Time for some Jackbox, fellas!

Time for some Jackbox, fellas!


How to play:
>Open the stream link above
>Open Jackbox.tv
>Enter the room code located either in thread or on stream

First game of the night is Quiplash 2. Room code is NNSK, get the FUCK in here!

Attached: Jackbox.jpg (890x520, 45K)

Attached: imagine_the_smell2.gif (512x256, 1.05M)

Get the fuck in here

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please please PLEASE join

Attached: smoke crack.gif (512x256, 435K)

Attached: 5d904f_6111887.jpg (1400x788, 295K)

Im at work ree

Attached: 1778fd5a.jpg (1024x768, 230K)

Get your boss to join too

Attached: N-word.gif (512x256, 419K)

BVUH for Quiplash again.
We'll get to other games once the lobby picks up a little bit.

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Please join theres' 4 spot remaining.

Attached: build that wall.gif (512x256, 1.09M)

Okay hold on nigga

Which packs do you have, OP

Where is everybody?

3, 4 and 5. Also Drawful 2 as a standalone.

Attached: sweaty man.gif (300x300, 626K)

We don't need 8 guys, I've hosted one of these before. Just start and bump the thread occasionally, people will come

i think 4 is enough imo

Aw yeah, this was fun last time around

Y'all niggas ain't even funny

are you serious with this

Attached: Come on now, that's just.png (799x380, 269K)

Could we do one more round?

>join as audience
>battery drops to 3% while charging

Triva murder party next?

my choice as well

I vote YDKJ

Are you guys actually hosting this time? Last time I joined yall were assblasting about retards.

thanks doc

Attached: thanks doc.png (820x466, 259K)

Squid restaurants

Attached: is this a kid.jpg (960x717, 50K)

Trivia murder party


Totally didn’t just guess on that one

Attached: When will they learn.png (816x458, 424K)

Mating press confirmed cheater

>cause of death: couldn't keep lead


Nice pic OP

it's supposed to be pic related

Attached: puke green power ranger on a jackhammer.png (472x699, 344K)

are you fucking retarded or something


>fake pearl necklace

Attached: 1547387996699.jpg (337x372, 17K)

this is fucking impossible jesus

what happens if you actually guess the name correctly?


makes you put something else

drawing was literally too good

write fags should be banned desu

I dont get what the fuck is happening at all

have you ever seen a dog in your fucking life

Yeah I've seen your mom lmao

Attached: Laughing Dedede.jpg (1200x673, 96K)

Jesus, can we just play Quiplash? Everything else sucks

I'll switch to a different game once this is over

Tee ko is pretty ok

you mean flavor of the month memes, the game?

literally only for the people playing, at list this is fun for the audience as well

If everyone else is just doing memes, you can be creative and actually win
Lead by example

I'd be down for Split the Room or YDKJ or Break the Internet

whats fun? THIS? fucking drawful?
its horrible because you cant pick the shitty meme awnsers you gotta pick the right one

Sweet I won one


mating press was robbed

Is it over?

Holy shit how do people enter the code that fast.

it's rigged

Y'allre pretty bad at this

you don't get to see the original prompt everyone got? how do you know they don't just make up answers that are easy to mess with? this is pretty badly though out.

>Why can't it just be easier! It's too hard for me to be funny!


what? I mean after the round is over you fucking faggot. i'm not even a player.

>Mentioning the Cum Jar

Please stop

OP was right. Nobody is doing this right. It's painful to watch.

Holy shit, you guys are unfunny as fuck

the ice cream one is amazing

>first to last

he's long

>same unfunny niggers as last time

okay bye I guess

Attached: pungent.gif (512x256, 451K)

Never voting for morons who can't follow basic instructions.

All that for nothing lol

the anons playing right now are awful

Fibbage maybe?

What next gamers?

Attached: this sucks.gif (512x348, 97K)

Don't know the rules to all of them, but Monster Seeking Monster, maybe?

Or the t-shirt one, if that's on there.

Not sure if Fibbage translates well to stream.

MSM is terrible

the internet one is funny

UXGZ for Tee K.O.

Attached: be gf.gif (512x256, 107K)

inb4 mods delete a /vidya/ thread


At least some of you can draw

BEQY for Quiplash. This will be the last game before the stream ends

Where’d everybody go

Weebs utterly assblasted about the shirt that won

Attached: victory dance.gif (88x96, 193K)

Last call for Quiplash before I start with 4 people.

>tfw probably the only person in the universe that enjoys trivia murder party

That t-shirt one is fun but it takes way too goddamn long to get going.

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That was the first time I played it, it was bretty gud

I see you two shy motherfuckers in the audience, next time just join

i hate quiplash, it's like 5% funny 95% cringe

Thanks for the games OP