What went oh so wrong? at least in America anyway

What went oh so wrong? at least in America anyway

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>tfw we’ll never get Yo-Kai Watch 4 in Burgerland now

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The monsters look like absolute shit.
They tried to make it more mature with Shadowside but it bombed too, so now they are resorting to rebooting the OG anime and manga.

It's kinda pathetic. Every time this franchise makes the news, it's about them clinging to the little popularity they still have left.

the initial batch of designs were ugly and unmarketable outside of japan. shadowside's fixes to the series' aesthetic came too little, too late. the games took forever to be localized. add all that to how western audiences autistically screech at any monster collector that isn't pokemon, and yo-kai watch had zero chance of succeeding here.

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>rebooting after a reboot didn’t do so hot

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>when your IP flops so hard in America that even Reggie tries saving it


>got into Yo-Kai watch when it first started here stateside
>missing Psychic Specters and Yo-Kai Watch Blasters White Dog Squad (because Komasan is best Yo-Kai) in my collection
>can’t find those 2 games and struggling to find a physical copy of YKW3
What the fuck are you doing, Nintendo?

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It did pretty decently with the first one, but they went too “go big or go home” when it came to the sequels. If it had Pokémon numbers, then go for it, but YKW didn’t have close to those numbers

Who could have expected that the majority people don't care about a children game?

It was another case of, "Too Japanese to Succeed in the West."

Imagine being in this shithole for so long that you start thinking that 90% of the people who play video games are above the age of 10.

Ah yeah you're right. Children love to play their Japanese children game on their Nintendo 3DS system.
The majority plays mobile games, Minecraft and Fortnite.
Also actually believing that only 10% of people playing games is above the age of 10 is absolutely retarded. Even for Yea Forums's standards.

>Children love to play their Japanese children game on their Nintendo 3DS system

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They aired the show on a meme channel locked behind tiered cable packages. Get the kids hooked on the show first then they buy the games, then they buy the cards, then they buy any retarded merch with the character's faces on it, like marbles.

I could watch pokemon on one of the antenna channels before school every day

Jibanyan confirmed for Smash and there it's nothing amerifats can do about it

What went wrong was Pokemon still having an iron grip on the genre. Also pretty close to the end of YKW3 right now, battle system is just way better than Pokemon.

Pokemon created a generation of elitists

Prove me wrong

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>mfw I actually don’t mind this

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america didn't get that many imports from japan as far as pokemon style rpgs go and got really used to pokemon so nobody will play anything else

I liked 2. How's 3 Yokai players?

its really good, the combat system is improved and theirs a rare fruit that makes befriending a 100% chance

>Show aired at horrendously bad times, we're talking Digimon Frontier timeslots.
>Was barely advertised at that.
>Toys were being released at a rate that would make a quarter of Super Sentai or Kamen Rider blush.
>Because of this the toys reached clearance levels everywhere they were.
Gamestop had $1 blind bags within a couple weeks of them coming out and I bought both Medalliums for like $5 each plus all the binder pages at TRU. They went on clearance so quickly.
>To top it off they thought they could do the store-exclusivity thing they do in Japan so TRU, Gamestop, and Target all had store-exclusive toys and medals.
>They decided Cheeksqueak and Manjimutt were what they shout advertise the series with in the States.
>Target is like the only place that even carried the toys or the games at all.
I don't even think Best Buy had them in stock and they have everything under the sun that's niche. Hell, they even ordered games from LimitedRunGames that's how niche they go.
>Psychic Specters is still broken if you carry over your save.
>Blasters released with unobtainable content because it required the Japanese arcade machine to obtain until a recent patch.
>Also a minor complaint that probably didn't influence the decision but they localized the shit out of everything. Nate, Katie, Springvale, the whole nine yards.
The name puns were their best work, they just needed to ignore localizing the location, main character names, and money.

You can actually use Nintendo's store to get them. Target also works if you use their online store since it's roughly the same price. Haven't checked the YW3 situation though, I imagine that one's dire.

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basically just more of yo-kai watch

an entirely new battle mechanic, 2 whole other stories that you can switch between, and a million different THINGS to just DO

I don't know anything about this game beyond cute cats

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It's a shitty pokemon knock-off using a bunch of monsters from Japanese folklore that nobody in the west aside from weeaboos will recognize or care about.

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Only a few of them are based around Jap lore, most which came on YW2, the real problem is Level-5 milking their series on Japan and bring it too late outside of Japan so its stuck as just another monster-catching for most people, seriously they should skipped the first and just brought the second.

Unfortunately you can’t do that if you plan to bring the anime stateside

I don't know m8, I'm really liking 3, maybe 1 and 2 scared people away for how fucking bad they were.

but komasan is a puppy.

he's half lion so I'm gonna call him a cat and there's nothing you can do to stop me

its perfect like this image

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I don't get why people don't like her, she is cute and funny.

The west is Highlander when it comes to monster catching franchises

The second game is based on the anime, they literraly pulled a soft reboot in the first minuteby erasing the MC memories and the first YW.

I thought 2 was alright despite how frustrating it was to get recruits and the fact there wasn't really a good place to grind. How's 3?

I think that it is easier to get yokai this time around, at least I always get the ones I want even if I have to run around like a retard for a couple of minutes, just give them what they like.

curious, what level was i meant to be for the final boss?

They know few people give a fuck about the 3DS anymore.

You can't possibly be this stupid. You can't. Of all the people on the planet who play video games, you expect that a segment of the population restricted entirely to 1-10 year olds outweighs all the other, older generations of gamers put together?

Here's your (You).

Oh boy another designated gay pedophilia thread

What makes you say that?

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Literally more minecrafters then the entire Pokemon series pit together lmao

For 2, 35~, depends on your team.

Komasan is not for lewd

i was about 40 and still had to healspam. I'm still not entirely sure if there was something I was missing in the fight because I was getting hit hard as fuck

Your the only one bringing up shota here, I'm here for the monster girls.

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>I'm here for the monster girls.
My nigga, my current team is a cute female yokai, they are also all healers so battles take fucking forever but they never die because they heal at even the smallest damage.

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There’s always those fortnite players

The people behind marketing it were absolutely fucking awful at their jobs, and all deserve to be fired.
>Having it localized THREE YEARS after its initial hype, which this is the actual big one
>The people who were advertising it were using all the shitty low tier Yokai designs, and none of the actual good or cool ones
>Releasing the toy line at the literal worst time possible and not bothering advertising the series for its actual good qualities at all
>The fact that westerns have such a fucking ginormous boner for Pokemon that they literally cannot allow anything similar to exist, even though Yo-kai Watch is an objectively better game series, and not similar to Pokemon AT ALL outside of the monster collecting stuff, and monster collecting isn't even unique to Pokemon
Overall it's still a great series and it's still doing good over in Japan, but Europe is about the only place in the west that cares about the series, and as I said above, Amerilards get extremely mad at what they deem "clones".

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In all honesty, tons of stores (my local Target for example) have already started downsizing the 3DS game section, and they have been for awhile now, especially ever since the Switch released. The long waits between localizations is what's really doing the series harm in the west, and I don't know why they can't get their heads out of their asses and actually get a game out over here on time.

Which is ironic because I don't know why Pokemon players act like their series is the most elite of the elite considering how bad it's gotten and been for years now. I know /vp/ for a fact is still salty as fuck over Yo-kai Watch taking away their spotlight for like a month, even if the series was never meant to be a direct competitor with Pokemon and is entirely its own thing.

Game sold purely off of monster designs based on japanese culture and mythology, it's an interesting game if you aren't into japanese culture or mythology. If they wanted this series specifically to be as successful as it was in Japan, it would have had to have either make monsters for the first game that appeal to foreigners or start localization from a game that appeals to foreigners. Bringing the games as they are and trying to make huge money was a mistake as the only marketable things were Jibanyan, Whisper and YOKAI YOKAI YOKAI YOKAI. The craze has probably died down in Japan because the games were tedious and mediocre from the start.

can draw fags make more lewds of that bunny chick and that spinx lady?

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. They absolutely did not bring the games as they were, and there's a bunch of weird translation issues you get into because of it being in this weird limbo of being set in Japan but not actually set in Japan. 3 is absolutely bizarre with this, where in the original Japan release, it's literally just Japan and America, but in the localization it's Springdale and BBQ, and they're considered their own countries.

>none of the actual good or cool ones
there weren't any back then. they would have had to wait for shadowside to do that.

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Are there any more cute kemonos in the game on top of the poster child catdogs?

Maybe it's because I delayed it for like 20 hours but man, getting to Chapter 6 in 3 felt like it took a long-ass time. Blasters T is just a bunch of fun though, and I'm super fucking overpowered at this point with a bunch of S Rank Yokai that are 40-50. Getting a ton of Holy EXPorbs and Black Dolls has just made it a breeze.
Also this guy is cool as fuck, and is it possible to get Meopatra before beating the game's story?

Whatever you say.

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>I could watch pokemon on one of the antenna channels before school every day

Yokai cartoon needs to be made free on YouTube

Localize concurrently with Japanese release for worldwide release on future movies/games

>human loli with a bunny ear headband

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Never tried those games, but all the praise its getting here is making me consider playing. Should I start with 1 or can I dive right into 3?

I've heard that she's way worse in the actual anime, but I wouldn't know about that. She does have her moments where she can be a bit much, but I wouldn't say I flat out hate her.

Look for yourself then.

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So are they just gonna cancel Shadowside while it's still on the air?

3 is going to be the best starting location for brand new players looking into the series. 1 is completely skippable and it would be advised to play 2 (Psychic Specters) instead. If you're interested in what Yo-kai Watch was like prior, then play 1 and 2. If you can manage to get into them, you'll find that the games are good fun and are overall high quality. The games stories are written in a way where knowledge of the previous games will basically be summarized with "Remember that one time..." bits in the story.

hate to be that guy but
treats this series with respect

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I mean, it's a gathering of people specifically looking to talk about Yo-kai Watch, so of course. Yea Forums's always going to have shitposters with decade old bait in which most of it is complete opinionated bullshit.

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it's like singing with the choir versus singing an unannounced solo in a men's locker room

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YW3 has been a blast to play so far. So much content and things to do.

Gacha a shit however.

Mote like Yokai What

Posting best track

>Not youtube.com/watch?v=m-J5eCrbLZk
Also, does anyone have the Koma Knomads theme? I can't seem to find it.

I'm just mad that the Renamon rip off didn't get more porn

>Gacha a shit however.
that's part of the fun

just play casually and enjoy yourself user

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here you go bro. God damn even the Merican Koma bros are cute too. Is it wrong that I like their dub voices.

I enjoyed Yokai Watch 1, but FFFFFFUCK the befriending system. Did they improve it in 2? Having to guess out favourite foods and having only one shot at rare Yokai was such garbage.

fuck forgot to post the link

In 2 once you get the other watch you can automatically see what food a Yokai likes, but 3's the one that saw dramatic improvements to the system, considering there's an item you can get that just lets you auto befriend Yokai, and it's super easy to farm.

Based as fuck.

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Blasters T is fun

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he's a boy though

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>implying that's not even better

>people say its gonna kill pokemon
>see gameplay
>doesnt look like pokemon so nobody looks at it
Pretty sure that had something to do with it.

America isn't based and shotapilled like Japan.

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So we won't get blasters 2, right?

What even is blasters? Saw it on yw2 but realized i couldn't play it because haha wireless

From what I heard that's not a big loss, as I always hear how much of a buggy unfinished mess it is.

It's a mode where you play as any Yokai and it's sorta action-y, it's almost Mystery Dungeon-esque. You can play it solo in 2, although it's not much of a good time, and in Blasters and 3, you can have three other Yokai accompany you.

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You take direct control of the yokai, form a team of 4 and then go beat the shit out of other yokai, a little action game that is fun and kills old 3ds's framerates.

I thought these yokai shits were like pokemon and could be either? I only want female renamon rip off

>healer is pink with hearts everywhere
>medallium calls it a boy

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They are not, they have a predetermined personality and gender.

Nope, Kyubi's canonically male.

Lemme guess. Schmoopie/Pinkipoo?

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>minor translation changes that don't make the game any more marketable for children not from Japan
Nobody gives a shit. No kids in America or Europe understood the Japanese inspired creature designs of the series. Kids don't think demons from Japanese folklore or rice balls are interesting unless they are Japanese, and Pokemon didn't make this mistake with their designs.

no doujin translations


I'll stick with female kybi

Yep, that's the one. Still had him as my highest leveled partymember because my team desperately needed a healer

rule 63 is patrician

Nate is such a stupid name. Keita is better.

What healer's should I seek out for YW3?


I want to fuck Kyubi

It's almost like Pokemon and Yo-kai Watch are completely fucking different and expecting them to be similar is a case of mental retardation. Pokemon's about natural occurring monsters, Yokai Watch is about ghosts and spirits.

I mean he's a Popularity Yokai, so he's good to have regardless if you can't find a better one. I had him for an extremely long time in 2. I think there's an item in 3 that allows you to upgrade a Yokai's Rank, too.

>go without a healer for the girl's story because I don't like the ones that I can get
>don't use items because that is for faggots
>boss battles become a DPS race
Fucking intense.

>dont use items the whole game
>get to the final boss
>wtf why does it hit so fucking hard
>run out of revives and end the fight with half my party dead

I had Wiglin for awhile, but then I replaced him with Whapir once I got her, which her Soultimate puts a buff on your party to gradually heal them. Then I got Schmoopie, although none of that matters now that I got to Chapter 6.

There's a point where you stop being a weeaboo and evolve into an utter retard.
You must have sped past that point at Mach 10 speed years ago.

I want to fuck Komasan

Because she's a complete and total bitch to her "best friend" Usapyon. Usapyon deserves none of the shit that she pulls on him. She's a manipulative CUNT

>Not playing Blasters T and getting loads of EXP and recovery items
I got lucky and managed to befriend Jibanyan S once I got the Dream Watch, so that really bumped things up. I also got lucky on getting Yokai like Sailornyan and Clodzilla from the Crank-a-Kai.

t.some poor kid who was named nate

this was in 2 and I couldn't play blasters.

Blasters in 3 is completely different than its counterpart in 2. It's vastly improved, because no you can have an actual team instead of being by yourself.

>Agent X
Is this a Resident Evil reference?

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I like her, she is a fujoshit in the making, Usapyon is also really cool, darn tootin'.

Yep, he even transforms and all.

I'm personally fine with stuff like darn tootin' as opposed to dani

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>Pokemon is about naturally occurring monsters
>Successful in the west
>Yu-Gi-Oh is about mythological creatures and elements like elves, knights, fairies and dragons
>Successful in the west
>Digimon is about baby dinosaurs, fairies and other small creatures with technological elements
>Successful, if a little niche because the designs are kinda weird
>Yokai Watch is about JAPAN, with some cheeseburgers and other uninformed stereotypes thrown in for foreigners
>Not successful in the west wtf????

>Get Komanubis
>His skill is that he just flat out kills enemies on really low health
>He does it to bosses too

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As cute and funny the world seems to be, the gameplay doesn't appeal to me at all, so I'd probably drop the games very quickly.
I'm keeping an eye on the Switch game, though.

Yo-kai Watch had absolute abysmal marketing in the west. If it had actually been handled by a group of competent people, it could have been way bigger than what it was over here. Everyone's trying to doomsay it now and try and say that it's doing way worse than it actually is, despite it still being a successful franchise.

Same. It looks really good. Better than LGPE.

i don't know shit about yu-gi-oh, but pokemon and digimon both have monsters based on japanese folklore and it's not an issue. most people don't care about the design inspiration, they just want monsters that look cool or cute. too many of yo-kai watch's designs don't fit into either category. they went for a gross-out aesthetic that stopped appealing to kids after the '90s.

Anything looks better than LGPE.

getting beat to death looks better than that trash

Most yokai designs are too weird or stupid for Americans.

An ass? Really?


It's basically Ni No Kuni, isn't it?

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Yeah, that's definitely what it reminded me of.

Didn't help that the cartoon was on a cable channel no one has.

Most of the really bad designs are actually the minority of the roster, but people know the shit ones because those are what they used in the marketing.

The fact some are just different colors probably didn't help

The anime would have done the job, it had decent timeslots on Disney. But that too was Japanese schoolkids doing Japanese kid things like searching for Japanese mythological creatures and getting the "only 50 made a day" cinnamon bun or whatever the fuck they are.

This is something I was glad to see them tone it back with in 3, and if you do see a similar looking Yokai, chances are it's altered in some way other than color. Although it doesn't help that the first two Yokai Watches padded the roster this way and now we're stuck with them.

As previously mentioned, it doesn't matter if it had a good timeslot on Disney's premium channel, because it's not one most people have access to. I have heard of rumors of the anime being moved to Cartoon Network, but I don't know.

>I have heard of rumors of the anime being moved to Cartoon Network, but I don't know.

Ah ha ha, no. If anything that would be worse.


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So how does blasters t online work? I don't see anyone online to try it out.

Not enough of this sexy vixen (male)

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What is even the appeal of this series for non children?
The designs barring the ones in Shadow wathever unironically look like garbage
While the same could also be said about pokegay at least it has tons of nostalgia working in its favor

Ded game.

kyubi is just zoroark cosplaying as renamon.

Alright perfect. Thanks a bunch user!

Zoroark is just Game Freak's lame, failed attempt at recreating Lucario.

Then they tried again with that electric cat thing.

>mfw they got all bases covered (even the fat shota’s naked in that episode)

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zoroark isn't ugly like lucario, at least.

Fuck you Zoroark is amazing

>Stumble upon a side quest that takes me into an alternate reality where Katie has the Yokai Watch and Whisper is actually competent
I wish they would have given Katie a Yokai Watch from the very start to go alongside the male PC.

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And is literally impossible to get now if you didn't do the events in BW1, which is another thing I hate Game Freak for for always locking content behind limited timed events.

Lord Enma is just Yo-kai Watch's Lucario desu

It's on fucking netflix dude. The movie is on netflix and had limited theater showings. Dragon Ball Resurrection F had limited theater showings if you think that theaters wasnt enough. You're in too much denial about this topic, dude.

Can't you get him in USUM or ORAS

But it's not?

>comparing something as huge as dragon ball to yokai watch

>at least in America anyway
It lost a ton of popularity in Japan, it was always just going to be a fad and it lasted as long in the limelight as Level 5's other properties.

post more

I really do not like the monopoly that Pokemon has created for themselves and I hate that certain people take Pokemon's astronomical franchise explosion as the only thing that matters and shun anything else of anything even remotely similar

There is really nothing quite like Pokemon elitism. I honestly cannot think of any other situation like this. Pokemon is gonna continue being itself because it has no monetary incentive to change, and all the while, other monster collecting games will be at the most unfair disadvantage any genre of video game could possibly have cause of something that's not even their fault. The greatest monster collecting game of all time could be made, and people would talk shit about it because it's not Pokemon.

Pokemon being super mega popular to the point where people overlook all of its flaws and still try and say that each game is better than the last isn't what gets me about Pokefag logic, but it's one of them. What really gets me is the absolute fucking sheer audacity to shit on any other game franchise that even remotely resembles Pokemon for no other reason than the fact that it's not Pokemon. Digimon, Dragon Quest, and SMT get labeled as Pokemon clones despite existing before Pokemon, and game franchises like Yo-kai Watch actually try and make big improvements to the games, but get shat on for not being Pokemon. It's completely fucking ridiculous and absurd, especially taking into consideration how fucking badly Game Freak treats its fans. This only seems to be a western thing too, as most of Japan is done fed up with Pokemon now, and barely bought LGPE, which is such an obvious fucking cashgrab for dumb as shit nostalgia genwunners.

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Any "first" (or rather "first -big-") franchise of a genre will always dominate because the west are so retarded that they call everything else in the same genre a ripoff, even if in the case of said franchise existing and releasing before a "first big" (example: Digimon and Pokemon).

>Pokémon fans to other monster based games: What is this knock off? Get this poor mans Pokémon clone shit outta here.
>Pokémon fans to TemTem: Wow! It’s just like Pokémon. I’ll try it out.
I just don’t get it.

>Pokefags have absolutely no taste whatsoever
What else is new?
But really, they have an absolute fear of anything eclipsing their giant that they'll actively shit on anything that even looks remotely similar that they'd fear give them competition. /vp/ is STILL mad about Yo-kai Watch stealing Pokemon's spotlight for that period of time in Japan. I doubt they'd see an indie game as any sort of threat.
What also gets me is the fact that these game review places give Pokemon games so much goddamn leeway and are constantly handing out 8's, 9's, and 10's to it while everyone else has to fucking work hard for their good scores. Literally how in the ever-living fuck am I supposed to take Gamespot's review of Yo-kai Watch 3 seriously at all when they gave it a 60, meanwhile they just handed an 80 to Pokemon Let's Go? Genuinely fuck right off with that shit.

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>Pokemon 2019 is gonna look worse than that yet it's easily gonna outsell it

kill me

It could look worse than Let's Go and still outsell YW4.

Even with something as big internationally as Dragon Ball, they merely dipped their toes with international theatrical appearances in case it didn't work. They went that far for Yokai Watch and did as much as they could for Yokai Watch in all forms of media/merchandise and it didn't catch on. You could see the toys on their own displays and shelves at Toys R Us, Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. I keep comparing Yokai Watch to bigger franchises because it tried to be as big as those franchises without an dedicated/interested international fanbase. I bought Yokai Watch 1, 2 and Blasters, each at launch, to support the growth of the series but it's not growing unless they reapproach the genre with more international appeal in their designs and themes. It would have an excuse to flop if it came out and directly competed with Pokemon but there was no Pokemon game released between 2014 and 2016, and Yokai Watch 1 came out in 2015 and to niche appeal. I don't know how else to elaborate after this.

Man I dunno how I feel about 4 not having the regular battle system

Jibanyan is the only good thing about YW so I think a lot of people would welcome it.

Whisper is cool, too.

Pokemon fans would literally buy shit in a bag if it had the Pokemon and Game Freak logo on it.

>>there was no Pokemon game released between 2014 and 2016

stupid localization

So’s Komasan


THE YEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 IS 2015

I think it didnt take off here because it sort of came off as a pokemon bootleg as far as the marketing went anyway.

>the west are so retarded that they call everything else in the same genre a ripoff
honestly, this only happens in this one particular genre. nobody calls sonic a mario ripoff, nobody calls dragon quest a final fantasy ripoff, nobody calls forza a gran turismo ripoff, etc. it's only monster collecting where people autistically only want one franchise and nothing else.

>Pokemon fans would literally buy shit in a bag if it had the Pokemon and Game Freak logo on it.
not quite true. pikachu and charizard would have to be mixed in with the shit, otherwise they won't buy it.

>nobody calls sonic a mario ripoff, nobody calls dragon quest a final fantasy ripoff,
Plenty of people do.
>nobody calls forza a gran turismo ripoff,
I don't know either way about this.

>they went too “go big or go home” when it came to the sequels
I don't understand what you mean by that. Are you talking about the games becoming too hardcore or something?

Pokefags are literally the most cancerous fanbase in video games, and they actively support the industry getting worse. Game Freak should be held accountable for a ton of sketchy as fuck business practices the current industry has because everyone's trying to be as successful as them. I don't think people seem to understand. Game Freak literally does not even have to make an attempt at trying because they know whatever they shit out is going to sell regardless. There's not a single other video game company or franchise like that.

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>Plenty of people do.
i have never heard anyone say either of those.
meanwhile, you have dumbass journalists and fanboys who think that megaten is a "pokemon ripoff" despite existing for ten whole years before pokemon, or that digimon is a "pokemon ripoff" despite being developed around the same time as pokemon and being dramatically different from it in terms of structure and mechanics.

Yokai watch is really more of a knock off of dragon quest monsters then it is pokemon
But boy howdy did the western journalists triple down on the pokemon comparison

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>catgirl in a business suit
How come mixing fetishes somehow always makes a superior fetish?

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I'm gonna need of that hex maniac-esque Yo-kai for research purposes

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Yo-kai Watch is basically proof that if you appear even somewhat similar to Pokemon, you're going to get called a clone/ripoff. Yo-kai Watch is such a dramatically different game than Pokemon in every single possible area outside of the collectible monsters it's not even funny. It's extremely clear to me that anyone who even remotely tries to imply that it's a Pokemon clone has never even touched the game, let alone looked at it.

Western journalists are fucking idiots, and the main issue with the marketing for Yo-kai Watch is that you had fucking dipshits like ViZ trying to call it the Pokemon killer. You do not, under any circumstances, do NOT label something as "X" killer. Not only is that an extremely godawful business marketing practice, but is setting unrealistically high standards for the franchise. Westerners fucking love doing this shit, which is why you saw it all the time whenever something was against WoW, and look at all what happened to the fifty million that got made. I distinctly remember Rift trying to be the big competitor with its "You're not in Azeroth anymore" shit. All that does is garner hatred towards games, because the people who play those games are literally fine with that being the one game they play. There are people who (don't know if they still do) had gaming PCs just to play WoW on. There are people who bought DS's and 3DS's literally to just play Pokemon on and are completely content not buying a single other game for it.

>Friend has been getting into Yo-kai Watch solely with the anime
>He's of course watching the subbed episodes
>Whenever we talk about Yo-kai Watch, I'm always using the English names, and when he talks about it, he uses the Japanese names, so we always have to explain ourselves
>Confusion and hilarity ensue
There are some English names that I straight up do not understand though. What the fuck is a Snee?

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reminder that THIS is Yokai Watch's main appeal

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Sometimes people like to unwind with something simple

>All of these people talking about marketing and designs
>Not a single fucking person in this thread talks about why the game is shit
How about the simple fact the gameplay is shit? Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking with this non-participation "Spin a wheel and let your little dudes fight on their own" bullshit? Pokémon took off because on top of the good designs and marketing, there was an actual fucking game there that even casuals could pick up was very strategic. This is basically a whole lot of nothing.

Faggot post more


it's supposed to be a dark/evil sounding corruption of Sheen. It's really weird how the namd some of the Yokai, especially in 3, where I distinctly remember about 50% of the new yokai striaght-up having names fit for English anyways. I.E. Afro 13, a perfectly reasonable pun on Apollo 13, was changed to Afronaut, for no fucking reason

Cute bulge

Fuck you and your cat and your cat's dozens of variants.

Except Hovernyan, Hovernyan is cool.

Another stupid thing with western localization is how much tighter laws are for parody or references
I wouldn't be surprised if they changed Afro 13 to afronaut because someone, somewhere would try to bill them for referencing apollo 13

Pokefags are probably amongst the worst vidya consumers. And it's sad, because as a Yokai-Watch and Digimon fan, I really want more people to get into the franchises. Which will never happen so long as Pokemon continues spewing its shit and people keep gobbling it up.

Fuck, I can't wait to get to 3.
2 had some good tracks, but this is shit I can dance to.

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No, why go for that lame shit when can have yokai gf

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How exactly did the localization get around the whole "Japanese family move to America" thing when they already set the normal game in Americatown?
Did they just move to the deep south or what?

They moved to the deep south and couldn't understand the fucking nonsense they were spouting
this hurts because I can relate to it so much. I've even heard cattywhompus, it's absurd

Tempura be damned, give me the chocolate bun booty.
>Kyubi fucking creeping on her
That got a good laugh out of me.

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why does this look so soulless compared to the 3DS games?

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If you honestly believe you can auto your way through the entirety of the Yo-kai Watch games, then you're going to get mad as fuck the moment you get to bosses where you can't just do that, or when you get inspirited and are getting fucked six ways from Sunday. But of course this is Yea Forums, and people here LOVE to talk up a storm about shit they don't know about.

open world meme
not even once

It's really just the fact that they zoomed out way too fucking much on this shot, too much negative space makes it look empty.


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It might just be the roads converging and the angle of the shot, but that street looks absurdly wide.


>If you honestly believe you can auto your way through the entirety of the Yo-kai Watch games, then you're going to get mad as fuck the moment you get to bosses where you can't just do that

>Spin wheel
>Watch monsters attack
>Sometimes poke at them for 3 seconds to cure them or use a super
>Go back to spin to win

Are you fucking retarded?

She pretty good too, i do like variety when comes yo-kai girls.

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>Says it's not interactive
>Now he says there's interaction but somehow it doesn't count

What exactly is interactive about this? Wow, congrats, you forced me to push A button with no thought. Guess that means that Blue Ray movies are games now, because I have to push the play button to "interact" with the movie and watch it. You sure got me user.

That video literally showcases what he was talking about poketard. spinning the wheel and poking your yokai is still really damn hard to do when you're also supposed poking THAT yokai and that one as well, in tandem with giving them items so they don't die/ reviving them when they do. It's the amount you do at once that makes it complex, you probably never even made it past the first boss in the first game.

>spinning the wheel and poking your yokai is still really damn hard
I stopped reading there from sheer laughter. Are you actually retarded?

I wish it wasn't so apparent just how less well designed America/BBQ is than Japan/Springdale. Nate/Keita gets a single location to sell all of his stuff to because there's only one Everymart in BBQ, and it doesn't even have a Mirapo inside it. Meanwhile every single Everymart in Springdale has a Mirapo inside it, and there's tons of them. Springdale also just feels a lot larger than BBQ. At least it's better than Old Springdale in 2, where there was literally not a single reason to go back there other than to clear up some side-quests and befriend some Yokai.

>The final boss of 1
>Not the final bosses of 2
>Or the super post-game bosses of 2

>He talks as if anything in Pokemon is even remotely challenging or requires any amount of brain power or input

Assuming I even accept the Final boss of 2 and post-game bosses of 2 as an answer (which I won't), then...
>I have to go into the end game and post-end game of a sequel in order to get good gameplay
>"Guys, I think I figured out why my series is failing! I'm PRETTY sure that it's because America, the place that loves anime, hates anime. NAILED IT!"

Attached: Is this guy a fucking idiot Challia Kurayami Dance.png (540x224, 120K)

Did they really give a yo-kai it's own battle theme?
Or is it a boss?
Either way I love it.

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>I won't accept it because it proves me wrong, wtf stop calling me a retard

I won't accept it because the core gameplay is built on literal shit. It doesn't matter if you shape that shit into a castle, it's still going to stink to high-heavens.

But that's fine. Your game is wallowing with the pigs, meanwhile I'll just play good games that are going successfully. Have fun, retard.

Sighborg Y (or Android Yamada in Japanese) is a very special Yokai. You can't just befriend him like any other Yokai, you have to find wherever he's currently located, battle him, and hope to find the real Sighborg Y.
He was also designed by a child who won a contest to have his own original Yokai in the game.

I guess removing the japanese elements and forcibly pushing it to earn the same success as japan it's what hurt it?
I mean, that kinda happened with Dragon Quest.

Good. Go away, pleb. Enjoy Pokemon Let's Go 2, now with even less content.

It's actually shared with the Yo-kaiju minigame/boss fight, but Hovernyan actually has his own battle theme now


Pokémon Let's Go is still far, far more interactive and demanding than Yokai watch every will be. And it's still selling crazy well to boot.

>yokai watch has enough SOUL to let fans design some of the yokai
>children too, which fits with the game's aesthetics and theme perfectly
>we will never experience this in America, if it even happens in Japan again.

Attached: dammit.gif (500x281, 867K)

Dragon Quest flopped in the west because it came too late to create any influence/nostalgia.

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>starts out with the Moximus jingle
Fuck me that's good.
Gotta finish up some stuff in YW2 so I can head onto 3.


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>Out of answers, he resorts to meme posting.

>Being this much of a pussy to respond to an actual argument.

>let a child design a yo-kai
>they put it in the game and let you befriend it
That just fucking warms my heart right there.

(Not true, btw)

This. It has nothing to do with Japanese influence. When Dragon Quest 1 dropped, Final Fantasy 1 had already been released, which was overwhelmingly a superior title in all aspects. That's not to say I dislike DQ 1, but there was just too huge of a technology/gameplay gap between it and FF 1.

>Crying about memeposting when he has to resort to talking about sales as if that's any indicator for a game being good

>watching 4 trailer on youtube
>tons of comments saying they ripped off Xenoblade Chronicles 2 combat
>not realizing its literally Ni No Kuni combat from the same devs

I fucking hate Monolith fags

Not either of them, but your arguments are shit, and you feel like shit for shitting up a thread for an already niche series you know nothing about you fucking Poketard. You don't wanna understand the nuances of the series battle systems, so you use big insults to hide how stupid it makes you feel. fuck off falseflagger

digimon has done the same thing a bunch of times. some of the winning contest entries, such as cyberdramon, mummymon and dobermon, have even been given major roles in the anime.

Attached: Mummymon_ZT.jpg (640x480, 105K)

Oh there is, it's just that they're viewed far more negatively than Pokemon.

FF1 didn't end up selling that much iirc. Heck, RPGs back then were so niche that the whole reason Super Mario RPG existed was to popularize the genre and make FF sell more in the west

>there's an item in 3 that allows you to upgrade a Yokai's Rank
So could I, in theory, have an S-Rank Chatalie?
I want my waifu to be viable late game.

Literally the thread opened up with "Why is this doing so terribly" and I answered it because nobody else is even pretending to be self-aware about it. The gameplay of Yokai watch is dog shit. Fuck, I remember the number of threads on Yea Forums going down after the demo released because people were openly shitting on the gameplay.

>Not either of them, but your arguments are shit,
Which ones and why? I've already pointed out the game's lack of interactivity, and the best responses I've gotten are "Hurr you totally interact with the game! See, I have to touch the screen here! This is super hard!" and "I SWEAR it gets good 1.9 games in! You just have to stick with it!"
The fuck shit is that?

It outperformed DQ1 pretty readily though. Among the crowd that was ready for Japanese RPGs, FF1 was the very much superior option between the two. It didn't help that DQ2 & 3 didn't get marketing, but also were quite stale in comparison. If they had released it earlier, it could have been a huge hit, especially considering America was still knee deep in the D&D crazy mid-80s.

>I've already pointed out the game's lack of interactivity
You literally said and gave reasons as to why it's interactive but trying to say that it isn't interactive. Grow a fucking brain, nigger.

When the first game released here the local Meijers had an entire aisle dedicated to Yokai Watch merchandise. Dolls, toys, cheap little shitty things I would have been bored with when I was a kid, books, binders, the works. Virtually none of it moved and everything was on clearance within two months. Dunno why Nintendo was expecting another craze on par with Red and Blue as times are different now and most kids weren't even able to see the localized anime unlike Pokemon which aired about a month or so before the games released to build up hype.

Shut up. You tried shilling this morning and you continue to look embarrassing.

YOU HAVE NOT GIVEN PROPER RESPONSES TO THOSE COUNTERS. Tell me why having to focus on moving your yokai and giving them items CONSTANTLY thoughout the battle isn't interactive, because you're doing a shit job at it. Try to go fucking fight Orcanos in 1, Kat Kraydel in 2, or any late-game boss in 3 and you get your shit kicked in with that attitude

is the pvp good in yo kai watch? whats the best ykw game for pvp on the 3ds


wtf is this shit

Literally not even remotely who you're referring to, so shut the fuck up and go away you fucking faggot.

ive said it a few times but it's just the retarded localization and shitty marketing. some people thought it was because folks said its a pokemon clone, but you're pretty fukn wrong. used to have a buncha pokemon friends who had 3ds's in highschool, and when yokai watch was released they were all playing it and quite liked it. then level 5 were so fucking retarded they let pokemon come around with their new gen instead of beating them to the punch and at least getting the games' american audience a solid base.

Yes, but the items for it are exceedingly rare. They're founf DEEP in side-quests and Blasters T, but yeah, yokai made S-Rank are pretty powerful (not on par with the big dick S-Ranks, like the Enmas or Hinozall, but still pretty powerful)

>That box yokai that looks like she has big tits

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Yeah, because it's not interactive. Like I said with the BluRay metaphor, forcing me to press play to watch the movie doesn't make the movie an interactive experience despite the fact I am clearly interacting with it. The reason I'm calling Yokai watch non-interactive is because there is literally no interaction. I am not engaged with playing healslut as I rotate a wheel around to make monsters fight automatically. There's no game there. You just sit and watch.

>Tell me why having to focus on moving your yokai and giving them items CONSTANTLY
AHAHAAHAHAHAHA, fucking what the fuck are you talking about "Constantly"? Even the fucking final boss battle, the guy just does the very obvious optimal solution of just sitting on three of them until they get status/weak, then he rotates them to the back to poke at them. Who the fuck are you trying to fool here?
>Try to go fucking fight Orcanos in 1, Kat Kraydel in 2, or any late-game boss in 3 and you get your shit kicked in with that attitude
I guarantee with how easy this shit game is that I won't. Because the game basically plays itself.

It's called Prestigious Treasure or something. No idea how or where you get it in Blasters T, but it raises a Yokai's rank.

>teaching amerifats to exercise
So this is the real reason why it failed in the states.

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>omg pokemon is so interactive, i overlevel one pokemon and teach it a super powerful move and steamroll through the entire game

I have no words

Unpopular opinion, but I like that Komasan looks like an actual dog now instead of a cat clone.

>i overlevel one pokemon and teach it a super powerful move and steamroll through the entire game
The amount of effort that takes for me to do, especially in games past Gen 2, is actually way, way more effort and thought than all of Yokai watch combined. Congrats. You played yourself.

Okay user, we get it. You love your baby game for babies. Go play with the other diaper-wearing furries.

Final fantasy 1 released 1 year after dragon quest 1

Which yokai makes you want to fuck little girls?

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>look at the video
>he's constantly purifying them, doing soultimates, and starts handing out revives when his team goes to shit near the end
Did you even watch the video you fucking posted? He's doing tons after the battle hit it's stride. he's almost never not doing something on the bottom screen a few minutes in.
>dude it's so easy I won't lol
yeah, sure. just fuck off already

From what I've seen (in YW2 at least), there's no PvP scene at all.
The option's there, but I've only encountered the same three people in my time playing the online.
It's basically like regular battles only you're limited on how often you can turn the wheel and you can't use items.
Oh and only 2 S Ranks and 2 A Ranks are allowed.
The rest have to be B and below.

The show itself.

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>You love your baby game for babies. Go play with the other diaper-wearing furries.
But I'm already IN the Yokai watch thread.


You're right. I was simply going off of wrong information. When I last looked it up, it indicated that Dragon Quest 1 was released 6 months later than Final Fantasy, so I was just wrong on that point.

>he pokes them
>he also clears clouds
>he also spins the wheel
>he also has to manage health
>he also has to do soultimates
>which require to trace
>he also has to go into the items menu
>he has to do all of this constantly after the boss starts handing out damage and inspirits like it's candy on halloween
So yeah, thanks for agreeing?

>Pokebab ITT pretending his game made specifically to cater to little children is hardcore
Isn't that just precious.

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These are the worst names ever made for attacks

>Items - Ooooh, fancy
>Poking into a super as mentioned before
>"You can only poke him when this thing lights up user. That's totally interaction."
>Items again, the fuck did you bring this up again for?
>"CONSTANTLY EVERY SECOND" while the guys is clearly just kinda sitting there for long periods of time doing nothing.
Yup. You were right all along. This game is better than bioshock. I can't BELIEVE this series died this horrible, unending death.

>user, so desperate to believe that his series isn't dying from bad gameplay, continues to mock other, tangentially related series, to reduce his stress

>wanting shitty localization

>so desperate to believe that his series isn't dying from bad gameplay
Literally changed its entire gameplay to be more interactive with 3 to make faggots like you shut up. Which it'll go through another change with 4, unlike Pokemon, which'll forever remain a more expensive 3DS game because retards like you continue to guzzle down Game Freak's shit.

is this the fabled 200iq bioshock gamer?

>It's not interactive because I said so
How fucking petty and pathetic

>being this mad
Yeah, it's you.

You're a fucking moron, so that's in order
>Items-oooh fancy
Once again, you're a fucking moron
>"You can only poke him when this thing lights up user. That's totally interaction."
>You can only do this thing at this time (which happens frequently), so you aren't doing anything at all!
nice logic idiot
>"CONSTANTLY EVERY SECOND" while the guys is clearly just kinda sitting there for long periods of time doing nothing.
Show me some instances of this, they better not last for more than a few seconds

>you're able to befriend a literal shortstack
Man, I love this series.

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>Literally changed its entire gameplay to be more interactive with 3 to make faggots like you shut up.
Yeah, I saw some videos of three, and that weird little chess system they got going on. Kinda reminded me of battle network. Problem is, too little; too late. You really need to capture your audience by game 1 or 2, and Yokai watch just failed at doing anything other than generating meaningless hype that died when the first demo released.

>unlike Pokemon, which'll forever remain a more expensive 3DS game because retards like you continue to guzzle down Game Freak's shit.
To be honest, I don't really care. I stopped enjoying Pokémon since Gold/Silver. I just use it as a comparison to let it sink into you that as bad as Pokémon has gotten, it's still doing better than your trash game. Maybe you should become self-aware?

I actually like engaging mentally with the game instead of moving a wheel around to have numbers pop up on the screen. You should probably consider staying away from Pachinko if this is a series you find interactive.

So you admit they're trash and not real gameplay? Good to know.
It's not. Play an adventure game or survival horror game, you retard.
>>You can only do this thing at this time (which happens frequently), so you aren't doing anything at all!
You're not. You get a light to push a button. Ding, fries are done.
>>"CONSTANTLY EVERY SECOND" while the guys is clearly just kinda sitting there for long periods of time doing nothing.
Watch the video. It lasts from 0:00 to 27:43.

As a hardcore Pokefag, I still don't understand how people could stomach the garbage that is Let's GO, with it's forced motion controls if you were playing on docked, removal of held items/abilities, no wild battles, and Gen 1 only + Ditto 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I bought Yo-Kai Watch 3 instead and having a blast at 70 hours in. I pray to some higher authority that Let's GO won't influence the main series and that gen 8 will at least be somewhat good. I know it won't. Someone put us out of our fucking misery

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I played Yo-Kai blasters and I love it but how does the other games compare to it?

Shadowside was unfairly maligned. The TV ratings were stable and it had a high percentage with kids. It's only being killed due to toy sales, but I don't returning to the old YW will save toy sales, either.

How’s that?

I suggest starting with 3 if you liked Blasters a lot, considering there's an entire sub-game about Blasters in it that's far more faithful to it than the one in 2. They're good and fun if you can get into them.

From my understanding, Inaho being introduced was what really mixed things up. I guess people over in Japan don't care much for weeb characters like the west does.

>MiniGAMES aren't GAMEplay
holy fucking based retard Batman
>It's not. Play an adventure game or survival horror game, you retard.
What does that have to do with this discussion. We're talking about RPGs, and if you think item management isn't important you're a moron. It's one of the most important things in the DQ and FF series, which are two of the biggest RPG series in the world.
>You're not. You get a light to push a button. Ding, fries are done.
holy strawman Batman
>Watch the video. It lasts from 0:00 to 27:43.
>he can't find any examples after the first few minutes
thanks for proving my point!

I haven't played Blasters myself (outside of the ingame app in 2) but from what I've seen they're completely different from it.
YW1 and 2 have a dial system where you have to rotate the wheel to have your yo-kai fight, and in 3 your yo-kai are positioned on a grid and you have move them around to dodge attacks and stuff like that.

Did people in the west even like her?
I know a few people (myself inclulded) who found her pretty damn annoying.

>People that hate Yo-kai Watch for no reason demonstrating how fucking stupid they are and making it look better because of their retardation

>From my understanding, Inaho being introduced was what really mixed things up. I guess people over in Japan don't care much for weeb characters like the west does.
Inaho killed the original show's TV ratings. Shadowside had decent ratings but the toy sales weren't very good.

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>She was so bad they pretty much wrote her out of the series
Damn, son.

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No can do, user.
It's gonna go on until the games are so watered down they're literally automatic.

>tfw I got the only copy of the game in all of the state I’m currently staying in
They’re just fucking dumping this to get it over it, which is just fucking sad.

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It seems like 3DS games in general are getting downsized.
Sucks, man.
Like on the release day the shelves were fully stocked, and by the time I got off of work they were gone.
I really should've preordered, but I had financial shit going on at the time.

>Used to be absolutely obsessed with Pokemon
>Was on /vp/ daily
>XY came out
>Remember feeling weird about them at the time, and feeling like they were a step down from Gen 5
>Then ORAS came out, and I remember feeling even weirder about not liking it
>Then SM came out, and after that is when my interest in Pokemon completely dropped off
>Remember how I was interested in Yo-kai Watch when it initially boomed in popularity in Japan, and how I finally got around to playing it
>Remember having a really enjoyable time with it
>Then Yo-kai Watch 2 came out and I liked it even more
>Got super hyped for Yo-kai Watch 3 and have since fell in love with the series, while just being completely over Pokemon now, and witnessing from afar as Pokemon gets worse and worse
It's an odd type of feel.

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Stores have been largely trying to downsize the 3DS ever since the Switch came out. 3DS get a tiny little corner section nowadays with maybe a handful of games to choose from. Companies are really trying to kill off the 3DS so they can get rid of stock. I heard even the Bowser's Inside Story remake had issues with a small amount of shipments, so it's not just exclusive to Yo-kai Watch, at the very least.

>thanks for proving my point!
You didn't really have one to begin with.

From what I've heard they only stocked as much as was preordered and that's it.
I guess the 3DS really is finally coming to an end.

I still need to get Psychic Specters, one of the Yo-Kai Watch 2 games I don’t have and both Yo-Kai Watch Blasters games to go.

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PS is pretty fun. It has a lot of exclusive content, especially post-game, that the other two versions don't have.
Unfortunately it doesn't have BS or FS's version exclusives, so your gonna have to trade for those.
Other than that its pretty damn rad.

The Switch, or rather how adamantly people want dedicated handhelds to die off, generally rubs me the wrong way all around.

>"monsters look like shit"
Americans must have REALLY poor taste in designs if they think mermaid milfs are a bad design choice.

Attached: Mermother Yo-Kai.png (1024x1024, 650K)

Its name is Foiletta.

Attached: Foiletta Watamote.png (2024x1405, 3.13M)

>Own a Switch and a 3DS
>My Switch has been collecting dust
>Meanwhile constantly using my 3DS to play Yo-kai Watch
Xenoblade 2 was really the last time I played a game extensively on my Switch. I haven't even finished Mario Odyssey, and I touched Splatoon 2 for a few hours before never playing it afterwards. It's weird that I thought it'd be the perfect handheld console, but I don't want to play it in handheld mode because I'd rather see things on my TV screen.

Attached: 1546880628305.jpg (1640x1200, 223K)

I’m just collecting the games. I was gonna get PS, but I had a hard time trying to get YKW3, so I have to wait til my next paycheck for PS

My story is pretty much the same. It honestly feels nice to have jumped ship early on.

Attached: Pokemon's sinking ship.jpg (2546x1964, 491K)

I might have an out for paid online if i ever get a switch, but the higher price of games, losing out on the 3ds's cfw, and all the issues i hear with the controllers really turns me off to it.

>tfw more or less still hoping it can get better
That being said i didn't buy USM or the fuckin travesty that they call a switch game. I'm more or less waiting gen 8 out to see if it's any good and if it's not i'm bailing. Wonder if GF knows this is their last chance to a lot of people who am i kidding they'll just shill kanto once again and tell everyone that hates it to fuck off

My friend whom actually put 60+ hours into LGEP to squeeze as much content out of it as he can INCLUDING the Meltan grind and he's done nothing but laugh at the myriad of flaws and lack of depth the game has. Afterward, he bought YKW3 on my recommendation and he's enjoyed how much more actual depth and content it has. Also, the first boss of Busters-T mode in YKW3, Junkernaut, is way more demanding than all of LGEP combined since they purposefully made it a scrub destoryer to avoid broken early game grinding.

Funny how the Pokéfag hasn’t replied you yet. That’s what I call getting BTFO

Now we KNOW your baiting

Naming all the characters and places ultra American names makes the third one even more jarring since they're in Burger Cowboy BBQland.

so it's like this?

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It's odd because of just how obsessed with Pokemon I used to be and now I'm not, and I can fully take it in for what it is and what it's become. I actually used to be obsessed with WoW, too, and that too has gone to complete shit. I was super into it back in MoP, but then I dropped off hard after WoD. I guess it's better this way though for both series. Better to actually realize something isn't making you happy no more than to pretend that it does.

I bought everything up until USM, which I didn't bother with. I know for an absolute fact that Gen 8 isn't going to be any different, and if it is then good for them, but I'm too fed up with Game Freak's nasty shit nowadays that I just don't care.

I honestly think I have 140 hours in YKW2PS alone, and I've already put close to 50 in YKW3 and I'm still on Chapter 6. Blasters T is just a bunch of fun.

Try taking on this dude sometime if you think it's not demanding. Mini-boses like Snartle and Awevil are intentionally designed to walk all over bad players that don't understand basic team composition and other bosses like Gargaros will just beat you to a pulp if your team isn't level 99. I certainly hope you're not a bad player, user.

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He never made a single good argument to begin with. Personal preference is one thing, but trying to outright deny that the game is interactive despite describing points of it being interactive is something else entirely.

It genuinely is. It's the most tongue and cheek shit ever and it's great. It honestly feels like satire.

I love that Yo-kai Watch has a literal good boy/bad boy point system, even if it's super easy to avoid when you learn about it.
>Don't you dare cross that goddamn street without using the stoplight you little shit

I got 6 of those in my party

I have absolutely no faith in Gen 8 either and Ultra Moon was a waste of my money. At least YKW3 is giving me an actually respectable game to play.

There's actually an achievement trophy you can only get for playing 300+ hours in YKW3. The developers KNOW how much content is in their game and that it's huge. It's hilarious.

>come across this guy in the postgame
>completely bodies my level 50 team
I didn't play much longer after that because everything seemed to have much higher levels and there didn't seem to be a good way to get exp

YKW3 helps a ton with that. They give you a ton of free multipliers, items and areas that make getting to level 99 much easier. That's another great thing about this series: you can pretty much count on the fact that any problem you had in the first 2 games no longer exists in 3.

I kind of want to play 3 after 2, but i only finished 2 last week and i feel like it's too soon after to go play another game.

I have been loving YW3. Got like 65 hours in and still have things to do.

I think a big part was the initial marketing decided to push shit like Cheeksqueek instead of focusing on the cute (Jibanyan and Komasan), the cool (Venoct and Robonyan) and the evil (bosses and Snartle)

If you plan on getting it digitally and have a big SD card, then it's fine to wait. If you plan on getting physical, you might wanna get it ASAP to at least save for later otherwise the price will inflate due to rarity.

that's the thing, i just thought it was trash like assheads beforehand.
riceball samurai is my main man

I managed to beat him earlygame by the skin of my teeth with a lvl 11 team consisting of one S rank and some D-E Rank yokai. Despite starting to fall behind as of late, Sonic Bam has been a real MVP.

American kids don't play video games, they play with their cellphones.

why is Pokemon the only one with a mobile game hand reaching for it when all those other franchises have their own cash grabs?

Ayy another monster catching thread. What are some good ones in the genre for a /vr/ fag? Aside from the obvious ones like SMT and Dragon Quest.

In Psychic Specters, the best way to get EXP was to reset for the Happy-Go-Lucky Express and go in there with a bunch of Lie-Ins and Smashibull Souls with the Yokai you wanted to level, but even then you'd have to be on your toes because holy fuck will those Daiz fuck your shit up if you're not careful. They are so bizarrely strong.

In 3, I'm imagining that Blasters T is going to be the be all end all way of getting everything you need, as I posted about here The Holy EXPorbs give you 20000 EXP a piece, and those Black Dolls sell for 2-fucking-grand a pop. The best way of going about it is to talk to the guy at the camp and trade some of those Ghostly Orb things for an Aura that increases the chance of a chest to have an Ar-T-fact in it, and make your way around each location, gathering all the chests and killing enemies with chests and basically waiting for the timer to get low before moving onto the next room. You can do this stuff really early too, so you can basically breeze through the entire story, which is something I personally find fun is being so overpowered that I just steamroll everything in my path.

It might do you well to at least secure your hands on a copy of 3 for future notice then, if you're planning on waiting to play it, unless you're buying it digitally, or even pirating it. I've been on a big gaming binge as of late though, and I find the best way to do it is to switch genres after each game you play. Like, I went from playing Crash Bandicoot to playing Spyro, and then going from Spyro to Kingdom Hearts, then Kingdom Hearts to Dark Souls, and now I'm playing Yo-kai Watch 3.

As they say: Variety is the spice of life.

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Mobile games are like 10 times bigger in Japan than America. That's why Yo-Kai Watch has like 5 mobile games in Japan. 6 if you count the port of YKW1 for mobile that we still haven't gotten an update on.

>tfw Sangokushi, Blasters 2 and the other movies will never be translated

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Are you me user? I don't care about the resolution on my 3DS because the games are designed for it, in the other hand most Switch games look like ass in handheld mode because they are a downgrade of the original mode.

Despite disliking SM, I still think XY are the absolute worst games in the series. Though I was dumb enough to actually buy Ultra Sun before I finally just said fuck it. Initially, seeing LGPE as ANOTHER Kanto game really irritated me, and it just got worse from there.
I'm going to be a spectator for Gen 8, because following the current pattern, GameFreak won't see a single dime from me anymore.
I'll probably work on Dragon Quest Monsters Joker or something until my YW3 copy gets here.

Got a specific platform in mind?

Nobody asked for Pokemon Go mechanics to become a main game feature

Any and all that are worth a shit.

This game is arguably a hidden gem. It actually teaches you basic RPG concepts like item farming, crafting, MP budgeting, etc that carries over to OTHER RPGs and is a monster collector. This is more of a game you would give to someone if you wanted them to learn how to play an RPG but it's still good.

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Got him with a Premiun Chocobar. Is he any good?

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At least Sangokushi is getting a fan translation. I'll be looking forward to that.

>There are several reasons for this. As website Koe Dame Rainbow explains, one is that the first Yokai Watch watch toys were not compatible with all the medals. The second watch toy was compatible with a different set of medals. For kids and parents, this caused confusion and frustration, especially because getting the first watch was so difficult. This wasn’t exactly the best first impression.

>Scarcity creates even more demand. In summer 2014, when Yokai Watch suddenly became popular, there was a shortage of toys as well as licensed goods. Kids wanted anything emblazoned with Yokai Watch. That fall, anything is what they got. By the time the frenzy had subsided, there was a glut of Yokai Watch stuff available. Perhaps, it seemed like putting the characters on everything wasn’t such a good idea when those products ended up in the bargain bin.

>One big reason for Yokai Watch’s initial popularity was the anime’s super catchy theme song and dance. When the show updated both, kids—at least my kids—started losing interest. The song and the dance’s moment had passed.

>Perhaps sensing the need for a change, Level-5 began retooling and trying to appeal to an older audience. The 2017 movie Yokai Watch Shadowside and the TV anime that followed were much, much darker than Yokai Watch’s original iteration. This might have put off those who were initially drawn to the series. It also was too frightening for the little kids who loved the cute yokai. Plus, the “scarier” Yokai Watch didn’t seem grown up enough for junior high school kids, so the target audience was unclear. Yokai Watch was having an identity crisis.

>Anpanman, Doraemon and Pokémon are clearly defined. They evolve and change, but they generally do not veer wildly from the formula that makes them special. Kids and parents know what they were getting. Yokai Watch wasn’t that dependable.

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My main problems with XY are that it's frustratingly boring, but I still think that ORAS is by far the worst of the 3DS entries. As someone who played the goddamn hell out of Emerald (RIP my copy that some fucking piece of shit stole out of my backpack) holy fuck were they just so disappointing. SM's biggest issues were being unable to skip cutscenes, which literally who the fuck thought that was a good idea. All those games share being way too easy though.
Also SM rips off Yo-kai Watch so hard that it's hilarious. The Z-Bracelet and the Rotom Dex are so fucking transparent.

It's not getting cancelled, just ending since it was always intended as just a tie-in ad for the game. Problem is the game got delayed an extra 6 months.

I love how the whisper button actually got bigger than it was in 2

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ORAS is soul crushing easy.

>SM's biggest issues were being unable to skip cutscenes, which literally who the fuck thought that was a good idea
This is even more confusing and irritating when you read that Masuda says they're easier because "kids don't have time to be hooked into a game for very long." That makes absolutely zero sense and I'm convinced Masuda is fucking senile.

Question about Blasters T, can you play with random people or friends only? What about trading?

Friends and randoms for Blasters T, friends only for trading.

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I commend Level-5 for at least trying to age Yokai Watch up with its growing audience, even if it didn't lead them to much success. I think they took the blow Inaho gave them really hard, so they thought that what people wanted instead was something less kiddish. It's really telling just how hard they're backpedaling though with the announcement of the original Yokai Watch anime coming back, downgrading from Shadowside. I can't help but wonder that YW4 is starting to put more focus on Keita again, so they might be trying to backpedal harder than I'm thinking. I guess it's really telling though. People keep wanting a Pokemon anime with Ash older, but then Level-5 tried to do that with mixed results.

That statement is such goddamn fucking horseshit and I fucking hate Masuda so much. I want to feel bad for him because he made BW1/2 and I love those games but most people didn't like it because they couldn't use "m-m--muh bros" and he was forced to change the series into nostalgia-pandering, but nah, fuck him. That statement is so fucking false, and it's just an excuse for laziness. Don't even get me started on that comment he made about Pokemon having a hard mode, where he said something like how people wouldn't be able to beat it.

Is GX the only series to ramp up the maturity like that successfully then?

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Was GX that mature compared to 5DS? I know a lot of people didn't like GX because it went from being super jokey and weird to going full blown mature and dramatic. Hell, the 4th season never even got aired over here. But every YGO anime after DM has been completely different, and DM will always have the best tone I believe. The Egyptian stuff will always be cool to me.
That said, I like GX.

>Inaho probably won't come back
>tfw I actually like her a lot more than Keita
My initial thoughts were 'this bitch is gonna be annoying as hell' but she grew on me so quickly, I just love how her attitude towards Yo-kai problems is either 'let's beat the shit out of them' or 'let's butter them up so they give us stuff'

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No such thing, user.

Th-They'll keep good ol' Usapyon around though, r-right?
Seriously though, I haven't personally watched the anime, but knowing that she apparently got completely written out is so sad to me. It was probably some innocent guy that made a character he really liked and wanted to share with everyone, but then everyone ended up fucking hating her. She might be a bit too eccentric, but I don't think that's any reason to outright despise her, although I heard the anime made her a lot more annoying than she was in the game.

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This was before the first game even came out.

Cartoons can't sell shit these days, because kids have more cartoons than they can possibly ever watch on-demand, 24/7 in their pockets. If you want to sell something with a cartoon, the cartoon has to be top-tier, and the YKW cartoon definitely isn't.

>do all the tiers of each stage because my autism demands it
>end up with a party so over leveled it becomes unstoppable
The monsters are all cute at least.

Yeah, I also really like her but japs hate her guts.

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Yo-kai Watch should've been more experimental with character merchandise like Pokemon was.

Yo-kai Watch is comfiest game.


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Age her up like they are with Keita, mellow her out a little and give her shoulder length hair and they'd be all over her.

Journalists kept calling it the "Pokemon Killer" and Viz Media fell for the trap too, leading to invariable comparisons with Pokemon and the phrase that killed many a franchise before, "It's a Pokemon Rip-Off".

So basically she grows up into this
I still can't get over it that Ann's English VA plays Inaho/Hailey Anne in the dub, shame there's no crossover fanart

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When does 3 open up? I'm on chapter 3, and I still don't even have a bug net. The start seems way more linear and focused but i just want to dick around in town

Chapter 6 is when the two parties combine, and you get a little more freedom to do whatever.without feeling gimped. I don't think you get full freedom until postgame though.

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The friend system. Should have made it easier to befriend them. I got so fed up with failing on higher ranked Yokai after fighting them for 15 minutes over and over again, I just stopped playing. It wasn't fun anymore at that point. I did like the game though, and I heard the sequels improved on everything. One day I'll get the second or third game.

In 3 there is a farmable food that basically ensures to befriend any yokai.

Is the anime still good? I watched the first 30 or 40 episodes and loved it. Whoever the writers were knew what they were doing. The jokes really hit me good, like my kind of humor.

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Good thing that this version is sukiyaki.

reminder that THIS is Yokai Watch's main appeal

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>is upset about porn of a character
>posts art of that character from a porn artist

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The duality of furfags, I'm in yokai watch for the waifus not for the stupid dogs and cats.


t. USApyon

>it had decent timeslots on Disney.
That is a blatant lie, it was locked away to XD, which is notorious for being a ratings black hole due to being a premium channel. It still did fine all things considered, but it could've easily fared much better on the main network.

what about this dog

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She has an stupidly big head, that's why I don't really try to get her.

not him, but always find her cute more than sexy, her introduction in the anime was pretty great.

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