Why havent you played it yet

why havent you played it yet

Attached: 36769-might-and-magic-vi-the-mandate-of-heaven-windows-other.jpg (800x794, 189K)

7 is better

I already played it when it was released you zoomer.

6 is more fun than 7, even if 7 is more balanced.

hey hey people

I haven't actually played any Might and Magic games. Heroes, yes, but not M&M. Should I just start with the first one?

The first two are way too antiquated. They literally require you to draw your own maps on paper (unless you want to look up a guide online but you know, missing the point). Start with 6 or 7. You can start with World of Xeen (4+5) if you want something really old but still holding up but by all means do make sure to read the manual.

Start with M&M3. The first two games aged like milk.

I'm an autist and I need to play the first 5 first, even if the series took off at 3

Most people recommend starting with either Might & Magic 3 (2D dungeon crawlers with fixed grids and cool worlds) or Might & Magic 6 (early paperdoll 3D with semi-open worlds).
Personally i'd recommend 3 going into Worlds of Xeen (4&5 combined, or play them separately as the combined one is kinda unbalanced for the second one you play) but that's just because I vastly prefer the style of those games.

>They literally require you to draw your own maps on paper
they are bad, but not for that reason

I did not imply that was the reason they were bad

3-5 and 6-8 are different trilogies.

hey hey people

>The first two are way too antiquated. They literally require you to draw your own maps

Attached: eyeroll.gif (300x224, 699K)

But I have.

Why haven't you played Wizardry 6 yet though?

Attached: Wizardry_67.jpg (171x241, 29K)


I know but I just need to play them, are 1 and 2 bad or just not worth playing?

I never feel comfortable with my team set-up every time I try.

They're not. You'll spend more time wandering around aimlessly, dying to stupid bullshit and grinding than having any fun. In MM1 there's not even a visual interface for battle, it's all text.

I did and it was really fun.

Might and Magic discussion has never been too common despite people saying how good HoMM/MM is and me making threads regularly
t. browsing for 9 years

>I know but I just need to play them
there are like 40 games in the franchise, are you going to play all of them

You're a retard and don't know what you're talking about.
t. "browsing" for 250 years

user might've been referring to /vr/, which would be dumb since it has no bearing on what's posted on Yea Forums.

well I guess I'll play 3 then the rest
>40 games

Attached: mm.png (1389x314, 35K)

>not counting spin offs which are equally good if not better

Name one good spinoff that doesn't start with the word "Dark"

This, my Wizardry 7 playthrough ended in the character creation screen where I spent 3 hours trying to roll perfect characters and went "fuck it" and dropped the game before the first room.


Spinoff of Might and Magic, fool.
Heroes doesn't count because it's basically a mainline series on its own.

what spin offs? I only know heroes and dark messiah, that makes it around 21 games