Thimbleweed Park is free on the Epic Games Store

>In case you missed the announcement a couple weeks ago, Thimbleweed Park, the goofy X-Files-esque point-and-click adventure from Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion creators Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, is now free on the Epic Games Store.

Also Slime Rancher is the next free game

Attached: thimble epic store 2.jpg (1637x1017, 140K)

Thanks for the tip.
But why give free stuff? Everyone know that when you do that something's wrong.

They've been doing some promotion where they give a random game out for free each month since the epic store launched, probably the only reason I got the damn launcher was to play subnautica a while back

Thimbleweed Park is kind of wrong.

>point & click games in current year
I can see why they have to give it away for free. I thought that genre is dead outside of the occasional Daedalic release, which are partially funded by German tax dollars or something for being "cultural exports"

Attached: nihao.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

They give away a new game every two weeks, humble bundle and origin also did this back then, but these games Epic is giving are actually good

Every country does that except USA

so is the game good?

Nothing but trash and games people have. Real good reason to bribe developers and force people to heir platform fuck Epic.

Epic shills, I know you're reading this, so please relay this idea to your corporate masters: do a "rerun week" where people can pick one game out of the ones that were given earlier in the campaign in case people missed one. Thank you and keep gifting people free shit, maybe you can bribe your way into popularity if you give enough stuff.

>But why give free stuff? Everyone know that when you do that something's wrong.

Literally trying to bribe people into using their store.

>epic shilling
No fuck off with your anti consumer trash store.

>slime rancher is next
fucking based i almost bought it on steam
steamcuck can't take another drm service offering better service

what better service are they offering?

Fuck off, Chang. You piece of shit chink nigger.

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But how is Thimbleweed compared to the LucasArts classics?

is the game another NITW?

Attached: 1550398410614.png (1400x586, 692K)

Service of free games

I don't think it's particularly funny or clever (the ending is really really awful), but in terms of puzzle design is better than ever, some are hard but all of them make sense

I tried the game and wasn't really having fun with it being an unfunny parody of detective dramas

But the real unfun part started when you get to play a flashback of a woman wanting to become a programmer for the legendary FucasArts(TM) and has to defy her grandfather wish in order to do so by using her YAAAAASSS QUEEN SLAY powers, this part of the game was so deep in self fellatio that it just felt plain disgusting, imagine watching star wars and every character just go on a rant about how dreamy George Lucas is, it was so awful it made me stop playing altogether

Common sense. People will prefer buying games on platform where they already have games. Epic now in process of building user base.

Would rather pay for these than have to use the epic client to be honest. I'm normally frugal as fuck but I feel like pirates have better experiences for free than the people claiming these games, at least they won't have people bruteforcing their accounts for Fortnite skins.

Is Linux supported? If not, I'm sticking with Steam/GOG.

what a souless adventure game
felt bad for paying money for this shit

What's soulless about it?

>the ending is really really awful
This soured the game for me personally Fuck meta narritives and it was all a computer game plot lines

The free shitty game that I always wanted, NOT.

will they ever give away good games?
even ub*soft and to a degree EA gave away half decent games when they were trying to get people to use their shit service

im not downloading your shitty fortnite launcher to get a free game.

>Subnautica is shit
>Slime Rancher is shit
I think problem is you and not games they are giving, be so kind and kill yourself.

it is nostalgia shit
trying to copy games like days of the tentacle when the characters you control shouldn't even know each other yet you are suppose to make them pass items to each other to solve puzzles
it just happens
sure that can be explained away by the awful ending but the story and characters just are not fun

i dont speak chinese sorry

those games are dogshit you soiboi faggot

Which games are good in your opinion?

Ub*soft gave away Splinter Cell 1 and Prince of Persia 1, which are much better than fucking subnautica and slime rancher

Looks like shit, how is it?


I love those games but they're old as fuck yo

shut the fuck up you gay cunt

Yes but they are old games and won't attract as much people as Subnautica or Slime Rancher. You fail to understand that Epic isn't doing charity by giving away games for free but building user base.

no fucking shit

I've been seeing a lot of advertisements for Epic's Discount-Steam. Is there anything good on there? I can get free games that are actually fun, unlike this garbage, on Steam already, so what's the difference?

Ron did a bad ending on purpose, just to fuck with people like Monkey Island 2. But it was just lazy, couldn't even feel anything

Alright so who would the old games attract? Subnautica is one of the biggest indie games ever - the devs are total fags, but the game is big

What exactly do you want?