These are characters from Anthem


Why can't the west make attractive characters?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dunno man
have you asked your fav eceleb to make a video bitching about this?
all you do every single day is bitch like the little bitch you are, you fucking retarded bitch.

realistic beauty standards are oppressive

why is this the only thread about anthem didn't it come out recently i want to shit on it

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when i was a kid games with ugly character design were considered amateur shit. non professional

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bangalore is ok though. The real ugly gal in Apex is Lifeline.

I'd like to say it's the leftist loonies not liking women more attractive than they are but being real it's probably incompetence due to hiring based on diversity instead of . . wait a minute. It probably is the essjaydubyas after all. Rise up gamers and all that stuff yadda yadda. .
She looked cuter in the concept art. Maybe it's a bad angle? Attractive black women do exist.

Because most western devs are now incompetent trannies and onions nu-males.
There are still a few based western studios though

>why it no make my pp hard

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that's why

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Beauty's about more than just sexual attraction.

Why is everybody Jackie Chan?

No fucking way

i disagree user i think she's pretty cute where as Bangalore has a gorilla face

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it's not really that they cant, they choose not to
they glorify ugliness and believe attractive women dont exist in real life

It has to do with facial rigging and animation. Plenty of western games have attractive people in them (Uncharted comes to mind), but when it comes to these sorts of giant-ass open-ended pseudo RPG things like stuff from Bethesda and Bioware and whatnot, where there are hundreds of characters, less emphasis is put on people having realistic facial movements/features because there are too many of them. These studios also lack skill in making good facial rigs.

So it's not so much an "attractiveness" issue in the sense of "why are there no bone-able characters" as it is in the sense of "why are all the characters disturbing animatronics with ever-so-slightly-off features and animation".

I'm just going to assume this is legit for the purposes of my post. How do these people get jobs writing for these studios? Their writing is almost always below what would even get you published as a young adult author in the literary world but apparently they're qualified to write for multi-million dollar games? Why don't they just get actual genre fiction authors as there are tens of thousands of them and surely some of them have skills way above what they command for a salary?

>el peruaANO

Please do not post my apex wife without asking me first.


quotas. I needed a summer gig and I got one at walmart and their reasoning on hiring me was to be the token white guy. Quota hiring is real.

Tha is part of the problem. In the past, headmeshes were manually touched up after the initial scan but that has largely been cut out and left to algorithms to save money.
In my humble opinion it would be smarter then to not try to go for a "realistic" look in the first place and instead go for abstraction. Borderlands, Overwatch, Fortnite for example.

Being taunted by niggers and trannies every time I die is the exact reason I don't play Apex Faggots or any "hero" game.

If I'm being put down I want an opportunity for banter between players. Not just blatant anti-player attitude coming from the smug faggot writers and their walking virtue signals of imaginary friends.

This sudden focus on individual characters in multiplayer arena games needs to stop. If anything it would make more sense to have entirely custom characters so you can make more money on cosmetics while paying the creatives less.

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Why would you put them in writing though? Just stick them in HR or "community relations" instead of putting them in positions where they can poison the actual game with their ineptitude and need to inject their political positions into their already sub-par writing.

>I'm just going to assume this is legit
it's not.
>How do these people get jobs writing for these studios?
nepotism. gaming industry is incestuous as fuck.

adding to what the other user said: in a medium that is (at least in the west) perceived to be 99% gameplay, story always takes the backseat

i've been through too many hiring decisions on the corporate side, to know that it probably goes something like this:
>we need to fill this position because somebody has to do it
>budgetary limitations need to be considered
>focus isn't on storytelling anyways
>can't hire anybody too experienced
>yeah, get .. her? him? just get them

also, it's video games, they're in most cases bottom of the barell in terms of story telling, so it attracts untalented mouthbreathers.

I mean just look at Mass Effect 1 and 2 compared to the rest. They blow everything after it completely out of the water.

Because Bioware think their entire fanbase are faggots and trannies and therefore hire these creatures in order to pander to them

>i play gaem because pretty girl
>my brain no can understand story

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Nathan drake looks pretty good, but that black woman looked horrid.

>anthem story

god i hate delusional fatties
say what you want but those HAES cunts are a fucking plague
even the fat guys (who used to be aware of their fatness) start do spout that shit

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The point is I bet you retards barely played enough in to even find out because you're so fucking petty

The first time in a while a pic alone made me gag

Why don't you stop bitching and make your own game? Sound familiar?

I'd fuck bangalore desu.
Bet she has abs you could grate cheese on. or dick

Why the hell would anyone play this garbage?

I hate these fat blobs more than I hate non-whites and gays

Too bad it wasn't beauty but sexual attraction OP talked about.

>dios mio...

>best fwend game streamer tell me game bad
>me no play game!

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>nepotism. gaming industry is incestuous as fuck.
It sure seems that way. Maybe that's why gaming studios seem to crash and burn as often as Malaysian airliners.

>can't hire anybody too experienced
This is the part I don't understand. You could pull some literally who from the world of literary fiction and have them write story that would blow everything else on the market out of the water while paying them a relatively small amount in the overall content of the game''s budget. Putting untalented retards on the story is one of the easiest ways to drag an entire game down.

I played the beta and it was horrible you disgusting tranny

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i donr give a fuck

>Playing western AAA games in 2012+7
You get what you deserve.


>ledditor can't make his own mind up

It wouldn't bother me if they acted like humans. They act like thots without the looks to back it up.

How is Bioware this incompetent? And why does EA, a ruthless billion-dollar company, put up with it?

Tranny jannies are alies

>And why does EA, a ruthless billion-dollar company, put up with it?
Bioware is about to be gutted like a fish when Anthem fails to meet EA's intentionally unrealistically high expectations.

don't worry, EA will drop them soon

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>game about you in a crazy suit fighting monsters
>look at these randoms

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The team which made Andromeda got destroyed by EA and they cut all support. They will do the same here if it flops

When I was a kid people weren't so autistic about characters not being beautiful/attractive since everything 3D looked like shit

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Isn't the Chinese version change to a white girl?

>Bioware is about to be gutted like a fish when Anthem fails to meet EA's intentionally unrealistically high expectations.
Sure, but this shit has been going on for the better part of a decade.

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Just reading this leddit post gave me Söy-breasts and the urge to cut my dick off.

If you think that is cute, you might need brain surgery.

To be fair, DA2 was completely EA's fault. The game was just supposed to be a DA:O expansion until EA forced them to deliver a full-blown game in 9 months.

look at this shit

this is not acceptable, no one wants to play as a malformed mutt-goblin, kids don't see these abominations and go "gee I wash I was a featherless, starved ostrich larping as a space marine with my fellow subhumans"

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China doesn't have the game, retard.

>game bad cuz pp not hard

Bioware, more like Byebyeoware AMIRIGHT

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EA corporate is a fickle beast. Who can say why they do the things they do.

that's suits being suits.
they actually though they could shit out new rpg every year like they do with sports games

Dat ass

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As long as the games sell they don’t give a fuck. Dragon Age Inquisition was a huge success

Explain why DA2 is a better and more complete game than Anthem which took 7 years

DA2 was still made mostly by the original Bioware talents. They would've delivered a great game had they not been forced to turn a 5 hour DLC into a 20 hour game.

Look, I know youre not white, but this board is, surprisingly, predominantly English speaking and white. Im sure your hellhole has discussion groups online, but as it goes, you probably cannot stand each other, so just tolerate us here, accept your horribly unfortunate and permanent predisposition in life, and shut the fuck up.

because THEY DON'T WANT to make attractive characters.
It's tumblr's "challenge the social norm" lite

honestly think its artists that are pissed about trump just trying to take anger out on player base....i think executives were to scared to say anything, but now that share prices are crumbling heads will roll...

Fuck Bioware


Bioware thinks ugly characters are "authentic" and "immersive". It's been an obvious trend in Inquisition and Andromeda (all NPCs in ME:A are assymetric and blemish covered etc.)

I hope they someday realize how stupid they are over there b/c people naturally dislike ugly characters and they're just increasing the uncanny valley effect. (Also just compare the fan love for DA:O + Mass Effect characters versus their new stuff)

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Why is this fuck face still ceo

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She sounds like a total idiot but seeing her tits hanging down and her hairy armpits still makes the animal in me want to fuck her.

Need comics for this shit

I thought this was a photoshop until I saw it in a video

> It's hard to read her shirt because of her fat.

One image joke.

but they looked good on the cover, in the art work, in the cgs and in the 2d games.

>hur dur da west
Kill yourself and stream it so we can watch.

hire women get retarded game. its pretty obvious.


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the irony here is, that the crude model you posted still looks more attractive/charismatic than the mk11 characters

ugly unattractive people have no place in TV or movies, at least in serious roles. they can be in the small funny roles. like the fat funny man. video games follows tv trends and now that tlc and such channels are full of fatkino and other disgusting garbage its no wonder video games as well are filled with unattractive goblinas.

man, you are one stupid individual

oh no no no

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the parodies write themselves

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Yeah they like Yea Forums, games and computers. No shit I like those things too.



I'd let her suck my dick, but i wouldn't be proud

>not my proudest succ

yeah you too

At least Bangalore looks like what she's supposed to, a nigger. I can't tell what mutt races this thing is mixed with, and that god awful accent.

I would suck her huge black cock and don’t care

serious question

don't you all get sick of talking about this? this kind of shit has been a daily thread since 2014

it's tiresome
I'm tired
I'm going to bed

>ugh just let the kikes win because I’m a weak willed soÿ faggot getting tired

when did it change from sjws to kikes? I missed the memo

>Why can't the west make attractive characters?

There are artists who CAN draw them (see: Overwatch) but they rarely are allowed to for what I'm increasingly certain is Illuminati related reasons.

>Defending shit character designs
The absolute state of braindead bio drones

The truth is, there isn't some SJW conspiracy hell bent on eliminating all attractive women. What's happening is that we're now in an age with highly detailed graphics so it's tougher to create a 10/10 supermodel looking character, and many of these devs don't care enough to create the, and honestly who can blame them?

But the Witcher had no problems doing it.

The SJWs are a product of the kikes vile schemes

Its actually somewhat easier to create attractive characters. But the problem is it is difficult to create 'realistic' normal looking characters without creating all sorts of uncanny valley features.

I said it was harder to create attractive characters that appeal to you guys, not impossible.

Bangalore looks fine. Like a slightly feminine black man, which is realistic. Lifeline is the truly ugly one

Never changed, you just didn't look deep enough.

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Why do you need them anyways?

Why does a character need to be attractive?

Didn't all characters in New Vegas look ugly too?

you're disgusting

Cuz CDPR has actual artists working for them, just look at gwent standalone cards.

Harder cause of what? Graphics aren't a problem in extremely stylized games like Apex or Fortnite.


What the hell are you accomplishing by making threads bitching about this shit? Go boot up UE4, godot, or whatever and start making some titty games with a "this obviously wasn't made a by japanese person" anime style if you want to "win".

this is such an emotionally charged post, yikes bud

It's not a conspiracy, because the people in charge are too stupid to organize a conspiracy
it's just people who think putting goblins in their games makes them respectable because they browse twitter all day instead of work on making their game fun

New Vegas reused the base bodies from FO3, and it's almost a decade old.

Yes, but still, it clearly was not meant to go with the facial expressions of models for every single character.

>why does something people look at often have to look good?
Do ugly people decorate their homes with shit? I didn't think so.

Do these ugly lazy man body goblinas appeal to you?

Have you fucking seen Bioware devs? They're bunch of ugly trannies

The majority of people look totally average. Everyone looking perfect is boring.

What if the females looked like this

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Like mutant ayylmaoo?

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Because I hate looking at ugly people? I’m pretty handsome myself and it’s annoying to deal with ugly shitstains

Why do all the characters need to be non-white?

Why would you want a virtual reality to mirror reality, especially if most people are average or ugly? If you have the ability to perfect something, why not do it.

Ironically, the bottom two are supposed to be Chinese and Chinese people don't look like that even when being hyper expressive. It's more offensive with that; EA-BioWare is such a fucking joke.

>Why is this fuck face still ceo
He came up with the monetization model in FIFA, which made billions.

Do you think the best movies or games would have been better if everyone looked like a supermodel? Follow your argument, and you game ends up looking like modded Skyrim, The Sims or vanilla Second Life.

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Hell yes?

>small but ultra perky tits


I guess there is no option but to wait for you to grow out of it.

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It’s not like the most popular actors in the world are good looking, amirite?

I want to FUCK that alien

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Not everyone has to look like a supermodel but it's boring as fuck when every character has the same ugly manface and they're all the same shade of brown or black. I guess the idea is for them to look like normal people but they're even failing at that because they're modeling the characters after ugly SJW types.

I see enough ugly SJW's in real life I sure as fuck don't want to see them in video games. The last thing I need is games infested with agendas I get enough of that shit already.

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But what if I care not for idpol and care about this? If your bunch of flat planes and lowres textures looked 'ugly' it was still ugly. It takes more effort to make something aesthetically pleasing especially in higher fidelity so why not make something intended to be ugly and immune to criticism instead?

>majority are totally average
Almost like the definition of average....But ya, most people aren't perfect. These games though seem to focus on the other side of the spectrum; not perfect, but imperfect, to the point of being unattractive (a bit of imperfection can make a person unique and their attraction feels more "real"). There are games/animators that get this mix of imperfections right, but it seems their is far more that get it wrong (too worried about making someone who isn't attractive to the majority of people; probably due to their own insecurity issues with physical beauty). The meme about Western devs being the main culprits of this is mostly due to the fact they are the only ones taking the risk to make realistic characters, as opposed to the "Eastern devs" (mostly Japs) that don't even try and just go straight to perfection (or whatever their idea of perfection is).

All that said, I guess it comes down to the purpose the creators have with this content. If they don't intend to make something with visually attractive characters, then who am I to say they are doing anything wrong? (I'm not some jew worried about game profits; I know quality can go beyond such measures)

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When will western games make girls that look like this

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why does this piece of shit unlock at 11pm tonight? wtf?

See, now this is a perfect example of a character that isn't attractive but still looks interesting. He doesn't look like he was copypasted out of a liberals arts classroom. Just by looking at him it tells a story without him saying a single word.

That's what games like Anthem are missing. There is absolutely no soul in the characters, every single one looks like someone at Starbucks.

>look like normal people
See, when you live in a metropolis area with brown and ethnic people everywhere, they become the normal to them. This fact is doubled thanks to the internet and with blacks and gays being the loud minority on social media, so they are seen as the norm.

Beautiful fit white people are far from the norm.

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>Your ancestors woke up and struggled in the dirt every single day for centuries upon centuries chasing after a beautiful dream. Whether it was freedom, an ideal, a way of life, or a gorgeous looking partner
>The reason mankind is even where it's at today is because of the constant desire to attain something beautiful
>Now we're surrounded by broken people with no ambitions who want to make everything ugly

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Realism was a mistake.

I want to cum inside of Faye.

Because just like movies, not all characters need to look like fucking supermodels? Do you ree and get mad when you watch a movie and all the women don't look like porn bitches?

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, la criatura de las tinieblas

>Because just like movies, not all characters need to look like fucking supermodels?
And yet they all do besides characters usually intended to be funny? Do you look at Ryan Gosling and think he's ugly? Do you not think every woman watching his movies isn't oozing in her panties as he mumbles out his lines?


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holy fuck this copy pasted faces

They're obsessed with muh realism, even though realistic character designs look awful in cg

And just like movies not everyone is supposed to be ugly as fuck. That is my problem, ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THESE GAMES ARE UGLY

People cant help how they're born and have a personality.

Fictional characters in visual mediums are made by artists and have no real 'person'ality to them.

I like artists who don't make ugly art and play social shaming cards to deflect criticism. I don't like people who weasel out of acknowledging they could of done better and what they put out is not satisfactory product. Do you hold fictional products filled with fictional characters the same as a fictional product with real actors?

>Do you look at Ryan Gosling and think he's ugly?

No, but he ain't exactly hot either. Colton Haynes is way better looking.

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>They're obsessed with muh realism, even though realistic character designs look awful in cg

The Last of Us and DMC V and Resident Evil 2 disagrees. Sorry these games don't look like badly made anime crap anymore.

The goblina on the top looks cute enough.

Susan Hummer as the truck class?

it most likely is

There's been a huge uptick in people baiting by pretending to be sjws, why?

I'll give you that Colton could make a woman orgasm just by being in her general vicinity, but Ryan is pretty good looking.

Regardless, this is just further proof that people idolise the beautiful no matter what sex they are. Dudes want to be like the good looking men, and women want to ride them. Same with good looking women but reversed.

Attached: rgosling.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

because attractive people are an uNrEaLiStIc DePiCtIoN oF bEauTy tHaT sEts ImPosIblE StAnDaRds

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Women in movies look way better than porn bitches but that's besides the point.

It's just really bad character design in general. There isn't a single interesting character in the entire game, how is that even possible for a AAA studio to do that? I mean it seems like they would at least make one interesting character completely by accident, but no, they saw to it that not a single original idea snuck through.

I think the people complaining about ugly characters are on the right track but just a bit off the mark. The problem isn't that they're unattractive, at least not completely, the problem is the characters are all so completely and mind-numbingly bland and samey. I mean I swear I've seen pic related in about 6 other games.

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Rockstar knows how to design good looking characters with flaws

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>kids don't see these abominations and go "gee I wash I was a featherless, starved ostrich larping as a space marine with my fellow subhumans"

The characters are so low effort and look like something shat out of a character creator while pressing randomize, god damn what a soulless game. Imagine cosplayers dressing like one of these characters, would anyone be able to recognize them?

Not here it isn't.

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>tfw they copied this pic and called it a day

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>Never gets punished once for acting like a fucking retard

A reminder that movies, TV, talk shows video games etc. get tax breaks for having a "diverse" cast.

It's literally done because there's a money incentive.

Because they try to make characters that look like humans instead of plastic fuck dolls with the same face.

Sneaky fucking jews at it again.

1 they don't want to
2 facescanning is way easier
3 lack of talent even if it aligned with their agenda

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Wrong. They made plastic dolls with the same face except with the neat twist of making them ugly instead of attractive.

I wish Bioware could make such diversed facial expressions

>Women in movies look way better than porn bitches but that's besides the point.

name a movie actress that looks better than fucking Lisa Ann, I dare you.

I’ve never seen people looking like that, they look like fucking aliens.

You might be autistic if you think they look inhuman. Awfully modeled, definitely, but if you can't associate it with normal looking people you're probably legitimately face blind.

>Lisa Ann
Goddamn that is some bad taste. She literally has bubble tits. Pretty much every actress and most normal people.

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Had to google. Is it this tranny mutt? Yikes

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>I’ve never seen people looking like that
Like what? I didn't even give an example. You must be thinking of anime but there are examples of good character design from western games. They're not all as awful as EA games.

honestly, memes aside, is there anything redeeming about this game? have any anons here tried it out? how'd you like it?

I think this is a very shallow and ignorant way to reduce a way of thought. Especially when a game's intent is to trick the mind into being entertained by whatever means possible.

That is way below average and alien looking, just how fucking ugly are you?

Fun gameplay, but game has no fucking content. It's pretty much unconsolified Destiny.

I'm sorry you had to find out you were autistic from somebody on Yea Forums, but if you can't associate their facial traits with people you're literally face blind.

I understand the obsession with beauty but the probably just wanted to make characters look human, not like supermodels or dolls.

What the fuck is with these people? I'm slightly overweight, my thighs rub and the way they ruin my pants by wearing away the fabric makes me fucking ashamed. As soon as it started happening I vowed to lose weight.

Sorry but not sorry to hear you look like this. My condolences to you projecting abomination

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Yeah, that's what I got from the footage. Getting and customizing your Javelins looks fun, as does flying around and the shooting looks more decent that Andromeda, but can't really see much that would keep me in the game for a long time. Hoping they add more content soon

I'd suggest booking an appointment with a local mental health specialist so they can start walking you through ways to adjust to society and the expectations of normal people. Just remember, you're Always Unique Totally Interesting Sometimes Mysterious!

That’s some hella serious projection you sperging retard

Combination of bloated HR departments (metaphorically and literally) demanding quotas and hiring personal friends of friends

She's about as mixed as your average American Jamaican expat.
Or your average American black in general.

It's okay, lashing out is normal. I'm sure your family will be there for you. Face blindness is a minor symptom, so just hope that it's as bad as it gets.

yo Jesse, like chill out man

You say yet Resident Evil 2 faces look exactly like this when they move their lips and stupid dipshits orgasm over it.

Attached: i847NwS.gif (200x150, 3.55M)

Projecting OHNONO

It's okay when Japan does it.

You're coping pretty poorly, try to book it before the weekend.

Insecure ugly people making ugly characters because they are fucked in the head.

>we create all those fantastical 10/10 worlds where you do all this fantastical crazy shit
>but good looking people? No, that's too unbelievable

When I was a kid and watched schwarzenegger movies with my father we were both joking how I would one day become a body builder. Why do women feel threatened when they see someone that looks better than them?

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And DMC 5

They look pretty normal compared to the people you would see in a Starbucks in a major metropolitan area but that's the issue. They aren't interesting or compelling. This is supposed to be a dystopian future, these people have been fighting for survival for years or even their whole lives. Why do they look like they're getting ready to make a trip to Trader Joe's?

I don't give a shit if they're ugly, there's ugly, beautiful and everything in between in real life. But they all look like cookie cutter npc's that should be background characters instead of part of the main plot.

they aren't human and are not capable of having aspirations

Because they are lazy and have a weak mind.

I never said anything to the contrary, just that they don't look like inhuman dolls like a lot of the Japanese designs people like to hold up as being good.

Men see an ideal, a goal to strive for. They want to be the man, they can understand he's good looking and admire him for it.

Women see competition, however women deal with threats by cutting them down in any way possible. They will lie, slander, attack in every way possible to remove that competitor so that they get the spotlight.

Was gonna skip gym today,not going to anymore so thanks user.

Beautiful women are sexist.

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>women see competition, however women deal with threats by cutting them down in any way possible
I don't know, that sounds like the daily bitch about women being degenerate slut threads populated entirely by men.

>video games
jesus you gonna put "breathes air" and "drinks water" next?

>japanese shadman

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Capcom in general is fucking pathetic now and trying their hardest to be taken "seriously" like a western dev.

You said they look like normal people. They don't. They certainly look like they're trying to look human but they're very deep in uncanny valley. It's bad character design and you fucking know it.

They do look like normal people, as in, humans. They don't look alien in the slightest.

I think he means physical flaws user...
You can see that she has plenty of scars and a rough face ass face and still doesnt look vomit inducing.

It has nothing to do with that. Women frequently slander people they don't like into submission, it happens all the fucking time from school to work to civil lawsuits.

Is that Thad?

They don't look like normal people though. They all look like they're very far left and that isn't a representation of a normal human. Also, again, uncanny valley. They look like what robots would perceive as human. Bad character design aside it's quite jarring.

>Guy gets ripped
>Other guys praise him for the hard work and people who denounce him are rightfully called jealous faggots
>Woman is hot
>Other women spit venom behind her back and spread lies about how she's a slut who slept with some uncool guy who has STDs

Every time without fail on Normiebook.

>They don't look like normal people though
Okay, clearly you're fucking retarded. You realize the post this was in response to was 'they don't look human, they look alien.' Also if short hair and *is a woman* look "far left" to you, I have no doubt that you're stupid as fuck.


>Guys gets ripped
>A bunch of salty faggots on Yea Forums start crying about how life is unfair, how he's just genetically gifted and how even if they got fit nobody would ever dare like him because his hairline is four fingers instead of three
I get the sneaking suspicion you don't talk to a lot of women if you think that they spend all of their time being mad about other women being hot. If anything, the norm is vacuous praise of people they're friends with.

Are there actually any white characters in the game?
Every promo image has asian or black characters, it’s just like Apex.

>A bunch of salty faggots on Yea Forums start crying about how life is unfair, how he's just genetically gifted and how even if they got fit nobody would ever dare like him because his hairline is four fingers instead of three
I mean that's a nice made up story but what does it have to do with actual people on Facebook?

>I get the sneaking suspicion you don't talk to a lot of women
I'm a hairdresser, my clientele is 90% women and the majority of the gossip they throw at me is either something they're doing or shit talking someone I vaguely know.

Do they look like you or something?
In that case you look inhuman and very off putting too.

You think Yea Forums represent how guys are? Get out some more you pathetic seething incel

>A bunch of salty faggots on Yea Forums start crying about how life is unfair, how he's just genetically gifted
Literally fucking where? 50% of the posts would be "God I wish he would fuck me in the ass."

>nice made up story
It's a daily occurrence.
>what doe sit have to do with actual people on Facebook?
It isn't indicative of anything, mostly because it's either made up or you hang out with exclusively awful people.
Nice projection retard, do you think Twitter screenshots and LARPing dumbfucks complaining about women are indicative about over half the population of the planet?

Spy chick you get work from is, along with stall lady who is the niece of "Uncle Vinnie", also wants to bang the Freelancer if you're nice to her and listen to what she rambles on about.

Kill yourself.

>it's either made up or you hang out with exclusively awful people.
You've never worked retail in your life have you? Let me tell you something, the majority of the people ARE assholes, and their faggotry increases exponentially the further away they are from the lower middle class bell curve.

>Poor people expect you to do everything
>Rich people demand you to do everything

it's true
The only reason I got picked in my job was becuse I was the only asian web dev surrounded by 5 white guys with more exp than me

>You realize the post this was in response to was 'they don't look human, they look alien.'

Wrong. This post is in response to:
>Because they try to make characters that look like humans instead of plastic fuck dolls with the same face.

The alien comment was your own so I don't know why you would respond to your own post. Also, if you can't see that the characters in Anthem look like progressives then you are hopeless. Yes people with different core values tend to look different, shocking I know.

Attached: PalmFace.jpg (1024x683, 102K)

You are the one saying all women are sluts yadda yadda the usual incel speak.
The anons merely said women get spiteful instead of admiring like men do, this is common knowledge if you ever interacted with women. You don’t have sisters or had girlfriends? You never communicated with a female?


She's so cute, I want to kiss her(in the cheek), and hug lifeline like a teddy bear.

do you even know what 'incels' are?

Women are normally the ones who get the most offended when you bring this up.

Attached: 1432507225423.jpg (323x640, 43K)

>this character design
>people still buy, play, and watch western entertainment

Attached: 303536B9-F57B-4F47-AE82-BB8CDAD8E075.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

>getting angry about a single word

Just because a character is a whaman doesn't mean they have to be pretty. Log onto tinder sometimes and I'm sure you can kind plenty of women as ugly as you. And ya'll may hate modern Naughty Dog, doesn't mean they don't put out pretty women

Attached: 220px-Uncharted_The_Lost_Legacy_box_artwork.jpg (220x272, 17K)

>so many posts about ripped men
>tfw you wanna get fit
Where do I even start, bros? I've eaten less, I know excercice is next, but what kind? Running? Strength? Hit an user up

You are already Jewed

Attached: 1493201083737.png (1346x1718, 1.26M)

>Why can't the west make attractive characters?
Because creating attractive characters requires more effort and talent than creating these goblins and most western companies don't have that (or maybe they do and they intentionally create ugly people to satisfy feminists) Look at any game with a character creator and you'll see that it's much more challenging to create good looking characters.

Not like Asian shit is better

so whats the next catch-all buzzword you're gonna spam for any vague people you don't like?

A good starting point would be visiting /fit/ and reading the sticky. You’ll branch out from there if you keep at it and hit gains city in no time

Post discarded.

I'm pretty sure there have been nonstop mockery of the faces in both those games.

This is exactly the type of shit that gays do for example. They cant just be fat or gay in peace and not bother anyone. No, they have to be literally huge disgusting slobs (or fags about being gay) about being fat. Thats why everybody hates fats and most hate gays too.

Attached: 1549990070384.png (600x562, 298K)

So you are just saying that gay fatties are like straight fatties?


bangalore is actually one of the most well designed characters in apex

Bangalore isn't too bad.
Except for that hair jesus fucking christ what were they thinking

shut up ya fucking weeb

Apex girls look fine for the most part
They’re all 5-7/10s
Bangalore looks like a Hollywood soldier, and Lifeline is about what I’d expect of Jamaican/Haitian mercy.
The issue is that those characters have a bit of cartoonishness in how they’re designed to look like their personality but no Anthem character has personality, so none of their appearances are really excusable

Giorno user, they were thinking about Giorno.

That's an old woman user, of course she's ugly

My mom is older and hot as fuck

Everyone is equal, therefore everyone is equally good looking. Even ugly girls.



Ironically the most attractive characters in Andromeda are probably the aliens