Why didn't Doom II have cool new bosses like the original?

Why didn't Doom II have cool new bosses like the original?

Attached: image.png (1280x960, 222K)

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>Yes, it was my idea (and my level). Basically, the problem was that we had very little art time available for creating Doom 2. We only had time to add three real monsters – the Revenant, the Arch-Vile, and the Mancubus, and those because they had partly been done for Doom 1, though not used. So, we just finished them. The other new monsters I was able to get the artists to create – the Pain Elemental, Doom Knight, Arachnotron, and Heavy Weapon dude were all heavily based on previously-existing monsters, so we didn’t need new animation frames. But … we needed a final boss that was different from the previous ones, but I couldn’t get permission to create a whole new monster, particular a boss, which always are harder. So, I had the idea to use the ancient concept of “Baphomet” – a demonic creature which was basically a head hanging on a wall, supposedly worshiped by the Knights Templars in the late middle ages. This way I wouldn’t need any animation frames – just a texture. And that’s where the Icon of Sin came from.

Source: donanimgunlugu.com/efsane-sandy-petersen-ile-roportaj-192559/2

Your image is a new boss from Doom II.

No, that's a wall

So... They were lazy?

That kind of shit is always fascinating to read about.

Constrained, and with this limitation created an iconic video game level.

The game was created in a span of a single year. And with the early 1990's tech, doing ANYTHING was more convoluted and time consuming.
You gotta remember that the sprites were made out of clay models, photographed and digitized, then edited pixel-by-pixel.

Attached: doomguy model digized.png (3200x2000, 65K)

Why did they make a Doom guy sprite if they never used it?

Multiplayer, you dummy.
The Alpha also included a full squad of space marines.

Attached: Doom alpha - marines playing cards.png (640x400, 21K)

Made on the cheap.

Are you dumb? The player is the Doomguy sprite, plus there's multiplayer.

Attached: doomguy-gif-3.gif (192x192, 55K)

Never got the hate for doom 2 compared to doom 1, I much preferred the architecture and level design in the second over the blocky military bases that were plastered over 90% of the first.

Doom has multiplayer!?

Why were bosses so awful in old FPS?

>Doom has multiplayer!?
...yes, you zoomer child.
It has THE original Death Match.
The feature that clogged up many corporations' and school's networks back in the days, as people used them to play the MP.

>they fucked up the final boss of their next game too

Attached: Shub-Niggurath.png (1000x912, 224K)

like for example Stronghold turns Doom into a base defense game

I liked them

Quake 1.5 improves this fight a lot.

Id never had the strongest track record for bosses.

Go play SRB2 Kart and stop being a faggot.

Attached: 4BA798E4-E426-442A-96AC-B1C181EA4F5A.jpg (567x567, 69K)

i can't believe romero works at a fucking gas station

Bosses were hard to make and they couldn't really make them well.
In Doom 1, the first two bosses could be thwarted just by circlestrafing. For the Spiderdemon, you're either popping out of cover in and shooting in small bursts(not fun), giving a point blank BFG shot (not challenging), or standing really far away and shooting with the plasma rifle(not fun or challenging).

Certain concepts didn't translate well from 2d. Like player hitboxes, bullet patterns, advanced platforming and other things that made perfect sense in a 2d shooter.

>In Doom 1, the first two bosses could be thwarted just by circlestrafing.
Which wasn't a commonly known nor an easy to pull off tactic at the time, since most people were still playing with KB only, using what are essentially tank controls w/ the Arrow-keys.


Yes, I know. Still, at the time, strafing was like a special mode you had to activate, and turning at the same time was not really possible.
I still play with the OG controls from time to time.

Huh, that's true.
The game was playtested for KB only.
Either way, I feel like id just didn't like making bosses and thought levels were more fun.

Alt + right arrow
Tap left arrow to keep aiming at the target
Alt + right arrow
Keep shooting

It's not as fast as real circle strafing but it worked well enough.