Final Fantasy XV Or Breath Of The Wild?

which was the best game of this generation?

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both suck

Are you serious? My wife’s kids won’t be talking about BotW in twenty years, but you can sure bet your dick that will be talking about FFXV.

probably the best open world games of all time

Why abbreviate something if it takes the same amount of space / time to type it out

FF takes less time than Final Fantasy...

>my wife’s son

Are you retarded or something?
Final Fantasy XV literally takes up four times as much space as typing FFXV, and it is definitely faster to type out a 4 character abbreviation than the full 16 character name.

I wasn't referring to the FF

Was just realizing you guys would misinterpret this as I sent it out... XV is a poor abreviation for 15 and the FF is completely superfluous

Roman numerals aren't abbreviations.

Only officially, don't resort to pedantry

How the fuck is this even a question?Who the fuck wouldn't pick BOTW anyday?

This isn't pedantry, roman numerals aren't abbreviations, period.
The reason to type XV instead of 15 is simply because FF uses roman numerals, if a series uses roman numerals, it only makes sense to refer to it with roman numerals.

Pretending you didnt read the other half of my post or the context it was posted in won't win you any arguments. All I was saying was the Roman numerals don't do anything to help when the title is as long as it is. One could easily just refer to the game as "XV" and everyone would know what he is referring to.

Get rekt

I haven't played BOTW but I played XV and I liked it so I'll choose FFXV

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I'm not pretending to not read anything, you autistic mongoloid. You were bitching about an abbreviation that made perfect sense, and then tried to say that XV is an abbreviation for 15, which it isn't. I don't care about your complaint of the use of FF, its irrelevant, because that isn't what I'm arguing about with you.
>Get rekt
By what? Your autism showing what a retard you are? You just destroyed yourself by acting like hot shit, trying to announce your own victory.

BOTW, since you can run it at 4K60 without needing a 80 million dollar NASA supercomputer, since the team behind FFXV can't code for fucking shit and don't seem to understand something as basic as occlusion culling is.

>let's render animals halfway across the map and beyond two different mountain rangers with 64x tessellation on their fur and simulate tens of these

Like what the fuck. Why would you even do that.

>both suck

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