We're going home

ret pally reporting in to take all potential dps gear and chad out on everyone

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Other urls found in this thread:


WoW was and forever will be the cancer of MMOS

I literally cant wait

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It's the best we have anymore which already hurts to say

>ret pally
>taking anyone’s gear ever
Yeah maybe you’ll get your first piece of MC gear by the time everyone’s in naxx, little man

Nah all you've gotta do is be guild leader and a good enough retard wrangler that the handful of non-retards playing will stick with you. If you plan on leading a guild you really should pick a meme class so you can be the best geared pally/druid on your server.

>looking for guild
>see a guild that interests me
>notice guild leader is a special snowflake who wants 39 people to carry him

>most popular MMO in the history of time and creation is the cancer of MMOs

Stay contrarian faggot.

vanilla was the closest mmos will ever get to being perfect.

Yeah, going home in 2021

>not superior masterrace bc

enjoy your boring pve content and unbalanced pvp shitfest, cant even play the true pvp mode: arenas

I can't wait for wrathbabies and catakids to try to play ret paladins, feral druids and DPS warriors only to get absolutely shit on when they realize the specs are useless.

>We're going home
You were an abused child or something?

>ad populum
So, literature peaked with Twilight, music with Despacito and food with McDonald right?

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I’m just as excited to see retailfags and hybridfags get BTFO, but you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think fury warrior is gonna be one of the top specs

>not thinking we’ll get TBC after classic

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>get told
>post pic about damage control
A shame you're too retarded to understand irony.

You dont even have an argument. You have a subjective opinion based on your own personal (lack of) experience with the best MMORPG in history. No MMORPG was done as good as world of warcraft. It wouldn't be coming back and still be thriving if it weren't the case you massive fag. You dont like it. So what? Still the best MMORPG.

see and

For me, it's human rogue.

fuck off, classic has to stay classic. we wont accept any changes. not even addons. if you want to play addons go play retail you honking fag

Chad gnome mage reporting in

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It's not an argument from ad populum. WoW is an objectively well designed game and provided the medium for the absolute best experience in MMORPG history in classic and early expansions. Cry harder

Undead rogue here, fuck you fag

>WoW is an objectively well designed

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i love shill threads! cant wait for the next one as soon as this one archives!

shut up

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BC was the best expansion of all time and had the best PvP but arenas have always been hot garbage and one of the worst things ever introduced to the game.

Hey user what’s the 6th word in the post you replied to?

Druid chad reporting in.
>Have a blast levelling.
>Get my pre-raid BiS
>Head over to Goldshire to stick my dick in some warrior raidcuck's GF while he's getting screamed at for wiping to Onyxia

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>implying you're invited to raids

Gonna play prot pally and my goal is go get the full T0.5 set.

Back in Vanilla I started raiding at lvl 59 and never had fun with 5 mans as I was full T1 in a few weeks and raided up to mid naxx.

the only way classic can redeem itself is if they actually tune it the way it was all those years ago so every private server retard can realize how fucking broken their chink ran servers are. absolutely not going to happen though and will be a complete waste of time.

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Vanilla Paladins were so boring but man I just love the Paladin aesthetic and archetype so much.

>Implying Blizzard would pay for shilling considering the Classic team works with almost no budget and ressource

Meme spellpower warrior reporting in to need roll on your gear. Got to make sure my thunder stick hits hard.

Sorry sir, I'll make a thread about some retarded tweet right away.

WoW objectively has a bad model for sustainability with "expansions" negating previous patches/expansions completely, poor replayability because of linearized progression, bastardized stat sheets and artificial character progression tied with no ties to actual accomplishments but filling a bar. And thats just on the RPG front, the MMO part of it is an even bigger mess

Nigger Druids are basically the healer's waterboy in raids. You're the PRIEST'S bitch.

Raidcuck sighted.

>calling others cucks when you can't even get invited to raids
Lmao enjoy your blues


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You think you do, but you don't.

Raidcucky, your class officer is calling!

Real talk, you guys really need to find a lowkey guild or group of friends, because the classic community is going to pull from retail drones and private server drama spergs. Wow is hell if you have to deal with these subhumans.

You think we dont, but we do

>Night Elves in Alliance



>Giving money to Blizzard


OP here. Warriors and Rogues will get outrolled for this everytime because they dont have the power of god behind them. kek.

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How many times is that shit going to get ninjaed before they learn masterloot exists for a reason.

You can have all the gear you want, but a ret pally in classic will still hit like a bag of limp dicks.

SoC procs or reckoning bombs are the only way you’ll kill anyone 1v1. Enjoy.

What did they mean by this

Same with shamans. It really blew me away going back and seeing stormstrike has a 30 second cooldown.

shamans were op as fuck in vanilla zoom baby

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>How many times is that shit going to get ninjaed
>in "loot trading" classic
Is going to be a fucking shitshow.

it means they probably didn't start playing wow until heirlooms were added

Shamans have zero abilities that allow them to escape or improve their survival aside from easily broken or avoided totems. You're not going to get a heal off against any competent enemy. The only thing that's left is trying to out DPS them and hope that windfury actually kicks in when you need it to. Just because you got shit on because you didn't know what you were doing doesn't prove shamans are OP.

Anyways, kys dipshit.

From most pservers "blizzlike" means "no custom content".

this is true but i still miss 'nilla nonetheless

No, Auto Assault was.

someone never played vanilla lmao faggot

>ret pally

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Someone has no argument lmao

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warriors and rogues btfo

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DPS warriors are the best DPS class in the game? Are you a retard?

I always wandered, are there any good melee staves at 60? It would be nice to be able to skip out on the 2-hander talent point and put it into something else. Shamans that is.

Fucking idiot

not really, all the staves at 60 are caster based stats.

Wrong vid sorry

reminder of why rogue is the best class

This video did such a good job of showing how OP rogues really were that it actually gave rogues cognitive dissonance.

implying anybody will take a fucking ret to BRD

thats why I start the group myself posing as a healer

when wow was coming out, during the first few weeks and months, everybody knew it was the MMO for casual scum

people played DaOC and Everquest and Star Wars: Galaxies before WoW. Dumb fucking nigger kikes like you think it's the first thing to come out

>implying priests aren't literally the best class in the game

Melee players make me laff.

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i want to go back so fucking bad

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Do I remake my original femdead warlock or do I jump on the rogue bandwagon guys?

21/30 master race. I might even play again in Classic if my RL friends pester me enough.

warlocks are kind of trash desu. enjoy always getting out dps'd

Holy pally reporting in, cant wait to be unkillable with unlimited mana

sorry bud, you're a pleb and you don't even know it.

Power Infusion / rest holy is the one true way

>being someone else bitch
Just reroll druid, beta faggot.

Hybrids was not that bad. Holy paladins was actually pretty based

>literally can't decide between warrior and paladin

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>warlocks are trash quote, "because of their dps"

I thought this "raid cuck" shit was supposed to be a meme? Jesus fucking Christ

>having people literally -pay you gold- every -single- time you power infusion them so they can stroke their dumb ass dps e-peen

Bless you, my son. Bless your wretched, retarded soul.

>being a bitchboy that begs for gold
You aren't helping you case. What's next, ERPing in Goldshire for some coppers?

>my class is gud cause shekels. lmao what are you even going to spend that gold on

>thinking your depression and self loathing will magically disappear with a nostalgic fix

>implying someone who wants to play a version of the game that was good has depression because you cant help project

thats gonna be a kys for me dawg

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>No, don't cast it on him, I'll give you 10g to cast it on me!
How can one confuse getting paid to cast a spell and begging? How?

>why do you need gold?
retard alert

>>No, don't blow him, I'll give you 10c to blow me!
Dunno man, I ain't used to be poor nor a beggar. Guess you're the expert here. Do you play female nelf too?

Reminder that Star Wars: Galaxies is still dead.

Reminder that City of X is still dead.

It hurts, Yea Forums. It really hurts.

I like how you're directly equating casting power infuse and getting paid for it to sucking penis. And, by getting paid to do so, it directly contradicts the fact that I'd be poor nor a beggar.

Male undead, btw. You are such a fucking faggot this is unbelievable to me, this is awesome

>ret pally

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>RO is nothing but a p2w jejnibble abomination
Fucking WoW and fucking zoomers m8

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>you're equating providing services to providing services
Yes. Are you also legally retarded?

Reminder that the community and early/mid-2000s internet culture is what made WoW good, not the game itself.

>WoW is an objectively well designed game
Based on what empirical research? WoW is only going downhill at the moment. Not very objectively well designed as far as I can see.

Jesus Christ you're still greentexting, get a fucking hold of yourself you hysteric gay

>Shamans have zero abilities that allow them to escape or improve their survival
So like most classes? Fuck off zoomer.

4Channel should just get a containment board for vanilla fags already

Jesus Christ you're still replying without an argument, get a fucking hold of yourself you hysteric faggot who pleases old men for money.

Its funny how bc introduced the worst things of WoW yet remains a great extension, it was a great extension in spite of those things, not because of it.


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/vg/ is already a thing that they refuse to use

Type one sentence that doesn't involve homosexual actions with men.

I literally fucking said I was going to get paid a fuckton of gold to cast power infusion in raid settings and you got all pissy like a fucking 12 year old who just got her first period.
Don't get it fucked up, you little faggot

Classic release will be postponed and it's going to suck.

Horde > Alliance
Shamans > Paladins
Warlocks > Mages

This is the containment board. This is the containment board for smash, for nintendo, for sony, for vanilla and for everyone else. This is the containment board for video games. You're free to scream. It's not going to change anything.

And then in the patch immediately following this video Warlocks received Death Coil and because the most OP class for the next three expansions.

Who cares that you can gank naked with a Rogue when you can 1v3 against potentially any class?

Fuck this guy and his video forever.

As long as dual wielders are the only ones rolling on band of accuria and drakefang talisman I will be happy.

But I'm arguing with a guy who pleases men for money.

>I literally fucking said I was going to get paid a fuckton of gold to please old men
Yeah, that's my point.

you're doing the "healers are cucks" thing but you're not being ironic...

you're a fucking moron, buddy.

>I'm too dumb to follow backlinks

>rp-pvp server
>world pvp/rp events
>some casual raiding
This is peak comfy

>Genuinely could not last one sentence.

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Wow. Talk about "I was just pretending to be retarded." Fucking Christ Almighty, get a load of this guy

This entire thread is a superb argument against playing Classic, good lord, imagine a full server of these deranged autists screeching at each other.

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I could understand playing OSRS because they at least let you do so for free.

Anyone putting $15 into Modern WoW Devs' pockets to play a 20 year old game deserves death.

Are you actually retarded, kid? You're doing this whole "please men for money" thing... how is not the same thing as the "healers are cucks" thing?

Are you actually fucking braindead my dude?

But is the topic. Like I can't talk about you mom without mentioning prostitution.

>still no argument
>still defending a inferior build because you can earn some pocket money by pleasing old men with it
You are a scrub and a faggot.

wow really? its almost like every other mmo did that too lol.

I'm berating him for using a inferior build to please other players, retard. 21/30 priest is the chad class, you double retard.

>he's been this fucking dumb because he think it's "an inferior build"

why do autistic fags think that $15 is a lot of money? I literally spend twice that each day on one meal and a couple beers. I cant tell if people are just retarded or kids with no money. jesus christ

Have you ever been in /vg?
The threads are all attention whoreing trannies and absolute fucking autists.

Just avoid Yea Forums guilds. You can spot the mentally ill from a thousand miles away because they'll be playing female humans and you can spot elitist cucks from just as far because they'll be playing "based" races.


So this thread, then

So you are, factually and self-admittedly, a fucking retard. Got it.

I know my shit, retard.

>get told
>straight to shitposting
wew lad

>one of the first popular MMOs that wasn't p2w or cashshop powered

What are stuns,fear, incapacitates,ranged slow, polymorph, etc? Not to menton shamans don't exactly have a massive hp pool or platemail.


>I have aspergers syndrome: the post

Not an argument, tardo.

>using the most efficient build is autistic
Are you legally retarded?

Am I insane for wanting to go back to playing a resto druid again?

My man, you are fucked in the head. That's all there is to it.

Go paladin and level with my warrior.

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>cancer can grow cancer
you are not making any sense user

I don't get the hate for BFA. Especially considering the story.
WoW always had trash story telling.
And with BFA it's the first time they are doing something good.

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>defending against multiple people calling you retarded, for the same reason

And, to speak to your "point" -- Guy, 30 points into holy is fucking retarded anyways. Anyone worth their salt can raid heal as PI, just as or more effectively than holy.

You're so fucking wrong and retarded that I actually got up and got a drink so I could keep refreshing this page. I am enthralled by how absolutely fucking cliche you are.

OP here. Eventually I'll outroll a warrior on this. lmao warrior faggot trannies. ret pally master race

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So is the +5 skill to swords/maces a significant enough bonus to play a human warrior over a dwarf? I like dorfs.

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no warrior worth his salt will care because Zin'rokh is outdated long before it's released.

Yeah this is one of the worse classic threads we've had.
Even ones fill with "its just nostalgia it wont be fun!" shitposters are usually better.

>using the most efficient build is autistic
I mean, yeah? And, by the way you're going about it, you absolutely have some sort of disorder.

iirc it's about a 2% damage boost so take that how you will

It makes a small but noticeable difference. Unless you are aiming for server's first or something (you are 15 years late to world firsts), play what you want.

bc pre-sunwell

Only in Naxx.

Yeah, we will never get anything as good as peak WoW

I think the constant passive aggressive drama thinly disguised as bants is a good indicator. These people have been playing classic servers for the past 5 years and only goal is go speed through content.

Kinda what I figured, alone it probably doesn't matter enough to me, but paired with rep gain bonus for humans it just seems kinda lame to not take human

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I still play WoW for the RP and the friends I've made through RP


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well not to say nothin' but spending $30+ per meal is just dumb in general

Here's the thing, taken in a vaccum it's a 2.6% flat damage buff, but you can still make up 2% of that as a Dwarf, but it will mean you have to use Edgemasters Handguards, which is basically going to cost as much gold as an Epic Mount. It's possible to reach 309 weapon skill iirc for everyone not human, whereas Humans can get 314, but there's some diminishing returns above 307.

LEVEL UP, GROUP UP, gimmie your loot.

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But it's not $30, it's half that. Spending $15 to eat out once a month is extremely reasonable.

Rep bonus is nice, but if you realize how long you'd be grinding the content, in the long run, it may not matter, unless you're doing some world first shit.

>i literally spend twice that each day on a meal and a couple beers

????? that's the direct quote

The guy said he spends $30 a day on food and drugs

Remember to get your subscription through gold so that you aren't giving those BlizzJews your money.

And how does that change what I said? $15 a month is literally change, I have a big jar of change on my desk and I most likely add more than $15 a month to it.


Lmao yikes. And when you're an adult with a good job $30 on food and a couple beers with it is reasonable.

>115k gold
>in Vanilla

>$900/month only on your meals is reasonable

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holy shit pallybros..weve done it again

Mind a lot of these "vanilla veterans" are Nostbabies, so they are underage and/or third worlders.

>what is FFXI
>what is 06 runescape
>what is everquest 2
i really miss the real time traveling mechanic, just waiting with bunch of people for a ship and getting on it and sailing for 15 or so minutes were comfy and generally speaking to onboard people

nothing, nigger. the point is, spending $30 a day on food is just kinda dumb, regardless of income

Classic should have client side transmog. Don't (you) me

>client side transmog
You can mod it, faggot.

Classic SHOULD have the Quality of Life changes WoW has received over the years like mount tabs and raid-wide buffing

But purist retards would cry

Go play a single player MMO

Which results in a ding dong bannu if you're caught.

Reminder that this is Classic and not Vanilla so you will never get to experience true Vanilla.

You can't get caught unless you take some SS and post them. And if you are that retarded you really deserve the ban.

>It's not real classic if you can mail multiple items at a time!

Nothing will bring back the community, sorry but your formative years are over fags.

Modifying files is more than just for cosmetics, I've heard they check for it. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Not him but...
>>What are stuns,fear, incapacitates,ranged slow, polymorph, etc?
>frost shock exist
>ranged slow
>cooldown is 6seconds
>slow is 8 seconds
>reason with fear why dr exist

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or waiting for a teleport. those boats were tricky. might not always make it to shore.

Pretty much this

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They never checked for retextures before, and I'll swear I saw some BfA retards posting modded models in these threads (giant tits, etc), so I'm positive they still don't check for these.

>Frost shock
>20 yard range
>Charge 30 yard range

It doesn't matter if fear has a diminishing return, you've already got 4000 damage in dots on your ass by the time it breaks already and the warlock is winding up a shadow bolt while their bet adds to the damage.

>not just playing on an emulated server
>giving Blizzard money

Yeah fuck off.

Is warrior the ultimate vanilla class?

>gods at PvE and PvP
>benefits from crafting professions, first aid, cooking, fishing
>easily form groups and reserve loot
>basically unstoppable when buffed and healed by a pally/shaman
>hardest class to level with the biggest payoff

Attached: warrior.png (554x510, 405K)

>ywn be the popular enchanter of your guild ever again

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Despacito is a good song

>not just getting buried in nondonating ching chongs that treat everyone that isn't one of them like dog shit

I think I would rather pay 15 a month and say good bye to all the turd worlder trash.

Plot twist: Zin'rokh is shit

>playing with gooks, slavs, shit skins, and camel fuckers

Yeah, nah. $15 for racial purity is a pretty nice price.

Not optimal, sure. Sometimes you just gotta make do with what's available though. It's not like you're likely to just hit 60 and immediately be given a might of menethil or whatever.

>Been mostly free for the last 5 years in college
>Finally graduating
>Trying to get a career
>Wont have time to sink in vanilla no more
Thanks, blizzard, you fuckheads.
Couldnt you have released vanilla some 3 years ago?

>vanilla was a well designed ga-

>hardest class to level with the biggest payoff

>Get hugefuck 2 handed weapon with the highest dmg possible
>Pull as many mobs you can
>Activate retaliation
>Watch they drop dead and get 30% of the xp bar filled at once
>Go jackoff for 30 minutes while its on CD

WoW story was at it's absolute worst in TBC.
>Kael'thas is evil now because lol we need cool raid bosses

You forgot all his 3 specs are viable and top tier.

I don't think anyone is trying to make that argument, user

if they dont remove loot trading Im not playing

see and They are just pretending to be retarded tho.

>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

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Imagine being this retarded

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Arenas are fun as shit. The issue with them comes from resilience which basically pigeonholes you into either being a dedicated pillarhumper or dragonslayer instead of being able to do both.

Can't wait for Blizzard to see the massive success of Classic and cancel all work on retail and focus on making new content for Classic.

Imagine replying to pasta.

Still the best expansion for raids anyway.

>tfw gonna roll Orc Rogue

Can't wait.

>i was posting something dumb but it's ok because somebody posted it before me

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Not only the story, TBC aesthetics are awful.

>resisting cheap/kidney shots

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I don't see a problem here

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Uhm ... guys ... ?

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Warrior here. As a tank, I'm the one putting together the groups and your ass isn't coming in with me. Good luck though.

Unironically glorious. Imagine being killed by that, imagine seeing it stand triumphant over your lifeless corpse.

i cant wait for classic bros, [streamer] and [youtuber] will be playing it from day 1 and so will i

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I like to imagine him doing the orc dance over your corpse with that suit on

Nope, that would be Mage.

>Gods at pve and pvp
>Easy to pick up, hard to master
>Don't have to pay for food or drink at all
>Portals allow you to set you hearth anywhere
>Insane mobility in the forms of Blink, Slow Fall, and all the snares and slows
>Kings of single target and AoE DPS
>Multiple different fun specs to play. Pure frost, AoE farming spec, pure fire, elemental mage, PoM Pyro
>Polymorph lets you basically kill people on your own faction
>You're the one class that can raw dick geared Warrs

Attached: mage.png (491x640, 271K)

Blizzard will fucking die before Classic is ready

I can't wait to raid crossroads with pewds


shit taste
BC ambience and zones are the most beautiful. They nailed the alien world perfectly

well there goes the thread

>Hard to master
>"Oh I'm losing?"
>"Polymorphs you and starts eating and drinking"

Frost mages are what vanilla rogues switched to.

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It was the last time the player wasn't the hot shit hero to save the world

>playing world of warcraft in 2007+12

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I'll take "what is made up and bait" for $20 alex

>all this and the Kael'thas thing
>also the Sunwell is a Human girl and Kalecgos is in love with her
>Illidan had a way to "cure" demons that could have also completely removed the fel corruption from the Blood Elves, but he didn't share it with them because idk lol
TBC was such a fucking mess of half-assed ideas

Blizzard know this turd isn't a major release.



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holy shit how did i look at the wrong date FUCK

Frost mages are gay as shit. All the respectable ones play elemental or PoM Pyro

>Manifestation of Arthas's discarded humanity tells you there's no humanity or decency left in Arthas and that's why he turned lordaeron into an undead shithole
>Arthas dies later on and it's explained he had a little bit of humanity left and that's why he didn't destroy azeroth with his infinite army of undead like he wanted

What a fucking joke. His entire "plan" apparently was instead of simply wiping out azeroth, he was going to get them to send their heroes to northrend where he would then let them systematically destroy his forces?

blood elves shouldnt even be playable. In frozen throne its stated that quel talas was complitely btfo by arthas and was left in the same state as lorderon
and dont get me started on space goats. What the fuck were they thinking

I'm pretty sure they all end up playing the village baker in the end

I'm sure you're aware, but SWGemu is still going and i believe at least two of the servers right now are worth a shit. Tho it has been awhile since I've checked in.
Jedi are in, lightspeed is not.
There have been rumors of a basilisk wipe but i think they're just rumors. I love that server but since everyone and their dad has 12 characters, everyone is self-sufficient and interaction and evolving economy is the backbone of the game. So remove that and it's even more autistic than necessary and pretty un-fun past nostalgia. However i do understand their reasoning since that server is "for testing" and "temporary" (6 years later, heh).

i'd kill for a revamped modern SWG. It's insane that games in 2019 still struggle to implement some of the best features from galaxies.
I'm not saying SWG was perfect, it had a fuckton of issues. But pre nga/cu is as close to a perfect sandbox as we've gotten, maybe ignoring early UO and of course EVE.
If you give a shit (you likely do not), raph koster has a series of really good essays/blogs about SWG and the mechanics behind making it. Both the good things and the bad things. It's very informative if you're interested in that sort of thing, particularly for me how professions and economy blended together to create communities without "trying", mimicking an actual living world even tho I know that sounds like a cliche.

they need more time to properly balance the classes. that omar gonzales said it in a recent interview with ourguy towelliee

>what the fuck we're they thinking

They were thinking "What race can we plausibly pull out of our asses to satisfy the need for alliance shamans and also horsecocks?"

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Fucking retard.

his plan was to gather worlds mightiest heroes in one place and make them into dks. It kind of makes sense but then again undead world domination thing is kind of dumb in the first place

>and dont get me started on space goats
I'm still mad. They could just introduce a new race of "good Eredar" people instead of fucking the lore.

We have chinkdale to play for FREE. I ain't giving a nickel to Blizzard.

Ret Pally in WoW is more comparable to the annoying little brother than the Chad which is the Arms Warrior tanking with his two handed weapons.

but class exclusivity is what made factions special. Thinking back on it blizz went full retard even way before activision merger

>I'll a male human warrior. It's gonna be so epic

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Baking Mage pastries is an art form

Might point is, he got to step 1 of his plan(that wasn't even needed), then just stopped doing anything. Arthas was a joke in WOTLK, his only achievement is getting hit with a plague barrel and limping off.

Alliance was better in PvE and winning most organized PvP. Since they cant' balance for shit, they just added all the classes to both factions.


Who seriously gives a dsmn about WoW lore. Once you get into it you realize it's just a clusterfuck of writers with conflicting ideas and retcons that come out of nowhere in order to satisfy gameplay and the fact that the players always have to win. Just treat it as some funny fantasy cartoon game where you play with Elves and Dwarves and fight with swords and magic.

he probably knew he couldnt win against entire worlds united forces. Yeah worlk wrtiting was exactly top notch. Im still upset we never got a proper frozen wastes zone will low visibility and tons of undead. I know icecrown is that but it looks like shit

If I’m on wow, I’m playing pvp with my lock or hunting TLPD

High Elves should be playable.

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They made a point of mentioning that he had enough strength to wipe out azeroth or at least most of it.

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what a retarded image

The top bun is clearly supposed to represent endgame, the middle should be getting filled with more shit

Ignoring balance memes, i never understood why they didn't add a shitload more races. That seems far easier than adding classes and as long as their special powers/stats aren't too outlandish, who gives a shit?
Horde should have gotten goddamn ogres in tbc.

i still wish we ended up with a third faction as well. And wish we had a fucking goblin themed raid.

it's going down in a couple months retard

It should have been High Elves instead of Night Elves and Ogres instead of Undead in Vanilla.

Night Elves are better off neutral and Undead scum belong in the ground.

No it's not. Once classic fails because of all the changes blizzard will implement, chinkdale will rise again.

Warrior is great so long as you accept that you're going to be tanking, and only going to be tanking.
Literally 1/3 of the players on any classic server are rolling Warrior, fully expecting that they aren't going to be one of the thousands of shitters eternally stuck in pre-raid blues as a DPS warrior.

It would be lettuce
No nutrition, unwilling, and cheap

I've always hated that each xpac invalidates 90% of everything else. Taking WoW as an entire package, there is SO much fucking content. And the vast majority of it is irrelevant.
Even how with current BFA, each patch renders nearly everything previous pointless.

i get that they've painted themselves into a corner but still, so much effort and investment for zones/quests/dungeons that people race through and promptly forget/ignore.

Classic is just them porting a game they already made into the current engine. It's not like they're releasing a new one.

Why do people keep saying warriors are godly at pvp? Even if you get good gear aren't you extremely easy to kill by nearly every class? I mean after they intercept and hamstring you, if you have ANY way of getting away whatsoever, you've won. And most classes have a method of doing this. Or if not, trinkets can.

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Honest question: why bother with chinkdale, even if it came back?
Even assuming worst case scenario, that classic is a huge blunder - that would mean that dataminers have an assload of new information to use to make their vanilla servers that much more authentic.
Why waste that time on a server that literally generates gold for chinese gold sellers? With GMs that play favorites since there is no real reason to be a volunteer on a pserver project unless it's to help your friends? Why help one of the most corrupt administrations in pserver history pay for more rent and help china cuck you?
At least take that attitude, which isn't 100% wrong, and play on a server that is worth a shit. If classic is a fuckup, there will be buttloads of new servers popping up.
Remember: no one does this shit for free, and if they say they are, they are lying. Period. Right now is the "get paid and get out" phase for vanilla servers so trusting any of them with fucking anything is beyond retarded.

There should not be an overarching story line. you should be your own character doing your own thing. Big bad dungeon w/ loot? Fine, don't make it about saving the world over and over again.

Because they can instead hold them hostage behind expansions. Horde should have maghar orcs and maybe a few different troll types. I could see High Elves on both sides. Alliance because they've always been alliance, and horde to support their blood elf relatives.

And In MC
And in BWL
And in AQ
Warriors are always up there with rogues, and later on mages

shit this last patch invalidated 100% of what came before it.

I remember playing it a bit but felt like it was lacking in the pvp and community. Maybe I'll look for the iso from the game so I can play it.

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Heal or get out of the raid you stupid fuck.

if a server better than chinkdale appears, i will play there instead

>I could see High Elves on both sides

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t. shitter warrior who expected to just oneshot everyone else
level up engineering, write a few macros and learn to stance dance, then proceed to dab on literally every class in the game faggot

Lmao non pally nigger kikes are so salty

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I don't care about raiding, I'll only be doing the minimum for the gear I need just like I did 14 years ago. PvP is where it's at.

Gnome Warrior here bro

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Fuck all of that, I'm rolling one purely to tank.

>pvp only
enjoy getting stomped by raiders

I'm not even gonna wait for a response on this one I'm just going to append to my post.

High Elves are Alliance, they always have been and always will be. They chose to stay with the Alliance after Anasterian pulled their kingdom out of it because they're not a hivemind and have free will. There are no neutral High Elves. The largest loss of High Elf life in recent history was perpetrated by Blood Elves.

that's not a solution to my hypothetical scenario kiddo

Tips to avoid the reddit zoomer realm?

warriors were op as shit and blizzard refused to nerf them until some guy posted a video of him soloing a bunch of late-game mobs and being unkillable.

Stop thinking like that and just play the game?

that doesn't work because of all the vanilla content that was altered and removed in cata.

The "official" swgemu, basilisk, is the largest. You'd have to look on from there but i know i've read about other servers that are popular and have some better mechanics.
I wish I could tell you a better spot to research than the swgemu subreddit, but im not aware of one. One thing to keep in mind there is that the community is toxic (even tho thats a meme, sorry) and every other person will be shilling for their favorite server and bashing others, kind of like wowservers. So grain of salt and decide on your own what you're into, you know?
Re: iso, they all say that you need it as a precaution against legal issues, but you do not. There is a working torrent for it that is easily findable, and if you ask around there someone will link it (could even be on the subreddit main page). The last I recall, SOE gave their blessing to the project as long as it's not a money thing, but with Disney now involved that could change at any time. It hasn't yet, but still better to stay "legit". There are some grey areas and nuances that I'm not smart enough to bark about so I won't, but that's a good enough gist.

I have fond memories of sitting on the ramp of my house in our imp town with buddies, talking shit to rebel scum and sipping on bespin port. it felt more like a virtual world and not just a game if that makes sense. Pretty dorky but I miss it.

TBC added bacon
WotLK added bleu cheese
Cata removed the veggies and added hot sauce
MoP added onions sauce
WoD added nothing
Legion added green peppers
BfA is unsafe to eat because the meat isn't cooked

>I mean after they intercept and hamstring you, if you have ANY way of getting away whatsoever, you've won. And most classes have a method of doing this.
If you let people get away from you after intercept+hamstring you messed up big time and deserve to die

I'd rather play with reddit than Yea Forums, if private server /vg/ fags are anything to go by.

He's right, you know.

I feel man. I played on Kauri for a long time as a doc rifleman primarily then became a stacker after cu

Yeah, but half the classes in the game can do this to you. A mage can frost-nova then blink. A warlock can death coil you, or succubus charm. A shaman can frost shock and ghost wolf. Hunter can feign death + freezing trap, or BM pet stun. Rogue can stun then sprint. Druid can just shapeshift and remove it. Paladin can bubble of BoF.

So you're guaranteed to kill priests I guess.

>Can't even say a Chinese sauce name because of shitty forced memes

So is Classic coming out now? I don't follow WoW, but will definitely start up again, if so.

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Only low t faggots play priest and God bless them for their heals

2020 according to the latest rumors

>tfw charge/intercept to somebody
>character stops 5+ yards away from them, and the stun wears off before I can hamstring, so they're gone before I can even apply it

>What are Rocket Boots
>What are Berserker Rage
>What are spell reflect trinkets
>What are Hamstring root
>What are Mace Spec
>What are Mind Control cap

yeah in like 3 years with phasing, lfr, arena and flying lmao


>Ret pally
>Alliance faggot
Kill yourself

Dude just get Skull of Impending Doom lmao

How long until the open the Blizzard store for Classic? A month after release?

>what is a bunch of shit that every class can also have and use against you
also berserker rage does fuck all, death coil doesn't count as a fear. fucking idiot

another retarded wanna-be warrior who has never played vanilla

the only thing that really needs to change for SWG to be competitive today is improved/more interactive combat. same thing with a lot of the fantastic old MMOs that are failing or failed. pic related - was and still is a great game, but pressing Q and going afk until the mob is dead isn't very appealing anymore.

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I've only played WoW in recent expansions because Disc priest is kino. Anything like that in Classic?

No. Healing through damage is fun but it wasnt a thing back then.

Lmao bitch I was the best mage on my server and literally would one shot fags with my pom pyro macro.

do you know what kino means you gigantic asshound?

They need to make a mists of pandora server, classes and gameplay were kino back then

How long until BC servers that's when I'll come back

Yeah those spell reflect trinkets are going to help so much against a Warrior right.

>The hunter rolls and wins

Sorry but fun wasn't added until WotLK.

>dude just carry 8 trinkets around with you and equip them immediately at the right time
>if you dont you die
warriorcucks lmao
hardest leveling by far and your only payoff is pve. they're trash at pvp except with a pocket healer. COPE you little faggot, you're free HK to me

what class should i play if i hate niggers, trannys and women?

Yes, that's literally how you're supposed to play the game. That's why there were so many addons to let you swap items quickly, and that's how it was for every class.
>Hurr I'm an Enhancement Shaman why would I carry a Frost Resist set
>Hurr I'm a Druid why would a have a Flag running set
>Hurr I'm a mage I'm not going to bother having any Shadow resist gear dur dur

Human Warrior

A cleansing human paladin

>gear for extremely specific situatons
>totally optional
>meanwhile for warriors you literally need this shit otherwise you get dunked on by 2/3rds of the other classes


>they're trash at pvp except with a pocket healer
And that's the truth. They are really terrifying teamed with paladins tho.

am not a soiboy so no

They're only optional if you're a shitter. If you actually want to rank, having the correct gear sets is absolutely mandatory. A Feral Druid flag running without proper resist gear is just objectively terrible compared to one that has the correct gear.

a druid needs a flag carrier set just for that one situation being a flag carrier in WSG. a warrior might need all that shit for half the PvP encounters he gets into. why are you so fucking stupid you don't see that warriors start from a much lower position than other classes? an engineering item that improves your chances of winning by a value of 2 does fuck all when a warrior starts from -2. whereas a mage starts from 4 and will dab on your ass every time

>unironically caring about Yea Forums memes instead of basing it on potential for fun
You'll never know the joy that is using stance dancing and intimidating bandages to solo 3-4 mobs.

Then it stops being a game and becomes an aspie spread sheet simulator for shitheads that place winning above all else.

Why would someone not want to win every time lmao


rise from your grave queuedance

That's the entire fucking point of vanilla you shitter. You can actually min max instead of the double digit IQ of retail WoW where everything is streamlined and laid out for you.
It's like Dark Souls, it isn't balanced, it isn't an E-sport, it's a competition to see how hard you can shit on whichever unfortunate scrub you happen to be put up against.

>winnings not the most important thing

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>food analogies

The purpose is to win, but if you place winning above everything else, it stops being fun. I don't find it fun to stress over the perfect set then go out and farm magic dust and other consumables.

Building a perfect character is more than half the fun, you just have shit taste.

Undead or Troll holy priest?

>"Heh, this faggot doesn't read guides and do exactly what everyone else does."
>"Slowly inserts penis into mouth smugly"

Yeah no, I'd rather fuck around with niche builds and other bullshit than be one of you min maxing tryhards. We all know you faggots are going to probably find a leveling guild any never do anything but 2v1 anyways.

>holy priest

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The original guy in this discussion was saying warriors are great in PvP. Of course he just does 2v1, wars suck otherwise

>Paladins have been spinning about how chad they are since the dawn of the game.
>When infact they are the biggest babies in the entire game incapable of playing anything else because of how easy it is.
>Paladin confirmed meant to be easy to play by Blizzard through an old blizzcon interview.

You fags have NEVER been chad.
And then this faggot is also proof of your Non-Chadhood.

Fuck off.

T.a dirty orc living in his mudhut chanting lighting spirits.

>RP profile for a female character
>Goes into great detail about how voluptuous and fuckable their character is
>"No ERP" at the end of the profile

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Will you judge me for rolling a female human mage, Yea Forums? I can't stand the gnome camera perspective + that armor looks like shit on them and the male human casting animation is awful.

So, what's the best class if I want to heal, buff and wear pretty dresses?

>unconventional playstyles like DPS palas, druids and shamans are fun as fuck in pvp and pve and even great in niche roles
>literally impossible to groups and get geared up because everyone is an extreme tryhard who will only take the optimal classes, despite the game being easy as fuck and not requiring such min-maxing to suceed
I think I will just roll a warlock or a rogue.

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The one that heals, buffs and wears dresses.

>wearing a dress when you could be banana man

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Replace the burger with a rotting fish sandwich post wotlk and this would be much improved.

They were fun as a meaningless side activity, but the problem is that Blizzard tried to make them an esport and the focus of competitive PvP instead of battlegrounds. All good PvP rewards came from arena which is a problem when it's the single most imbalanced thing in the game (and even now 15 years later there still has not been a single good "season" due to incompetent balancing). Arena gave Blizzard an excuse to neglect real PvP content like encouraging open world fights and designing new battlegrounds, which is part of why every single battleground developed after arena took off has been an awful gimmick-fest.

Lmao warrior fags are insufferable

This is the only place where warriors aren't shit

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>Warsong 12x Blizzlike
American police rape women at random vehicle checks

>implying I didnt wear my naxx frost plate for the single month I had it and people still did AV.

Is Timewalking still horrendous if you're a tank or healer?

I wanna level the rest of my 110s through something that isn't questing but Island Expeditions give no gear

Oh fuck 06 runescape was my crack. I remember paying I think 5$ a month for the extra shit too. I miss the old 2D look as well, the 3D grew on me but took a while.
Vanilla wow was new and exciting and I enjoyed TBC the most.

Agreed, I had fun playing arena with my buddies and enjoyed the competitive aspect of it. But it was just another option of fun with friends besides battlegrounds or world pvp. I was a huge PVPer since vanilla, I fucking loved battlegrounds and occasional world pvp.

Like you, I really hated how they just focused in on Arenas for the best gear and PVP in general. I stopped playing arenas a while back when my friends stopped playing. I'll occasionally play an arena every once in a blue moon now.

>Having faith nu-Blizz won't fuck it up

Besides, if by some miracle the game launches without issue, it will die within a couple months. There will NEVER be new content.

>imagine being this cynical and retarded

we're going home Yea Forumsros

Vanilla wow will be dead pve wise when they realize Alliance is massively imbalanced broken because of Paladins

>think paladins are OP

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Have you ever played Vanilla you retard zoomer?
Alliance has 7% higher RDPS just because of Paladin's threat reduction

>most popular
No, he's pretty much correct. Normalization of video games ruined the industry. Popularity doesn't make a thing good.

Have fun running Molten Core for a year :^)

im gonna roll ally lock, always wanted to play one and never been allience, fuck gnomes though

Be aware, obviously, that 40% of horde characters will have WotF. This is one of the reasons that there are far fewer locks on alliance than on horde, the other being that undead make edgy thematic locks.

Yea Forums will judge you, yes. But does that ever matter?
It's a very tiny sub-set of loud faggots who ever give a fuck what race/gender/class you roll. Despite what Yea Forums thinks, classic is going to be full of normies - even with the extreme autism on display in private servers and even with all the twitch zoomers, those dudes are going to self-contain very hard. Remember, there will be several servers and they're going to be regional, so right at the start you're eliminating all lisping euroneet cancer from your playing experience and those make up the bulk both of Yea Forums and of pserver autism.

tldr - do whatever the fuck you want, make friends, have fun

i know, it is kind of broken but il have to work around it, any tips? other than death coil

>So stupid fag thinks some 1s and 0s are a mutated clump of cells.


>best single target healing in naxx
>the single biggest DPS boost with salvation
Paladins aren't as good as shamans in a 1v1, but holy fuck paladin raid synergies are significantly better then horde, shamans have windfury, the best melee DPS boost in the game for sure, except you then realize not everyone in the raid is melee, and that spike in damage can cause melee to pull threat and kill themselves.

Also totems are party wide while you can bless all your raid.

Not much you can do, to be honest. The truth is that by the time they hit WotF or the PvP trinket you should have had enough time to throw at least a corruption+siphon life on them. Might even have time to start winding up a shadowbolt if they're a bit slow. Death coil obviously is your friend afterwards, and you can try fear again after that if WotF is on cooldown. Attrition is your game, so saccing a voidwalker to give yourself more breathing room near the end is a good plan as well. Just keep up your dots and outlast.

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horde btfo out again lmao nigger

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This, the reason they funnel gear to tanks is because tank threat = raid dps, most likely you will be capping tank threat so having less DPS threat = more raid DPS


You just gotta bait it to make them waste it on something dumb, I guess. If you spec into Soul Link and have a VW out it's actually pretty hard to kill a lock as a rogue, so you got that going for you. I always play horde, so I usually don't have to deal with this.

It's kind of the same as trying to fight a dwarf as a horde rogue, except at least those are not as common because nobody wants to be a manlet.

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You just had to time your tremor totem right and the warlock would be dead in two swings.

>pally or warrior whispers you

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neat, im rolling human because i dont want to be a manlet but also perception will be good for detecting rogues + paranoia, then i should just dot and keep my distance, seems like the best way to deal with them

looking forward to playing this in 2022

Yeah, I'll be playing it for years too I think


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>ret pally
AH yes, ret pally, both the best, and the worst DPS of classic at the same time. An absolute slot machine class with just the same payout, enjoy buffing and nothing else.

Now excuse me, Chad arms warrior leading the group, 2 shooting anything not in plate.

Give me that crack plz

>new content

Fucking retard.

vanilla: You're stuck with one spec forever and ever
Rolling a warrior? HAHA TANK SLAVE
Paladin? you better believe you're a healer.
Shaman? yup healer
Druid? you said it
Priest? Y E S
Mage? spam those frosties
Rogue? = be a good little interrupter
Hunter = I will take all your gear and shoot magic pellets
Warlock? = My being is black

Attached: shaman.png (860x646, 1.16M)

>we wont accept any changes
So we'll get TBC then.

>ret pally, both the best, and the worst DPS of classic at the same time. An absolute slot machine class with just the same payout
You're thinking of Enhance shammys. Ret pallys have more consistently shitty damage, while having more survivability and utility.

The only bad thing about vanilla WoW is that it makes every MMO that has come out since to look like shit in comparison. Especially since everyone has tried to copy it's success instead of coming up with something unique.

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I'm playing a female human warrior. I don't really give a shit what Yea Forums or /vg/ likes to bitch or meme about it. And if it keeps whiny autists out of my groups, then it's an added bonus. Only true soicucks change their decision based on the word of Yea Forumsirgins.

>Mage? spam those frosties
You switch to fire later though.

based fire mage
i miss one shotting fags

I do this as a warrior. If you've already found a healer, I might as well ask. Hell, I spent 30 minutes the other day looking for 2 fucking DPS for SM Arm/Cath as the tank. It's not like tanking is a always instant group. If the person doesn't want another mail/plate wearer, then it's no big deal, but it's worth asking. I've had one group turn me down so far.

Beat niggers with your cane.

>the entire game is raiding
i never understood this shit. Obviously we're all herded into specific roles at max for raiding, but that's one or two evenings a week. I always thought the point was raid to get gear in order to shit on people.
Who even cares about your raiding role or whatever? For sure do it as well as you can - better performance means faster clears means more loot means more time doing other shit. But no one outside of extreme autistic screechers gives a fuck past that.

That's equivalent to assuming high rank means someone is good at pvp, when all it really means is that they have a lot of free time and a functioning mic/headset. Not the worst thing in the world and the rewards are great, but it's not something to suck anyone off over either.

Imagine finding a successful PK in pre-trammel UO and trying to imply that you farming a dungeon was more badass than him buttfucking you on the way out. One of you got the loot, one of you got buttfucked despite your number crunching and whining.

what's that absolute hybrid spec for paladin where you can offtank the imp packs in MC and the whelps in suppression room while still doing serious heals during boss fights? I need to get prepped for the return home.

They're retailbabs who don't understand that raiding isn't the only thing in the game.

I play retail and haven't raided since Firelands

5/5 illumination and you can heal whatever the fuck.
I know that isn't a link to a spec but you can work it out from there.


he is shilling the server he enjoys, and also dropping some truth bombs on you at the same time

>but that's one or two evenings a week
remember having to pay 50gold every time you wanted to respec
was always fun farming that 100g a week just to raid

Retail isn't bad

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>reliving your past mmo glories

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yea nat pagles staff or something, Drops off the fish boss in ZG

>Shamans have zero abilities that allow them to escape
you have 100% uptime on a slow that also does really good damage, what are you talking about?

I too like to roll around in shit for no reason.


fuck the memories are flooding back

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I literally don't care about pvp, especially wpvp. Wpvp is the worst cancer.

imagine being this much of a tranny

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not the user your talking to, but we allowed half our priests to go power infusion due to how much we outgeared the content and yes in raid literally every dps was willing to pay them and would bid for buffs. The priests werent begging, the dps was.

>remember having to pay 50gold every time you wanted to respec
Well, you're right about that. That part sucks.
However, once your past progression and the current tier is on farm, you can fairly easily spec more hybrid and do just fine. Going min-max ultimate pve spec every single raid is more of a private server thing and relatively more modern. And those servers almost always have much much cheaper respec fee caps.
Back in retail vanilla, you'd have paladins not fully holy, or shamans raid-healing in something other than 0/5/41 and it wasn't weird. The reason was respec'ing twice a week, like you're implying, is a fucking chore.
There does become a point where 100g isn't as big a deal but it's never "cheap", and even in 2019 a lot of people suck at farming gold.

I could be 100% wrong, who knows, but i anticipate classic will see a return to specs more in line with what we used before. A shaman raid-healing in 30/0/21 is going to do just fine, assuming he's wearing his healing clothes. Mana tide is vastly over-rated.
Anyhow, the point is, it's possible to be able to avoid rampant respec fees. A lot of this depends on your guild. If you're in a speed clearing autist guild then yeah, no dice. But in that situation you're likely going to have the spare hours that week to farm gold anyhow so this wouldn't bug you.

It most certainly is, I've played the entire first tier of BFA.

blatant untruths can't really be truth bombs
bfa is such a steaming turd even the shit-eatingest drones asked what the fuck was up

>Wpvp is the worst cancer.

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Classic era WoW had the best story telling because there was almost none and you were always just some guy.

Burning Crusade had the absolute worst because it was spun from the idea that Illidan would be a cool raid boss but then paradoxically lands in a Burning Legion themed expansion, even though the Legion doesn't show up until the final content patch.

Wrath was OK. Lots of individually cool pieces that don't quite fit together to complete a puzzle because it's really clear Blizzard left Icecrown Glacier half-finished and Crystalsong Forest was set aside for a content patch that never materialized because Blizzard failed to grasp that the Ardent Tournament shouldn't be in the same physical zone as Dalaran. Wrath sees the return of legitimately good story telling we were sorely lacking in BC, but the lack of consistency leads to various problems. In hindsight about half the zones- Zul'drak, Crystalsong and Icecrown- simply didn't get the attention they needed and the raids were cool, but often expected to carry the game for far too long.

Cataclysm.... sucked. Mostly on account of the fact that it turns Garrosh into a 1 note tin pot dictator, with Blizzard confirming the nuance he was granted in a few quests was actually a miscommunication. Deathwing doesn't get the attention he deserves and is comically absent as a power in the leveling zones. Dungeons were finally hard again, but Nu-Blizzard's idea of hard revolved around insta-gibbing mechanics instead of demanding players master their classes, which lead to the odd situation where a boss could last 20 minutes because the DPS were drooling idiots who would never be able to pass a DPS check, but they can perform a rote task. Because why play Diablo 3 when you can play a shitty version of it- yes, Diablo 3 sucks, I know- when you can play WoW: The ARPG?

MOP.... barf.

WOD.... barf. They go through the effort of having Garrosh cause a new expansion only to have him die off screen to Thrall.


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Trannys btfo again lmao

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He's an american WoW player, they have a lot of trannies.

it's like how when a woman is raped she worries that every man is a rapist. or if a white person is mugged by a black person they believe that every black person is a mugger. these autists have hit on so many people in game and on discord, believing them to be female, only to find out that they are in fact a man or tranny. this leads them to believe that everyone online is a tranny. they don't want to get burnt again.

which has nothing to do with wpvp being entirely garbage. All it is is ganking and various other kinds of trolling. If you enjoy this, you're objectively a 13 year old.

If I can avoid wpvp, I will gladly play PvE server. Fucking ass cancer, all of it.

If BfA did one thing right, it's proving that Daelin was right in the end. The Horde are animals and should have been put down a long time ago.

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Legion 'fixed' BC's broken plot but forgot to fix the plot hole of Kael'thas going from joining Illidan to oppose the Scourge to happily joining the Burning Legion, who made the scourge and gave them the order to raze Silvermoon and ruin the Sunwell. He just ruined his own plot arc.

Lady Vaashj is also afforded no rescue.

Illidan was only rescued so that he could be given a Poochie the Dog treatment for the Pantheon.

BfA just kinda sucks. It implies the Alliance collectively has brain problems because they've now been the receiving end of not one but five individual acts of genocide from one of the member races of the Horde, and it implies the Horde has serious brain problems because anyone took Vol'jin seriously when he said, "yeap, the uncontrollable loose cannon should lead the Horde.' And people still like to pretend that the Horde isn't evil when it allies with a race like the Forsaken. Or the Blood Elves. Or the Orcs.

Yeah, brain problems.

guess im thirteen as fuck then aspie bitch lmao

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>>Wrath sees the return of legitimately good story telling
>Arthas literally lost all personality he had in W3
>him and Kel'thuzad got reduced to saturday morning cartoon villains when they actually had depth beforehand
>Anub got shafted even harder, demoted to a 5-man boss
>good boi Death Knights
I enjoyed WotlK, but it was pretty shit story-wise.

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To be honest it goes a bit deeper than that, unfortunately.
/vg/ WoW pserver guilds, and to a larger extent private servers in general, have a large population of dudes that are into other dudes but also way into tricking guys into believing they're female.
As you can probably guess, this becomes the root of a ton of drama for /vg/ guilds - both due to literal homosexuals but also because so many of the players there are very very young and very very stupid. The most successful vanilla /vg/ guild's leadership was comprised of these kind of guys - "females" who largely refused to use their mics and had other players until the very end convinced they were actual biological females.

Due to the nature of pservers and the attraction of neets and autists to them, you can see how it becomes a breeding ground for people who have given up on meeting anyone of the opposite sex so they resort to jacking off with some lisping european in a video game discord.

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>Shamans have zero abilities that allow them to escape or improve their survival aside from easily broken or avoided totems

Good thing PvP isn't just 1 vs. 1 and you have other people to work with.

Also, obvious you didn't play vanilla.

the retail /vg/ guilds are even worse, the furry and tranny ratio is high as fuck. the NA /vg/ guild is run by furries and trannies.

I'd argue it couldn't possibly be worse but i don't pay attention to the retail /vg/ so maybe you're right. If so that's horrifying.
I suppose it isn't surprising, since those people would have virtually unlimited time and time = everything as far as mmorpg guild recruiting and maintenance. If the dudes in charge are furries/trannies and they're in discord 24/7 and nonstop making the ops to reinforce their position, there isn't a lot anyone can do about it.

I think discord + /vg/ was a mistake but no one asked me. Maybe I'm just old and stupid but i vastly preferred the days of a teamspeak or vent server and a cheap/shitty guild forum website.

>I think discord + /vg/ was a mistake
Because it is. Every thread that have a discord became cancer in a few weeks.

Yes, I never understood that even when the game came out.
>bitch endlessly about monthly fee
>while spending more than that over drinks you're doing the bitching at

>I'd argue it couldn't possibly be worse but i don't pay attention to the retail /vg/ so maybe you're right. If so that's horrifying.

I think a lot of MMO players just don't have a lot of money for one reason or another, so your assumption that they spend more on other things is also flawed. I know I don't, I'm not as poor as I once was but I go out for drinks with a friend at most once per month, though usually it's more like once every other month. Aside from that my only expenses are rent, bills, taxes, and the two or three vidya I buy per year.


I wonder if theyll make it so you can pay for sub in vanilla gold and what the amount will be

They were so great on my demo warlock.

Where patchwise is classic? Will we see 100 resist base demo locks with 300+ resist felhunters that can solo frost mages?

>I wonder if theyll make it so you can pay for sub in vanilla gold and what the amount will be
they've said no.
if the sub is shared with retail, im not sure they could prevent you buying tokens with retail gold for subs, but also not sure how that would matter.

1.12 with 4 content patches, according to blizzcon.
We do not know yet if that will change.

trannys always lose

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If you're playing classic get ready for the tranny floodgates to open

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I play Retail WoW, Fortnite, and Battlefront 2017

how does this shit look?

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>If you're playing classic get ready for the tranny floodgates to open
This won't be an issue in classic.
The tranny menace is a Yea Forums, /vg/, and private servers thing. Classic will be infested by normies.
Not only do trannies not have 15 dollars to spend a month, there is no way they're going to pay to then have to compete with actual biological females for attention. The best tranny repellent is letting some fag's gf join the guild and make sure she uses the mic. Within minutes all the attention the "mic broken lol" tranny thought they had is lost.
Classic will be full of teenagers, redditors, gamerdads, and other normies. Maybe some trannies here and there but they'll be contained within their own degenerate circles and unless you homos go out of your way to find a dude in goldshire to jack it with, you won't encounter trannies.
On private servers? Surprise, the people with unlimited time in a sea of lonely autists are able to attention whore hard. On classic that won't work, the same way things like devilsaur mafia won't work: regional servers.

If I roll a druid, should I get an alt to farm and if so, what class?


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Undead Rogue

hunter and mage are good choices for farming dire maul, but blizzard might patch some of those farming methods.

druids can farm dire maul lashers
if you tank, you can also 2man dire maul east jump runs paired with a healer/miner (or you as a miner, or you as the healer, whatever).
either way, you can make great money as a druid. no need for farming alts. In fact, the only real reasons would be:
dm tribute
which you can do with hunter, priest, likely a geared rogue, possibly a druid (assuming engineering)
or lashers, and then zg crocs when zg is out, which is "doable" with almost any class that can aoe but its really fucking obnoxious unless you're a mage. like an ele shaman CAN do it but one earthbind resist and its poop, plus getting swiftness of zanzil isn't required but highly suggested. AND they'd be doing it ass fuck slow where a mage can pull every croc pack once they figrue out what they're doing.

you are welcome

>not going troll rogue

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Is BFA endgame any better now? I hit max level on my main and can't be fucked to gear him up to do raids. I just spent my remaining WoW time to level my Nightborne and haven't resubbed since

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>playing with friends
then sure, anything is fun with friends
>playing without friends
fuck no, it hasn't gotten better.

the structure of the endgame is still complete fucking cancer, but BoD is a better raid than Uldir (unless you play a DPS death knight)

Classicfags should did in fel fire

Will I have to talk to people if I play this

>tfw you've played wow for so long that you've slowly watched it turn into a pile of shit so when you log in you remember the all epic adventures you had and the people you met along the way that no longer play
>feel a pain in your chest
>begin weeping
>logout and uninstall

>he thinks fury will be good without titans grip

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>some friends still play
>play with them
>game is fine

I play Paladin for the fashion.

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Orc hunter reporting in pls dont bully

15 years later and that's still the only fashion set they have.

Not gonna play classic because it's full of nolife doomer faggots who have nothing else to do than grind PvP all day



>don't bully
depends - what pet?

Spider in the stable cat at my side

kek, so if they really torched Teldrassil where do Night Elves start now? There's no way it compares, destroying such an iconic atmospheric starting zone feels like a tactic to make people want to play classic.

This classic is ass

They still start in teldrassil, it’s phased until you hit 110 iirc

Oh. Still it was nice to visit after a while.

so you never played classic? ok

Don't worry this is Blizzard we're talking about, they're terrified of making permanent zone changes ever since their first one (Cataclysm) was such a horrific mistake. You can talk to a magic dragon to go to a non-destroyed version just like with every other big map-changing "event" in WoW.

Frost mage reporting to shatter your gay ass in the oblivion

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Feenix warsong 12x (the server in OP's pic) has been dead for like 6 years. The spoiler text is an ongoing worldchat meme that originated on feenix and has spread to every other high pop blizzlike server.

I want a May 2019 release soooo bad!!

I don't invite warriors as DPS because fuck them, they should forget their meme fury/arms faggotry and become good goys and tank
Why the fuck on every private server is warrior the most played class (often over 20%) while there are no tanks to be found? Fuck dd warriors, there is a place in hell reserved for them.

>not even addons
there were a fuck ton of addons back then retard

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>He prefers to fight over a murloc against 20 other chinks that drops your quest item with a chance of 1%
No thanks. There are only 3 options:
>Retarded respawn rates
>Heavily limited amount of players per server (at least at launch)
The second option is not better, because you will either wait 2 minutes for a mob or see him respawn immidiately on your head which looks stupid and the last option won't work because with the nu-wow community people after the hype goes down you will be left alone on a ghost realm

Not that user but sharding will kill the game for sure. I'd be willing to make some first week allowances for it just due to the influx of players but beyond that it cannot exist or the game will die. Blizzard really needs to get over their retarded fear of server mergers, other games do it all the time without any backlash or retards yelling about the end of the world.

Literally nothing has changed to the BFA endgame since start of uldir except for a new raid releasing. the systems are the exact same way.

Didn't they say at Blizzcon that sharding will be used only for the first few weeks in low level zones?

it's only going to be "in the beginning of its release"

I swear you fuckers make trannies a bigger issue than they really are. Been playing online games for fifteen years and haven't ran into one, but you children never shut up about them.
And only normalfaggots say 'normies', you filthy fucking redditor.

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Yes, but lets ignore that because it isn't good for shitposting about.

And that fired CM who started streaming ythisens said the other day that the nochanges people pretty much won and are going to be happy. Nobody knows exactly how anything is going to work on servers since the blizzcon build was something thrown together to sell $50 tickets.

>TBC as a shaman

Fuck vanilla, TBC was where it was at. Literally the best time to be a Shammy, especially enhancement. Play style was fun as shit, all specs were viable and had great utility, and bloodlust+totems made it easy to always find a spot in groups.

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