Sonyfanfags are the worst shills on this fucking board. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR MOVIE GAMES AND CANDY EYE GAMES FAGGOT
yea cuz that happened
>imagine getting this upset over a shitty Facebook meme
It doesn't matter, neither has any games. Enjoy your new paperweight.
Seething Xbaboon
Based and redpilled
But I just wanted to play Halo and Forza?
wtf dude
>No ape escape 4
As someone who thought 360 > PS3, does the Xbox One even have any exclusives?
>Gears 4
>Halo 5
I see a lot of cancerous posts with filenames like that, where do they come from?
sonyfags will defend this
t. seething bonehead nigger
>Order PS4
>Add silly notes
>Free likes on instagram from people not smart enough to realize
I hate this new wave of post-post irony
>implying the image is supposed to make people believe it’s true
It’s just a joke you dumb niggers, nobody is actually supposed to believe it’s real, obviously you’ve never seen the “FBI agent” meme
>Hyaku Shiki PS4
they are probably underage don't bother
Sonyfags will defend this
Only a nigger buys a gold console and a ps4
This is a PC game
>alter game based on history
>explain what is altered and why
>this is somehow bad
that's not a Sony game
Its just a joke you mad fuck
it should happen Xbox one is trash. bought my kids one for xmas so they'd shut up about wanting to play cuphead and the things fucking broken already glitching out and not working not even two full months later. complete trash isn't even the word
It’s an iPhone file name.
Look closer at the button layout
It has O and X