Reggie is retiring as Nintendo America President. Doug Bowser to take over

>Its real

He came
He took names
He kicked asses

Attached: Reggie.jpg (1500x844, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> Doug Bowser
can't make this shit up

Is his body ready?

He was the only good thing about Nintendo PR.

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>REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--After more than 15 notable years at Nintendo of America, and nearly 13 as its President and COO, Reggie Fils-Aime will retire. His last day with Nintendo will be April 15. Doug Bowser, NOA’s current Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, will then succeed Reggie as President of Nintendo of America.

>“And rest assured, we will continue to build on his work to evolve and expand our brand, furthering Nintendo’s global mission of creating smiles. There are millions more of those to come.”

>“I really appreciate everything Reggie has done for Nintendo,” said Shuntaro Furukawa, President of Nintendo Co., Ltd. “Inside and outside our company, Reggie is known as an exceptional leader. We are grateful that he is leaving the business in good shape with strong momentum. While we will miss him and we wish him the very best in his retirement, we are also pleased to have such an able successor ready to step into that role. Doug Bowser and the rest of the team will ensure a seamless transition and continued momentum for Nintendo.”

>“Nintendo owns a part of my heart forever,” Fils-Aime said. “It’s a part that is filled with gratitude – for the incredibly talented people I’ve worked with, for the opportunity to represent such a wonderful brand, and most of all, to feel like a member of the world’s most positive and enduring gamer community. As I look forward to departing in both good health and good humor, this is not ‘game over’ for me, but instead ‘leveling up’ to more time with my wife, family and friends.”

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EA has successfully infiltrated nintendo

I'll miss him unironically.

He was a nobody, dont let his frequent oublic appearrances deceive you. Nintendo has lost nothing

That makes me really sad but I wish him the best. He's a one of a kind individual and Nintendo won't be the same without his presence at Directs or E3

It's real
What the fuck

End of an era


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not good

his body is ready
to leave

Will NOA go full politics now?


Good riddance

his bowser is ready

This is the new guy.

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>Mother 3 is now possible

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End of a fucking era holy shit. I’m going to miss him.


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>Doug Bowser
Can't make this up

>Bowser has taken over the mushroom kingdom

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>Literal soulless business suit

mods sticky and play this

My body is not ready


We are literally living in a simulation

Damn. The end of an era.

Wasn't he the dude behind Treehouse censorship? Fuck him

Doug Bowser used to work for EA



Your new CEO

Attached: bowsete-nintendo.jpg (780x400, 39K)

>Mother 3 is now possible
Completely censored

looks evil desu

He leveled up.

And it's not like he did much, really. Most of his memorable presence was in Nintendo Directs with Iwata, and that ended a while ago...

>year of bowser
>they know about bowsette
My body is ready motherfuckers


how does this even happen

Will Doug use his last name as a marketing strat?
I hope he does

>Doug Bowser
Do you think he plays videogames?

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I'll miss Reggie. May he rest in peace along with Iwata.

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Should we hold a memorial service Yea Forums?

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*slaps your princess' ass*

>Next Direct Starts
>Whatever gook us giving the presentation is suddenly handed a letter
>Look! It's from Bowser!

>Bowser taking over

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nintendo gonna die without him


R.I.P Nintendo America.

Nah, they'll go full marketing though.

Doug Bowser was hired towards the end of Wii U era and likely the reason the Switch has been so successfully marketed in the West thus far.

dear pesky youtubers
This is a C&D

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Bing Bing Yahoo man go bye bye

>soulless bald white guy
RIP Ninty

>literal villain takes over Nintendo

I hope he transitions and calls himself Bowsette.

If he doesn't show up on the next direct dressed as Bowser, I will be dissapointed

Most likely

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no THIS is evil

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Reggie was fun, I'm going to miss having him around at E3. Unfortunately he never got his chance to strangle Geoff Keighley.

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Someone draw the Dougette

Another one, gone. Truly the end of an era.

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How long until the Nintendo cocksuckers send another card? Fucking pathetic.

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He was a high scorer at DK Arcade

>meanwhile at so(n)y

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>Doug Bowser
Give me the quick rundown on this guy
Did they hire him just because his name?

he's pretty based honestly

His body is no longer ready.

>Inb4 sticky

Sure. He even knows what the Doug-button does.

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Wait. Is that Doug Bowser next to the lady being incinerated?

Waluigi will never be in Smash now, Reggie mains him in Aces

Huge news. Will miss him in directs.

He warmed our hearts and was a friendly face user, that is a lot.

He has a huge history with Nintendo games and went to marketing school

>this will get a sticky because Nintendogaf.

Sorry, this is our REAL new CEO.

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My body is Reggie.

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You just ruined my day. Fuck you OP

Killed by Bowser

This is sad.

But why? he's still young and has showed so much spunk every E3! I can't make sense of this unless he has some kind of cancer, in which case my heart will shatter.

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Oh NO, not REGGIE!

I'm honestly pretty sad about this. Simply won't be the same without both Iwata and Reggie. End of an era.

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he was an hero

I don't think so. That webm comes from way before that Bowser guy joined Nintendo.

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Sticky when?

>b-but Sony

>Nintendo starts to fail
>Reggie leaves
Smart guy

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Maybe NoA will stop being shit now and we'll actually start getting things the rest of the world does.

>The only Haitian to amount to anything but shit is retiring

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King Koopa reporting in.


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>Iwata died, got replaced by generic suit
>Reggie retired, got replaced by generic suit
fuck man, this sucks

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>Bay Area

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Looks like a retired chad.

How good at Smash is Bowser?

>Le body reggie meme man is leaving
What a shame, guess Yea Forums will be infested with a new meme with this Bowser guy, oh boy!

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic


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>mp4 reset development
>no new info about bayonetta 3
>last direct showing jackshit
>now this

The fuck is happening at nintendo? Are we dreamcast era sega now?

>Views are mine (as are the Goombas, Koopa Troopa..)

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He's retiring to get back to playing Animal Crossing on his Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo is a shell of it's former self

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>some generic looking white dude
It was nice while it lasted. I hope Reggie enjoys retirement, he's earned it.

Nintendo has gotten better since Iwata's death though.

I still cant belive that there was a person backstage that didnt say.
>You might want to go with a better suit to not look like a bond villain.


I consider Koizumi Iwatas replacement if anything. That guy has almost as much charm when he hosts the directs.

>President Bowser

we did it

Used to work at EA. Was hired as VP of marketing and sales and was the main factor in Switch's marketing success (at least in North America) Got promoted to President of Marketing and Sales only a year after joining NoA.

Clearly the dude knows what he's doing with how well Switch is selling in NoA as well as software.

I unironically would rather see Miyamoto: the hack retire than Reggie. I feel the fans are owed a fucking explanation here.


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based and cuck pilled

fuck man its an end of an era

But his name tho

Perhaps he just got a job offer from somewhere else that gets him bigger bucks


He worked for EA before NoA hired him

SMO its the easiest Mario though, its not much of an accomplishment

Oh shit it is

>I am the only white person at my niece and nephew's birthday party. I love this.
What the fuck?

Why is everyone sad? It's not like he died.

Change is always scary. But I guess I can only hope that things won't change for the worse.

A koopa shell, right?

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First Iwata, now Reggie... Fuck, man. I don't like this and and I don't want this, but the guy really needs to stop and enjoy life.

It blows my mind that people actually want Mother 3 to be localised or even worse, remade. I can see the screeches of "soulless!" "censorship!" "muh treehouse!!!!" already. Then everybody will just say to play the fucking fan translation which has been possible for ages now.

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Kimishima was based though
Not sure about the new guy

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hahaha oh wow, imagine if someone did that to kojima or gabe newell lmao what fucking fags

No, get off me

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Koizumi's pretty good, and Europe's Shibata is decent too, but Iwata was an old-school dev who knew his shit and Iwata Asks was genuinely interesting

nigger lol

It's over

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Wrong again

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Imagine having to be the poor sap who has to fill these shoes.

Fuck, end of a era. Despite some horseshit Reggie was based as fuck, gonna miss him.

Jojo edit when

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>Bowser taking over NoA
Mario is fucked

Shibata has also been replaced a few months ago, but the former president of Nintendo France. Shibata went back to Japan and is now one of the top members of Nintendo's board of directors.

I mean, except for looking vaguely menacing Kimishima didn't really do shit

Guess his body isn't ready anymore

>Johnny Sins true form

He needs to shave his head

so do I check?

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Koizumi is based too. Developed the Z-targeting in OoT and was the main man behind Link's Awakening, Majora's story, and Galaxy.

Post E3 live streams were an incredible improvement to E3 and games marketing in general.

>tfw Reggie will never finna dab on hbox

He looks straight out of EA's offices...

Someone save them

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My body was truly reggie


That not how retirement works


His niblings can no longer say that their uncle works for Nintendo.

Now what'em I gonna do with all my Reggie pics?

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*by the former president

Legit looks like a final boss in disguise

>former EA employee taking over
uh oh

>Doug Bowser
>Ex EA executive


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>that mario and luigi in the back

He looks like the villain in an Adam Sandler-tier movie

Koizumi should get something like that too because he's just as much of a dev.

he literally can pull off the look

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>Bowser taking over Nintendo of America

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Wasn't this sent to Satoru Iwata because he was sick?

People only like Reggie because of memes There's nothing actually special about him.

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Where's my Doug Bowsette porn already?

Hes' straight up retiring, user.

Yamauchi was better

this guy is fucking great


the trimmed balding looks a lot less evil than full bald.

I really hate this

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How does he stack against the Sony and Microsoft reps?

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not even a nintendie and this still makes me sad

>tied up Mario and Luigi
It already seems like this guy knows how to have fun. I like him.

Considering Reggie can't even Up-B in Smash, it is

This news displeases me greatly
but the fact bowser is president now is amazing

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the girl bottom left to the poster is the pedo woman right?

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He isn't a SJW person right?

>100%'d super mario odyssey
>half of his wardrobe has mario on it
gee i wonder

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>Miyamoto is the last one left standing


No it was sent to Treehouse, the people who censor games

He's a PR guy who had tons of charisma.

As long as Bowser likes anime games and will uncensor them

It looks retarded

He's charismatic.

He played along with them, paired with whatever charisma he had, made Nintendo seem more approachable. Which is why people like him/nintendo

Why is pixel art so pleasing to look at?

He had decent charisma and was perfectly willing to go along with the silly stuff Nintendo planned for E3 skits and such.

I still believe that was a nice gesture, it just hasn't aged well.

Yea Forums always like to pretend that the past never happens and that people in the past somehow will have premonition or some shit.

That particular E3 was really good.

the last soul of the presidents

He can't be that bad, his name is Bowser.


The end of an era.

Koizumi's Korner segments when. I wanna see him talk about developing z targeting.


At least he plays the games unlike every other CEO

Koizumi is a better dev than Iwata ever was. He's probably the best dev Nintendo has ever seen.

>Ex EA executive
Are you fucking kidding me?

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>miyamoto is the only remaining member of the triforce

Wouldn't have guessed that

>guy who ruined more than one franchise its still alive
what a shame

Soul and fun guy
Soulless, he looks like an evil corporate businessman

The game is fun

He looks like a boring all business suit but going by this he might do some fun PR like Reggie.

that was sudden.
He was cool, I hope Bowser is at least half as entertaining.

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>Reggie coming in wearing a Ridley shirt
What a CHAD

End of an era.


This is the new guy. He has 100%ed Mario Odyssey. I think we are in good hands.

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my body is not ready


Now bring it back Bowser

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Phil Spencer has an impressive Xbox gamertag though

Reminder that NoA is a glorified ad company. Only treehouse has any effect on games.


I have always been against lefty racial politics of diversity and shit. But I have to admit, having a generic white executive guy after Reggie is kind of whack for some reason.

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This is gonna be a good year

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wouldnt it be funny if this guy put on that one crown haha

>2012-2015 EA
I'm fucking scared guys

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FINALLY a white man. Now THAT'S someone i can get behind.

>Nintendo's new theme
Thoughts, lads?

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>He has 100%ed Mario Odyssey
>game where you press a button and get a moon

I'd like to get behind Doug Bowsette


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So this means we'll finally get Mother 3?

First Iwata
Then Reggie
Is Miyamoto next?
Bros... it's raining

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>Reggie was the main reason the dragon quest games got so much advertisement in nintendo platforms


>Bowser won
We're in the dark ages, plumberbros.

You sound like an SJW.

kys autistic koizumi cuck

this but unironically

My body is definitely ready.

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he needs an iconic look, he should let his hair grow out and get a moustache

>Bond: Do you expect me to talk Mr.Wilson?
>Andrew Wilson: No Mr. Bond, I expect you to buy out lootboxes

>I mean, except for looking vaguely menacing Kimishima didn't really do shit
Then he did his job. A temporary president isn't supposed to shake things up.

>Reggie is retiring so he can relax at home with his wife and play his new favorite game Animal Crossing for the Switch in peace when it comes out
Good for him.

My body is not ready. Reggie was based and actually understood the vidya industry. The new guy is probably gonna push mobiletrash.

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Yeah, you wish. His name is Bowser, not Bowsette.

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Wow I sure would love a completely butchered version!

t. Aonumafag

Zelda would have been better in Koizumi's hands.


we’re so fucked nintenbros....

deluded koizumi cuck


Damn it feels like such a short time ago that they reported on a guy named Bowser becoming an exec.

Even Reggie is tired of Nintendo's bullshit.

His body was ready

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He's been with Ninty for 4 years already and was the driving force behind NA Switch sales.

The company will be fine with him at the helm.

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Phil and Spencer actually worked on games. Bowser is an ex EA exec.

He was problematic, Reggie is cancelled folx
He didn't wanna include politics and trans rights issues on Nintendo Videogames, hope his successor will learn not to mess with us

Is your post supposed to be a shitpost or did you think I would find it even remotely insulting. Koizumi is one of, if not the best dev Nintendo has ever had.

>got to show off DQXIS before leaving


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>I love this

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what the fuck are you even on? autistic faggot

He’s 57. He’s made enough fuck you money and probably has stock options and shit to keep him set for life

this shit happens pretty often for some reason3

like Arsen Wenger managing Aresenal for decades

>final boss
>president of a game company
Don't be ridiculous

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>Iwata dies
>Reggie retires

My guess is that Miyamoto is going to say the N word

>scaly barafags still seething

The fan translation sucks ass and the only reason it has any value is because there's no other option

>Bowser finally took over the kingdom

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he looks nothing like dennis hopper

WTF I'm crying now Yea Forumsros...

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>Volunteering to fill Reggie's shoes

an hero within a month

>Miyamoto will die in our lifetime.
Oh god, that day is gonna suck so much.

When Yea Forums had SOUL

I hope this doesn't bode badly for RPGs, what with them being niche and all.

Dude was a legend, pr mouthpiece or not. He took a lot of shit and never let it bleed through to the stuff he preached. Heard good things about Doug Bowser so hopefully he'll be at least half the president Reggie was.

Its long.
That shows dedication.

You'll be hearing tons of people complaining about him being white which is happening already. He seems like a nice dude.


>good health
Throwing shade at Iwata. Based Reggie.

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Never ever, only official is allowed

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is this the darkest timeline?


Bowser seems like a cool guy

time to rest reggie, you've done enough

>Literally named Bowser

Looks kind of like a less pointy version of my uncle.

>that day is going to be so much glorious
If Miyamoto dies then Paper Mario will get good again

Unironically that suit has a chad fit

Literally who?

>no more banter with Dorito Pope
I'm gonna miss this

>Post Iwata nintendo
>A lot of girls with big asses have come to nintendo games
I dont see the issue

>last name is Bowser

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the year of Luigi is over, the Bowser era have started

>Oh god, that day is gonna suck so much.
He's the reason we can't have a proper Paper Mario sequel, fuck him.


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>that hairline

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>zoomers like reggie because of muh memes when that fuck was the reason a lot of games were held back since he wanted nintendo to be a family casual console
good riddance
>b-but his body was ready that one time
fuck you

deluded cuck. he's the poor man's miyamoto


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desu it kinda feels like he saw what happened to Iwata and doesn't want to die on the job.

Someone post the Jojo ed version of this pic

It was sent after a nintendo direct

Sad for that. Although I am happy that a man can finally go home to his wife, his family and his friends again.
Also, can't wait to see the Bowser memes coming out of this, like having the turtle Bowser actually wearing a president outfit and whatnot

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>iwata dead
>reggie gone

Only one of the old guards remain


Now it's time for Miyamoto to retire.

Only one member of the triforce left. Goddammit that makes me sad.

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Zoomers were toddlers when reggie was making the memes, guy.

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This should be a sticky, biggest news of the year.

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The end of an era


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Godspeed, Reggie

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Mods please sticky this. It's fucking important and sad at the same time.

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Never say never. It's easy to forget when 3D World dropped and a lot of people were PISSED about how it was a "proper" 3D Mario and then we got Odyssey with a full explanation as to how they're two separate types of 3D Mario. Miyamoto has made mistakes for sure, but he's still just human at the end of the day. I'm sure the next PM will be back to normal at this rate.


Goodbye Reggie.

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Let's do this!

Thread theme:

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A man named Doug Bowser had only one true falling in life and that is to run Nintendo.

More like making sure rumors about him retiring because he's sick don't start

Works for me.

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I liked it too. Then we went through a phase where we wanted to send these fucking cards to everyone. Didn't Yea Forums end up sending one to kojima as well?

Treehouse is one of my favorite parts of e3 though, those guys are cool.

>"you are the best"


end of an era bros

no it won't. Tanabe is the enemy you brainlet, not miyamoto.

>Paper shit
Uhmmmmmm can you leave this thread?
Thank you!

God damn I hate white people so fucking much


Remember the time Reggie turned into a furry?

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>using a scarflard video to show the history he had with Nintendo
Who thought that was a good idea?

>NOA right now



>fan translation sucks ass
Have you even played it?

My embodiment of evil is ready

zelda dead
ganon gone
link is next ;_;

Is this Jeff Bezeo's brother?

>I'm sure the next PM will be back to normal at this rate.
>Super PM its meh
>dont worry next one will be good
>SS its a trainwreck of a game
>dont worry next one will be good
>Color Splash its barely an improvement over SS
>dont worry next one will be good
Miyamoto fanboys should be shot on sight

sup lucifer

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>This isn't bullshit
Well I'll be damned. Didn't figure he would retire for a good while longer.

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I’m legitimately so fucking sad over this shit, oh my god, it’s been a long ride.

proof old Yea Forums was gay

This really shouldn't be upsetting me as much as it is


This is one hell of a timeline. Godspeed Reggie.

> Iwata was wisdom
> Reggie was power
> Only courage remains

Will bowser become the hero now?



its real

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Will this song ever be topped

>Miyamoto didnt ruin PM it was someone else!
>Miyamoto didnt ruin SF0 it was Platinums fault!
Fuck you

That's because he was the VP of EA AHAHAH

Haha You cucks get cucked again and again and again!


That's a feathery, tho


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Same. Don't know why. I don't what he actually *did* in relation to the company, but he sure made me smile whenever he'd talk about vidya.

Also, let's not forget when Chris-Chan addressed him by name.

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No, that reason is that IS is incompetent. Super Paper Mario had absolutely nothing to do with the Mario universe so Miyamoto told them to fuck off.

>Implying Reggie isn't retiring so he can dedicate himself to saving Melee from Jigglypuff and getting revenge.

RIP nintendo america

Nah he's gloating that he's still alive while Iwata is fucking dead. What a fucking chad.

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thank you reggie

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This, I was part of that card and I have no regrets for that.
Nintendo tried something different and it was great. Anyone who doesn't think they deserve positive feedback was and still is an idiot.

Or Mancini managing Manchester City.


I'm gonna miss him. He's such a character. I guess it had to happen one day but so soon is pretty sad. He's a good man.

>Reggie:,,The game, is fun. The game, is a battle. If its not fun, why bother?,,
i am sad

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I wonder how Bill feels about this

Koopa Empire starts now

Hi, it's me Reggie. President of Nintendo of America from Reggie Fils-Aimé to Chris on 28 January 2009 1:16 AM
But right now, I'm just strictly Reggie. I'm not going to even bother sending this through my Nintendo email address. Because you know what? This isn't business. This is strictly personal. I have something to say to you, and you need to listen. This has nothing to do with Nintendo right now, this is just me and you. Mano e mano. Man to man. I don't normally do this, but hell, I just need to get this off my chest.

If you don't know who I am, then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Reggie Fils-Aime. I've been kicking ass and taking names ever since the E3 expo at 2004 where I made my debut, where from then on I eventually earned my position as president of this company.

I'm known to be a loud mouth. I don't take crap from anyone. So if you are easily offended, I suggest you stop reading. But don't worry, I'll try to go easy on you, key word being "try" here.

But with that out of the way, I just want to say something to you personally.

May I kindly ask, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you for real or what? I was there for everything. I saw Miyamoto waiting for up to 2 days in the bitter cold for you to show up and you stood him up. I was even there trying to arrange everything for you, even setting up someone to escort you to our building complete with bodyguards and full security because I knew you were concerned about safety. And for what? So you could just NOT show up? I mean, I don't even know what to think, it's just completely unbelievable.

I'm sorry but it just is. I heard what you said to Mr Miyamoto too, your reasons for not coming. And I just have to say. How old are you? You're 27, if I'm not mistaken right?

27! I mean, think about it, you are almost 30! What is a man of your age still doing being coddled by his parents? Let me tell you, when I was about your age, I was already married and had children!

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>his name is Bowser
>he has mario and luigi tied up

Did you know it can be TWO people's fault!

He lives in America



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No he's right about Tanabe. Miyamoto did fuck up Star Fox though I'll give you that.

Hopes for the new president?


You could check Miyamoto to, the dude last game was fucking Star Fox Zero, and that was like 4 years ago.

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Sorry, I think you meant to post that in your 5 month old dead /e/ thread.

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>Anyone who doesn't think they deserve positive feedback was and still is an idiot.
Anyone who thinks that gesture was a good idea after they censored everything afterwards its an even bigger idiot

>Doug Bowser

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More games to play as Bowser.

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I'm going to miss his swollen face. What an odd looking man.

You sure got me, user. It's hard not to fanboy over ChrisChan though. He's an icon.


never seen such a souless guy before FUCK

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He better have fun with his Bowser last name as much as possible

Call me when miyamoto dies and some variety in characers and stories can be had for once.

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>but before I go...

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As long as he doesn't rock the boat and knows how to roll with the Bowser memes I'll be satisfied

So you're telling me the only member of the squad left will be BILL?
what the fuck happened to bill being in Directs anyways

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>ran by Gay Bowser
the STATE of Nintendo America

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RIP pizza man

I feel just like a purple pikmin


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Thank you and goodbye Reggie. Won’t be the same without you.

>Please, welcome to the stage the president of Nintendo of America, Mr. Bowser.

In the next direct, he'll be broadcasting from his castle in Redmond talking about all his new plans to take over the Kingdom with new Switch titles.

It's over. Sony fucking won. I hate this.

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get the fuck out of here.

>Reggie didn't live long enough to see an Elite Beat Agents sequel.

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le nintendo meme man

what a legend

Based Reggie, I always followed his advice, that's why I never played Snoy or Nintendo games.

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You'll miss him because he wasn't a company president, he was a funny cartoon character that acted in skits and had anime fights against japanese cartoon characters.

It's his charisma.

Remember when 10 years ago when Reggie wanted to wind down being a public face and they had that women host E3 instead? The backlash was swift that people wanted Reggie back. Reggie's a cult of personality that people liked beyond the memes.

Nintendo leadership will never be as charismatic as the Iwata/Miyamoto/Reggie trip ever again

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Imagine in 15 years when he retires

What do you think everyone is going to say to him? Really, I have no clue.

>post yfw reggie is brought back for the anniversary direct

> Everyone thinks he'll be soulless
> Turns out he's based

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I'm glad he is going out on his own terms, without any scandals and on a huge high note for the company.

Isn't Doug Bowser an ex Vice President for business at EA?

>"Nintendo holds the publishing rights to Fatal Frame Wii, which was developed by Tecmo LTD and Grasshopper Manufacture and released in Japan on July 31st, 2008. Nintendo of America has since then decided not to publish the title in North America ? consequently, the title will not be released in this territory. As the owner of the IP, Tecmo feels very unfortunate that the fans of the series in North America will not have a chance to play the game, but respects the final decision made by Nintendo of America".
thanks reggie and fuck off



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That happened after the fact and they were rightfully condemned. Which is how things work.


Can we also retire the barrel roll meme please


why? Reggie did a good job.



Dude, there has been many instances Bowsette fans has tried as hard as possible to appear "smug" to others, anytime someone complains her. Are you really sure it's not the Bowsette fans that are seething?

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>now you finally understand why bowser looks like that in the movie

Attached: bowser.jpg (600x542, 27K)

Post yfw Bowser runs with the memes entirely and the next direct NA-wise is given an entire koopa kingdom aesthetic makeover while he takes endless potshots at other Mario characters.

what the fuck will happen when all the OG's are dead or retired? what will happen to nintendo? will it morph into a soulless EA-tier moneymaking machine or will their ideals forever remain?

call me a retard but this is fake right?

he cute

You see one every time you look in the mirror.


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Objectively the best LARP.

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What is Reggie thinking about?

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>Implying Reggie wasn't just another generic suit

The nigger literally worked for Pizza Hut before joining Nintendo

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Look at the footage of him in Reggie's farewell video on Nintendo of America's twitter, he looks like he has fun.

New guy looks like an evil businessman and is called browse, what the hell.

>New guy has not even done anything yet
>Yea Forums already shits on him because they grew up with reggie
>as usual shits on everything new

His last name is literally bowser. He will be fun.

So when are we sending Reggie a huge collab thank you poster?

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This but unironically.

>Mario's VA will be dead by then


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>the scalefags won

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That wasn’t even bowser

It was “koopa”



And it wouldnt have never happened if you didnt show sympathy for the ones who yanks your chain
When companies know you love them unconditionally that's when they have free reign to whatever they want to you

That's the thing, Reggie might've been a generic suit, but he never seemed like one, he seemed like the person companies would hire to act as the fake president in silly events.


He embraced the memes. He was a great PR guy.

It's fake. The text is lifted from a Warner Bros DVD addressing old racism in cartoons. Pretty cool thing for them to do, but yeah - Nintendo one is fake.

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Not even a Nintendo fan but I loved this guy. All the best

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it wasn't supposed to be like this

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kek one corporate celeb down nintendo niggers can't worship and spam

Damn, Jeff really needed a second job after losing half his Amazon money


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more like Doug Boomer


on this day of sorrow I will be immortalized

put me in screencap

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Hold me Yea Forums

I demand Dougette right fucking now.


Fuck, this hurts me.
Everything's changing or changed and I don't like it.

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>Directly to you
>He does the pose

Goddamn I didn't need that


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What the fuck did he mean by retire
How fucking old is he

hope they go full meme with the bowser guy


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Attached: Dancing Reggie.gif (249x237, 638K)

>new president last name is Bowser
>looks like a corporate suit
>releases a picture of himself in his office further implying hes a suit
>has a Mario and Luigi plush tied up in the background
Okay I like this guy

nothing of value was lost

Attached: DoOgqV6VsAEO5S7-orig.jpg (800x1066, 136K)

That's not how it works you dumbass, also as you can see, they scaled back the censorship so things have corrected themselves.


Reggie for Smash!


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What? What game has this screen?


>April Direct
>Reggie’s last one
> “Thank you for watching. I had a great time with Nintendo and with you. Before I finally depart, I want to give you dear fans some thing that should’ve been here a long time ago”
>starts to play

This looks like fetish art


he's 57, time for him to move on to greener pastures and enjoy life with no responsibilities as big as managing a multi billion dollar videogame company

Doug Bowser has Mario and Luigi tied up


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A classic

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Dude’s almost 60, I honestly thought he was in his late 40’s, godDAMN.
He deserves his retirement.

This still haunts the outsider sonybros that lurk here pretending to belong, pathetic.

He's 57 and also rich as fuck, he wants to quit while he's ahead so we won't be seeing "Nintendo of America President suddenly dies of Cancer" in some years


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He seems to be a pretty cool guy

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He's not that old but considering his position, he's definitely made enough to retire by now.