Swarm (MorphX)

Swarm (MorphX)

FFX for an indeterminable amount of time


Attached: mpv-shot1394.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If NASA did this you guys would cry about NASA being memesters like always.

GTA 2 is about to start on Stream 1

This happened organically though, which means that even if they decide to run with it, it's still come from a natural place, rather than a forced attempt at a meme.

Attached: bronie2.jpg (457x508, 102K)

I want to marry Maral so she can cheat on me with Tezur0,

>Give Yojimbo all your money, and then turn him down


Will tezur0 will give maral a russian lesson after the run?


Attached: 40070974_2191502934454480_3203894006646233723_n.jpg (1080x1080, 321K)

get lost weeb

Wish I could watch the FFX run, but the audio bug is just too annoying. Hope they do something less retarded as an incentive in the future.

Attached: 1550414443841.jpg (235x215, 11K)

post more maral

Who /stream2/ here?

Attached: stream_esa.jpg (858x762, 128K)

>these interactions
Almost feels like bullying just because of the soft voice of the other guy.

>that pic
>that post

Fucking disgusting. Get our of here with that garbage.

ESA is a really comfy family-tier event.
It has SOUL.

GDQ is soulless.

Why is Leo so cute, bros?

Obvious shitposting deserves it.

You get out, faggot incel.

Attached: 15505747178050.png (840x620, 1.07M)

I was in stitches at that
When the text to speech O-O-O-O-O-O-O donation came in I laughed so hard I fucking broke something, physical pain

Attached: 1525295662673.jpg (1599x999, 205K)

what happened

Attached: 1495282553772.jpg (404x270, 32K)

Looking forward to the next dono

The janny is seriously still here spamming 3DPD and deleting anime and everything that calls out the spam.

Time to take this to IRC I guess.

Godspeed user

Really makes you think.

Attached: 1521198696057.jpg (463x718, 37K)

>seething incel


F to stream 2

technical difficulties?

>stream 2 dying

no barefoot pics :(
at least she is a pit slut

Attached: Dw5f2pdW0AAkY3f.jpg (1536x2048, 781K)

Did the game crash

Wait GTA2 again?
Didn't we have a race yesterday?


>closed captioning FFX speedrun
Very nice.

Attached: 1502144167331.jpg (576x568, 126K)

capture card bit it

Stream 2's fucking imploded

Attached: 1543017003417.jpg (604x1359, 199K)

>turning the monitor so the stream can see it too


that production quality makes it even better

Attached: 1514704568225.jpg (538x491, 36K)

Stream 2 is such a clusterfuck

Now this is what I call quality streaming

Attached: 1533084247796.jpg (424x347, 14K)

And it's amazing.

>turned the monitor towards the camera
this run is gold

Attached: remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_noai_nioshi__95f040d56bfe43204fdb2cdba7ede5c3.png (719x700, 311K)

That workaround though.

Stream dies so he turns the monitor to the camera and carries on, fucking trooper

Attached: mpv-shot1396.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

We're hitting levels of comfy that shouldn't even be possible

Picture in Picture display, phenomenal technology.

>audio cancer
>capture card died
>turns off monitor
This is fine

When's the Touhou run?

Attached: 1508117139787.jpg (900x900, 116K)

Now this is high quality streaming.

Attached: 1544613369004.png (540x362, 8K)

He even kept holding the controller turned around.

>lights off
>handdraw shipping in the corner
>frozen mainscreen
>audio fucked
>controller upside down
>playing awkwardly from the side of a screen being rerecorded on camera
What run can even compete?
This make NASA look professional, and I love it.


It's getting better with every minute

Attached: stdin_snapshot_02.25.38_[2019.02.21_21.56.14].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

This fucking sound

you missed it

Attached: 1536459955022.jpg (1000x1000, 155K)

Yesterday, you missed it.


You can't speedrun 2hu dummy


If FFX isn't elder god tier when the list comes round, I'm just going to put it down to runners shilling their own runs. This is transcendent

Attached: 1522386288293.jpg (848x848, 239K)

Maral is a fucking host of ESA same as Charise, there's literally NOTHING wrong with posting them here.

Seething weebs can fuck off.

>managed to make the audio even worse
I love it

>two screens of Tidus swimming with this fucking soundtrack

Attached: 1496188683003.gif (250x194, 1.36M)

>at least she is a pit slut
prove it


so is the audio cancer for the rest of the run?

>no one in main room wants to say HOYYYYYPEEEEE

know your place, dumb twitch donators

>Europeans refuse to do what dumb donations want
>Nobody did the HOOOYP shit

>there's literally NOTHING wrong with spamming the same pictures in every single thread

You can donate to get rid of it anytime. Except they give everyone 5 minutes to donate against it to keep it rocking.

It lasts until someone donates 20$ to stop it

Feel free to post the other pictures.

Attached: 37994793_880575768810535_8386542292529315840_n.jpg (1080x1350, 92K)

I did and they got deleted because the janny hates anime.

>Europeans refuse to do what dumb donations want
Clearly you're watching the inferior run

Everybody! Get in the thread! We're memeing in here!!

>donators want stupid anti-social shit and GDQ memes
>everyone ignoring them
Feels good man

They are pictures I like to look at, so posting them every now and then is perfectly fine with me. You have a very absurd definition of spamming. Altering an image's MD5 and posting it multiple times in a single thread is spamming.


Anime is not related to ESA.

Literal female HOSTS are related.


Attached: 543.gif (440x330, 493K)

We /y/ now

Attached: mpv-shot1404.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

>Lulu's close-up face shot above waist.
So perfect..

JRPG runs just bore me not matter who runs it or is happening.


Add 1 minute and 11 seconds to the estimate and claim 111111 get.

Attached: 52201212.jpg (739x258, 48K)

Why aren't you watching my stream, user?

Attached: betrayal.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Attached: mammi-sauna-muumi.png (252x438, 84K)

How old are you? I seriously wonder what kind of person goes to a niche thread only to spam generic attentionwhoring ugly females.

>he doesn't know about the incentive to add 12 hours

>metako going on about the chat
>mfw I haven't had the chat open all run

>Excuse me, but is this audio an out of season April Fool's joke?

>PS1 game
What the fuck are they doing?

FFX has the lamest boss theme in the series, packs zero punch.

Chat isn't anything special. Just what you'd expect it to be when streamers are memeing this hard.

I remember GTA 2 being a lot darker.

Attached: 1531746365235.jpg (320x473, 33K)

gamepad shitter

I've been here for longer than you live, sonny.

Feel free to crawl back to your shithole while ultrachads are talking about cute female hosts of the ESA event.

Attached: 1501204066271.jpg (1920x1080, 386K)

Same, it's been ridiculous but I think having a visible chat dictating it would only highlight how much of whore he is

Sheer level of Finnishness of this guy

Attached: 5379ec4279d3715a56c38fba49f06ed4.jpg (200x200, 9K)

GTA was better when it was top-down.

Attached: 1549104579616.png (342x342, 165K)

Yikes, cringe time in FFX

There's a night and a day setting.


>s-s-s-stop bullying me I just want to post my ecelebs
nobody cares nigger

Feels like it was made specifically for the Sin fight on the boat where a big part of him is sticking out of the water. Has that Jaws feel.

You sound like a mentally ill schizoid who skips on pills.

The visual aesthetics and art direction of GTA2 is unrivaled.
The mixed use of real life photos and crime shit yet the game being scifi future world is so fascinating. Such a good game.

Attached: Misha check em.webm (464x702, 49K)


>he is a stream1let


Attached: stream_esa.jpg (854x758, 68K)

>forcing the co-commentator to sing in machine translated japanese to french

I don't think I can sit through this, lads

Attached: 1523188103744.png (446x481, 495K)

I'm hoping audio will glitch just right and make it funny.

>singing the lyrics google translated from Japanese to French

Oh boy

You can't skip the scenes in X? Pretty based

Uber cringe incoming

Nope. I think FFX-2 was the first to let you skip.

Why the graphics suck so much? Why he is not playing PC version?

>Rockstar used be based in my hometown when they were DMA Design
>I wanted to work there when I was a kid
>Now there's fuck all here

Yeah, it's not possible. Makes you want to fucking die on some bossfights if you're a brainlet.
There's like 5-10 minutes of cutscenes before some bosses.

Keep crying bitchboy nobody gives a fuck about your shitskin whore obsession.

You are the one who's crying, dumb ugly incel lmao.

Attached: DtuzE_BXgAE8_Kp.jpg orig.jpg (1538x2048, 406K)

That's the way though, I miss that shit. Also what the fuck is the audio right now? I just joined

>Pretty ahahahahahahahahahah

Are you drunk? The PC version was made by complete hacks.

>n-no you


Attached: mpv-shot1411.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

>japanese "humor"

>10 min cut scene before the fight
>mega deaths you because you didn't know the fight
>forced to watch through the shit again

Here we go.

People came into stream 2 room at the best time.


>dads walk in

Attached: mpv-shot1414.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

Based Josh coming in for the background


>Stream 2

Attached: 1547139006922.jpg (475x431, 44K)

>Joshimuz in the back

Attached: 1503777659280.jpg (583x438, 49K)


Attached: Time to choose.png (490x728, 264K)

Based donator

oh my god i love these retards

Attached: daffy_love_eyes.gif (500x374, 387K)

>play monopoly

Relative to how powerful you likely are at that point, she was the fucking hardest boss int he game. What the FUCK were they thinking putting that long of an unskippable cutscene before here? I've probably wasted two hours of my life watching just that scene.

What do you mean? I only played the PC version.

>hop in the stream cuz i'm bored
>of course it's the underwater sex scene
>and the audio is glitching the fuck out
guess i'm closing the tab...

Attached: --2019-02-21-21h15m32s.png (1280x720, 922K)

Metako singing machine translated french wasn't bad tbqph


Think he teaches music, IIRC. So that probably explains.

>watching twitch streams in a browser

Stream 2 /10

Attached: 1540053395282.png (1280x738, 455K)

based disortion inc

I feel bad for the dude in chat who donated twice and didn't get either of his donations read.

Not watching Stream 1/10

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Dark Souls time!

Don't sit for too long anons, get up and stretch your muscles!
Also eat healthy and drink plenty of water during the marathon!

Attached: 72818132_p0.png (667x900, 711K)

RIP Audio glitch

>audio glitch died

Attached: 2qldhqv.png (248x278, 54K)

Attached: 1389306986104.jpg (425x450, 65K)

>just opened the stream
>glitch ends

world just hates me.

I just had a shower and they killed the fucking audio glitch while I was gone. Fuck you user, I'm never listening to you again.

You're welcome.

Attached: 1508954767630.jpg (686x535, 42K)

>no audio glitch
>working capture card
>lights on
Wew lads


>3 hours of dark souls

I wish I could breed Maral to kill time.

I wish this announcer would bully my dick

>no audio glitch
>lights on
Is there anything left to look forward to, bros?

Sorry user.

Attached: d4e5d30f1e615638e17dd33c0938565e.jpg (1000x900, 248K)

>Lights back on
>Audio glitch getting reset
Oh well.

Attached: 1549884618410.png (328x296, 50K)

Dark Souls 2 is fucking garbage and the worst Souls game.

Attached: __ashen_one_and_fire_keeper_dark_souls_iii_and_souls_from_software_drawn_by_beancurd__3dbc7fc2ed2195 (967x1200, 140K)

>fun is gone on stream 2
(You) me when dark souls starts

Attached: 640777974a73f95de5f9ca561e7acdcb.jpg (900x900, 378K)

how is ur all penis diet going bro

Literally the opposite.

3 is worse

Stop avatarfagging you piece of shit.

>seething das2 subhumans

Attached: __fire_keeper_dark_souls_iii_and_souls_from_software_drawn_by_arsenixc__eb4cb17a8f67b711ad93ca1a5dcd (1700x1093, 277K)

That would be Dark Souls 3


Attached: 1542389425151.jpg (1266x1280, 280K)

*dabs on everyone itt*

>Audio glitch gone
What a fucking shitshow.
I assume they cannot tun it back on?

Attached: 4.jpg (400x562, 28K)

>"just get gud"
>"language" "watch it!"

Controversial opinion. I found BloodBorne to be on of the most overrated games I ever played by FAR.


I've been trying to watch all week and have yet to see Maral. FeelsBadMan

The only shit here is you and your taste, kid.

DaS 3 is objectively the best Souls game and is also better than BB and DeS.

Attached: dark_souls_friede.jpg (1280x1280, 145K)

That's why he gave people a 5 minute window to snipe it back

i think i can agree with that. it's a good game but people really praise it more than it deserves.

Maral is the only reason people even watch and donate to ESA.

Nope. Only triggers once at a certain point.

This chocobo thing seems pretty horrible

>DaS 3 is objectively the best Souls game

Attached: pep.jpg (600x418, 27K)

Who thought this chocobo shit was a good idea

>rushed asset flip
>best souls

Attached: 1512788959368.png (493x535, 87K)

>viewcount drops when she's on

I've done it. It is. There's actually a second one as well.

They should just reset then

>maral is never going to whisper in Farsi on your ears while you missionary her

why even live?

Is there anything more pathetic than DS3fags?

I really wanna fuck Maral

They'd lose 3 hours.


Twitch Prime?

Since you consider it objectively better you best better have some arguments for your shit opinion

Nice quality shit images, subhumans.

You and your shit taste, apparently.

Attached: __sister_friede_dark_souls_iii_and_souls_from_software_drawn_by_jlien__273e2b9d7185fbf9e9f805df118b6 (1131x1600, 618K)

>seething incels and weebs can't handle the hottest persian girl

like pottery

Come to ESA and Maral will be your friend!

This guy:

Objectivelly better and more varied bossfights than 1 and 2, the best movement and baseline gameplay of the series, the most gorgeous areas and the best fashion.
It's subjectivelly worse than 1 and 2 in regards to linearity, lore and NPCs

Okay i have to admit, Maral sounds cute as fuck

Whats with the mentally ill autists in this thread

Attached: 1540752580090.jpg (465x1082, 126K)

All the minigames in FFX are pure torture.

>Since you consider it objectively better you best better have some arguments for your shit opinion

Best bosses in the game
Best engine, speed and mechanics in the game
Best music
Best weapons
Best armors
Best graphics
Best DLCs
Best performance and flawless 60 fps gameplay (only on PC obviously, console cucks still struggle to get it)

No other From Software game can come close to their magnum opus Dark Souls 3.

Worth it. It's not like I'm looking forwards to whats afterwards.

It's a speedrunning event

souls time lads

Attached: 27655299_608378726189611_3057308350660064820_n.jpg (480x472, 28K)

Are you really questioning mentally ill spergs in a speedrunning thread?

There's nothing after on stream 2. It's the only run today.

FFX was a rollercoaster for most of it but I'm happy to end on a tamer note. This run has everything



You don't have to announce your entry

Anime triggers the 3DPD kids.

DaS2 is the best Soulsborne because it has the most content and the most level variety.

just joined stream 2 room

damn Maral is a fucking hottie, check her twitter would definitely use and abuse

Attached: hilary.png (384x496, 350K)

The entire event is a purge cringe fest.
I love it.

There's no touhou anime, retard.

>Want to watch some comfy DS runs
>shitskin attentionwhore is the donate reader
rip that comfy stream....

Attached: Yuck.png (600x550, 34K)

I know, right.
No need to be scared to post the host of ESA here.

Attached: Dsqd1R3WkAcK_sX.jpg orig.jpg (1200x1600, 122K)

Americans just got home from school

Attached: 1532812694053.jpg (540x540, 74K)

"Best" is not an argument for something being objectively superior. You have to define what makes each of those aspects "best".

>her chubby fingers will never pat your head...

Attached: 1546194745649.jpg (480x522, 19K)

>jrpg speedruns
>easily take 10+ hours due to linearity

>wrpg speedruns
>only take a few minutes due to non-linearity

Yet 99.9% of all RPG speedruns are of jrpgs. Why is this?

Attached: 1549392673004.jpg (400x400, 36K)

If I dilute my soda it's better because there's more of it.

wrpgs suck (except dark souls)

That's my point

>audio glitch back
u wot
thought that was a one time deal

Wait how did he get it glitched back? I remember getting it by accident on Macalania temple, pretty sure there was no other way to do it

I hope dist gives her his BAC

t. roastie

>cheat engine

oh no

>cheat engine

They didn't take it out yet. But they promissed they will.

>3 hours of dark souls ii
time to do something else.

>"Best" is not an argument
Damn right, it's a fact and I just stated all of them.

I see you're going for multibait combo

Plebs are the majority

>Cheat engine
Wait what did I miss?

I hope we get to hear the boss music the runs I see on youtube this fag disables it

Hm. That was some pretty good intermission music a few minutes ago. Well time for worst DS.

Attached: 71828320_p0.png (1350x1051, 1.72M)

He just hasn't had a chance to save/reload to make it go away.

>worst souls 2

Can't wait to play Sekiro.

Attached: NdMtApJjwXZKw3Dytni5Ea.jpg (1920x1080, 2.41M)

>metako has a 47 hour long Final Fantasy speedrun marathon on his twitch from just 5 days ago

It's for the babyjump fix

Someone else will have to make a thread when this goes past bump limit. I'm climbing in bed

Attached: 1501119734116.png (400x400, 181K)

>dark souls
When will this meme end? Dark Souls has a design philosophy very different from actual wrpgs.

Attached: 1234945994.jpg (2000x910, 484K)

Quality post, das2 subhuman

>tfw Maral will never sit on your face
why even live

Attached: 1475339358604.gif (309x313, 2.91M)

People played them as kids. Autists stick with what they play as kids, and most of the speedrun community are autists. Also autists don't care about it being 10 hours.

who /comfy/ here

Attached: 1521800294388.jpg (262x206, 9K)

no u



is this scholar or not

ye ye

Attached: 1530410733117.gif (758x696, 102K)

Watching DaS 2 is more comfy than playing it because the gameplay is so atrocious.

Attached: 1530239157049.png (336x317, 47K)

I'm lying in bed, dark souls speedrun is running on TV with auto shutdown in 90 min. There is a storm outside and I'm slowly falling asleep.
Maximum Comfy.

Just got back, Light is on and sound glitch seem to fixed on Stream 2. What have I missed?

Obviously not as that's a separate category from DS2 due to various differences, most notably the fact that you start with the DLC keys in DS2 while you have to find them in Scholar

Only good Al Bhed is a dead Al Bhed, ya?

Attached: 1550778923452.webm (1600x900, 2.25M)

The end of fun

where do you live user?

the pro audio glitch paypigs were too slow

If not for the 3DPD shitposter I would be max comfy.

Attached: 1546731575091.gif (709x625, 1.82M)

>2 hours and 45 minutes for all bosses
It really shows how Fromsoft went out of their way to kill attempts to skip content in DS2 which just made the game unfun as fuck with the shitty enemy placement.

I wish the game wasn't so goddamn hideous though.


Just be a GIGA ULTRA HYPER CHAD like Milten.

She will suck your dick and lick your ass live on that exact couch making her swedish cuck "bf" watch it and enjoy

Attached: 56168074_p0.jpg (334x443, 87K)

The pro-glitch donators were lazy and didn't get on it in time, streamer bias wasn't enough to save it.

And they turned the light on just because they wanted to have functional eyes again.

Offtopic shitposts.

Not very.
>Sill recovering from a virus that fucked me up all last week
>Now stuck with a cough that refuses to go away
>Feeling pretty tired now

shut up

oh well stream still seems fun. Gonna enjoy the last 2hours. Fuck Dark Souls 2

It looks nice in some areas like Heide's Lighthouse.
But then you have shit like pic related.

Attached: 1547395208475.png (733x517, 554K)

Dark souls 2 has like 3 times the amount of bosses of other souls games

Looks like they're at the part in FFX where I stopped playing and sold the game back in 2002.

>All bosses doesn't let you skip content
You don't say

>Dark souls 2 has like 3 times the amount of bosses of other souls games
And 99% of them are pure shit.

copy pasted trash like anus face doesnt count as "more bosses" m8, also
>put a bunch of a regular enemies in a small area give them a giant health bar and call it a "boss"

>>put a bunch of a regular enemies in a small area give them a giant health bar and call it a "boss"
Are we talking about dark souls 3 now?

Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game.

Attached: 1477614408734.png (450x300, 104K)

>audience clapping for runnner being very against dabbing

>haha dab meme xD

Attached: asdsa.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

>dumb person donates 40 for it to stop
>pro-glitch only donates like 15
>runner decides to kill the glitch
>immediate regret from person who donated to stop
it was funny.
don't like it just don't watch or just mute the run, actually paying money just to stop something you could turn off on your own end is absolutely retarded.

Attached: 1403285483840.gif (640x360, 922K)

There is still something about the lightning that always look off to me, though I lack the words to describe it.
But yeah, some areas fare way better than others.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-01-12 23-48-09-31.webm (485x533, 1.14M)

Worst Souls 2 even looks worse than DaS 1, shit tier B-team fucked everything up.

>Poison areas in a DaS game
If I could slap the fucking shit out of whoever okayed this in any Souls game I would.

Should've donated more poorfag.

Never knew you could his arms

Attached: 1535233083770.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Seymore Flex was a hard ass boss when I was young.

Honestly that shit was so lame I cannot even consider it a boss. I the game didn't explicitly tell you that it was a boss, would you consider the encounter to be of any note at all?

but I love the run and the runners so I couldn't mute the stream. The audio glitch was fucking anooying dude

I didn't particularly care for either sides, run is already ending.

>Recently played DaS games again
>Get told the DaS 2 DLC is good
>Found them to be shit
Well then.

There's like twice as many at best, probably not even that many. They're also easily the least creative bosses in the entire series. Half of them are giant armored humanoids and then you have abominations like the congregation, ancient dragon, not to mention a bunch of reskins. Alonne was kino though.

Attached: ganksquad.png (1280x720, 1.62M)

Deacons are easy but the boss itself is pretty interesting. There's some weird shit that starts happening if you wait too long and they start channeling the deep.

you got memed extremely hard
the only good thing about the dlcs are the new items

low iq

Attached: rats.png (803x453, 554K)

>I love the run and I love the runner
>but I didn't like what was part of most of the run and what the runner obviously enjoyed having around


why are soulsfags always at eachother's throats? why not just appreciate the good things in each game?

Imma hit the sack, someone better stay up and tell me tomorrow morning what happend in FFX.


DaS3 fags have literal brain damage

What's the pointing of fixing a wall on the elevator? It's not like it's a pressing issue and breaks anything.

Attached: ears.jpg (1005x1000, 132K)

>the good things in each game

Attached: 1550786739627.jpg (250x250, 11K)

Giant poison rat with some smaller rats is the worst fucking boss in DaS2, I hate it.

>Deacons are easy but the boss itself is pretty interesting. There's some weird shit that starts happening if you wait too long and they start channeling the deep.
Do you have any video showing what they do?

It's the classic "my first game was the best game" autism
also seen with monhun and pokemon generation wars

>Shit Souls 2


Attached: 1550606222813.jpg (1125x2097, 185K)

>There's some weird shit that starts happening if you wait too long and they start channeling the deep.
any video of this?

Cucked gigafag

He's fill of bologna.

unpopular opinion I like all of the souls games

Attached: 1536721247781.png (1217x1215, 1.34M)

>DaS3 fags have literal brain damage
Everyone hates das2 faggots, faggot.

not him but the area turns blue and foggy and you get fire balls falling from the sky, you have to be really autistic to actually get to that point tho
here's another """"""""boss"""""""" design from das2

Attached: skiliton.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

it's a doggy dog word

Attached: rOjRDdQ.jpg (720x960, 75K)

Basically the room turns dark and you start getting curse buildup until you either die or interrupt the deacons

I tried but I came out of my DaS 2 replay last year not fucking happy at all.

no one likes stink souls 3 losers

Lots of 1 fans didn't like the direction of 2.
So a lot of people who did like 2 get butthurt about that and then it attracted a ton of contrarian shitters as well who wanted to be different. (but barely played the game)
Then 3 went into yet another direction and caused the 2s to get assmad.

They're all wrong of course, the best game in the series is Demon's Souls.


>the area turns blue and foggy and you get fire balls falling from the sky
>Basically the room turns dark and you start getting curse buildup until you either die or interrupt the deacons
sounds cool

What stale old outdated meme will Twitch catch onto next? Over 9000? Sparta?


Hahaha, cope harder, das2 loser faggot.

Attached: 1431784630299.jpg (500x475, 47K)

you got meme'd hard
2 is an extremely shit game

The deep was severely underutilized. Maybe in DaS4.


thats from the britaboo anime right

Poor skeleton wheels. They didn't even get a chance to start their roll animations. >10 captchas what the fuck

Attached: DehYH5pUQAA0yDl.jpg (800x1178, 182K)

I just know it's from that one anime with the UK flag coat. Never watched it myself.

based dist not being a fag for a charity scam


this is really cool, thanks user

I really like the design and attack animations of that last boss. Barely got to see him though.

>more fucking pokemon after this

only way I can tolerate that shit is werster.

>didn't even move to beat Smelter

Attached: Dx6qki-UcAADk0K.jpg (988x1341, 139K)

>take a peek at Stream 2
>11 fucking hours of some JRPG
What compels a man to do this?

Attached: 1543090320506.png (369x300, 10K)

why maral is allowed to be so lewd

>the legendary run of '13
Never ever again.

Attached: olev.jpg (400x400, 39K)

swedish girl says 'boobs' in her shit goofy accent
my penis enlargens

Who's the lady reading the donations?
She sounds cute.

Because she is cool.



that kind of donation would never ever be read in GDQ.

Funny audioglitches.

yes user, an actual girl
this isnt gdq

the new swedes won't tolerate this inshallah

>he doesn't know

what's the name of the skip they didn't want to say?

>missing the best run

Attached: Alize 2.jpg (640x735, 32K)


Attached: 1548526488423.jpg (597x604, 29K)

prove me wrong you fag
bet your american
fucking fag

Well of course not since it would offend the small breasted female(male) GDQueers.

>pssh nothing personnel... kid

I mean, $20 is $20.

what was it?

>Host at ESA
>Doesn't even play games or know who Mario is
>Has no idea about Twitch culture
Why is she there again? She clearly has no interest in anything in the event?

Attached: 1502890235422.jpg (1202x630, 204K)

Leg day.

maral is a new swede isn't she?


>best run

shes a girl

Pseudo double cancer jumps

>"Sorry Noobest your cool but maral will always be cooler , She has Boobs.... how do you compete with that? good luck dist Enjoy Sweden"

Imagine needing a bathroom break?

Attached: huhuhu.jpg (510x542, 50K)

>She clearly has no interest in anything in the event?

This isn't a question.

dark souls 2 is only fun to watch because its literally the least fun to play and the jankiest souls game that gives you migraines the moment you boot it up

Prove it.


this isnt gdq and this isnt america

after she leaves one of those events she's 90% speedrunner dna

there are 5+ minute unskippable cutscenes.

>gives you migraines the moment you boot it up
imagine being this frail of a human being

shit opinion

Yeah, it's good game as long as you don't have to play it yourself

wtf I thought these games were hard?!??

Fragrant Branch of Yore?
More like Fragrant Branch of BORE! because it' a dumb mechanic an boring.

Who are you talking about? I'm a stream 2 CHAD.

dark souls more like dark snores

Dark Souls 2 (the original not SOTFS) is the best Dark Souls game.

soulsfags gimp themselves to pretend their games require skill. every argument devolves into "well of course it's easy when you use x!"

souls gamer are trial and error, they aren't hard

It's legit been entertaining.
Game doesn't even matter in these things, 90% of the entertainment is based on the runner/commentary, and this guy is probably the most entertaining of all I've seen at the event.

Remember to stand up and stretch every hour when watching a marathon

Attached: stretch.jpg (1200x800, 83K)

>Maral gets to say boobs and damn

beta bux donations

>no bulge on 9S
Shit content

So what's the most babbymode way of playing DS2 in a casual playthrough? Type of weapon/build/etc.

She also gets to flirt with Donation readers and runners

Too tired to do that.
I'm sitting here making constant spelling mistakes and hoping Firefox auto correct doesn't butcher them too bad.
No seriously Firefox spell check is easily one of the worst spell checkers I have ever used and u don't understand how it can be so shitty.

Rapier? Pretty much the build he's using I think.

Whatever Dist is doing with the rapier seems pretty broken.

hex build

Why are there no shadows in DS2? Did he turn them off? I swear to fucking god FFX looks better.

I haven't played it in a few years but back then the go-to strategy for speedrunners was to powerstance maces and buff them with resin. You can actually stunlock some bosses with them.

The announcer looks like THAT?

Attached: D9Wjw_t-_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

you must be living under a rock user

I finished this game on my own dual wielding a Blacksmith Hammer and Craftman's Hammer. Just take what you like.

I went with that fuckhuge sword that is bigger than the player character
I had fun

The original DS2 just looks really bad. Shit is like fullbright maps in HL2.

Red Iron Twinblade
Santier's Spear
also powerstanced Caesti chew up bosses

Use a blunt or piercing weapon, invest only the str/dex stats you need for it and everything else into whatever magic stat you want. Infuse and buff the weapon with whatever scales with those stats.

Also get at least 20 adp so your rolls aren't shit

Why are Swedish women so hot?

Attached: 800px-Meanwhileinsweden.jpg (800x450, 68K)

FFX saved the marathon



>model a dog
>call it rat

Attached: 1525378690558.jpg (337x355, 21K)


my fucking heart dudes


Got a name on this chick?


both of those are broken OP you faggot
pretty much every blunt weapon in ds2 has double the damage it should have

>Why are Swedish women so hot?
good question

Attached: Gina musikhjälpen.jpg (612x344, 44K)

Attached: confused kpop qts.webm (1024x576, 2.99M)

>chat spamming Jewish rat emotes
I didn't realize the category was 1488%.


oh god i want a gf so badly bros

Attached: 1527211452021.jpg (10000x10000, 1.61M)

I didn't do any research, I just took what I liked

>1 grand for barking
I'll laugh pretty hard if that gets met.

Weren't they at 10K at the start of this day? wth happened?!

that doesnt change the fact that you played on babby mode

Just jerk off bro. The feeling will pass.

is this a clown

They figured out the secret to money laundering.

yeah we know


people donated

t. expert

I was also 12 once.

This attitude is why people hate Soulsfags

Attached: Gina vakna med the voice.webm (886x720, 648K)


I've jerked off 5 times today
It hasn't passed

FFX $20% on steam 2

>swipe a bunch of girls on tinder
>no matches for a week
should i just neck myself?

gdq is a money laundering event

Dude! What if we had you just fight a load of rats as a boss?


Imagine sacrificing yourself to become a monster to protect your people and your daughter SLUTS it up for 1000 years we did Yu Yevon a service.

Get this bigot to the dilation station

I don't like Dist since he looks like some twink 12 year old but sounds like he's in mid twenties.

esa isn't a money laundering front


Attached: 1442370693831.jpg (600x400, 43K)

how tall are you

>gdq raises +1 million every marathon
>99% of it goes to fund uyama's tranny harem

yes, truth tends to sting


The chicks dig it though. Larxa is bouncing on his dick later tonight for sure.

Prove it

sounds like a lot of trouble

That's the weirdest thing I've heard today and it's not even untrue.

Attached: rimu rimu.png (404x422, 301K)

>5'9" ish

just start mewing bro

I'm not interested in DSII so I'm watching some of PJ's old runs. I'm on his Robotrek run. It's maximum comfy, I enjoy all of his vids.

Same here. I stopped caring. Most women on there are basic bitches anyways.

she ugly

>tfw older than him and look younger


Good game. Better than Pokemon before that was even a thing.

m-manlet! You're fine.

Attached: raph!.png (674x673, 895K)

dark souls 2 is fucking garbage and you should feel bad

>tfw 5'6

I will kill myself any day.

My train got cancelled for an hour straight, did we lose the audio glitch, and how?

eh she is cute imo. Could use bigger tits but thats about it.

That's a good run, full of fun commentary and autism.

she's the cutest girl in ESA

some fag donated to get rid of it

>hl2.exe has crashed

Oh neat I'm glad the donations picked up they might pass ESA Winter 2018.

Did they have a bunch of big anonymous donors, then it must be the sponsort

No wonder dork souls is better

No. You're still fine. Go get them, tiger.

Attached: raph l.png (574x549, 635K)

Naturally, she is the only white girl there.

no anonymous donors just a huge sellout stream on esa2

Only american care THAT much about height. 5'7(I guess... 170 cm) that had almost no problem at all with height in my life

They got more than 1k just from ffx stream.

Aw what a bitch nigger

Attached: 1547149225179.png (408x652, 355K)

>Also 5'6
>No fucks given because I have my hand to satisfy me
the old 5 knuckle shuffle. Pam and her 5 sisters. Fapping. Beat the meat.

Never actually heard a person in real life care about height.

Attached: ESA 2018 firetruck.webm (800x344, 2.51M)

You got the one where he accidentally blew off the head of his escort

Do you have that one where the npc takes a firetruck?

Attached: 1532804448593.webm (800x344, 2.22M)

Euros worship the American cock and donations picked up.