Yea Forums doesn't like it

anime artsyle

It's fun


when people say its too hard

large, active modding community

big titty waifus

Weird control schemes that require me to learn and improve.

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>Gaymen journo reviews are low/moderate
>User reviews are overwhelmingly positive

If it's not fun, why bother?

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made in china

It's made by a japanese developer

Good story, best if it squeezes you through gameplay

The healers are big titty mommys

Boob jiggle. The end of the game is not the end, only the beginning of a new section. Good cinematography.
Great detail to everything in general.

floating health bars and damage numbers

Yea Forums hates it

not made in the west

Undertale genocide route

it's comfy


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I don't have any

All the most fun games have inevitable major flaws and are only good in spite of them.
No single feature is good enough to instabuy.

Though DF-like colony builders with actual gameplay are almost instantly"hit me with this gay shit" tier.

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cute kemonos

All the girls have fair skin.

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>LAN Support
>Online optional
>Don't need to register on a website or download a second launcher unless it is for managing mods, profiles, etc
>If a sequel, has some songs from the previous game but more elaborate (and bonus points if it's during a hype moment in the game)
>Isn't attempting hyper realism

The fuck kinda game has that Mechanic?

Open world

>Destructible environment that can hurt enemies and/or players or impedes and slows your moment
>Sounds from another location become muffled when you leave immediate earshot
>Character stumbles if running down a sheer slope
>Character presses their hands and body against a wall if they try to walk into it
>Has some sort of music or magic crafting system
>Abilities impact the environment (fire burns nearby foilage, ice creates condensation or has residual fog etc)

The AoT flash game, shit was kino.

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euro rpg

I don't think that was flash

>made before 2005

pixel art

Why bother?

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>Running and jumping is realistic in a realistic setting
>High fantasy setting has different denominations among elves that aren't exclusive to human ethnicities
>Vehicle/mounted combat that isn't an immediately advertised feature
>Outfit customization
>Get to have a last name
>Get to collect NPCs that aren't party members and give them names

Paradox Interactive or Creative Assembly are involved somehow.

Has nu/v/ never played mount and blade? God damned children.

He said green flags, not red.

>Get to write a character backstory
>Map is in-game item that you view as a character
>Visible difference in character appearance depending on armor and items equipped and held
>Doesn't have an invisible hammerspace

Wait shit you're right it was made in Unity.

Paradox did Battletech, right? How is it, if you've played it?

You welcome to your opinion. They've had ups and downs, but both of them keep being involved in games I enjoy.

>Screenshots you take can be used as loading screens

Goddamn, is this a thing?

Not him, but I was really happy with Paradox until they elected to remove and radically change and remove parts of Stellaris irreparably without allowing legacy versions to be used outside of, "Go find yourself an older version of the launcher" and telling fans to go fuck themselves. Not irredeemable in my eyes but it left a sour taste in my mouth.

Better than I expexted, even though it's every bit as slow as it looks. That was one of the games I was on the fence about until I saw Paradox and decided to just give it a shot. Still pretty satisfied with it, but I'm not sure how reliable my opinion is. It's comfy.

Considering Battletech has always been slow and methodical, even with its Mechwarrior games, that's totally not a bad thing at all. It seems pretty thorough with how modular the different lance mates are and the graphics seems pretty spot on for being a turn based strategy. How does the story hold up? If you're familiar at all with Battletech, is it an OC Donut Steel story, does it reference any characters from yore, and when does it take place? Also is the DLC worth it in your opinion? $20 feels a bit steep but I've no idea how much actual content it provides.

I wasn't aware of that situation. Sounds pretty shitty, but they do still keep publishing games I like playing. A publisher needs to hit EA/Activision levels of anti-consumerism for me to black label them.

>journalists won't cover it/too hard for them so they score it low

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Any old series that did not go the Banjo Nuts and Bolts route and is not a Nintendo franchise.

"journalists" complained that ace combat 7 played too much like the older ace combat games

Yeah. It really sucked considering I was enjoying making races based on sci-fi civilizations like from EvE or StarCraft and now they're all defunct because of the removal and changing of FTL methods. Absolutely agreed though, fuck EA. I've been a huge Blizzard fan for a long while but goddamnit is Activision pushing me closer to the fucking edge every day.

>Complains of a lack of music in the game
>Music only revs up when you're doing combos and playing correctly
>Reviewers never got to hear it because they were so garbage
>Rated it on that premise

Fucking gets me laffin' every time.

Not professional jornos, but ResetEra faggots complained about DMC5 not being “modern” by not having a dedicated dodge button and more streamlined mechanics.

>Yea Forums loves it
Only works if it's a niche game though, they manage to sneak through occasionally.

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This logo.

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>>Yea Forums loves it

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>"journo" complains that the game abruptly ends at a certain level
>says game sucks
>Dev says that's what happens when you play on easy, play normal or hard, faggot
>"journo" just deletes the part of the article talking about it with no addendum and keeps the low score

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why the fuck should I care

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Straight shota.

>Music costs the same ammount as the game itself.

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>v hates it

no amount of green flags can make that dumpster fire worth playing

Journalist refuse to review it for some reason.

I'm not familiar with the older games, but I'm inclined to check them out. I wasn't really into the story, so I guess that means it wasn't very good? That might also just be me, though (I also haven't finished it yet). The reason I got into it was the systems in place in terms of customization, combat, etc. It gave me alot of decisions that I felt comfortable making, and felt impactful. Didn't feel like there was a single clearly optimal method for tackling each level, which other turn-based games tend to fall into.

I'm also still holding off on DLC until I finish it, so I couldn't tell you there. It hit the backlog a few months ago for various reasons unrelated to the game. This conversation kinda has me thinking about it, though. I should prolly finish it.

Has there ever been a bigger JUST moment than what that piece of crap movie did?

This. Especally when Yea Forums makes multiple threads a day about it

>Game has a preorder with a closed beta
>Gives benefits to another game they own if you preorder
>When asked if they'll give streamers free copies, respond with that the early beta is for the fans, not publicity
>Include you in the credits for paying for the above-stabdard edition
>Even buying the standard edition preorder or kickstarter, the developers send a personal thank you
>Openly let you mod their game, go so far to promote this as to show you how to do it and provide tools and education for it
>Actually played prior games of the series they weren't involved in and similar games, genuine fans of the genre

God bless Piranha Studios and their work on MW5. Getting to sit in on their AMAs and talk to them personally as well as hear them make jabs at other companies like Nintendo because they won't "hound you down because we've different cultural values" makes me grin from ear to ear. Hearing them talk about their favorite things in other games is really wonderful too.

Triggers /vol/.

Well in all fairness, Battletech is pretty generic to those outside of the fanbase. Factions warring in space, muh politics, yadda yadda. If anything, having an outside opinion (as opposed to an avid fan) is great. Especially

>Didn't feel like there was a single clearly optimal method for tackling each level

That right there sells me on it, honestly.

high replayability and replay value, more than 10 hours in length, multiple campaigns (even just an unlockable hard mode counts), and a steep learning curve

literally has nothing to do with my post but ok

It was a tertiary comment
Are you okay?

don't quote me anymore faggot

I feel like floor tiles guy, but anything 2d with a good parallax background

>demons are the antagonists

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cool looking robots

Cute girls

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focus on physics and blunt force combat

>That drawthread request I made years ago had not one but two godlike deliveries
Still feels good.

Does anyone have the other one?

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It's "gamey"
Journos and Resetera hate it
Topdown perspective
Gameplay is convoluted and makes no concessions to brainlets
It's made by a midsized studio
It's at least 15 years old
No ochestral meme music

>Game doesn't have more than 1 edition on launch.
>Game doesn't launch with pre-order bonus shit or dlc.
>Game outright says what games it is inspired from.
>Game is single-player.
>Game has good quality characters for r34.

probably FFXV

That's right my fellow 4channel user I too love to play Gone Home and SWTOR

when it requires a certain amount of autism to figure out the UI/gameplay.

If leftists are angry at it.

I found some of my favorite games on Yea Forums, while I also hated some of the things the anons here praised. It's completely fine though, I'm glad some devs still understand the concept of a target audience, even if I don't happen to be a part of it.
Games that try to avoid upsetting anybody so hard that they forget to actually entertain the player need to fucking die

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because I have to play to understand the history of the "fun" game

System Shock 1 is the only one that comes to mind.

and what are your favourite games?

You mean the ones that I found on Yea Forums or in general?

>Soundtrack by Hideki Naganuma


jackie chan

Not made in the west and this

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>game has a good soundtrack
Never regretted playing a game that has a good soundtrack.

>funny/has actual comedy
>cute characters
>story rich
>dark fantasy
if you got any of these i'm all up in it, been playing death's gambit for a while now and it's great!

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This. It at least makes me pay attention to it more. Signals to me the devs aren't focused on superfluous bullshit and just care about their game.

Also, instant greenflags are games in my favorite series. Also,

>gameplay that I can't instantly pin down as being an X clone
>good reviews
>cost less than 20 dollars (any more than that is investor pleasing skinner boxes that are too scared of failure to experiment)
>gets threads on /vg/

user are you okay

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>There is a brief (and it gets briefer every year) period where Yea Forums cannot shut the fuck up about it.
>Not the game itself
>Stories about Yea Forums playing the game, this is the critical difference.
>Popularity and/or the Yea Forums tolerance buffer breaks down and there is an active and direct campaign by antibodies to tear down any discussion. This is sad but a natural part of the cycle that prevents Yea Forums discussing video games too much.

Never leads me wrong yet, also helped by the fact that I actually then go and fucking look at the game myself and decide instead of being some colossal rim sealant and making purchases based on some kind of insane ticklist. Just kidding I fucking love ticklists.

>handsome men

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Fucking trash
Men should be small and cute

cute furry boys

Banished, is that you?



this guy gets it
this guy doesn't

Back to your containment board

>he thinks Yea Forums is a hetero board

Crafting survival

If it has a small dedicated following on Yea Forums. By that I mean a couple of threads made on release, afterward only briefly mentioned in "x game thread" or on people's favorite games list. A general will pop up for a few weeks then vanish. It's how I found Ghost Trick and Nier (before automata), some of my favorite games. Right now Im playing Rain World and having a blast

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giant monsters

Really? I haven't looked at a single review because it was an instant buy the second it was announced. The only thing I saw was Kono getting mad at IGN for being retarded even though the control scheme naming was switched from novice/normal to normal/expert and they

*apparently used someone new to the series to review.

lol no

>game doesn't begin with a cutscene, just straight gameplay

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Do you need Enchroma glasses, user?

Japanese game where the characters look Japanese

>Different sounds for running across different surfaces
>Running indoors or having weapons out bothers people
>Money Has weight
>Not every race speaks common, you don't always speak foreign languages

You can pick up and move crates.

> jumping is realistic in a realistic setting
Completely useless.

Laser eye reduction surgery actually. I see more clearly than everybody else, obviously

You're useless. I don't like jumping the full height of my character when I'm not supposed to be super human. That's some bullshit.

>tfw when some random chink makes a more enjoyable game in Unity than the official japanese adaptation
such dishonoru

Clever. Good response.

It’s not made by a western dev

>developed in Japan

Modding support

Loli cunny!

>Not developed 22,000 feet above Japan
Call me then.

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Weapons and armor all has cosmetic differences, or all upgrades reflect visibly on your character

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literally all hollow knight


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>I get some colour descriptions or lines that sound like someone actually trying to sell me the diamonte sword-shaped-like-anal-beads.
>If they're real weapons, they have real information
>If they're fake fantasy or sci-fi weapons, the logic behind them is consistent to their universe in how they function.

Every time I'm rock hard.

>RPG plays like a hack 'n slash

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>AAA american dev
Always gets my patriotism veins flowing

Name some.

Why not both?

The Yea Forums threads have low shitposting

>game has dragons
I fucking love dragons.

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It has a 1v1 boss fight against a character that has the same skills as you

Action game
Fist weapons
Flashy attacks
Spears that don't solely consists of stabbing attacks
Create a character

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>co op

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Only if the top is the small, cute one.

thats a great gif, user

Why are you so interested in how I feel, Ninjab Ryan?

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>game has wallrunning
>game has jetpacks
>game has asymmetrical PvP
>game has ALL THREE

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>try to do x
>I can actually do it
Name a better greenflag than this