>the characters which are supposed to be hot in-lore all look ugly
>the character that's supposed to be ugly, bald and tattooed is actually the hottest one
How is this possible?
The characters which are supposed to be hot in-lore all look ugly
ME3 ended up being complete trash, but at least it gave us this.
>Get told Jack is some kind of excon hard core space pirate
>First thing she does is start whining to me about her daddy issues and tragic past and how she just can't trust another man
What a fucking let down
You're being intellectually dishonest and you know it, the only trash thing about me3 was the ending and that because it was underwhelming, the rest of the game was pretty good and fun.
It's all about the face. Jack's bone structure is literally without flaw.
Is there a fucking game you won't complain about?
Because shes hot because shes bald ugly and tattooed.
It's a bioware's character so you should not have expected anything else really
Jack is easily the best ME2 waifu.
Boo! Bring back full shave.
And the poor optimization. And the constant bugs. And the semi-finished animations. And the bad skeleton models, especially on femshep. And the constant graphical glitches. And the 2D models running around everywhere. And the godkid. And the pseudo-PTSD sub-plot. and the DLC's. And the fetch quests that make the majority of all quests in the game. And the nonsensical geth war. And Kai Leng. And the prothean character that was removed from the story to be sold as day 1 DLC. And...
This but Tali instead of that bitch Jack.
side shave is objectively hotter than full shave
>intellectually dishonest
>about a subjective opinion on "fun"
not even going to debate why its shit
My penis tells me that's a lie.
>ME2 Jack is an ugly bitch
>ME3 Jack has an actually decent design, has reigned in the bitching a bit, and is genuinely living a better life now with her students
Kudos to any Jackfags that stuck with her. You really get rewarded for it.
>main plot moves from running errands for species to intermittently dealing with Illusive Man's comic book villain garbage while the Reapers are basically just background noise until the last mission
I was disappointed long before the absolute trash final mission
>the hottest one
In a game full of horrifying bitches jack was the worst.
your penis is saying you're stupid
t. Miranda
nigger, the game starts with an opening that makes no sense to people that didn't buy DLC, then immediately leads to a mission that provides the single worst deus ex machina I've ever seen
>no krogan romance
The beginning is very boring slogfest and every time I want to replay the game I stop at Palaven. Anything Kai Leng related is a cringe, major lore is behind a day one DLC and characters undergo personality changes that can't be explained by any other way than poor writing. The genophage/Mordin chapter is a good example of poor writing. The kid that dies at the beginning haunting Shepard in dreams is almost as bad as the ending. The only thing that was really great about the game was the multiplayer.
Jack wasn't meant to be ugly. She was meant to be trashy hot.
>I am a literal clone of my father, Shepard
>like it will feel as if you were fucking my seventy year old father
>my vagina is modeled after his penis after it was cut and torn inside out
>make love to me, shepard
Hot. Explains why she can't have kids too.
She can. Her advanced physique just kills the babby before it gets to form. That other user didn't pay attention at in game and only heard the "cloned from daddy" part.
>She can
Damn sleep deprecation I meant to say she potentially could.
she would be hot if she had a typical girl haircut just like she's hot with a shaved head. She would be hot with or without the tattoos. She's just got the ideal face. Its kind of like girls with dyed hair. It just makes the ugly ones look trashy but the hot ones are just going to be remain hot regardless of what color their hair is.
Jack has a cock and I love her
>She can. Her advanced physique just kills the babby before it gets to form.
So that means she can't.
God jack is so cute why can't she have her own game
It's only possible if you low key like dudes
And by God she succeeded.
Get some taste.
This picture is a scientific proof why Miranda is better than Jack.
The multiplayer
lmao Jack is probably the only feminine looking female in Mass Effect
>Get some taste
>Likes girls that look like crack addicts
He is? Good to know, I'll beat that little fucker limp if he tells me to look at anymore shaved head porn.
probably dykes working on the game
>miranda actually putting up a fight
Jack would literally tear her in half like a paper doll
She is a crack addict. Her backstory is being given drugs after a successful kill on repeat to build that Pavlov reflex so she gets dopamine rush every time she kills someone.
I haven't gotten any further than the Tuchanka mission in ME3. Do we get to see Kasumi again?
Can we talk about how dumb it is Shepard can only come at the fight from an Earth centric perspective? From the councils standpoint of course they're gonna be like "we've got our own planets that are under attack". You should have been able to advocate for a galactic fleet without the gay "Ooga booga Earth first!!"
Sounds like a cringey backstory
Yeah, she shows up in a citadel side mission. Check the Specter terminal
Don't talk like that about my wife.
I wrote something similar for a Tiefling rogue in high school.
She looks so much better like that.
The dlc wasn't really bad at all, ME DLC was never great.
It was absolute shit. They had to rewrite parts of the story to include the Day 1 DLC. Leviathan ruined the Reapers and the Citadel DLC was absolute cringe and nonsensical.
ME1's DLC's weren't great, but they were optional and fun, which is good enough.
Mass Effect 2 and 3 are one of the worst examples of gameplay and cutscene dissonance.
I liked the crackhead and cerberus bitch, and just wanted to see them fuck
oh well
Fucking casuals
Racist bitch
Toasters aren't a race
I'll admit that the Shadow Broker's record of her watching Triumph of the will on repeat for several days was a bit out of the blue
Full Shave>>>>>>>>>Haircut
I liked Jack as a character, but I could never take her romance seriously. She's been gaped out by hundreds of humans, turians, krogans, hanar, geth, etc. She probably doesn't even feel anything unless you doublefist her. Her body is probably a sewage of STDs.
>Leviathan ruined the reapers
>is a romance option bc fans liked him
>is one of the best romances for Fem!Shep
Garrus is truly the best man.
I don't get the STD complaint. Shepard literally got built back from being a pile of ashes, I think medicine is advanced enough to make STD's a non-factor.
Jack did used to be a slut, but that's barely an argument against her. She wasn't some rich spoiled brat, she was raped and tortured as a kid and she never developed proper emotional connections. That's understandable.
You know the Irony in all of this? which isn't? Nora/Female Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 looks exactly like her with a few changes, all because bethesda hired couternay taylor to voice her.
Even Cait's final look changed to look more like crackhead Femshep since everyone at maryland loves the ME series.
How is that irony?
In retrospect it's no surprise he was so popular. I mean, look at the other male LIs.
>closet fag
>a corpse
there is no irony, its just bethesda being a bunch of nerds and replicating their wafu as a protag in Fallout 4 and making Femshep a irish Shit
I mean if you ignore everything in ME3 except for Tachanka and Ryloth... sure you can say it iwasn't trash.
There's also that part where Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
Grown adults were working on the game. I can't wrap my head around how this thing was greenlit into the final build.
No one touches my Frosted Krogan Krunchies and lives you son of a bitch.
The only attractive female in ME is Tali and that's because you can't see her face.
Miranda is the worst, she spends all game crying about her perfect genes and perfect looks, but she had the worst case of butterface in the entire franchise until Andromeda.
Just because you're physically adult doesn't mean you are mentally.
Seriously, lads, think about it.
Creative uses of mass effect fields.
Suggest getting padded walls.
freak developers that want to change your perception of beauty