>Annoversary is this year and nothing
>Main character is the most important Final Fantasy character in Kingdom Hearts, yet doesn’t show up in KH 3
>No Switch or PS4 ports.
Why is Final Fantasy 8 treated as the lonely middle child and its ignored so much by Square
Final Fantasy 8
Other urls found in this thread:
Because on a fundamental level, the game is broken and a shotty mess. If they were to remake it, it'd have to change it's stats system and how battles work from the ground up.
It was pretty fun or are you one of those that didn’t understand the junction system?
No, I understood it just fine, even beat the game. But I'm just looking at it objectively, it's a broken mess. And it's not out of the realm of possibility for them to change things, see FFII where it gives random stat-ups in the rereleases in addition to how stats are normally gained.
Something like that would need to happen for VIII if they were to remake the game.
And the most you'll get this year is a Mobius:Final Fantasy event
its not hard to understand its just stupid.
Use the best and most amount on spells to increase stats= use spells in battle reducing your stats.
Made basically every spell except healing and aura borderline useless.
I'm glad the madmen made the only thing that can salvage 8's story canon
It's the only thing that made VIII's story interesting in any aspect. Motomu realized it and did the right thing, for once in his life.
They could change it though. Look at FF7R
Yeah they could, they could make it as a bunch of bullshot trailers that aren't actual gameplay.
Why not remake FFVIII's story but better for a new game?
This game has its charm and it’s better than 13
Square knows that no one will flock to re-buy the game on modern platforms, where FF7 is one of the most popular JRPGs ever and FF9 isn't a pile of garbage like FF8. It's a shame though, FF8 had some really good set-pieces but the junction system is broken to all hell and the game goes off the rails around disc 3.
>most important ff character in KH
nobody cares
Outline for me what you'd want
Especially since the original characters favor FF over Disney.
Considering how difficult ffvii remake is becoming, I’d rather just see a straight sequel to ffviii with a new graphics engine.
Call it rinoa’s revenge for shits and giggles.
And dissidia gameplay.
You mean you nigger
VIIR's biggest problem is that they want it to be Advent Children: The Game. If they scaled it back and reused engines instead of making a brand new one for it, it'd actually be able to come out.
>dissidia gameplay
considering how S-E works currently, they'd use the NT version. Do you really want that?
there's a squenix sale currently on steam, should I get the X/X-2 remaster or DQ XI Yea Forums?
THere is?
The future monster you were fighting to prevent was your group's second in command/tactician the whole time and was manipulating your squad to her ends.
After 7 we will probably get this one next
The nt team is actually team ninja. The original PSP dissidia team is working on ffvii remake.
Wait, did they confirm that rinoa is ultimecia now?
Some say its because they don't have the code anymore.
Not in the original story, but in another played by larpers.
NT is only a thing for 3v3 pvp combat. If they make dissidia gameplay for an exclusively single player game then it would no doubt be more like 012's. There's no reason to limit it to something less than that.
I'm holding out for more FF8 stuff in XIV for Shadowbringers beyond a Gunblade user.
The thing about nt is that you can actually play 1v1 in private lobbies.
Problem is the balance goes to shit if you do. Love the look of the game though.
Not him but
>even beat the game
That's not exactly hard to do. Equip enc-half until you get enc-null. Equip enc-null and now even my 4 year old son could probably beat the game.
The junction system and GF stat system is actually pretty good. Far better than the esper system and a fuck ton better than the skill system. Held back only by the limited availability of command slots (which I guess is typical) and the fact that decades later people still don't know refining of magic exists.
Square doesn't care about FFVIII. Just accept it and move on.
Source that’s hilarious
The game was primarily made for 3v3 that's why 1v1 in that game is shit and plays nothing like 012.
Sunstone guy, I don't remember his name, he does the lesbian bondage orgy wedding comic.
This explains why Squall is so anti social
Post more
it's easy, it's a shit game
Anyhow they're either preparing for a better re-release, have lost the game data which means that an HD remaster is quite literally impossible (and is the likely scenario given that this is Square), or that they're pants on head retarded.
8 despite the memes sold better 9, 12, 13, 13-2, LR, and sold more than the entire tactics series combined.
On steam it's sold better than 9 (but less than 7) and has more people playing it per day on average despite being released 6 years ago.
In Japan, Squall is more popular than Zidane and 8 is liked more than 9
So it's either happening or Square is retarded. And even if it did happen Square would still be retarded.
This isn’t my Yea Forums anymore.
This is the last one, sorry.
ITs not though. Or maybe you have shot taste
At the very least. People don't pretend to list "issues" anymore.
I haven't heard "ass-pull" in years ever since people started getting dumpstered when they attempted that nonsense.
So an RPG with a school setting and relationship drama.
So original.
Not it’s really not
>annoying protag
>story that's nothing special or unique
>long, unskipabble GF summons
>no penalties for abusing GFs
>Broken Junction system
>Magic are items
>Slow paced battles and overall gameplay
>Overworld is too big and filled with empty space
>High random encounter rate in vanilla
but hey, at least graphics were good for its time, OST was good as well and Laguna was interesting
8/10 - Funny, but the last frame isn't needed at all.
Well you already have teenagers and summoning.
You can’t skip the summons because of BOOST.
It’s harry Potter the jrpg.
>annoy prot
>and Laguna was interesting
I don't get why people say this. His story comes in bad pacing, like when you're on a mission and then everyone just has a dream. And there are holes that they don't answer. Such as if he was president, why did he have to be so distant from his son and couldn't even raise him? If Raine was still alive when he became President, why didn't he send for her? The whole orphanage thing in general is a pretty contrived, and Laguna is directly responsible for it.
Putting this out there to silence the bullshit that comes with every FFVIII thread.
Squall is not a flat protag, he's got subtle character development throughout the story and were it not for the bad orphanage reveal I think the game would be less scrutinized and better received.
It’s like he and I are one.
He goes from being anti solcial to accepting these peopel who he is stuck being with
What a silly mechanic. My favorite is when you use Alexander I think it was, and you can max out the boost long before the actual summon ends.
Spoony honestly ruined the perception of this game. The story is there, everyone latches onto and uses his shitty meme review as a launchpad for discussion, tainting it.
More than that, he actively begins to care about them and in doing so opens himself up to once again being hurt, something he had closed himself off from because of Ellone
Would the Squall of Disc 1 jump out of a Alien Space ship to save Rinoa? Probably not.
Fisherman’s horizon was maximum comfy.
Shit, I need to play the game again. Easiest way to do that?
OST is pretty good. Only niggers disagree
I love these things. In order
Tidus? Regardless. An opinion. Character development wasn't poor.
time travel, astral projection, possession, succession being boring is an O P I N I O N
>broken junctions
Junction system is factually linked to progress in either game or level and impossible to bust open due to stat junction GF limitations until a quarter through disc 2 or through abuse of TT
magic being consumables is not inherently bad
>slow battles
quickest fights (sans the final boss) in post 6 series. The final boss is the longest sans Battle of Aeons against Aeons that dodge literally everything you do
>high encounter rate
Flat out lie. The random encounter rate was roughly 1-2 per screen. In the largest screens it could rarely hit 3. Overworld even before flight has access to cars.
In order
>distant from his son
Whom he didn't know he had? He wasn't with Raine when she died.
>Why didn't he send for her
He directly sent her to Raine. Who then went missing but was in actuality sent to the orphanage. If you'll also remember. Esthar is HIDDEN from the outside world. So it's not as if like 7 year old Raine is ever going to be able to find her way back there.
I think the junction and magic system could easily be solved if the stat boosts wasn't tied to the amount of magic, but rather the grade of magic. As it is if you have 50 curaga junctioned to your HP, every time you use curaga your max HP will lower. It really discourages you from using any of your powerful magic, so you end up using summons a lot of the time and boosting the damage on them which is kinda of shitty because of the time sink. Instead, just have it where curage gives you a flat boost to your HP that is greater than cura which is greater than cure. That way you still need to conserve it so you at least have one, but at the same time you can actually use curaga without fucking your max HP.
they can't even remake it easily, they lost the source code for it
considering its the least liked FF they see no reason to waste the resources to remake it also
PS1 emulator.
The OST is the best part about the game.
Is it on steam?
*7 year old Ellone
>you can max out the boost long before the actual summon ends
Theres enough time to max boost every summon as far as I can remember.
The steam version is good if you fix the music.
Steam version. Currently I know of a few modders are using that Gigapixel AI program to upscale the backgrounds FFVII and FFIX, and I assume someone is going to do it for FFVIII but I just haven't looked into. Pic related is a comparison for FFVII.
also see it's not Alexander you're thinking of. It's Eden. And boy did this shit take forever. It's not as long as Sephiroths supernova. But it's long as piss regardless. If it wasn't for how late in the game you get it, I'm pretty sure most people would opt right the fuck out of it.
Did I meme right?
Final Fantasy Mobius, Phone game with actual production value
it has/had an FF8 event in JP
You and all the other fags are highly exaggerating the stat decreaee when you throw a few spells. Then there's multiple ways to get the spells back. When going for a mage you also only need hp/vit/magic/reflex junctions. You can ignore the others, freeing up alot of spells. Then there's Rinoas second special, giving you free casting.
Only autists that always need max in everything, who keep the most strongest items and don't even use those on the final boss, and idiots who didn't understand how junctioning/level scaling works habe problems with 8. And unfortunately the lowest common denominator is fucking retarded.
Just look how much zoomers are crying about Mr. X in REmake 2. The junctioning system would completely overload their brain.
No because FFX is worse than FFVIII. I mean, when was the last time anyone ever made a FFX thread? FFVIII is just polarizing while FFX doesn't even inspire anyone to praise it or shit on it.
>tfw went to Distant Worlds and they didn't play this
Man they played fuckall, 50% of the songs were FF7 like, we get it
>are highly exaggerating the stat decreaee when you throw a few spells.
People do that a lot. For instance. Early on Cura (and later Curaga) goes great on health. But you need to cast about 30 of the fucking things to lose enough health that you lose an entire soakable hits worth of damage
Oof. I'm sorry for that. Tell me they had Saber's edge at least. Hearing that changes your perception of reality
I'm genuinely mad they skipped this with their switch ports, its literally the only game past 6 I can't get a decent version of. Either have to emulate it some day or somehow fix the broken PC port
Christ I love a good prerendered background.
How would this work with the FMV into gameplay scenes?
>annoying protag
With your very first line you showed how muvh of a retard you are. Squall easily has the best character progression in all FF history.
>>long, unskipabble GF summons
>>no penalties for abusing GFs
You disarmed your argument a single line later yourself. Idiot.
Rest is straight up stupid as well, not gonna bother going into more detail of how much a fool you are.
Is there a rendition of Sabers Edge or do you mean the normal battle theme
they played FANGS THEME of all things, why is there even a rendition of this? I'm one of the 5% that actually got a lot of enjoyment out of the 13 games, especially the music, and they pick this one literally who theme
there's a rendition of Saber's Edge that I heard. It's pretty good.
This is a good question. I haven't actually played any of them yet because I was waiting for them to get a little more refined and tested out first, so I don't know. The FFIX mod is called Moguri Mod and the FFVII mod is called Remako, though there could be others. They are both fully released, and look fine though.
We’ll thats it?
Oh my
so that's why the faces are so fucking horrible
Don't remind me about the fact that he doesn't show up in KH 3
>7,9 and 10 all have at least one titty monster
>8 has standard and small breasts only
It all makes sense now.
Nobody show ups in KH3 besides OC and inconsequential Disney.
>I'm one of the 5% that actually got a lot of enjoyment out of the 13 games
You're one of the 5% that's actually played the entire trilogy.
Could be worse. I remember kh series starting and being super hyped about the idea of visiting midgar, balamb garden and lots of other cool ff worlds.
Shoddy, dude.
It's ok. Nobody from FF shows up in KH3. What the fuck were they thinking?
Man that would be amazing to be honest and it's about time we got more Square side. But Nomura is super salty now
About the same thing they were thinking when they scrapped the engine halfway in
"were fucked"
How would more varied worlds than just Disney stuff and OC be worse than completely removing all things FF?
It has cute butts to make up for it
That's the thing. They warn't
Someone showed me what FF8 looks like with HD filters to increase the resolution and it's fucking awful. Everything looks like somone's very first Maya 3D project. Balamb Garden looks like it's made out of fucking plastic. Everything looks plastic. It's so bad.
It's a ps1 game user
>He goes from being anti solcial to accepting these peopel who he is stuck being with
and then heads over heels for some THOT out of the blue.
and yet a better love story than what XV shat out.
Worse in regards to how disappointed you can be. By the time kh2 turned up I accepted it was probably never going to happen but still looked up the world lists with every new game.
Rinoa is pure user
I can see that. I would want to go places I knew I had visited in the games themselves, but I'm sure the worlds would be very restrictive of where you could have gone.
Yeah if you're willing to look up Roses and Wine. A lot of backgrounds in FF8 were outright nasty to look at but this mod really does a huge service in fixing that. I would strongly suggest looking it up.
Arendelle is such a useless world man
What in the actual fuck
>Roses and Wine
Mind pointing me to the website? Google result brings up a forum post from like 2012.
A pure witch
>No FF characters in KH3
I’m still mad bros
What the fuck
Yeah unfortunately that might be it, it's been a long time since I downloaded it myself. Should still work none the less. forums.qhimm.com
Oh well what I was referring to was a new algorithm for upscaling that just came out recently. I've seen some of the older stuff, and it's alright.
It does work
Though to be frank the only real reason to use the PC port over emulating it is so you can play that frankly terrible pocketstation game
>>Annoversary is this year and nothing
You haven't been keeping up much with Final Fantasy news have you?
Also Squaresoft lost the source code for VIII a long time ago which is why they have absolutely jack going for it in the long run other than the odd reference, character, name, enemy or music piece in their newer games.
What makes you say that
It’s such a shame. 8 is my favorite out of that era of FF. It’s janky but has heart. I still hold out hope they will do something for it at some point.
Level scaling, and the ass fucked broken mess junction and GF system would need to be trashed, and at that point they would need to re-build the entire game from the ground and hope they come up with something functional this time before it could be re-released.
I don't see them putting in the effort, and to be honest 8 wasn't anywhere near as popular as 7, 10 or even the 13 games to make this worth it.
VIII remake will be a big deal but they need to do VII first
He is one of the greatest protagonists in the series, maybe even the best. I will die on this hill.
When you have grandchildren
>playing VIII Remake in 2060
lose the X and put in VI
>wanting an 8 remake by nu-suare-nu-enix
top kek
actually, lose IX and put in VI
>you will never explore your beautiful acaddamy with this music playing for the first time again
>actually fucking with Blue Mages
Guessing nobody played XI or XIV, those blue bastards are flat out C R A Z Y
As you've mentioned though, level scaling makes the game just Wtf. Literally carding every mob to get enc-null and a few decent junctions like strength and +% strength and you walk all over the game with just squall. The level scaling is nonsensical and puts you quickly on a negative power curve.
I loved FFX when I was younger, but I tried going back to it just a couple of years ago after all that time, and the linearity of it really bothers me now in a way it didn't back then. It's just too glaringly linear even if so many other things about it are good.
FFVIII remains my favorite FF.
You don't get it.
This is FF9 with some mods.
>and puts you quickly on a negative power curve.
Untrue. Level scaling as in tactics puts you on a literal negative power curve because the gear available for purchase doesn't reflect the level of the enemies you random into.
In 8 the level scaling comes with two boons
1) The m-stones you get increase
2) the ap you get increases
As the scaling occurs over time the intermittent power increases are met with equally with gains to the player. Upgrading from m-stone pieces to magic stones to wizard stones. And by proxy from basic -e spells to -a spells -ga spells. On top of that. Stronger enemies have stronger magic that can be drawn from them (often anyways). Which combined with the additional AP you get per encounter lets the game scale comfortably.
If you enc-null, you flat out outscale the challenge from the word go. Bosses continue to fight you from a level 1 level even though you have junction capabilities to full stats and have access to stronger spells and weapons. The scaling in VIII ONLY lets the enemies keep up with you. The difficulty increases that occur on top of that is from nothing other than the fights being designed to be harder.
and this is FF8 with the same mod. It looks horrible. I'd rather play the original pixilated graphics over this plastic nonsense.
that looks fucking hideous
Do you breathe paint?
oh and I forgot to mention that while many random encounters scale up most bosses have LIMITS.
With the exception of the few GF fights and obviously the supper bosses like both weapons, every boss in the game up to and including Ultimecia have a hard limit on their stats.
Ultimecia, the final boss in the game, can't scale higher than level 65. Do you wonder why that is, user?
I guess I can see this happening but nu Square can't put out games as fast as they used to so we will all be dead by the time it does happen
I honestly appreciate the combat system, but yeah the story, characters, and world kind of suck. It was a;sp the first time getting an airship doesn't feel special at all in an Final Fantasy -- it's literally just quick travel.
Name a more beautiful moment in gaming.
>It was a;sp
I mean it was also*
Name a comfier FF song.
There are way more 8 threads than any other FF though, unless you cpunt Tifaposting. Guess that means 8 is actually the best?
Did Squall cuck Seifer or did Seifer cuck Squall?
Why do they render Squalls face like that now? He looked way manlier in the original game and artwork, pisses me off as a FF8 fan
FF characters would not have fit anywhere in KH3's plot
Seifer and Rinoa were never an item. And frankly given that his life's goal was to be a sorceress knight and Rinoa would never have found out she was one if it wasn't for the events of the game, they never would have been an item.
I found it linear even back then, but I still liked it. Luckily there were enough other things I liked that greatly offset it. That's why I didn't find it that bad when I went back to replay it on my Vita. Actually, the portability even helped with grinding blitzball. Maybe I will replay it on the Switch too one day.
One relationship ended and another began. Seifer might feel like a cuck, but he isn't one.
He may have cucked Cid if Ultimecia controlling Edea compelled Seifer to fuck her.
That is wrong. There are more FFVII threads by far, especially because it actually has a remake coming that most people are fretting. Then it would be either FFVIII because its very polzaring or FFVI, and finally FFIX gets a thread every now and again. FFX doesn't really do anything well to be remembered by. FFX-2 might get brought up more than FFX.
Have literally never seen a 7 thread that wasn't waifuposting or a 9 thread in general.
You think that's bad? His fucking jacket gets tinier and tinier with every rendition and his v neck gets lower and lower. Bugs the shit out of me
They absolutely were an item, it just wasn't a big deal in game and people only mention it now because "cuck" became a popular insult.
My headcanon is Nomura canned FF characters in kh3 cause of his ass pain over FF versus, he even added a discount Noctis
And Square lost the source code but are supposedly trying to work out a way to fix this, I do think in the near apocalyptic future when FF7 remake comes out they should remake 8
Cuck has nothing to do with it. Rinoa may have felt something but he romantically cared for her as much as he was romantically involved with Fujin. I.e; not at all
He watched too much tv and fucked up his idea of love because of Laguna's ridiculous films.
the faggots and s o y boys who cant understand junctioning cried so loud that square took them seriously. never capitulate to lefties, rul enumber 1.
It was more tedious than confusing.
Just searching for the subject of "ffvii" returns 152 results on the archive. Searching "ffviii" only returns 16. Seems like you're a newfag that needs to lurk more.
They literally lost the source code.
When square got bought out by Enix interns sorting through filling cabinets found the code and threw it out, thinking it was backed up elsewhere.
This was back when Square kept their code on printed paper still.
Yes, Japan is a surprisingly backwards company when it comes to office work, they still use fax machines and do everything by hand on paper.
I think hes saving square enix stuff for KH4
KH3 had no square character (except moogle)
But KH4 is already confirmed to have twewy and Verum Rex worlds
I think verum rex will be its own game
Q=U has more evidence than R=U though.
Fuck I hated that
Source your claim. The game says they dated, The Ultimania says they dated. They dated.
I was a big fan of Selphie's little victory dance.
The company lost the source code. Look it up.
They literally lost the source code, and going off of sales figures we're more likely to get an FFXI expansion or FFXI classic server than FFVIIIR
Why does Seifer get off so easily and just goes back to hanging with his friends? I felt that was super duper gay.
>The game says they dated
No it doesn't
>Rinoa: I...really liked him. He was always full of confidence, smart...
>Just by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world.
>Selphie: Your boyfriend?
>Rinoa: I don't really know. I... I think I was in love. I wonder how he
>Selphie: Do you still like him?
>Rinoa: If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it. It was last summer...
I was 16. Lots of fond memories...
You could MAYBE infer it even though she was unsure of their relationship status.
>the ultimania says they dated
Where? I don't see it anywhere
I gave you a direct game quote and one of the only times she talks about Seifer. Feel free to sort YOUR sources
He was mind fucked by a sorceress. Can you really hold that against him? Odine (that's what his name was isn't) was let off after Adel gets launched into space and he was an asshole.
I thought it was implied that he joined her of his own volition, that was his romantic dream or whatever.
His dream was to be a sorceress knight and while they never implicity go on about how much she fucked him up. He goes from raiding a building to smiling like an idiot and waving goodbye to his friends.
It IS clear however that he knows he's all fucked up
>Seifer: "Can't go back now! I can't go anywhere! The sorceresses as one! That is Ultimecia's WISH!"
Be the time you fight for the last time he's already been through the ringer. In every way. I figure that's good enough punishment.
>the game is broken and a shotty mess.
Square-Enix doesn't give a shit about that sort of thing, read what OP is actually asking
>Wait, did they confirm that rinoa is ultimecia now?
They didn't. All I see is 2 people doing a common pose.
Squeenix basically markets Ultimecia as the main chick of FF8 and Squall's direct rival now anyway so there's your tits I guess
The best present FFVIII can get is to be left alone by a company that has little to do with the original game. Thank god it is the least likely to get a remake.
>Main character is the most important Final Fantasy character in Kingdom Hearts, yet doesn’t show up in KH 3
Cloud is more Important and even he shows up for a 2 second Cameo in Olympus Colusseum in KH3 you fag.
>Thank god it is the least likely to get a remake.
Ah you get it. But that said, if they didn't throw out the code like a bunch of idiots. An updated remaster would have been nice. Such a shame.
Wish he wasn’t in KH3
>Yes, Japan is a surprisingly backwards company when it comes to office work, they still use fax machines and do everything by hand on paper.
Not that backwards honestly. You're a Japanese game company in the 80's and 90's. You just finished a game. What do you do with those HDD with your games source code and game assets? If you want to save them, you have put them into storage. So some closet right? Remember, you've made hundreds of games by 2000. So now you gotta rent out a bloody warehouse somewhere.
Alternative, you can just wipe the HDD and use them for your new projects. This is the most economical approach. Keep in mind they had NO IDEA they would re-release these games. They weren't thinking for the future. You release a game you are DONE. It might get a port a year later. No one was thinking of re-releases 20-30 years later. And even if they didn't specifically wipe the HDD they just got lost over time. So it's entirely possible these will be found later on in storage rooms and in offices. Seriously I don't get how the idea of not keeping the original game files is so alien to people. From their point of view they were done with the game the second it got released in stores and the idea of needing to re-release every game you have ever made wasn't a thing back then.
Also there is only ONE GAME that I know of where assets were kept and that's bloody RE:0. No, not remake, Zero, the one no one wanted. 3D assets were saved, so they made proper HD version of the game. It's the only 2D/3D game that I can think of that has an actual HD port. The rest are just low resolution backgrounds upscaled.
>horrible faces
What's horrible about them? They're pretty fucking good if you ask me.
You was
I dunno why Square-Enix and Sega are the only ones that get criticized for not holding original assets for all games they made decades ago as if everyone else does that.
>Cloud is more Important
He shared the center stage with Squall during their defense of Hallow Bastion but what did Cloud do that was more important than Squall? He's the very first person you meet when the world gets destroyed. Is the one who teaches you about keyholes, where heartless comes from, gives you Simba, houses pinocchio, and does helps do shenanigans to get that program to tron.
Inversely the only thing Cloud does is show up in the Arena, works for and then pisses off hades, and helps out in the aforementioned defense of Hallow Bastion. Like Clouds story in both games were self contained while Squalls affected the meta narrative.
Please feel free to correct me on any of this user. It's been quite some time since I've played 1 and 2.
square realized what a piece of shit it was, no wonder they didn't even bother porting it to newer platforms
Not really Leon is the most important
>square realized what a piece of shit it was
They probably haven't
Actually the first person you meet is Cid but you are right
change 2 to XV, and then we got a deal.
games not broken at all, it's mechanics are brilliant
people are just used to having max stats, the game lets you powerplay without grinding if you-re smart, and lets you just have fun with it without having to max spells all the time either
all it needs is an update localization with a few key points explained a bit more story wise
I consider doing this, then I remember at least the fishing was fun in xv
yeah ff10 was good, theres just very little reason to go back to it beyond revisiting the characters
Id like to play ff9 to completion for the first time
the shitty card game and slow ass battles threw me off completely, didnt even make it beyond disk 1
>is so alien to people
In suda's own words
>"Capcom seems to be very good about keeping its original games and then updating them and remaking them like it has done with the Resident Evil series," Suda said.
from that same article
>While at BitSummit, I talked to another dev who worked at a famed Japanese arcade game maker, and according to him, that company was known to chuck old cabinets, games and docs that it didn't think were worth storing.
So while you are right and people hold companies to impossible standards. It is always going to be a major bummer. Especially when companies existed that DID have long term foresight.
>theres just very little reason to go back to it beyond revisiting the characters
it has the best turn based combat in the series, along with a shit ton of side content
Ashiomi Masato?
Let me preface this by saying that I like 10 a lot. So much so that when I played it while I was out at sea on my vita. I immediately came home and played it again on my ps3 and again on my ps4. I remember showing off the opening cinematics to my cousin back in the day.
If you're counting like flat out turn based you're right. But if you mean in general, while piss easy 10-2s had more player interactivity and XIII is one of the few games where debuffs work on every single boss in the game.
>a shit ton of side content
Not exactly. There's lots of places with one-off encounters sure. Blitzball and chocobo racing? Why not. But actual optional dungeons FF3 (and to a lesser extent, FFVI) style? Surprisingly very few.
Just Cavern of the Stolen Fayth which is a near one way encounter and the Omega Ruins.
Hmm. I guess if you count backtracking for weapons that certainly fits the bill. The story changes a bit if we count dark aeons, naturally but even among that I'm pretty sure X-2 has more shit to do and explore despite being infinitely shorter and shittier
No FF in KH3 was a mistake
I'd hope that final mix fixes it but I don't know how anybody could fix that in the constraints of a FM
I’m not sure if the final mix can fix it
I doubt a final mix DLC can change that.
Since to add nearly all the FF characters, they would need to create a new (as in new to KH3, not the series as a whole) world.
It's such a weird omission since they name drop Cloud within the first 10 minutes of the game so it's not like they retconned them out entirely.
Dude even Radiant Garden was omitted
Like I said. It's most likely a probability that they just ran out of time.
Because SE doesn't give a shit about any Final Fantasy games that aren't f2p mobile shit that they can keep milking for microtransations or FFXV that they can keep milking for DLC anymore.
>or FFXV that they can keep milking for DLC anymore.
Square cancelled all planned FFXV Story DLC except for episode Ardyn.
Source: A livestream from SE on FFXV's 2nd anniversary.
Probably because it came out right after the mega-hit that was FFVII and they're forever sour that it didn't manage to outshine it as they hoped it would.
It's the same reason you never hear Disney so much as mention their animated features that failed to exceed their expected returns.
Further proof. They don't even care about XV anymore. Single player AAA FF is done. The VII remake will be DLC-ridden episodic trash and we'll probably never get another true single player FF after that. 15 games isn't a bad run though so I'm not complaining.
The NPCs very loudly telling you how Seifer isn't in Twilight Town every 2 minutes really make it feel like executive interference. Remember every version of Olympus Coliseum had a new Final Fantasy cameo in it too.
Hard to believe the last good FF game was a fucking MMO that had to be rebooted because version 1.0 was THAT BAD
>XIII is one of the few games where debuffs work on every single boss in the game.
Sure, but in FFXIII buffs and debuffs are almost as obligatory as FFXIV.
It's not even a matter of understanding it. It's just aged badly. It was a risk at the time and people who paid attention for more than 3 seconds could catch on to it pretty easily, but people don't have the patience for something basic like magic being treated in the way the junction system treats it, because it's so different from other FF games
Plus they probably don't know how to remake the more complicated combat system, hell they're already having problems with remaking FF7's and that's an extremely simple system
Yea Forums is the only place that hates X honestly. X remains really popular in spite of the maymays.
Indeed but it doesn't change the novelty. That on top of the fact that some boss/marks were vulnerable to just left field shit was also nice. It's one of the few FFs with an equipment system so god damn obtuse that most people ignore it altogether and yet was the most mandatory for smoothing out the experience by using it.
It also has the singlest worst final dungeon in the series including every single spinoff.
Run Squall! She's going to do naughty things to you!
Why the fuck would Square Enix not allow their own characters, hell characters that Nomura himself designed, to appear in KH3?
>people who paid attention for more than 3 seconds could catch on to it pretty easily
You kitten? The biggest complaints that everybody ever uses because of the spoony one is not understanding junctions and how you had to draw 99 magic from every single enemy and other such nonsense.
Anyways "so different" is a bit of a misnomer as MP didn't even exist for several installments and each game wildly played differently from each other. Customization of the kind that's now expected didn't really exist in its current form until 5 (arguably 7). Skipping over 6's garbos esper system.
That title used to come with the expectation that you'll never know what you're getting. Which is why it's always funny when I hear people spout nonsense like how IX is a return to form when the only game it has any kind of relation to in structure is 4 (but not even as 4 has a revolving door party)
He's could've just stick with Quistis although she was old. I feel sorry for Squall when he ends up with 2nds from his Rival
Because in spite of everyone whinging about the junction system, they seem to forget that the story was the equivalent of 6 KH games of bullshit rolled into one FF. The writing starts with a ton of promise, but goes turbotarded when you hit disc 2 and beyond.
Why would you think Square Enix and not Disney
imagine being as stupid as this nigga
I have no clue why the current popular thing to say is that it gets worse after disc 1. As in I quite literally never heard a reasoning for it.
Especially in a series that starts with a man who gets 'killed' but is actually sent to the past and sends 4 fiends to the future which sends him to the past. And 4 is so batshit insane that I can't even easily summarize it.
Wich FF class does Selphie represent?
>And 4 is so batshit insane that I can't even easily summarize it.
Moonman controls a half breed moonman who controls a kingdom in order to gather crystals to allow the Moonman to take over the world.
Good enough?
Do you really need reasons why it gets worse?
Let's start with them somehow knowing each other and Edea because they were at a fucking orphanage together, but GFs conveniently wiped their memory - didn't fucking stop any of them using GFs thereafter, because it was a bullshit plot point.
Seifer is somehow aware of Ultimecia. How? Who the fuck knows.
Seifer goes from death sentence outlaw, all the way down to pussy pedestalled boy trying to re-enact a fucking movie.
Squall gets turned into the greatest cuck of all time by Rinoa.
Irvine, Selphie, and Quistis may as well cease to exist. Zell still does his routine of making every situation worse.
But the thing that really ties it up neatly, is when they solve the issue with fuckin' time travel. Real nice. Game is so horribly written, it is literally KH tiers.
Kind of. But we miss the double mind control from Zemus to Golbez and Golbez to Kain, the giant robot, Rydias... growth spurt and moon whale. Oh and the Paladin job change. And how worthless Rosa is outside of getting kidnapped and being sick
It'll be the next game to get remade.
Remember when Square wanted to redo VII through IX for the PS2 back in the day? Then they almost shut down.
Based Garland
Because Nomura is still salty about FF Versus
Could Disney have had a hand in it? Either way it's really weird.
Allow me, user.
>because it was a bullshit plot point.
Man you wouldn't believe how often I hear that about Amnesia. Pic related. It's not bullshit. It's not an ass pull. And it's foreshadowed. Through both character interactions, their statements during individual segments, and literally every facet of the game.
And about the orphanage. There is only one, the one. There are hardly any others because kids in current age get sent straight to the Gardens.
>Seifer is somehow aware of Ultimecia
Why wouldn't she tell him. Especially after she revives him when you kill him and tells him to go to Lunatic Pandora. He only mentions her by name at the ass end of the game. And by then it's common knowledge by literally everybody that it's Ultimecia
>Death sentence outlaw
That was never the case. He was "rescued" by Ultimecia the nanosecond she entered the scene. And all law by Galbadia was now under her after she killed the president. That movie, specifically being the sorcerer's knight was his dream. Ultimecia warped it.
She never dated Seifer. I'd believe that they didn't so much as share a kiss if they didn't imply heavily enough that she had fond memories. see >may as well cease to exist
If you don't talk to your party members despite the fact that the party splits into individuals in almost every storied segment, each with their individual take, that's your own fault. The two+ visits to the orphanage, the concert, the ring, the rescue, did all those not happen? Quistis finding out she really only felt affection to squall through subconscious recollection? And the only thing Zell "fucks up" is revealing they are from Garden. ALL of which Ultimecia planned to destroy anyways.
So what does that even leave us? Have I missed something?
Red mage? She casts everything with slots, right?
Disney did have a hand in the game, Arandale looking at you. But I’m not sure if they had a hand with FF characters omission
Possible. So:
Selphie = Red Mage
Zell = Monk
Quistis = Blue Mage
Irvine = Machinist
Squall = Knight?
Rinoa = White Mage?
Never before have I seen someone try so hard to defend a game with a narrative so poorly construed, hats off to you Barry 2.
this is the same board that defends a speech given off by this "character":
so nothing should shock you
All of this was hand done and each post responds to each of his points.
Look if you want to refute anything go right ahead. I thought we were having a dialogue. if you want to just be "right" then by all means, I'll stop responding to you.
His KH1 version is my favorite, probably the manliest protag design FF has ever had
I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Rinoa in KH
Cloud is more important in kingdom hearts
Wrong, the last good and also most profitable FF game was actual FFXI funnily enough.
They still have about 5000 people paying $20/month and only have 1~3 man skeleton crew maintaining it.
If they released an FFXI classic server they'd easily get most of their player base back.
But SE is too retarded to do so and is perfectly happy with most of their player base to sit on buggy emulated private servers
Rinoa is a black mage given her sorceress skills in late game. I've heard Squall referred to as a magic knight, probably because of Fated Circle and Blasting Zone.
He isn’t though
Fun fact, that butt cape is from Nomura's dumb ass thinking it was some special part of Amano's drawing of Squall when it was really just his jacket tied around his waist
>I thought we were having a dialogue.
this is Yea Forums, discussion isn't really allowed
He looks like a magician
Was gonna say, Nomura probably didn't design the Dissidia NT Squall, but then remembered he had that skirt thing in Dissidia also, iirc.
I agree with you that the amnesia was foreshadowed, but it was a bit too subtle for most players and that's definitely a flaw. It also didn't really have a follow up. GF use continues, characters just kind of keep moving forward. The game doesn't really make it important enough for the player base to take it seriously, as evidenced by it being practically universally shit on as a bullshit twist with no point.
I get what they were going for, but they botched it.
I mean, you want to convince me that the GF memory loss thing wasn't a convenience pull by like 4 dialogue boxes and expository computer terminal guff, but I'm just not buying it. It's an asspull move. You can shoe horn it in to make it less of an asspull, it's still an asspull.
The orphanage will always be a meme tier move. It's not even an asspull. It's straight up crap writing.
They set it up as Seifer going with the 'matron' esque sorceress, but that quickly flips when it turns out to not be Edea? Asspull.
They literally change Seifer's tone and attitude throughout the game - he starts off cocky and arrogant (ironic, given if you Scan him in Dollet, it remarks his 'grounded nature'), but by the end of it he's a sissy trying to be a movie hero? Where the fuck does that come from? That's completely incongruent with every facsimile of his character from Disc 1.
Squall, like Seifer, gets butchered of his characterisation in the later discs. By the end he's a fuckin' sissy, and it's so bad people use it as R=U evidence.
You can talk to your party members, but the fact their dialogue is pretty much entirely optional and without substance, it lends itself to the characters being pointless.
Everything about this game screams that the narrative had multiple direction changes. The writing is garbage tiers, rivalling only FF15 for being quite such a directionless hack job of a story. I suppose the redeeming factor is that FF15 never knows where it's going, whereas FF8 knows where it's going but decides to give up and change direction at the drop of a hat.
Yes you were
Man I really like II and VIII, I guess I'll live with shit taste
That made sense in context, the AI was fucked up. Nothing about 8 makes sense. It's just not a good final fantasy game.
FF8 needs more fanart
At this point I'm convinced square somehow lost the source code to it.
They ran out of time.
KH3 reminded me of FFXIII so much when I was playing it it wasn't even funny. It really had that same "We ran out of time so we trimmed all the fat we couldn't finish attaching in time so this is what you get" feel to it. It's the same reason there's no coliseum and there's no Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion.
Hell the memory lost shit was literally told to you not 5 minutes into the game if you actually bothered to look in the school panel also saw the information about GFs
Using laughing images in the modern year is how you only get troll responses . No one takes the b8 in a serious way anymore
I agree user. They got drunk on 7's success and couldn't figure out wtf to do. They went back to safety with 9 and figured their shit out by X before losing it all again. What a company.
>voiced by Hanazawa Kana
and if I couldn't find any more reasons to not like Rinoa SE found a way.
>That made sense in context, the AI was fucked up
except the same AI that was fucked up is giving the speech at the end, which kills any idea of sane people taking it seriously
The end shot of the final cutscene was going to be like the opening to tie it all together, but it was changed to when Rinoa breaks out of the Sorceress Memorial. What a waste.
Seconded. And XV for what it's worth.
I don't understand all the hate for II, since it's literally better than FFI in every single way.
I was actually damn typo
>It's the same reason there's no coliseum and there's no Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion.
Completely unforgivable in my opinion. Even BBS, the fucking PSP game, had both those things.
They had 5 years that’s enough time. As far as FF characters in the game Nomura could have just brought them as a cameo in the final battle when Yen Sod arrives and he arrives with them
>wasn't a convenience pull by like 4 dialogue boxes and expository computer terminal guff
And the fact that everybody in their recollection is how they act (to some capacity) in real life. And that Squall and Ellone being sent to the orphanage wasn't an asspull. And that Edea sending Ellone away from that orphanage because she knew she would be possessed by Ultimecia because all of his already happened. The face that you meet Ellone at the exact start of the game and she behaves how she does should be clueing everything off from the word go.
The only asspull is that there is NO way Edea would know Ultimecia would possess her unless sorceress succession also passes on memories. And they don't imply that it does.
>it's straight up crap writing
I don't see how when everything comes back to Edea, Ellone, and Laguna. The later former the backbone for everything to exist.
>Cocky and arrogant and by the end
He is still cocky and arrogant
>Seifer: "The knight has retired. I guess you could call me a young revolutionary."
>Seifer: "I've always gotta be doing somethin' BIG! I don't wanna stop. I'm gonna keep running! I've come this far... I'm gonna make it to the end,
to the goal! There's no way I'm sharing it with you!"
He had a dream and he was backed into a corner. He was manipulated harder than Will manipulated Hannibal.
>Squall gets butchered
What? He literally becomes more brave and open. And the only "sissy" moment he has is when he's venting to an unconscious Rinoa. His mentality is consistent even in disk 1 when he's harping at Rinoa about how his team feels working for a bunch of idiots.
>entirely optional
To avoid exposition overload however
>without substance
isn't true. As you've missed tons of context that would help with world building.
Frankly VIII is the case where they should have included more FORCED exposition. So that players who can't be bothered are forced to learn about the plot, regardless if they want to or not.
SE doesn't need to remake the game.
It's already perfect as it is.
I just don't know what the fuck happened. I loved the start of the game, and then it just... gradually dropped the ball. The SeeD mission is 10/10, the Timber train mission is... rough... and you kind of get a sense for the ups and downs of the game just from that time window. It has some amazing sections, and some fucking god awful ones.
I love the setting, I love the backgrounds, I love the music... but god they just glued it together incorrectly. Don't have any instant fixes. It's a real travesty.
You guys thing the FF characters will be more prominent in the next installment? Like MOM saw that disney worlds aren’t gonna cut it so he goes to Square worlds
I wouldn't go that far, they're not the same kind of game. FFI is great for what it is, and I would really love a remake with all the modern FF classes added plus a larger world. This one should have gotten a DS/3DS remake before III or IV
>If they were to remake it, it'd have to change it's stats system and how battles work from the ground up.
Yea, a remake.
It is
Making Seifer into a hyperbole of himself isn't really.. development. It's more like the writers were changed out mid run and the new writers got told 'arrogant guy', and they went ham with it.
And, yeah, they do a really shit job of tying together Laguna and Ellone with... just about everything else.
>What? He literally becomes more brave and open.
He's not more brave or open though, we only really see any of that based on his thoughts. His actions and they way he talks with people are disjointed thoroughly, and to anyone actually interacting with Squall, he'd be a headcase. Because, if you take away his thoughts, at the start of the game he's "that guy that doesn't want to talk", and by the end, he's the edgelord that interjects constantly to remind people he's a loner, but then goes chasing Rinoa like a lost puppy.
>exposition overload
They didn't know what to do with half the cast, and that's not a problem they fixed in FF9 either.
XV should just never be mentioned again. Eventually people will forget it existed.
I do like this game don’t know why it’s so hated
He shows up in KH3, during the dive to heart opening where you have to pick answers for questions, there’s a portrait showing his face
That’s more than he deserved, being part of the worst FF of the golden era.
Everything isn't a jagged mess, pixelated and blurred in the last screenshot so it looks like shit.
Fixed it for you
>Annoversary is this year and nothing
Gunbreaker Job in FFXIV. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the anniversary but still
>hyperbole of himself
It's not that. At the end the entire reason he even goes that deep is because he's too deep to stop or redeem himself.
>Seifer: "Can't go back now! I can't go anywhere! The sorceresses as one! That is Ultimecia's WISH!"
And so because he's got nowhere to go he smashes that double down button. There's a big change in Seifer for the negative. The game makes a point to address it through his friends.
Fujin: "POSSE... We are. We always will be. Because we're a posse, we want to help you. Whatever it takes to fulfill your dream, we're willing to do. But... You're being manipulated, Seifer. You've lost yourself and your dream. You're just eating out of someone's hand. We want the old you back! Since we can't get through to you, all we have now to rely on is Squall! It's sad... Sad that we only have Squall to rely on... Seifer! Are you still gonna keep goin'?"
>he's the edgelord that interjects constantly to remind people he's a loner
Only once, and only when they're talking about Seifer's supposed "execution"
Which itself was an outburst of all the emotions he unhealthily kept bottled up
The only times of more than normal emotion he shows are
1) When he's happy that the base team survived
2) During that concert
3) Facing off against Seifer for the last and next to last time.
4) When Rinoa is unconscious
5) When he rescues her both times
Frankly Squall is the least egregious when it comes to his personality. You should be directly fire to Rinoa. Who if it wasn't for her importance to a plot would be nothing more than a tool for Squalls character development.
>a problem they fixed in FF9 either
The only FF where all party members (sans one and you'll know which one soon) are equally important is 10. Every other FF renders 1 or more character to their "character ark" and then shitstomps them into unimportance. Actually you could say that 13 arguably counts too.
>and it’s better than 13
What isn't? The only mainline game worse than 13 is 15
But you forgot
Unpopular opinions.
I don't like 3 and consider it worse than 13
>that song
I have never reached for the mute button fast enough before
That's fine as long as you acknowledge how ass 13 is
Shit taste. Eyes on Me is the best song in the franchise, it's the main reason the soundtrack is so acclaimed.
I consider 13 a flawed game. But, I like every game in the series to varying degrees with the exception of 15. Like I didn't "hate" 13 and I would easily replay it as much as the rest of them during the odd series replaythrough.
Because despite all of it's faults, and there are quite a few of them: The localization, the pacing, the characters that aren't Sazh (ironically as he's the comic relief) auto battle handling literally the first 9 hours of play, the linearity of the crystarium until 20+ hours in, the reskin "super" boss, the worst final dungeon in the series, all backlog being stuck in datalog which while I understand WHY that is, I still don't like it
Despite ALl of that. I still consider it a game worth playing for people who like the series.
This certainly didn't hurt either
I wouldn't go that far, but it was a good song. My favorites are the opening and the landing with so many others.
Eyes on Me was just the icing on the shit cake that was FF8's poorly written romance.
It’s a good song
You'll get his Gunblade from buying the deluxe edition of ShadowBringers
happy anniversary
Everyone did Disney nigger
the card game was fun
still to this day do not understand what the fuck the ff9 card game was
Well. I mean I'm going to. But that's aside the point
Oh, it was a fundamental difference in ideals in construction of Tetra Master. Whoever made it decided they wanted to add RNG to a card game because he's.. gifted.
Yeah we do fucking nigger
Gunblade class for FF14. That's about it.
If it was a gunblade then how come he never shot it?
>No, I understood it just fine, even beat the game.
WOW, you beat a Final Fantasy game. Get a load of this PRO Gamer here.
Rinoa is NOT Ultimecia.
Because it has the most convoluted and stupidest plot in almost the whole of squeenix library of games, and when the only thing that beats it on that is kingdom hearts that's saying a LOT.
Noah's three staight hours of shitting on it is completely justified.
Do we all agree that the Materia system was the best?
>no lionheart/ sleeping lion equivalent with a gunblade formchange
>no metal chocobo/ fenrir equivalent with a buster sword formchange
How come everyone argues about the story? In my day, we all had our different take on it and never argued about it. That was the fun of it, everyone interpreted it differently and it was always acceptable. I wish you fags would stop turning such a great thing into a shitfest.
2nd best. Junctioning is better.
I'm simply stating a fact. You're the one whose making such a fuss about it. Why don't you calm down?
Obviously you haven't seen what I have. When they get going, it's a whole new level of retardation. They completely dissect the plot and look for flaws an whatnot. I've seen it several times and it was so annoying. Just trying to beat them to the punch.
not true. Instead of Yen Sid saving the gang at the Graveyard Cloud, Squall and co. could have come in
She is perfect.
Why not both?
What does Cloud, Squall and Co. have to do with the larger battle between light and darkness?
Your idea is literally a “need a little help? ;)” tacked on cutscene so FF fans could masturbate?
Thank God you’re not writing stuff like this, yikes
You absolute retards, the problem with the junction and magic system is not that it's too hard to understand or to min/max, the problem is the exact opposite, it's way too fucking easy. Even as a 10 year old I broke the game incredibly fast
>tutorial in the first or second town shows you how to refine Tents into Curaga
>junction to Squall's HP
>you now have more HP than all the bosses of disc 1, and are still overpowered during disc 2
Wow. Then you go to Borg Island and can just draw Ultima every now and then. Junction to strength, everything is fucked.
End game? Spam Meltdown, Aura and Hero Drinks. Don't like those strats? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FIGHT IN THE GAME can be beat by having one character with low HP and spamming square until you get a limit. The other two can revive the character if he dies.
FFVIII is the most retardedly easy game in an already easy series. Absolute shit gameplay, and I didn't even mention Boosting summons, the level scaling or refining cards. The story as everyone knows falls apart hard. Too bad because it has god tier everything else, specially music. Loved it as a child but would never ever replay it, gameplay's hot garbage, to fix it Square should just redesign the entire game around Triple Triad. Yu Gi Oh battles and shit. Now that'd be an amazing game.
Never played the game, I was a bit too old for disney when the first one came out, but cloud and squall are heroes in a sense. Don't heroes fight darkness? Also, that game seems like a mess of disney characters, I doubt a little final fantasy thrown in would matter. I could be wrong, but wasn't sephiroth, a final fantasy character, a boss in one of the games?
he looks like the crow
i love it
>the level scaling
is my only problem with the game.
They could've taken away enemy level scaling, and make some enemies really strong, such that min-maxing via junction is a requirement, that'd provide some good challenge.
Seen way more X threads on here than VIII. Maybe just different times of day?
I too was 10 when this came out and a game in which a 10 year old without any internet can cheese through the entire game making it comically easy, leading up to a one-shot of the final boss is not a fucking complex game.
>Keyblade for shitty minigames instead
Fuck KH3
The FF team were a large reason Sora is where he is fucklord. Fucking would have died in Traverse Town
>would have gotten his dick sucked
Doesn't sound so bad
Everyone knows Quistis is Ultimecia.
Because Nomura has become a more and more shit artist as time progresses. He draws all of his men like limp wristed faggots now. Compare the OG Cloud to the most recent one he did for the remake it's garbage
Seifer smashed that tight pussy and probably gave Angelo a good boy head pat afterward
how the FUCK are you even supposed to read this thing
>vertical panel clearly goes first
>speech bubbles are left to right
>bottom two panels are left to right I guess?
thanks for the aneurysm user
I still think it's weird his old design was Lion based
>tfw no chainsaw blade formchange
>junction to Squall's HP
You dumbass. Your HP is high but you don't get access to full party vit junction until disc 2. Your health being nothing more than squishy padding that stops you from full power limit breaks.
>borg island
You won't be going here unless you've already played the game before.
You need to kill bahamut or cheese triple triad to get 99 of these.
The same
>hero drink
The same this time with the Laguna card
Fuck you can't even get a hero drink in normal play without refining Laguna's card. You have to refine a hungry cookpot, mog's amulet, a rosetta stone, or dark matter. None of these things are in quantities that you can do this easily
So the only thing you got "kinda" right is that you can junction curaga to hp. You absolute unit
What did Laguna fuck a Moomba? What a nightmare
did they fuck?
>They had 5 years that’s enough time.
You're talking about Square Enix, the company behind Final Fantasy XV, a game that's been in development for 13 years and still isn't finished. There's no such thing as "enough time" for them.
I really, really, really hope not.
Oh shit, is there an active project where people are redoing the game environments or is that just a one-off image someone did?
>You won't be going here unless you've already played the game before.
Amazing, 10 year old me must be able to look into the future. Is this time kompression as well?
>You need to kill bahamut or cheese triple triad to get 99 of these.
You don't need 99, it's not like you're going to spam them in random encounters, just save them for bosses, you get more than enough
>The same this time with the Laguna card
I had a little over 10 from regular gameplay by the end of the game. They were more than enough to keep Zell 100% invincible during the Omega Weapon fight. Then I just spammed his Limit which BTW I also forgot to mention, if you just spam the three button moves you can keep it going for like 100 hits in a single limit break. Yet another thing to pile on top of all the broken systems in this game.
And these were all discovered by me as a kid without any guides. If I had guides I would've known which cards to refine or how to do the Quistis limit trick. There's not a single FF easier than FF8. Even Omega Weapon is retarded easy, nice superboss guys.
Every night after the story is finished. Popped out more brown hairs and a world of black hairs
Who didn't she fuck?
>You absolute unit
lol wtf do you think that word means grandpa
because it's the shittiest among the big 5
>Amazing, 10 year old me must be able to look into the future.
With the help of a strategy guide, I'd imagine. Because pulling 99 ultimas isn't something that's typically done in any first run
>you don't need 99
You need 13 alone for ultimecias castle
>I had a little over 10 from regular gameplay
Oh my so either Angelo gave you a sub 1% drop several times or you stole from seifer 7 times in the same encounter.
Not that I don't believe you. But I don't.
>for like 100 hits
You need the max crisis to even go 20. The best player recorded can hit each step in 0.03 seconds. Which I doubt that's what you're potent at
Lastly Zell isn't even the most broken thing in that game that you've looked up. It's Irvine. He gets 9999 shots at max on his limit break and you can spam them as fast as you can pull the trigger. You silly goober.
Some bosses drop heroes. It's not the only invincibility item either.
Poor Zell dude turned out to be a sperg when he got older
You mean effect. The other one comes as a random effect from Angelo and can't be relied on.
>some bosses
You'd have 3 at the end of the game, user.
>people complain about difficulty
>difficulty similar to most JRPGs when played like a normal person who hasn't played it before
>breakable difficulty if you take advantage of certain things just like most JRPGs
The only difference here is that the game has a fun card game that makes it more enjoyable to break the game with, leading to a higher chance of breaking it on your first run. My only caveat with the game is that magic feels too weak to use which is further aggravated by reduced stats when using up your spells.
>best protagonist
>best OST tied with FF VI
>best girl: Quistis
>best cast
>best weapon
>best Limit Breaks
>god tier story
>GODTIER setting
>Ultimecia and Griever have top notch design
>incredible GF animations
>combat is good as well if you are not a braindead dumbass
My favorite game of all time by far and the best FF for sure. I also like FF V, VI and Tactics, FF X has great OST so it's good as well.
FF VII/IX and Cloudfags don't need to apply.
They also lost the rights to a song in the game, which is probably the REAL reason they're not doing anything with 8. I don't know people keep overlooking this.
That was a weird addition. Completely off from the tone of the rest of the setting, where sex might as well, and may not, even exist. But sure. Let's have a street walker proposition Sora before being brutally murdered in front of him.
If Rinoa and Selphie get someone, who did Quistis wind up with?
For the most part, the spells you have early on don't have severe DRs on your magic stat. I think somewhere into the early game you'd have to use up like 7-9 fires per point of MAG.
The real pain is early on with life unless you've drawn 99 from the president. Since you don't get easy ways to refine that for quite some time and having your allies blown away is a bit rough.
From the scuttlbut we've heard, it's likely both. The source code for the game, or rather an HD remaster could be done in post with enough time and money by using an existing copy. Your reasoning is much more likely, however
They threw away source codes for multiple games. This is the first game where that all of a suddenly matters. Care to explain to me why VIII has the only source code that is impossible to reproduce?
god i wish that was me
Rinoa is a Cuckquean and Quistis fucks Squall in a daily basis, it's cannon, user.
The best ending at all to be honest
This is the main (mostly valid) critique of FFVIII - a lot of the story / backstory isn't explicitly told to you through the normal progression of the game. A lot of random NPCs, sidequests and completely optional stuff contains a TON of useful and contexual information about things...which most players will miss.
You're right but you should be wrong.
Q=U ironically has more "plausible" evidence
>If you remade it, you would have to remake it
You don't say?
the pinnacle of graphics
which it was, but man
Why would she say that when she was looking for Seifer?
>Disc 1 + 2
>Spam GFs
>Disc 3+4
>Keep Squall + Zell + Irving in critical status and spam limit breaks
wow so deep
>that guy who's beaten FF8 multiple times and still doesn't know that Seifer's combat style, romantic dream, and wanting to be a knight are all based on Laguna's movie
Upload that strategy with omega weapon
Frankly, user spamming GFs only work if you're also using enc null. Else they'll die from hits if they are sufficiently trained.
oh shit
that guy is me
>literally the same thing except occasionally use megaexlirs and revives to survive his big attacks.
Controversial opinion
Rinoa is cute
Because the next big FF is 7, retard.
The one who got robbed was FF6.
Or they could have come with Yen Sid
Probably lost the source code of 6 too lmoal
Her being cute is probably the only positive thing about her. She's irredeemable as an actual character.
I've never heard anyone say she wasn't cute. They hate her for other reasons.
Nigger it could have been covered by Yen Sid saying he brought people that Sora May know
I don't know why but ever since I played FF8 nearly 20 fuckin' years ago that whole dance scene/sequence at the SeeD ball always gave me feels.
Everything from the music to the way everyone is dressed, to how Squall awkwardly dances with Rinoa. It all just seemed so pure, a night I would never want to end.
The worst thing is that Zack doesn't came back full buffed with his scar and all to help Aqua and get his date.
needs a no way fag edit.
Don’t do this to me man. So much wasted potential
Junctioning isn't hard to understand, it's just dumb
You'll never ever want to use any spell besides maybe Aura because they're consumable and upon consumption your characters become weaker. And the spells themselves aren't powerful enough to warrant that sacrifice either.
I never used the spell unless the boss or enemy has em
In truth you can use as much as you want within limits. Curagas and your base spells can easily be refined into. And even one offs life zombie they give you enough of when you brutalize the president that you'll be stocked from game start to game finish.
Eyes on Me was created by Square. They fucking own the copyrights which is why it has been released on other systems without any issues. Damn do you people not do your research or what?
I don't think anyone can deny the whole segment of going to space was really stupid.
Like, im not a weird fetishist. or one of those vore fags. But quistis makes me diamond hard. like wat.
I thought it was sweet, Rinoa just drifting through space and accepting her death was sad.
fuck right off, the stats/junction system are the best thing about 8, it's the reason it's still worth playing today
▲ ▲
Raijin is cute
He's dumb as hell though.
That only makes him cuter.
Best outfit coming through
I think it's because the mood of the game changes entirely
You no longer feel like you're part of an elite mercenary force, you just feel like a ragtag band chasing after an evil force to stop the world from ending. There's a moment when the feeling returns when you have the Garden battle and it's a full scale war but aside from that it degenerates more into a typical JRPG plot with a heavy emphasis on the romance which comes slightly out of left field
>refine Laguna or Gilgamesh card
>literally invincible for over 10 minutes straight
>typical JRPG plot
To be completely honest. That's a bit of a odd statement. At least in my viewpoint. The popular "teenagers kill god" thing and other such whatnot that people say codify the genre didn't exist at the time.
Like you've got your breath of fires, your final fantasies, your live-a-live and your star oceans. Lufias. Paladin Quest, Romancing Saga, every SMT, Brain Lord and I'm sure I'm missing a few like super mario rpg or non applicables like Ys. But really, what JRPG does VIII even take it's beats from? Your "grand" quest is rather insular and depends on the cooperation of all involved with compartmentalized objectives that continue to push your further and further towards the conclusion. Relatively, I don't think there's a single "where should we go next" moment.
But I'm getting way off topic
I understand your opinions and sympathize with them, user. While yes there are games where you do control a squad of goons I can see how you'd like a game that centers on the misadventures of a squad of mercenaries and actually playing the basis of the story straight for once in it's life. The reason I accept things as they are is mostly because of the foreshadowing of a much larger plot the second you see Biggs and Wedge repairing a tower and not having a clue why they would be doing such a thing. Among other events, that is.
However, in reference to pacing. I think the only games that are "consistent" in terms of pacing is 2, 3, 5, and 10.
It's much the same as 7 progressing from a vigilante team of environmentalist to stopping anime angel antichrist from blowing up the planet.
Not him but
Requires you to first get Ellone to play her, hope you're not facing her with Random, cry when she plays under Plus, and not get her. Assuming you even play against her in time.
Requires you to play against all CC members to even CHALLENGE the guy who plays Gilgamesh. I'd be surprised if anybody found Club without a guide
I wasn't necessarily criticizing the plot after Disc 1, just explaining how I feel it shifts focus a lot and why people don't like that, I still enjoy the game a lot after that point, it just feels like after the assassination attempt that you're not really doing mercenary work anymore so much as just chasing a Sorceress. I guess you can rationalize it as simply an extension of that same mission but once Cid reveals that SeeD's entire purpose was to battle Sorceresses it kinda removes the prior perception of an elite mercenary group carrying out wars that might have drawn people in during Disc 1
Oh and of foreshadowing that I forgot to mention is mostly this tidbit. On an initial playthrough you'll never know what "I'll never let you forget about me" and the other line I can make out is "Bring me back there, I am alive here." even means.
I kind of like things like that. Where the plot and the hints they leave make actual since the more times you play through.
Though I see your point and agree it'd be cool if the other was true as well
>that font replacement
jesus christ how disgusting
Oh no I understand entirely user. Like I said I can see how people could feel about that. Because it'd be a lie to say it ain't a tonal shift
Well. This was a good ff8 thread. See you next year