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New Dawn was an asset flip and cost them nothing to make

Can I continue after the story is over?.
Is the map different from 5?

How long before they realize the series is so fucking bland. When are we gonna get another far cry 2 experimentation

How was that Far Cry on Mars thing?

watch them make another far cry meme edition like blood dragon.

same map but slightly changed like Primal was for 4, the new addition are missions that take place in different areas across the US in smaller more contained maps.

Should've gone to the Epic Store and not Steam.

Somehow this looked even more boring than Primal. I guess at least Primal's setting carried the game for me for around 10 hours.

Doesn't matter, the negative reception and agenda behind this game will fuck them hard for Far Cry 6 onwards, i own ever Far Cry but am not going near this and it has fully put me off buying any Far Cry again

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This franchise is Doomed regardless of how Nig Dawn turned out.

The writers are drunk with power and are determined to turn the series into a boring movie with a bonus shitty copy-pasted game included. The plot-napping from 5 is the ultimate evidence of that.
They do not learn and are determined to put in as little effort as possible until the franchise is axed.

Now fuck off, Ubisfoft. Stop using reverse psychology to generate discussion about your latest bowel movement.

What agenda?

The villains are black women and you help Joseph Seed, retard.
Yes the writers are a bunch of s o y drinking c u c k s but this particular installment is a hack-fraud attempt at pleasing everyone at once.

Fuckin' A

god are you fucking braindead?

The Race War Agenda

You haven't even noticed all the race baiting everywhere all over the media?

>White vs Black
>Conservative vs liberal
>Left vs Right

They're desperate to collapse society and usher in police states

>I own every Far Cry
You should have stopped at 3.

Lay off the mr metokur user and go outside for once.

>Top of Charts
>Sales down 87%
maybe the market is finally oversaturated and starts to tumble down

Wasn't that the same with Primal and to a lesser extent Blood Dragon?

A perceived agenda is still bad press for them.

they do it after every numbered entry now

This flopped... but Far Cry Primal massively overperformed. Unmemorable premise made it a hard sell and and they seemed to put limited effort into marketing

This is physical sales only. Who knows if they'll give digital sales numbers.
It's still hard to believe we don't get accurate sales numbers unless they're presented in earnings reports.

Ubisoft literally thrives off of negative controversy to push games, thats why far cry 5 sold so well.

when i go outside i see nothign but bitter angry people who all have a perpetual chip on their shoulder. tribalism is at an all time high.

It's ridiculous that people fall for it every time too. With FC 4 it was the light skinned character on the cover with the brown guy that brought controversy.
I'm sure there was something with 3 as well.

Good riddance, even with the fact that I want Rayman 4 so bad. They'd manage to make him black and Globox would become a proud queer lesbian.

Rayman 4 was Origins, though.

wait what. there's a new far cry game?

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Rayman Origins/Legends are the most overrated games ever. They're really boring and easy.

Along with fucking Yoshi's Island. Fuck Yoshi's Island, shit game.

Rayman 2 and 3 were also piss easy, though.

Did primal do that to far cry 5? I hate ubisoft and far cry but you are a fucking retard

name a platformer game that isn't easy

Ninja Gaiden

does 'i wanna kill the kamilia 3' count

Ubisoft stay in business because they get subsidies from the Canadian government.