When did you first build your gaming pc?

When did you first build your gaming pc?

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There's no way this article is real, right?

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Oh there's a way.

>ywn invent your own computer
Feels bad man

Crazy that about 20% of people will think you have amazing talent if you can build a pc.

I watched a friend of my mother build one when I was in 8th grade, but I didn't make one myself until I was 17-18.

>blacks are smar-


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>600 bongaroos
>high spec
Article's edited, think the original said "builds" instead of "invents", but it's still pure undistilled boomer core

General populace isn't into messing with computer parts.

>nignog inventing
definitely not

Just bought a 2070. Did I mess up? Currently upgrading from 960.

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I swear they thought I was soldering together microchips. It's also interesting, every friend I have who is computer illiterate, eventually wants me to help them put together a PC. Once we do it, and they watch me set it up, both hardware and software, they tend to start figuring out a lot more in terms of troubleshooting their own problems. I think once they realize that computers aren't actually particularly complex on a consumer level, they gain confidence and realize they aren't going to break anything just from looking up how to solve a problem. The people who have not had this revelation though seem to think PC builders are engineers.

you paid a lot for it

I just invented a new i7 8700k + GTX 1080ti a few months ago

Less than a 1080 right now.

I invented PC's 20 years ago.

Rtx is a fucking meme but it's a solid gpu for the price.

built first pc in 2004. I had the prescott pentium 4 + ati radeon 9550.

Jealous much?

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I was about 25 only when I had a good paying job
I’m broke now at 30 btw

It's even worse than that. Some guy who owns a night club asked me to download some music videos for him, after I did he called me "hacker" every time he saw me.

at least this kid knows how to build a pc unlike the verge lmao

9, dissembled a windows XP dell and rebuilt it in a lego ATX case I made

Glen Munro you dumb as hell mfahak
matte fakt yo ubroke ugleah ass niguh
mew computer check this fool brehs

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This makes me mad

Man, I remember when my school made a big deal because I was the only person who skateboarded in school. I couldn't even fucking ollie. They treated me like I was the black Tony Hawk or some shit. The state of the black community is fucked specially since it's ran by white people who want to use us to show how wonderful they are.

The prime example that not every black guy is a nigger.

It's the UK, anything is possible.

This guy understands the system perfectly which is why he must be silenced.

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>people keep trying to get me into high level IT positions just because i know how to fucking open task manager

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I invented my first computer in 2001. This current one I invented mostly in 2017.

How do niggers feel about being insulted on a daily basis by their kike masters and their sjw underlings?

The funny thing is that if you try to argue for a full non-racial uniting of the workers, most communists and socialists will call you a racist. Fuck whitey has become a primary tenant of those ideologies.

There can never be such a thing as true cooperation between the races. This is why the elites attempt to strengthen minorities. It creates natural, pitched battles between the ethnicities. There is no way to avoid this. The lesser races must be eliminated before the final problem can be addressed.

Anyone have the one where the kids are being congratulated and given an award plaque or something for being black youths?

are you me?

Mate majority of people think you are a computer wiz for saving a word document

Maybe, are you white?

Truly an abortion of a video.

>are you white?
in my dreams....

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spoken like a true alt-righter (jewish plant)

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>not being white
jesus user, what the hell

back in to 90's pre-internet, zoomers will never know what a pain in the ass IRQ conflicts were when you were still learning and didn't have easily available forums and internet to help so sometimes your computer worked/booted properly and sometimes it didn't, and back when overclocking your cpu was done with jumpers

I'm sorry, but if you aren't white, you aren't me.

Whites will always blow up any little thing blacks accomplish.

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>from scratch
>they go out of their way to lie
Fuck """"journalism""""

Hey leave this board and go to hip hop star world or some shit.

>mfw my parents think I’m a 140IQ genius just because I built a pc for everyone in my family.

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It was when I was memed into buying preschott. Left the psu on 110v, blew it up and shit my pants.

>mfw I'm now the entire IT department of a small and growing company because of that.
I have no idea what I'm doing now and I'm writing policies.

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>worked briefly as a librarian
>was deemed irreplaceable because I knew ctrl+f


fucking boomers


This is an edited article made to enrage racist incels who dont know how to fact check.

Original article said "builds" not "invents".
You obviously cant fucking invent something that already existed.

I can't even get my new RX 580 to work.

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Man I wish I had a cool black friend

wait didn't he just buy pc parts and put together a pc? how is that inventing one???

what do you mean? do you have a 500 watt psu?(this the minimum requirement) Are you PCI-E cables plugged in correctly?

This noglet looks uncannily like my little brother in blackface, same shit eating grin too

Computers are voodoo magic for most people.

sounds comfy

So playing with expensive lego equals to inventing stuff right now?

The whole system boots up twice, I have a 600 W psu 80+ bronze, maybe it is the mobo, a Zotac Z86-ITX Wifi from 2011. The card has an led to show if it gets enough power, which it does, the coolers are spinning, but the display stays black and goes into sleep mode.

>be some black kid
>into desktop xomputers
>do research on how to build one
>parents can afford it so excitedly tell them about it
>parents are technologically inept so they tell some friends
>somehow a journalist with not very much to report on gets wind
>finally build my computer
>parents tell me about news interest
>be so excited to show off my awesome build
>get my cool pc with me next to it in the news
>see some mean posts on internet but know they're jealous of my sweet build

This is gonna sound stupid, but did you plug in your HDMI cable(or whatever you use) into your GPU and not the onboard video port?

>some little nigglets can build a computer
What's your excuse, Yea Forums?

So? Its still not newsworthy if some african kid figured out how to assemble a PC, at least it shouldn't be.

My problem with building my own PC would be the fear of fucking something up and therefore having to spend twice the money

i praise joshua ngoka every day for inventing pc gaming

Yeah its not real news, but atleast you arent getting mad over Fake News

Yes, the DVI cable, I reset the CMOS, I even thought about updating the BIOS, but the latest version is eight years old.

Are you able to switch the monitors and see what happens?

It was comfy as fuck but it was a children's library and that's not really a job for a guy. You're not supposed to look at milfs and scare kids.

Maybe the cable is bad? Do you have any other ones you can try?

Ok, this is what fixed it for me, try re-inserting your ram. That's what fixed mine. Really push it in there

I have an i5-2500K which has built-in HD3000 graphics, but it only shows a picture when the RX isn't in the PCIE slot, when it is neither the DVI nor the HDMI get a signal, the display goes into power save mode

Do you think so, I could try a different cable, but I already tested a different display to no avail

I will try this, thank you for the tip

I am prebuilt select the parts cuck. Spit on me.

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Not great m8 but could be worse. If your still 1080p then it was a proper waste

>The state of the black community is fucked specially since it's ran by white people who want to use us to show how wonderful they are.
The biggest lie that liberals ever told is that they stopped owning slaves. They continue to have slavery in the form of farming black votes, giving out welfare checks based on the number of voters born (never enough to get the people out of poverty), and pretend they're doing good.

If it didn't cost an extra I would do that too, some people find it fun but for me messing with computer parts is nothing but stress, even though I never had any bad experience with building so far.

Remove power cable from psu
Take battery out your mobo for a couple minutes maybe hold power button on case for couple seconds
Reinstall battery and everything
Give it a test

So look at the kids and scare milfs. Problem solved, dummy.

I will, thanks so much, hope it'll help because I only paid 125€ and would hate to have to return it

Id find a way to fuck it up.

Normies are a lot more inept at tech than you'd think, so they see a kid building something they're too scared to ever try and they freak out.

>work as programmer
>colleagues think building your own pc is “nerdy“

I mean, yeah.
But I didn't expect to hear this from people who write code.

I don't understand black neo nazis

Don't they realise if their beliefs actually became reality they'd get sent to africa or outright killed?

My ex thought that my two monitors were “the computer“

When I asked her what she thought the tower under the desk was doing, she said that's where the cds go.

You mean invent, user.

Prebuilts aren't as bad as they used to be in terms of pricing, but they do cut corners a lot. Even if you're inept at it, just have a PC savvy friend do it for you and pay him a bit of money.

maybe they secretly wish to die.
i know i do

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Most software developers are genuinely tech illiterate on the hardware side.
As far as they're concerned they'll just offload everything to the cloud.

its the same with cars. Working on cars isnt that hard, but most people dont even know how to check their oil level.

Reminder that, if you're ever feeling like you cant handle life anymore, chances are one of these journalists lives nearby you.
I'm not implying anything, I just thought I would inform you.

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I built my first and current one in July of 2017, I like it a lot and I'd like to thank the user who helped me plan my build in May of 2017 in a PC gaming thread here, it might've taken you 5 minutes but spent (maybe) 500 hours having fun because of it

Imagine being a grown-ass man that is literally incapable of doing something some literal who black kid can do. LMAO


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I feel happy for this lad. I wish him the best in life.

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's

IIRC it's for really niche local newspaper about the black community in a small part of London.

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>being considered for IT at my large company where I work
I'm scared as fuck. I'm only self taught so I'm still learning shit.

No frens. To old, they all are married now. Not that they could build anything anyway....