Is it worth picking up or should I just emulate the originals?

Is it worth picking up or should I just emulate the originals?
Pls respond.

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you know the emulator will fuck up something and it'll piss you off and drop the game as you probably already did for other games

i doubt you have the rig to emulate MGS 2 and 3 to run in stable. Originals have a few extra modes but they're all just that, exta stuff. Get the collection, it looks the best and has the best performance

Since when pcsx2 good?

Definitely worth it for MGS3 which runs at 60fps, whereas it was capped at 30 with severe drops on PS2. MGS2 was 60 to begin with and the HD version has some annoying issues like codec calls having an additional 5 second pause before they start.

2 & 3 are both notoriously difficult to get running well.

it runs really well on Xbone

Nostalgia purchases are pretty dubious. You'll probably put them down after a couple hours.

i fucking hate pw but 2 and 3 are really good. well worth it buying since its probably dirt cheap

what the fuck are you talking about

I second this, OP. It runs like a dream on XB1. You can also edit controls to your liking. Worth the $8 I payed for it digital.

$15 is a no brainer.



emulate peacewalker and play 2 and 3 on your fmcb fatps2 with hdd. you do have one right?

Yes, especially on 360. They all run at 60fps unlike on PS3. They also look even fucking better on Xbox One compatibility. I think MGS2 and 3 however are missing details like less leaves in areas and stuff like that.

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Only Peace Walker is shit and pretty much unbeatable seeing as how the online is dead and some mission are fucking impossible alone. God I fucking hate that game.

Pisses me off so much that this collection is only available on ps4 if you get psnow. I'm not going to help accelerate the plans of greedy faggots who wanna turn games into Netflix.

Some user mentioned that there's some stuff missing, I forget what exactly though.

no ape escape minigame and no secret theater.

no MGS2 skateboarding, no MGS3 guy savage dream sequence, and i think they took out the codec call with snake jacking off in one of the lockers

if you got PS3, grab the LEGACY COLLEcTION instead. It has practically the entire series.

Still, the HD Collection is great. Just make sure you at least emulate MGS1 before jumping to the sequels, if it is your 1st playthrough of the series.

PW is one of the most FUN games in the whole series. Nearly on-par with MGS3.

Nothing important.

Attached: MGS Legacy collection.jpg (960x569, 144K)


>PW is one of the most FUN games in the whole series. Nearly on-par with MGS3.
while i agree, it's only good if you accept it for what it is, and how different it is from the MGS titles before it. in my first playthrough i was rushing through all the games for the first time, in order to be able to play V when it came out, so i hated the game's mission-based structure, and couldn't be bothered with sinking time into the base building stuff and building zeke. since then i've gone back and played it again at a relaxed pace, and really enjoyed it.
it also helps that the story is kino

I personally expected jack shit from PW, since I'd only played like ~1 hour of PO on PSP years earlier, and it was just awful.
Only gave PW a shot on the HD Collection back in 2012, and ended up loving it. I got some good 300+ hours clocked on my original save file, and I replayed the story alone in just under 30h a couple weeks before V came out.

I honestly consider PW to be on-par w/ the original MGS trilogy, and far superior game than MGSV. It's enjoyable all alone, great fun in co-ops, the Versus BTFO of the MGO3, and unlike 5, PW uses real deal weapons (for the most part), making it great Cold War /k/ommando porn.

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It's been years since I've played it, but I'm pretty sure I beat every mission in PW solo.

not now not ever

Yes, definitive versions right there.

is there some lategame content way past the story that you need to be online for? because i stopped playing when the story stopped and don't remember ever feeling like i was missing out for not playing online

>Only Peace Walker is shit and pretty much unbeatable seeing as how the online is dead and some mission are fucking impossible alone.
Bullshit. You can 100% beat the story, all 5 chapters, all by yourself, and with practically no "grinding" whatsoever.
Source: tested it out myself back in 2015.

The optional bonus bossfights can be a bit trickier, but even during my original playthrough, I only co-opped the 5-skull custom PW with one friend. I bet it could've been way more doable alone had I bothered to max out stats a bit more, but I'm a borderline casual when it comes to grinding stuff.

>is there some lategame content way past the story that you need to be online for
No. You can do the whole game alone, and the story missions are piss easy.

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