>Called "Easy Pete"
>Most difficult boss in the game
What are some other games that subvert expectations?
Called "Easy Pete"
because he has a fuck ton of tnt. so when he gets riled the townsfolk say "Easy Pete.".
Too dangerous. Gonna kill all yourselves if I let you touch it. Better to leave it buried - safer that way.
actually its because hes very promiscuous
hahaha le easy petey is le hardest bossy ECKS DEEEEE
>being this asspained over a bossfight because you suck at parrying
Sure he's got that bullshit charge attack but overall it's a fun and challenging fight.
Good post!
Just get your explosives to 100 so he has some respect for you
Why did he get turned into a meme?
He actually has a dynamite stash. and he said he was a prospector for his whole life and retired.
The "easy" probably refers to him being retired and taking it easy.
>Not just giving him his favorite whisky to avoid the boss fight and get his tnt
I mean, there's always diplomacy playthroughs.
Reddit loves New Vegas. Reddit starts all the shittiest memes.
>reddit loves new vegas
reddit literally never talked about NV until well after it was popular here. You'd have to be a newfag not to have realized reddit never does anything original.
New vegas would have been better than fallout 3 in most ways if it wasn't for the railroading map. DLC for both games were crap though. Especially point look out and dead money.
i played new vegas for 10 mins then dropped it
finding out is was made by obsidian afterwards just further made me hate the game
Kill yourself, zoomer scum.
>Reddit loves New Vegas
Nigga everyone loves New Vegas, that's like saying you dont drink water cause reddit also drinks water?
>if it wasn't for the railroading map
What do you mean by railroading? You can go north at the start or are you too much of a scrub to go past sloan?
Don't be mad that I have better taste than you.
The hardest bossfight for me was Euclid. The C-Finder is OP.
Okay but how do I stop him from taking over Vegas?
invisible walls are everywhere in that game
I heard reddit also like to breathe air, drink water, and eat food. You aint shit unless you stop doing all three reddit faggot. get the fuck off my board normie scum.
>invisible walls are everywhere in that game
Oh you mean "climb that mountain" shit just play with a mod that removes them, but honestly I barely ever noticed the invisible walls just go through Primm Pass instead of trying to climb over it
holy shit your so smart
Because south be cazadores and east has death claws
They use this to force you on the path they set out for you.
Reddit was obsessed with New Vegas since well before nu-Yea Forums. It's so popular, they have a dedicated New Vegas memes subreddit with 10, 000 subscribers. Sorry to burst your bubble, fag, but you have normie taste in games.
>They use this to force you on the path they set out for you.
Yeah and only fags follow it. Are you telling me you don't know how to get past them?
Whole new meaning to getting "blown", not to mention getting "banged".
Even with 0 in sneaking and agility you can just run by the former and sneak by the later.
>Uh oh, looks like (thing you like) has a subreddit, your argument is now irrelevant
My favorite part of fallout is the music
You're a fucking idiot. His name changes according to the difficulty you're playing on. If you play on Hard he's Hard Pete. You just proved you've always played the game on Easy you fucking casual bitch.
Never bothered because unless I set the difficulty lower, I wasn't likely to kill shit except for shooting the plasma nade in that one gang members hand.
Only GODS of a gamers can beat Hard Pete.
>tries to be sarcastic
>failed elementary school grammar
Reddit and Yea Forums share a user base
>I set the difficulty lower,
>deliver mail
>end up winning a war, take over an entire region, steal gold bars, save tribes, reach 11 int, and prevent the launch of a nuke
Is the courier technically going postal?
Bozar best gun.
You can't prove me wrong.
I still dont get where this meme come from.
Christine's CoS silencer rifle is better
You can't unless you have all dlc.
Reddit drinks water? What the fuck do I do now?
lel memes!1
>Hurr durr le reddit!!!
>What the fuck do I do now?
FTM Semen
>Having this poor of reading comprehension
Read a book, I suggest starting with Dr. Seuss.
>he’s actually been to reddit
Get the fuck out fagboy. No one gives a fuck what games reddit likes because no one with an ounce of respect actually knows anything about it
>Never bothered because unless I set the difficulty lower, I wasn't likely to kill shit except for shooting the plasma nade in that one gang members hand.
M8 the fact you even had to lower the difficulty to even try is pathetic.
This. Busted! OP is a casual.
Never said I did you dumb nigger. I have better shit to do than mass varmit rifle ammo and plink shit for 10 minutes like I'm making a youtube video for 9 year olds to watch. I guess we can add basic mathematics to things you don't understand.
You are saying you didn't bother going off the path unless you set the difficulty lower
>there's a difficulty called "Sexual Predator"
How do I change this setting? Pete have been fucking me in the ass really hard this whole playthrough.
>How do I change this setting
Turn off the viruses you got from Lover's Lab
But I need those lolis!
My point is starter gear and skills will make it take a stupid amount of time to kill anything down there, and that's if you can cheese the shitty AI and find a perch to plink from. Having the cheese is shitty gameplay.
Just wear power armor you fucking moron. He still dry humps you but he'll block shots coming from the back so you basically have an indestructible shield stuck to your ass at all times.
>My point is starter gear and skills will make it take a stupid amount of time to kill anything down there
The fact that you thinking you need to kill shit to take the north path shows you don't actually know how to get past the deathclaws.
Didn't they ban those?
god the obsession Yea Forums has with reddit is so fucking pathetic
Apologize anytime now
The joke went over your head
Only thing it's good for is taking a break from the main story line the moment you get into the strip. Also Joshua, and Randall are amazing